Matt fry is terrible [Laughter]. And um we're gonna come on might only get through a couple of them now actually we can always save some. For next.

Week or whatever um i've got another bit of tour news too um this one is from. And i want you to be kind of genuinely now be quite serious with this one um i think it's from old adeno. And it looks like it's either a welsh or irish name so i'm i'm not too sure how to um pronounce it but anyway it's a great question serious answer now who does rick shields think he's the best youtube golfer. So obviously i don't mean uh tiger's got a video on youtube he's the best generally now out of the guys that make content. Or guys and girls make content on youtube actively who do you think is the best golfer i feel like this should be a simple answer. But i'm struggling um who do you think why best golfer on youtube because a lot of people you've got all the good good lads you've got your andy carter you've got peter finch there's loads of people to choose from there's probably a couple that spring to mind already just because i know that he's done quite well in results someone. And he's more of an established player but like a dan hendrickson i believe he's pretty good and his brother's really good so i think he's done well in local events um i think pete's game is definitely getting better from what i'm seeing you know i think he's on a big quest. For distance at the moment but i think he has potentially got the pedigree to be a good player um matt fry is terrible uh andy carter's not much better if any couple cars are quite good if he could put he's not a great potter when you're saying not that good are you saying that you're better than carter oh god yeah do you think i wouldn't say. So i'm joking definitely do you think you are ben carter um be honest now no because he he has got no he is bad [Laughter] i don't i hate to admit it what he is um i'm trying to think best players okay give you a second to think about that then.

I'm gonna ask you another question that's kind of still on the same topic i want to give me three golfers on youtube who are better than you you're happy to admit okay i don't have to admit you will admit. And then.

Three golfers who you think you could beat. And not in a beef where there's no beef just who you think you would be over 18 holes. So who's the three that you couldn't be i don't think you would beat first who couldn't who couldn't be yeah who would you not fancy playing against who you do think would probably nan has out of 10 beat year. Or 8 out 10 times whatever it might be i don't know if any of them would 9 out of 10 times beat me all right they're not nine out of more often than not then.

Um well statistically i think i'd have to put pete probably in that category currently right now even though i still know i can beat him most time he would probably beat me yeah which is fine um i'd probably put oh god like i said which is fine at the end it's just fine i can deal with it um i should be able to name a lot more people here shouldn't i um who can beat me who can definitely beat me can you add to this how do you think carter would personally. But not every thoughtful it's not every it's not that's in every time but i'm saying if you are handicapped which you don't because you're all pga. Or you're all turned pro yeah like pete's handicap would be lower than yours that say would carter's be lower than yours i don't mean you can't beat him. Or play better but who would you say yeah probably just is everyone else in the american lads i'd say uh mika from gm got a gm golf's cousin is he good i think. So i never see results so i just see um all right then.

Three you could beat where's brian would beat me he's yeah. But until the one george bryant would beat me i think she talked a lot then.

This is on youtube this clip i know yeah i'm not making it great right who do i think i can beat yeah piersward. For me and my goal yeah can we get pictures of everybody on here as well by the way um i think i can be matt fryer i think i can beat um james robinson. So when you say garrett clark then.

Just for the youtube views i think we would have a good match me. And garrett there's your title of your thumbnail um i think i can beat um probably most people south of manchester yeah because i think i'd be even though i said dan henriksen's good i think i could beat him uh yeah yeah i'd back myself i'm pretty good i'm you know i've been working hard last episode you said i've seen you play more golf with anybody i'm just like you're quiet. So make about what you [Laughter] i'm will bulldog when it comes to match play like this is a match this is stroke play play. For everyone above me no if it's match play i genuinely believe i am a good competitor in match play you know what's gonna be really annoying we'll finish this podcast. And there'll be loads of people we think of that we didn't mention trying to think yeah either way if it's match play genuinely i would back myself against most people i know it sounds ridiculously big. But match play's a different animal and i can play match play stroke play i just know i've got bad holes when we next.

Play i want to take you on a stroke play okay because i think match play you probably will just beat me. But if we play i think you've got six birds in the locker. But you've also got possibility of 12. oh easy so that's where i'd try and count my chickens well that was a good cliff anyway that'll be on the second channel um.