Two questions then.

For you one thing that you love about golf one thing that you hate about golf i'll go for the love question first i feel this is a new topic as a new feature yeah it's just that like i i love golf i love everything about it i love what it's done. For me and i love the game there's all things i hate about golf and i think that's sometimes like any relationship not hate's a strong word. But dislike would like to change maybe but for this topic we'll call it love i hate so what would you what would you love i would say what i love about golf is that anyone can play it. And we've got a great handicap system put in place so i could play with a i don't know if i had an 80 odd granddad i could probably play with him and he could have a handicap and we can still keep it competitive. And so i think that's really cool because if i wanted to play tennis instead you need an opponent. And if they're way better than you you can't play against your eight-year-old granddad no you can't. So i think that's the beauty of our sport we can really play with anyone. And everyone which i think's pretty cool what do i hate about the sport um that's such a tough question maybe there's nothing firstly i would say hate is a strong word. But however. i'm confident that a lot of golfers will be able to relate with me i hate how it can that's come from being like how has that gone from that to that i hate how it can really ruin your mood ah yeah you could be this lovely sweet person. And you get out onto the golf course and you turn into a monster i hate how it can actually ruin you that circles us back at the end of the podcast very nice to start when you say everyone that plays golf it's a little bit weird because we are we play this game that in theory is. So nice and so peaceful but only true golfers know actually it's [ __ ] annoying yes what if i threw the question into your side what do you love. And hate about it guys so i've played the other day for the first time in a while um i went on my own actually weirdly and a little day trip out and i i just loved it there's a course i never played and i love this feeling of kind of been on my own and walking to a tee on this nice course and not knowing what i was going to see was it a path three was it a path four i didn't have a score kind of a pocket said no idea. And it's quite like a bit deep this was like. So mindfulness in the moment like my next.

Shot was important thing in my life at that moment in time. So that's what i love about golf i think what i hate. And it's doing a lot to change i hate some of the i love the traditions i love saint andrews i love that cult like historic but i also hate more i hate had a word it the barriers made yeah the barriers. And this isn't necessarily golf's fault but the perception sometimes and some of the rules are still in place at some golf courses. And how there's dress codes i think i'm not people have different opinions on that i saw a really good thing somewhere recently about dress codes. And that like it was a golf course that's changed its perception on how it wants to be seen. And they said that when you go out. For a nice meal sometimes it's dress closet very rarely but you still go and dress nicely because it's just how you want to feel good they said we've dropped our dress code. But we still think people will come smart because they want to feel nice on the golf course. But yeah i think it's more. For me what i can hate is a strong word. But it's that it is it's that like it's perception of the game sometimes people are snobby around it. And some of the rules just don't make like only playing the four ball if i go on a sunday and the course is absolutely dead why can't you play in a six if people will be amazing i'm. So with you on that tiger and you've done it that's what i mean like. But in reality i know if everyone's head off in a six volt it's gonna be slow clearly but a lot of golf courses you could literally go at nine o'clock at night on a summer's night for like three holes you couldn't play in a six well why like things like that after that answering it myself actually what about you rick i thought i could answer this really easily but i must admit i'm slightly struggling i'm the hate one probably on both sides obviously i love but like what's the what's the one yeah the love part is like five. Or six different strands of folds or whatever but the one that kept coming to the top of my head and i'm not quite sure why is i love how golf is becoming. And is cool i really feel like there's a massive change changed dramatically. So on the flip side of your hate a little bit how its perception is sometimes one side i also think that is really changing unbelievably quick i think social media is a big one. For that and like celebrities footballers playing golf and posting about it the bryson and kepka match was you know do you think that's good. For the game i don't think it did any damage yeah i would agree. For me i i would still remember this like i reckon now if i rewound time to to a 20 year old rick and i i wanted to be a golf pro whatever it may be and i work in golf i would almost pretend and this was probably. For my wife let me just check my dates yeah i think it's about right just before i was 20. if i was chatting off a girl whatever in it like what did you do i'd almost be quite scared to say i'm a professional golfer yeah it feels like it comes with this kind of baggage yeah like i'd almost pretend i'm a marine scientist. Or i'm a dolphin trainer or something i did actually business card. But like i feel like now i'll go to a party or whatever and i'm like people say what do you do i go i'm a golf pro. And i'm a youtuber and i'm like you're you're a golfer bro there's such a disbeliever it just feels like sometimes i break 85 but i feel like now it's it's whether it's my own perception but i do think like social media definitely cool people play golf now though to play spider-man uh tom holland he plays golf you've got loads of football loads of footballs loads of celebrities people like buddy you. And like young fashionable interesting people like not you but a bit like you a little bit like like lauren white like [Applause] huge fan let's go on the podcast hate side of it there's probably there are things definitely i i just hate the the suit parade. So almost the complete opposite of what is making golf cool was holding golf back yeah it's almost it's almost the kind of suit parade like i won't name names. But i looked inside a clubhouse a very very very very famous clubhouse recently and i hated what i saw in it and i was like oh i totally know what you mean that's kind of what we need to change we're not on the outside. And a lot it's cool it's fashionable the golf attire has changed the golf equipment's changed like as much as you know obviously my job is to review equipment it looks. So much cooler these days it's better everything about about it the golf bags the everything about it the way that it's broadcast on tv it's better the way that golf youtube makes golf look it's better but still you've got this kind of inside this super super super famous clubhouse where you've got to wear a tie past a certain time and it's and it's a bit snooty and it's a bit the golf is ours. And it's like nah you know what i would love to see more of as well and i'd be interested to hear your thoughts on this too personally i think formula one are doing a fantastic job with their broadcasting. And their content i've never really got into formula one until the last year really but when the drivers in their cars yeah they're supercars you've got cameras in there they're all mic'd up as well you can hear how they're communicating with their teams i think that's really insightful. And i don't know if it'll be great or awful for the game but [Music].