In 97 when tiger knew handed him the green jacket and that was he came off the bat was it three us amateurs. And then.

He come bursting the scene did you have any idea at that moment obviously he'd won the master i think was it 21 it was an incredible talent did you foresee how good it was going to be were people talking about it then.

This guy's going to be super special. Or that's still surprising well i think i think that you did know because he went he won three juniors us junior didn't he won the three us adventists yeah in a row [Music]. So he's winning everything he's out and then.

He comes out and obviously i played with him we both go out and 40 on thursday morning and then.

He comes back in 30 and then.

I say jokingly we didn't see him for for dust for the next.

12 years he was a different golfer than he could do. But like i was saying before that nobody could elevate the whole of their game to being you know let's say a 9 out of ten in all of those three categories even even all that. So even though even all the golf like how good your wedge play how good your mid irons how good your short irons how good your long eyes how good your three words how good you're driving so every department he was considered possibly the best maybe the odd one might be driving my i not been deemed the best driver. And when he hits it straight for unbelievable he might knock a few sideways of course but but every other thing you go well who's better than him so he was he was head. And shoulders for years for a decade um better than anybody else i know you might want to speculate but do you think obviously 2019 was ridiculous to him come back. And win the masters yeah obviously had a huge car crash yeah. And since that do you think it's ever possible. For him to have you seen any glimpse well i know you spoke to him yes yeah we were with him he wasn't really let on because i heard that you know obviously um this right ankle i mean it was literally severed his leg was severed. And it was smashed i mean his whole ankle. So i don't believe it flexes right so going up. And down hills up and down hills he's real hurt so the real simple question is how good are you at walking the golf course i mean it's. And it's not just one day you've got at least have five days of course i mean the old course is fairly flat it depends on your little undulations when you if somebody if you count it up how many times your ankle flexes in a day you're 100 yeah thousands yeah it's crazy if you're doing ten thousand steps yeah. And you're right up and down do you think this is golf don't you. But like you said it's the walking around the golf course that four. Or five days of doing it there's a lot to ask what we know and i know in the and in the uh we watched him at the father and son he he cannot push off with the right leg he's so strong he's amazing physically i mean he's he's got a i mean waist at 28 inches his chest it looks like her body looks enormous. So he's using the up top upper half to pull the right leg round so you can't actually just power like you'd see a justin thomas do his right leg action. So he's dragging it around the corner but i you just don't know with that man's determination whether he can somehow find a way to uh i said it i mean. And the gust is one of the hardest walks because not. So much that it's the doubt when we walk off the tee you always generally go downhill for a while yeah. And you get shin splints there that one gives you the shin splinter certainly down lucky yeah 10. there's plenty of severe it's the only one where you actually get shin sprints. So it's a tough walk really yes if you were to build you mentioned everything if you were to build your perfect golfer from all the golfers you've played yeah that's cool in all the time build me a perfect golfer you can start whichever category you want to start oh yeah that's a good one. So um [Music] oh you mean. So who was the best driver that's if you were to build the perfect golfer yeah i mean obviously oh. So i've seen you know with jax was a great driver. Or as i said sevi watson would really crunch a driver greg was a great driver at the ball. And then.

The three woods fred couple shoots hits amazing three words and and retiev goosen so you get you see where i'm going different people. And then.

Long island's wise cough was amazing with the you know two irons i just i still remember i could still hear the sound of wisecoff hitting two words it was some something like that crazy um mid irons you know johnny miller was great i was half decent. So i might i might slip in a tight second for that one you know and i played with old school boys you know billy casper was a great short night cause lee trevino gary player bunker sevi you know tiger could scrambling skills tiger. For super cut up lobs not so much phil but those those ones that tiger used to hold oh yeah when it was all danger water behind it yeah. And then.

Go for this in yeah crazy i mean it's like wow. And so um [Music] hey you see where i'm going it's a lot of names it's it's fun to put even that just you don't even have to give us one name one of the category just gave us the last one about putting well tigers never seen a man hold. So many parts on an 18th green to win yeah it's crazy i mean crazy good. So then.

Last category is this meant out like mental well that's pretty obvious i mean jack. And tiger mental strengths um there's been quite a few iron man i'm sure you've been asked this question loads and you might get sick of it i am i don't even know the question i'm already sick of it are you gonna you're gonna say i'll die into it i wasn't really gonna ask you about it. But i kind of feel like you're you're right in that era jack or tiger then.

Well i i still go with jack we could well i go with jack because he's at 18 majors and nine and 19 seconds that's the mad thing when you look at that it's sustainable and it's and a few more so what does that make 43 he's 43 are in one two. And three in majors three of them had a plane about 150 of 140 of them right so 10 years worth yeah stuff that yeah exactly off the charts. So got to give him credit for that so i'd lean that way but what you know what the fact that we've seen more tiger shots i mean jack's a lot of his events he you know maybe z1 in the 60s. And 70s tv coverage didn't start to the last six holes or something so we've seen target literally every blooming golf shot so that's why a lot of would lean to it but you know what jack did. And all those top ten said my goodness that's. So do you think it was it's as clear then.

If if tiger did get beyond jack in majors is then.

It's like then.

It's tiger oh yeah. So it's very much basically we kind of have i mean it's in jack's words we that's our yardstick um is the number of majors we've won we kind of that's all that's the number one independent yeah that's that well it's a it is a difference it's a different event to win i mean you do have to have a a different mental strength which is all part of our game. And sport i i feel you know mental strength is is part of it well just a quick we asked hovland we had him on the podcast was it last week. Or luke before about how he treats a major and he said that he kind of goes into a major trying to think the same as every tournament. But did you find that. Or did you find that major just felt different on the other wednesday yeah well they will feel different. So you know i found majors would obviously ramp me up anyway so i was trying to knock it back down a couple of notches i had no problems getting motivated. For for big events so it was almost like oh how can i make this more normal. And um so like the opening suddenly dawned on me everybody would bowl up there and get brand new shoes and gloves and clothes and everything i suddenly thought why are you risking having brand new stuff. So i wrote i started bringing all the old stuff i wear the shoes already worn in i'd even wear in my golf gloves you know i'd even warm up a golf glove and make sure it fitted perfectly of course before putting into tournament use yeah i'm a bit like i don't i'm not a brand new glove i don't know i like cleaning my clubs i feel like even cleaning my clubs is a bit like who's expectation level like sometimes like pitching up somewhere nice hungover [Music].