All right guys welcome back to the rickshaws Golf Show podcast everybody one episode 174 and the players has been on this weekend it feels like golf is everywhere at the moment. And there's lots and lots to talk about yep um sorry I always do that it's like trying to get bloody blood out of a stone um I like to let you work. For the first like minute you have to put a Graft in I'm not yeah I'm not I'm not quite feeling it. Yet today.

Monday morning kind of not not fully operational on full cylinder. So um we'll see what happens not sure just that life's busy in it busy life is busy well annoyingly we've come in the same jumper today.

That's that's one reason why it's a bad start today.

We um very rarely happens considering we have a lot of the same land's got gear. And how good is Lance Got Gear by the way it's very good um we've both going black jumpers which is a bit frustrating. So if you're listening don't worry about it if you're watching we apologize but yeah there's a lot going on this weekend. And we have got an absolute jam-packed podcast for you today.

Um. And the talking point you'll see from the title uh we'll come on to in a moment but could Rory McIlroy leave potentially leave TaylorMade golf gotta be a little conspiracy theories and a bit more of a broader topic as well we'll come on to um a bit later on but yeah the players was this weekend I said on Twitter got some love. And some hate for it I think we should swap the uspga it's no longer a major. And replace it with the players with one tablet all the Live players who are eligible could play in The Players see cam Smith. And DJs will be there I I totally agree I think out of all the tournaments the one there's you know what I don't know whether kind of the the PGA Tour. Or social media are doing a better job of hyping these tournaments up. But it's been a couple of real big events I've really enjoyed this year genuinely is the um waste management at Scottsdale. And the players just thought and Bay Hill as well Bay Hill was like Arnold Palmer Invitational was really high on the agenda as well. But the play is I mean it is just a phenomenal yeah tournament it really is it's got that cliche being the fifth major. But it quite literally is isn't it it's the biggest event I think in most people's eyes. But obviously the Mages uh the golf course looks pristine and this this narrative got now which we're looking to have of obviously Scottish schaffler uh John RAM and Rory like these three guys who are all kind of weirdly deserve to be world number one that makes sense in any other era one of apart from Tiger one of them would be world number one kind of all the time. But it's so competitive and there's just such a strong Deep Field at the moment but yeah it was um I think as well said to you before off podcast. But for us in the UK the time difference was perfect I was behind. So it finishes at like half past ten in the evening for us it's not too late obviously but it's on in the evening so you can kind of chill. And watch it for me that is the perfect time to watch golf yeah in the UK a lot of the when it whenever the plane in Florida it's definitely the best time zone. For us um like for example the uh Phoenix Arizona the waste management that was only just about good enough time because they teed off mega mega early because of the Super Bowl where often when it goes kind of West Side it is much harder to watch because it goes on to like silly o'clock in the morning over here. But I mean just the place itself will come on to the break 75 shortly. But the place the venue that the High Caliber golfer the fact that you've you've got that drama around the finishing few holes I mean it is just amazing big names like Rory McIlroy missed the cut yeah which is a real real shock certainly because he's one round uh Sawgrass as well John Ryan pulled out because of injury illness I think it was yeah illness orange I think it's illness which um which was a kind of a weird mix up as well there was there was loads. And loads of stories players such as um hogay is it Hoagie who finished he had a 78 first day um kind of matched the same score I had a TPC Sawgrass uh he nearly missed the cut after two days he ends up going finishing third. Or something silly had an unbelievable weekend he shot the course record on Saturday shoots like silly numbers on the back now is it 17 about nine I mean that's just I was watching that live I I watched a lot of his round certainly towards the Edmond obviously showing more. And more of it hatred so good yeah. So so good in any interesting character Tyrell he's one of the 30 said it's that one of the first times he's been seen smiling on the golf course that shot on 18 if you saw yeah it was amazing ridiculous. But it's kind of a weird on terrill Hatton because he's obviously an English guy but I kind of feel like he's somewhat I don't think of him that much as being an elite like top top. But he obviously is yeah I don't quite know what if maybe if he can get over that winner Major you'll kind of put him in that kind of bracket. But he's always in and around I mean you looked at the leaderboard last night. And there was a point in time where I think there was either four I think it was. For English golfers in the top ten Tommy was up there you had Tommy Justin Rose Tara who's in the same Potter. Or similar Putters and who would have been the fourth uh I have to get the leaderboard up there was definitely four players who were in the top ten at one point um it's gonna annoy me have I forgot. So Tyrell obviously yeah Justin Rose um Tommy Tommy. And then.

Maybe there was only three I can't think of another English Aaron Ryan he's kind of doing decent with his two gloves. So what's the story behind the two gloves by the way I think it's all from from what I understand I've met Aaron a few times he's coached by uh palsamar. And me and my golf and the impairs I believe he just when he was growing up he always wanted to play these two gloves they're kind of like they are literally wet gloves yeah. And he's just stuck with them I like it yeah he's such an interesting character Iron head covers you know he uses two gloves he's one of the hardest workers in the world of golf like he really grinds. And practices incredible whole well on Saturday yeah at the fires there was three holding ones this tournament just never been done before really I don't even think there's ever been two in the same tournament wow. So to have three in the same tournament um it was phenomenal. And then.

Unfortunately on a Sunday golf the reality of golf beating back in the bum cheek in the fact that I think he made a double. Or even a triple on the 17th on a Sunday which was a custom a number of pennies do I think it just shows that like there are some golfers who have some little quirks I.E Aaron Rai were in Two gloves. And you get the odd funky swing at Jim Fury being one that Springs to mind but actually as golf as an elite level they are. So similar in so many ways like why do we just wear one glove think about it like obviously I understand why it's the hand that you know is on the golf club more than the other hand. But like it's so real that one guy worth two gloves everyone takes a glove off when the putting puts it what's in the back pocket it's just like it must just be a bit of a fashion thing because back in the day obviously the Jack Nicholas days they would put with the glove yeah. And then.

Obviously I don't know who it was like there is a guy though I think he's from Fame to be the first one who took it up on his back pocket. And now it's a done thing you know what I don't get as well which all the top guys do how they can play golf with the massive huge yardage books in this battle it is huge massive yeah you're right they all have those massive books in the back pocket don't they. And I just don't know how to do that. And you know what I've got loads of yardies books I've never I would not want them in my back pocket playing golf no I really would. Or a small like normal size one but they've got massive like holders that obviously a scorecard in there thing is it looks cooled on it it does look like I think it looks really what I always like as well as when they put out on the 18th they watch the bag. And they get the boss watch the Rolex or the tag and they put that on because like obviously sponsor makes them it's like yeah it's quite cool you know what I think they're really good at as well it's I don't like you when I've ever played golf. And I'll get home that night I've always typically Got Tea pegs in my pocket ball markers pitchforks where I'm getting taken my password oh do you clear it all out. So as soon as I finish I'm all out I like it I'm really precise so golf ball is back in the bag save. For another round it might last another hole or so uh T straight back in Pitchfork back in I have to be clean yeah I will leave yours in yeah honestly the amount of tea pegs. And ball markers and pitchforks and old golf balls I've got new even golf balls I've golf ball in my pocket still until way after the round of golf yeah I don't like that it's weird when we play golf I'm sure you just pull out one t out your bag at the start don't you. Or do you get a handful um I'll get about two. Or three okay. But that's it I'm a five or six guy I like a bit of eye quite I like quite a few teas in there you know what I have got though I've been clearing out my garage recently and I've got these like little um soft almost like goodie bags like little pouches and I've been collect I've put in pitchforks and ball markers the amount of pitchforks and ball markers I've got is scary like yeah when I come. And play golf I can everybody find one yeah how many times which is annoying in a video I've got hundreds. And hundreds of Club review on the golf course yeah I just want to take the laugh down I want to just change something. Or whatever it's like I've got a wrench no I've literally got wrenches the problem is I've almost got too many of them you know what you need there was a few seniors at my golf club back in the day they may still do it when the playing golf would have a towel attach the trousers right. And then.

They'd have like um one of those like winter tees like three different levels of pyramid tea on oh you need string together yes correct you need a little wrench to actually a belt again it probably goes back to a point I made a couple of weeks ago I feel like sometimes when there's too much choice I don't make a choice yeah. And that's probably similar to wrenches and ball markers and pitchforks when there's too many I don't make a choice yeah um however. probably the biggest story has to go to Scottish affler it does I mean what the hell it was look I think I saw a stat online I think it was something along the lines. And this is gonna be perfect. But um it was something like he's he's won six events in like 391 days whatever it is. And there's only I think two other guys who've done that either I think it was obviously tiger. And Jack Nicholas and I can't remember if the stat was just win six events in 400 Days. Or the first 400 Days from winning the first event either way it was some crazy crazy start. And that you said before then.

Again off podcast kind of thought it might be a bit of a one season one when he went on that that run last year I thought we'll never it'll do this he'll win The Masters. And we'll never hear of him again yeah was I wrong you were wrong I mean to be fair after the Masters last year we didn't set the world on fire no he had well he didn't win again until no. But then.

Obviously goes and wins the waste management goes and wins the TPC Saw Grass two huge events and probably again going back to this kind of publicity to the biggest golf events that have happened. So far this year you know what's really interesting though I don't know if you've experienced this yet I went to a party on Saturday night and there was a parties don't get invited there was a few um there was a few non-golfers there. And we're chatting about Golf and they said you know who's like the best in the world now. And they reeled off and I said well have a guess. So I'll let him have a guess and the the typical names came out that what I'd classes household names obviously someone guess tiger someone gets like Rory McIlroy and a few others and I was like Scotty chefler. And they went ooh I went Scottish effort the guys I don't never heard of him right this is madness in it yeah it is. But I think like you said it it takes a while. For somebody to um burst onto the scene and then.

Almost transcend into household names yeah I think if it was English that'd be a different story sorry non-golfers no Danny will it is because he won the Masters. And it's on the TV it's on the news it's on the front of the newspaper whatever so it will probably take a while I wonder if that's different in the states though yeah I must admit that the friends I was chatting to on Saturday night they were all kind of English um. So there were a lot of them that were talking European names yeah I I think tiger being the exception I would imagine that in America it might be a bit different because obviously when you win The Masters it's a massive massive deal. And naturally whatever country you're from is going to be very proud of it as Japan were. And Matsuyama one Etc and imagine Spain were when obviously Sergio won I bet he's got he's bigger. But you're right it takes a long time to come out of that kind of um within the sport to then.

Become a household name outside of the sport um but I mean I saw something online I was reading a comment somebody said he's going up in a world a Hall of Famer. And somebody almost settled his already which isn't probably quite the true we look at his career you know he's won the Masters and five other PJ tour events I mean what what does determining your eyes are great because you look like a Montgomery. Or Lee Westwood obviously famously have never won Majors but have won almost everything else he can win. And been so strong for so long is it that that determines an amazing career I mean if if Scottish Shaffer retired tomorrow God's been had an injury. Or just said I'm sick a goal does he go down as a great one in the Masters like what does he have to do to become a great I suppose they will obviously the Hall of Fame will have kind of rules to get to induct people into the Hall of Fame. But for me I wonder if if it is that kind of longevity like. But but then.

Again you'd look you're dead right you look at stacking those three three careers up on top of each other Westwood Montgomery and now Scottish Scheffler and you would it'd be a good argument to say Scottish after has achieved more in his golf in that in it's certainly in the time frame and it's only a time frame no question. But it's like but you can't look past obviously what Westwood in the in the world of golf what Colin Montgomery did in the world of golf like even though they didn't were Majors they wouldn't put the almost everything else well that that's the point. And obviously in golf we have the four Mages and we you know they are the absolute Pinnacle of the sport. And I imagine they always always will be. And within that you could almost argue you know I may argue that the opening the Masters are kind of the two more elevated ones I don't know that's just a feeling that I have towards them a lot of Americans rightly. So love the US Open I think most people when you see in polls do rank the PJ the lowest. And I'm not too sure why on that but it doesn't get as quite as excited does it. But to win The Masters is a massive achievement he's done it already in his career yeah. So you think like if you go even if he goes on to halvin okay career. And wins once every couple of seasons for the next.

20 years I mean that'll be another 10 events like with them with the Masters in the bag as well I mean who knows what he's gonna want to do it is just it you know where that run like yesterday I mean he was we're going to come on to a few of the stories in a moment. But like he got to as he was approaching about nine he wasn't really setting the world on fire he was kind of plotting along I think he powered every single hole up into that point maybe even Bo did run early on. And then.

Just went on a run of making five birdies on the pounds like what the hell you don't think about doing that well you can't right Sunday of the players at Sawgrass to be able to Burly five holes back to back yeah to extend your lead significantly over your competition you know what's mad this is a stupid shout I almost can't see him not winning the Masters yes like why I didn't win The Masters exactly it doesn't seem right now to have a flaw now at all he doesn't ever seem phased about pressure he's obviously shown that loads of times I mean look even the shot he stood there with the world watching it's on the 17th t with a lead granted. But often that's harder to defend like when you've got such a significant lead you almost get a bit sloppy don't you yeah he stands up there. And just hits a wonderfully professional beautiful shot in 2017. it feels like he could potentially it's early to call isn't I know it's it's been a cliche making tired comparisons but he has that feeling about it in that kind of cool and calm and collected feeling where he could go on to one of those guys if he's leading a tournament that's just it like when tiger was leading tournament it's just it isn't it it's over like he's won. But what what's bizarre about Scottish athlete doesn't seem to have a superpower like going back again to those days where tiger used to win his suit we had a number of superpowers. But like it's just massive distance off the teams he's put in his he had this formidable um performance on like birdie in the 70 second hole to win a tournament like tiger had those kind of superpowers normally it was. So dominant when he was playing against other players that they almost like fell away because of that they almost doesn't seem to have the only way I could say that he does is like when he chips in yeah he's in these rubbish places you think you know he's gonna have to get up. And down he holds it I mean that's he does that seems like he does that I think he chipped in three times in the in the few days which is insane. But yeah I don't know he just seems to have everything maybe he's just. So rounded but you know it feels like it's it's a great um it's a great time for golf it is a shame I'll be honest although I'm not super passionate about live that obviously Cameron Smith's not there would have been great seeing there as defending Champion it would have been good to see DJ there maybe a couple of others from live definitely again this tournament because it does feel a bit elevated than just a normal PGA Tour event you're right I would love to have seen a few of the more household names be playing. But does that though even more. So excited us. For the majors because the four majors a year now are gonna be the only time maybe by the Ryder Cup where we see these guys who will live. And you know at PJ tour DP World Tour competing together in the same field that's going to be massive. And imagine if a a Cameron Smith wins the open again or wins the Masters imagine what live will how they will shout out because they will 100 live we'll talk about that the best player who won you know the green jacket. Or whatever is on the tour it's exciting they'll probably get all the wrong side of the draws yes they'll be going that way no not at night in the dark play night golf uh we've got to also touch on our friend yes podcast fan at the fan podcast uh guest a friend of the show yeah oh my days what a player what a player who called it didn't we did said it earlier I mean the round he had on Saturday 66 to put himself into contention I mean I felt like I just wanted to reach out to him last night. And like hold game and go it's all right like because obviously it was difficult to watch him that front line yeah the 70 had on the fourth I mean it was just like oh it's gut wrenching because you know he has got such an incredible Talent he is going to win PGA Tour events without a question he is going to win majors in my opinion. And you look at me go oh but hopefully he learns from that kind of day 100 but I do feel like it'll only kind of some degree kind of fell away obviously I do feel like Scottish Apple won it as well it didn't feel like I mean we lost it necessarily. But yeah I I was gonna do a tweet last night I couldn't remember in the end. But we've been very fortunate obviously in the last few years to film with some amazing golfers haven't we Adam Scott Lee Westward you know the list goes on most people watching listening can know who we're talking about. And before that I mean all job I got to play with some great golfers meet some great golfers watch them on the Range Etc honestly I would say that day we did um the break 75 at King's Barnes. And you played obviously was arguably the most impressed I've ever been with a golfer in real life now admittedly he played out of his skins. And naturally going to be impressed. But he's just got it all yeah. So long yeah he when he he seems to cruising fourth gear off the T. And then.

When he wants to rip one he's got like a turbo six gear yeah like he just absolutely turns it on. And I love seeing him birdie 17 last night he played I think he hit one of the the best shots into 17 yesterday makes birdie got the crowd g-doc big smile on his face like you know that hopefully he takes those positives he still can tied six like wasn't it wasn't a complete disaster gained a lot of new fans I think there's a lot of new fans he I think he gets into that the next.

Tournament uh vast fast bar Valspar Valspar this week coming up um. So yeah I mean he has got an incredible future do you think it's a shame not James it's kind of the natural progression. But somewhat a shame that for DP World Tour players is the natural pathway that you kind of leave the DP world not leave. But you move on to PJ tour yeah because that's what everyone wants to do don't they let's be honest that's where the money is yeah that's where the money is it's where the best players are it's where you get to play the best golf courses the best more sponsorships yeah really into I mean. And even when you look at the actual scheduling of PJ tour you're right you're not as many times on a plane yeah you obviously have to jump around. But like they do the Florida Sweden they do the California swing they do you know all these diff. So you're in an area you're in a count uh not a county what everybody called over there estate for a period of time you know while you're playing these different tournaments um but yeah it's it's exciting times you were telling me just before about how it why it's his two eyes yeah I saw a thing online again I don't know if it's true. Or not but it sounded true when he plays his sister minji Lee who's a two-time major Champion the Only Rule that she has is that they'll play off the same team um. But he can't hit his driver off the tee and I guess it must be streamed as well so he hits two iron when he's playing against her and he I mean him show his balls he was like 160 odd plus anyway which is like our driver. But you absolutely destroys that two iron it's so long and I'm gonna again I'm gonna do another cliche again about tiger. And I don't know what it is. So I can't put my finger on it it's not the best point I'm gonna make but there's something about him that gives me a bit of a tiger Vibe I don't know what it is maybe it is maybe it's his kind of it's physique almost at the early you know 1997 Tiger which kind of slander. And slim but kind of tone it maybe it's that I don't know but there's something about him that gives me a little bit of a Vibe he's just he's got that ability to impress yeah on every situation like any shot he plays where again probably going back to this kind of superpower of Scottish shuffler I never feel like he really impresses me with a shot I never go oh my God about shots nobody else in the world could do that shot tiger could do that. And I feel like Min woo Lee could do that you know you look at Tiger's greatest 10 shots. And they're all where he's in a bunker and he's got to hit it over a tree with a three iron and you know all those like unbelievable golf shots tiger had that ability and I feel like again minu Lee has where again I've not seen it Scottish Ethel just doesn't seem to have that superpower but also he doesn't need it well that's it sometimes those amazing shots come after a bad t-shirt always so tiger as great as he is at golf. And always was obviously he was very capable of spraying it. And then.

That's where you're in these mad positions but speaking of golfers who uh are impressive to watch as arguably nobody more impressive than Rory to watch him drive the golf ball he is arguably the best driver in our lifetime would you say yeah I can't think of anybody that is longer straight to be more consistent with it potentially yeah you could probably throw in maybe DJ into that mix. But yeah. But Rory is a conversation isn't he well there was some. And Tyler's podcast as you've seen you might just skip this point so hello if you've just joined us but um corduroory potentially be split up with TaylorMade now it's a bit of this is a bit of kind of um speculation. But there's some evidence maybe behind this or some discussion behind us I want to hear your thoughts on this um there was quite a a popular clip this weekend because Rory missed the cut this weekend he shot five over par. And for the two rounds and there was a clip of him um doing the rounds we might insert in here briefly if we can yeah I wish I didn't have to bet on a new driver I wish I could just use the old one. But um and he says this this basically yeah I wish I didn't have to bed in a new driver I wish I could just use the old one right. So lots of people saw that clip and put two and two together and he um won uh the Dubai Desert Classic in January and he was using a stealth driver not the stealth 2. And we talked about that in our um podcast at the time and you know you could argue well so what TaylorMade don't care as long as using a tailor-made driver and that might be the case but we also know has been proven by today.

When an athlete wins the stealth 2 driver Taylor Made shout about it as they have done with Scotty Scheffler. And rightly so they're paying these guys a lot of money he's going to shout out as much as he can. And talk about forgiveness and blah blah blah but basically Rory has had to switch out of his stealth the original let's call it stealth one for now into the stealth 2 and that's why he had said this quote um I wish I could just use the old one. So lots of people were thinking oh right. So Taylor might have told him enough of that old one he is after the new one now his apparent reasoning the reason he is saying it is because everybody knows even if you're not super nerdy that golf clubs have a limit with the driver face. And um they get tested out on tour so every now and again they will get tested at random. And the RNA or the usj might pick Rick Shields his driver if he's in an event and test the face and if it's too hot that driver is deemed illegal um you'd have to put another driver in player who could get penalized if it's post around. Or whatever it depends on the situation but Rory is saying that his stealth one face is potentially borderline hitting that kind of illegal uh territory because obviously has he's hit it. So many so many times as such speed that face actually does become faster which there is some truth. And we've seen that I mean um people online have done that test before over a long time. So that was he's saying that he's had to take the stealth out. And then.

Put the new one in because the old one is getting maybe too hard you want to take that risk because if it did turn out to be illegal it'll look very bad. For him and very bad for TaylorMade so I mean it is that the truth. Or is it the case that Taylor might have said look you've had a bit of fun using the old one you've won with it great. But you have to be in the new one tailor-made and pay him roughly we believe around 10 million dollars a year to use tailor-made clubs a day a day an hour and in um 2022 last year he resigned for a multi-year deal but I think one of the things that changed in that deal was it wasn't a 14 Club deal anymore because he's currently using vokey wedges. So he's moved away from TaylorMade wedge he said he's moved into vulky wedges. So ultimately you know let's be honest he's saying there for me for Ferrari I don't believe Taylor midwitch is the best I want to use the best. For me the thought I'm going to use Voki. And that's part of his deal he's allowed to do that he doesn't seem very happy about the fact that obviously he's now using the stealth 2. And not the old stealth one is this going to cause a bit of friction because TaylorMade have also done a tweet again rightly. So um shouting from the rooftops about um Scottish Scheffler using their driver so they put a tweet out saying never a doubt Scotty cheflet captures the player's title trusting his stealth to drive to tame Sawgrass in convincing fashion and move to world number one ranking he led the field in drive distance and was second in stroach gained off the T hashtag forgiveness. And a lovely graphic pretty much all the comments below are people talking about Rory good thing you spent money on uh Rory get Rory a Titleist driver. And cancel my stealth to order is a discount. For the old one Rory convinced me to never buy from TaylorMade um someone's bought Rory McIlroy were you at bro um then.

Someone else. But let's have a conversation Rory about drivers the list goes on now I know Twitter is full of potential trolls. And people having a bit of a laugh but this isn't good for TaylorMade is it word is Rory. And TaylorMade go from this it's um it's a very interesting time for equipment manufacturers and players right now I I'm not sure if I've ever known a year where there's been so many controversies and players using old drivers new drivers um I mean it was it call him on cat morikawa who again is a tailor-made athlete is currently using the Sim One driver correct which is what four years old there well. So 2023 is the stealth 2 20 20 to 2020 I believe it launched. So you know that that is really rare yeah now with TaylorMade they've pretty much always had this kind of policy when they bring a brand new driver out. And you always see it at the um Champion um the one the event they play in Hawaii um champions of Champions whatever it may be that pretty much every single tailor-made player athlete paid you know sponsored player will put the brand new driver in the bag. But over time some of those drivers have been moving out and old ones have been going in Rory McIlroy I mean that that surprises me that you said that out in public yeah it really does you think he'd kind of just keep that under his heart. And not really say anything um he's obviously very he is outspoken we've seen that with his relationship between PJ. And Liv and I don't think it'll massively hamper the future of Rory. And TaylorMade however. I'm saying that now who is the other player that mentioned who did something similarious about a year. Or so ago right the Sham though at a time where he was using Cobra golf clubs he slagged off the driver yeah. And said he couldn't get it working lo. And behold less than 12 months later he has now ended his contract with Cobra has he ended it and they ended it who knows um but it's certainly there's no smoke without fire well also I think this comment was from Rory might just be a little bit of smoke well also on this as well this is from it's really good article um this is from Thursday's round. So obviously if you missed the cut on Friday but from on Thursday it's at the upside though for Rory we still gained 0.7 Strokes on the field with his driver so his driver was actually kind of working on Thursday. And put him in it putting him inside the top 20 in that category he actually struggled more with this short game and putter um where his Strokes gained were minus 2.6 with his flat stick right. So his Potter was off. So again I'm not kind of trying to you know make things up here if he's not putting well and he's not enjoying his Putter and he's not always been known as being the best putter or he can be off with it. But that's that thing as well you look at TaylorMade some of the best athletes you've got um Scottish Scheffler tailor-made athlete you just got your Cameron you've got Tommy Fleetwood uses an access putter or axis whatever it's called and obviously famously got tiger who uses his Scotty camera we can always put that to one side he's never gonna leave that putter I don't think he'll always he has dabbled. But you think well if Rory is using a Potter that is not massively playing well with. Or he might want to swap he might not do he has to stay with Taylor Made because that's part of his deal he's wedges he always moved out of he's irons he's got to use Taylor Made it's obvious that he's got to use his tailor-made you know driver. And he has to apparently looks like he has to do the latest one now he's getting paid 10 million dollars there. Or thereabouts we believe a year TaylorMade are in the rights he's sure to say use latest gear you know Rory is playing this game as he says why didn't John live. For the Legacy and to win tournaments not necessarily for the cash why don't they just say you know what I don't want him to keep your 10 million quid a year I'll play what I want to play and I'll hopefully win more tournaments I think yeah I I would totally understand that again from from a point of view he could be completely brand neutral now which a lot of players have gone to. And he could use any golf clubs he feels fit I think the only thing now that would that would make me believe they want to also be with a manufacturer is what Tommy Fleet would send in the podcast with us about how in important the manufacturer was almost being there um look at that one mechanic correct they are almost. So on their numbers like Chris truck from TaylorMade will be. So on the players numbers all the time that the player doesn't even have to really worry about it too much you know almost they're being looked after in this kind of like say F1 style where they go to the go to the mechanic and go please help me with everything I need the mechanic already knows everything that needs to tweak where you do lose a bit of that if you go completely brand Gnostic yeah. But I'm also pretty convinced Laura McRae could go out and employ the best clubfitter in the world to to work with him because he beat me to it exactly to work with him 100 of the time exactly Rory could say you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna employ experts yeah you can work with me I want to have a mixed bag clearly if you went with Callaway. For some irons or whatever don't let him on the tour truck and fix his clubs up for him of course the ass we're gonna get that same service you can have a custom fitter that's personal to him like a coach like a short game coach. Or a long game coach I mean obviously these guys they want the cash why would you not want 10 million dollars a year to play with Golf Club helps. But when these things are your tools surely you just want to use the best that is. For you and we know that all the brands make good gear but sometimes like with Roy with that first stealth you find the driver that you love and it might be the case it might be honest that it's the case that's getting too hot and he thinks it might become illegal I'm not sure if it is the case because surely you can just find another stealth one that was similar to his old one. And you can pop that into the back we've also seen as well this week that uh Victor hovland is a ping player has a ping head cover a g430 headquarters three award it's actually a stealth stealth 2 I believe. So he's kind of using not what it looks like and he's using Rory's hand-me-downs yeah exactly they've swapped. And then.

Also we've seen that he said Bryson now he did a what's in the bag on YouTube he's using pretty much all ping stuff now which I don't know if that would be a paid thing. Or not if he's just found that for him Pinger the best but by the way I didn't watch the full video I kind of watched a bit of it I've not watched it full yet is he also using single length clubs. So he's got single length ping ions yeah he's got the LA golf putter he's driver he's got a stealth. And a ping which he's gonna have as a backup and switch between um but it was very pink heavy. But it just makes me think as well doesn't it like it again it's. So obvious but these guys playing with certain brands because they're getting paid the other thing as well if you looked at it from Rory's point of view let's say you know reportedly getting 10 million dollars a year to be with TaylorMade on top of that as well TaylorMade will have requirement days. For him where he's got to do commercials he's got to do media he's got to do you know all these things actually I can't be bothered doing these days I'd like to say. For 10 minutes sounds ridiculous to you and me into everyone else they were thinking what the hell you'd never turned down 10 million. But for him he's like I've already got however. many millions in the bank I could go on sign with with somebody regardless of like he could make 10 million somewhere else and it doesn't mean he has to sign with the club manufacturer yeah I mean by that correct like he could go. And sign a new company he could sign a new endorsement for a new car company tomorrow Land Rover whatever 10 million dollars from that so and then.

He can still use the equipment that he wants well that's it. And I also this is a take it's probably a step too far. But hear me out on this we also think. And we say it said it's a lot that like Scottish Shuffle winning myself too is he's great PR. For Taylor may they can shout about it. And to some degree that may or may not excite consumers who might this weekend coming up go you know what I'm gonna try stealth 2 now if it's good enough for Scottish schaffler it's good enough for me but we also know that's not really how the world works as I said when I work. For now you could just have many times I know but people didn't buy uh Nike clubs with a Tiger and Rory used and they might give them encouragement to try them but it didn't perform it like and they wouldn't buy them could there ever be a time that this is probably never going to happen let's be serious. But could there be a time where Brands stop playing tour Bros and they say you know what rather than spending 10 million on Rory 50 million on tiger 5 million on Scottish Chef where the list goes on we're gonna save that money and we're actually gonna go to the marketplace in Newton spend that money in other ways so for example that 10 million dollars would save on Rory will utilize the same Rick Shields to sign Rich will utilize to travel the states employ load of people. And set up demo days at loads of golf clubs and get these clubs in people's hands think how much they could do with 10 million dollars. And what would be more powerful to the average person watching Rory win with Taylor Made or have an unbelievable experience with TaylorMade staff trying the product maybe again playing a bit silly here but maybe if they're not spending all this money on athletes they could slightly reduce the price points potentially with the money the saving that could make them borderline a bit more affordable might sell more units I don't know do you know what I think there's an even important point to this genuinely well everything you've just mentioned there I agree with it's one more absolutely more important thing when TaylorMade are trying to make their new drivers who are they trying to make it. For exactly for the best players in the world well how many of those are there yeah yeah you. And me everyone listening we we can't use those piece of equipment I genuinely believe I found that with stealth and stealth too I can't use the stealth too yeah. For me I'm not fast enough I don't hit it in the middle enough personally for me so you know if you're an 18 handicapper you probably again I'd like to think you're not going to enjoy yourself too I'm not saying you give it a try on whatever. But for me if TaylorMade then.

Parted ways with every single man you know um uh athlete would they even change the model of golf clubs they would be making well that's you know potentially yeah I mean obviously in the islands the kind of most brands do that they have a nine they're tall Pro might use which is typically a blade. Or a small cavity and they might have big chunky things the average guy you know in drivers they do that to some degree like stealth HD is more forgiving. But you are right I think stell's been a standout drive that is. For the average person hard to hit so if they are building those. For the for the tour guys they're not the most forgiving out there but it's interesting isn't it and I don't know it's it's um I think I think too many Brands make products. For tour players yeah. And they don't make it for the average golfer because for me again going back to this point like let's say next.

Year TaylorMade bring out the TaylorMade stealth three [Laughter] powered no. So the tailor-made Smasher okay yeah okay that's realistic it's what's gonna happen is it I believe they should be making the tailor-made Smasher. For next.

Year for 12 handicapper you know that they're absolute Flagship model should be for more majority of golfers that play the game would then.

Argue that that's what the The Loft sleeve and the weights can help you do as well though. But mate put all your r d into that product then.

Make a TaylorMade what I say Smasher smash a TP because that that's a take that's so specific make it smaller make it faster make it more forgive it and less forgiving blah blah blah but that's for only 10 people in the world who are going to be able to hit that driver well that's good good little conversation I'd love to hear people's thoughts if you watch us on YouTube feel free to jump into the comment section below if you watch it. So if you're listening in the car whatever email us podcast on that I've got a couple of good questions from the Facebook group and the first one which aligned to what we've talked been speaking about is from Kieran Hodgson he says what club is Rick contemplating add into his bag this year I think you alluded to last week yeah. But that's it you said everything give us a bit more I I don't want anything left in my bag I don't know Potter I think Europe you ain't even you've got an email Potter at the moment you've had several iterations of essentially the same Potter. For a long time now I think you're always gonna have a soft spot. For that Putter and kind of go back to it not sure why though because it doesn't really work for me nobody's the shape you like isn't it I think you could go somewhere a bit bigger maybe. And then.

Kind of switch back but I think he could be a guy that's got two Putters you've got like a bigger one that sometimes used. And you go back to that potential stuff by the way sorry that doesn't matter we'll continue I almost want to start from scratch okay like properly get get rid of everything like imagine tomorrow I lose my clubs yeah all right well God forbid to get nicked yeah that's almost the stage I want to be in right. So I'll go into the car park I'm a crowbar I just feel like I I want for whatever reason the drive is good I know. But I don't know if it is I feel like I just want to go. And just start everything it's been really good for probably the last 18 months and not swapping clubs very often I think I've not swapped clubs often. For the last four years oh yeah it's Titleist 200 now before TaylorMade MCs before they had a few sets of Wilson do I had ping blueprint. For a while yeah. But that's not many is it really not many Cobra drivers no I think depends what about three wood yeah would it go yeah okay I don't want a tit I want a forward yeah I don't mind that I want some I don't know I don't know what I want. But since that's the thing though you've swapped clubs less since you've played more golf I think that's because when you're on the golf course we've said this before when you're out on the course. And you've got a decent score going you're not looking down at your driver. And think oh God it's two years old you look down. And go this is working in the minute I love this driver all of this putter whatever when you're just playing every now. And again casually that's when you're in the stage you go I'll put on you put her in the bag I'll put you driving just for a bit of fun which is fine um yeah I don't know why I've got itchy feet maybe just move changing everything. But who knows I'm excited. For that you tell them they'd want to spend some marketing that I'm joking um yeah we'll see what happens okay Jack Leonard has asked us thoughts on playing from the red tees to build confidence I've heard Brighton mention it numerous times yeah well he mentioned about doing it when he was a kid to help him you know get better at shooting on the par uh when he didn't have particularly huge amount of length distance I I like it mix it up yeah that's something I think we've done a bit more we've been playing golf even just casually off camera not obviously one of the forward to necessarily. But playing a bit more like more forgiving teams because I kind of started golfing quite quickly got into competitions which I'm admitted they were on the junior concert local club. And they weren't you know super serious little I felt like they were at the time. And and in that you know you played off white tees and it was all like proper. And obviously stroke play or stable third and keeping a scorecard and all that kind of stuff which I enjoy but because of that I I feel like now every time I play golf has to be the hardest course possible and it doesn't does it if not yeah I I like a 6500 yard golf course now after after being punished at places like Bay Hill off like 7 400 yards. And playing places like JCB off the back tees and number of places now have played off the proper batteries it's not that enjoyable you know what's quite cool so I met some friends yesterday went for a bit of a walk around at a park one of them's a golfer and he was saying they'd recently been up to silith with his brother to play at syllis. And then.

Went and played Windermere and he really enjoyed it and he said when he played at Silas him. And his brother played the front nine uh Texas scramble was a bit of like a laugh. And then.

Batman had a bit of a match against each other he said. And he said oh yeah you know we all used to play that quite competitive. And take quite serious which I kind of enjoy but it's a bit sometimes you can't be bothered and then.

I thought you know what like so many of us do go out. And play the same format every time you got on your play stroke play or you play stableford we've got a video coming next.

Friday break 75 where we play Texas scramble against the golf course essentially it's so much fun it was it was definitely a more kind of energized way of playing golf 100. And got an email for you so a couple of emails for you if you want your email read out listeners or viewers email us podcast and give us a clickbait if you want that's normally a wave enticing me to get into them not always though but sometimes it does um you ready. For this Rick hi Rick after 30 years as a weekend hacker and a year of early retirement and more golf I can finally see a single figure humming handicap coming I am down to 10.5. And expect to get that below 10 for the end of the Autumn here in Australia so this listener Dave is from Australia um good night mate I can't resist that was yours good day mate not rubbish it isn't too bad it was bad really joking um my question. For you is what reward should I give myself. For this Milestone my golf mate so that new clubs are definitely in order. And I thought I would share my bag with you and get some thoughts on what would be the best thing or things to replace so you ready I'm gonna do it like Freestyle it live driving Three Wood it's got TaylorMade M1 okay I think that's what then.

Oh they're good hybrids he's actually got three. And they're quite new Taylor Made stealth four six and seven hybrid okay interesting you know the new okay this one gets interested ions seven to pitch in wedge Nike sling look at that slingshots. So old school really old school he's got a Cleveland couple of Cleveland wedges and a vocal cake because they're all 10 years old that could be interesting and then.

Potter is a telemed spider ax okay. So first thing I would say before you come on Rick if he's playing well it's handicapped down might not always be the best thing to swap your clubs because they're kind of working however. if you want to treat yourself and get some new clubs Rick Shields and now I'm gonna give you his advice I don't think the longer stuff you've got anything to worry about driver 3 would hybrids all fine the irons the Nike slingshots I remember reviewing those years ago they're very very hot irons yeah like. And sometimes as you'll start to get a bit better and hit find the middle of the face a lot more and I've I've seen this on a number of power irons sometimes those power irons can go a little bit too far. So it might be worth looking into a more kind of um kind of I'm trying to think of a good recommendation. Or something like that because that's the Ping GI and have got quite a similar shape into the slingshot so two different looking down on we've now got a big bulky back to it on the slingshot and then.

Definitely some new wedges like 10 year old wedges you're probably starting to wear out the grooves a bit there treat yourself some new wedges and Putters fine yeah 100. But I agree as I mentioned you don't have to swap but it sounds like you're on track yeah these are Anglers maybe the wedges if they are 10 years old there could be an argument your grooves aren't as as um sharp sharp yeah. And you might lose a bit of Spain and control um but ultimately if you're playing good golf I mean the other option would be is don't get any new clubs. And maybe treat yourself to go and play a golf course that's like ridiculously maybe something that's expensive or when you've always wanted to play or maybe go on a little trip I don't know and do some that way because yeah yeah you never know you might get a new club. And it's nice to treat yourself with um but then.

Equally it's like if it doesn't really help your game you're gonna resent it and lastly you said um appreciate your thoughts from David Fleming. And then.

He bought a quite funny because I thought that's what the pressure is called David Fleming yeah. And he even put himself the club Guard from Melbourne not the golf pro from Prestwick although I was born in Scotland. So far it is I've got another email. For you um something we've had this kind of similar Vibe before so I'm gonna ask you anyway because I feel like depending on the day you'll have it you might give a different answer today.

You're actually in the perfect mood. For this because you're in a bit of like a Monday morning mood so I'm quite interesting to see how you answer it it says ask Rick should I say something it's actually called dear Rick really so for that and alone we shouldn't really be reading his email could it wrong it's dear Rick it's not ask Rick oh it's fine we can let him off. For this uh once and this is definitely a uh Anonymous email. So I cannot read his name out live so I feel like when I when I say that I want to read it I hope because it's like okay hoping some advice that this has been bothering me. For a while I took up golf a year ago and started playing with a relative and keeping the specifics a bit hazy because I know that other three people involved are also regular listeners. And we're walking a tightrope here so please let me remain anonymous okay we were playing a golf course that was pretty water laid in a while back plugged balls winds conditions Etc we were able to lift clean in place about five holes in I saw one of our group drive a ball to the base of a tree it was almost unplayable. And he would have had to chip out a couple of feet to the side then.

Give himself a decent shot to the green I saw him lift and clean the golf ball but then.

Place it six foot away from the tree in a much more favorable spot he had no idea I'd seen him do it the other two players over on the other side of the Fairway. So they weren't aware when we play there's money involved not a lot but enough to make this kind of behavior dodgy at least my quandary is do I say something about this to the relative I've been up playing with them several times since this. And I've kept an eye on this lad but they've been playing together for 20 years I have no doubt he has done this before what do you think fellas should I bring you up with him potentially cause a rift between good mates. Or say nothing I love the podcast and everything you are doing wow. So from what I read from that I might be quite wrong in this the guy that's cheated isn't his relative but it's one of his relatives good friends so it's kind of like he's got a cousin and uncle a dad would ever be part of this group and two other random fellas are friends now. And he said they all listen to the podcast listen to the podcast in in some sense you might have just told him right now because if you're the person listening yeah. And you know you've done that there's a high chance you go that's me yeah don't you well yeah oh crap I've been caught out here. Or does this person who's moved the ball six foot even think about what they're doing. And they're such a cheat they just do it almost subconsciously I love that I think there's a few things ban them from golf no. And couldn't cheat more I I something like this and it's really difficult to do I think you've got to call it out there. And then.

I think if if it's gone on. And it's dwelled and it you know retrospectively now how is he just gonna bring it up randomly question. For you then.

In what tone so all right let's role play this you're you you're the guy all right okay I'm trying to clear my ball leave it with that. So I've spotted uh spit on the balls wow sorry little man right moved it okay. So I would kind of this is me marching over all right ready um just a quick one um I'm pretty sure your ball was behind that tree. And I kind of saw you clean it yeah yeah just cleaned it. And then.

You've you've kind of moved it six foot away it should only really be six inches so if you pick that ball back up I'll show you where you can put it properly. So if yeah you pick that up because that's obviously that's all right that would be illegal if you hit that now okay I'd have to ban you from this tournament. And probably never play golf with you ever again we're also it's strong right so so you're gonna show me six inches real right okay six inches. And if you want them now six inches you want a nice little tip it's about roughly a scorecard length is it now. So there's a little tip for you Marty bought and out now annoying them for you you still behind that tree yeah don't worry you can chip out sidewards. And you're still easy mate par don't do it again you cheating little that was um in a way that made me feel like you in control of the situation if I was a cheat there I would have felt quite embarrassed. And quiet I should have gone with it it's almost like giving you like it that's not a telling off it's like a oh I don't if you're aware that's six foot and not six inches yeah there's a mistake okay. So easy mistake but now that the thing is that's how we should have done it at the time correct. But this is six weeks ago I just don't know if you can do it I think you've got to spot him again I think if you spot him again then.

You've got half a chance if it doesn't happen if you spot on him. And it never happens again then.

It might be water under the bridge on a serious note this is a bit more of a of a comical situation silence is not a competition although it is a little bit. For money what's your actual genuine thoughts on cheats so let's say it's a club comp it's a Saturday medal there's a guy he hits out of bounds he gets down there he moves it six inches so it's now inbounds and people have the same whatever what's your actual opinion on those people I think the the old saying is like you're only cheating yourself to some degree because golf is a is a game where you have to referee yourself yeah. And if you're if you're going down then.

You're moving your ball if it's gone out of bounds. And you're bringing it back in or whatever it may be the way you're cheating it you're not playing the score that you've actually presented correct you're you're pretending you're cheating to get a much lower score than what you've actually got and and in that sense it's just damn right wrong in it you know God we play golf and one of the things I love about golf is the respect it's the um self-discipline it's the understanding of the rules. And it's making sure you like say you don't do things like that where you cheat the more frustrating one. For me as well is actually when players cheat their handicaps the opposite way. So you're almost yeah. So the amount of times like I I've overheard conversations like oh brilliant my handicap's gone up today.

Because I'm playing that match on Saturday against that guy. And I I kind of wanted a bad round today.

Yeah you know I oh come on. So you're actually you've almost purposely played worse today.

You know what I don't condone cheat in any manner obviously. But I'd almost some would rather cheat to get a better score than that way like when you go to like a corporate event and you've got three you remember that one we played in yes a couple of years ago we played in that one. And we did a podcast about it. And we would talk you mean John Robbins. And Rob pot and we played in it and like the scores were just ridiculous yeah. And they I mean to be honest that was a Magic Pencil day one it was a Magic Pencil there. But what what's worse is if you go to an event. And you and you're looking at these guys and you're thinking God they look like good players I like your fellas oh I'm off like 22 or something like 22 you're way better than scratch I mean I think that's when it's when it's to go. And win prizes at a charity event and things that's low I just think that's really bad I think it's it's bad in every way like you said. And it's a bit of a cliche but you are cheating yourself you know golf is a game of trust certainly if you know if you're playing a even a uh a club uh match play. And it's obviously just two of you and and one golfer hits the ball left and one goes right you could clearly or easily prefer your live if it's not preferred lies or you could Finance it's not your but it's a tailor-made and just swap it quickly there's so many opportunities for golfers to cheat I think that's one of the things that's. So good about golf that most people don't choose an honest game um well I mean it is yeah if you're gonna do that even if it's a friendly route. So how does the friend who emailed us now next.

Time he's playing golf if he's his other friend the cheat does find this ball it's like well actually has he found his ball. Or is he just be asking again. And everyone kind of knows a player like this at that club there's always a bit of a club cheat isn't there I I think I'm wrong incentives might get shot down. For this but it's so anyone can cheat at golf you know that is idiots all over the place no it all walks of life. But sometimes I think it does come from all the sports. So if you've been a footballer I don't mean the professional. But you know that was what you played growing up. Or whether it be rugby or any other sport really there is some level of not cheating. But kind of lying so in a simple I've said this before I think on the podcast. But let's just say simply we were playing football against each other. And I kicked the ball and it goes out out of play so it's a throw into your team how often do people go oh no it's our ball ready come off his ankle last. Or whatever or you know even simply you trip in the uh Penelope and you claims a Pendleton you get rewarded with a penalty that happens that's what I mean it's kind of like it doesn't really get classes cheating does it it's more like I don't know what the word you would even use manipulation yeah. And I think that is in a lot of every sport it's very you know you can't generalize that much. But in a lot of sports that is kind of the way the way it works. But I suppose in a lot of those Sports we're almost just trying to treat the referee correct where in golf there is no. But like normal golf there's no referee walking around yeah I'll tell you what I am always very impressed with how well the tour players know the rules. And they're using to their advantage yeah you know when they're taking like a drop well that's the yeah like when Jordan Spieth back in like 2018 at Royal Birkdale. And he smashed it way right and right the intelligence he had to how he needed to drop it and where he needed to drop it to give him the best chance of making five on that hole I always feel like tour Pros really know the rules so well yeah that's the thing that that could cost them a shot which could cost them a million dollars whatever. So I don't I don't have an issue with that if you're using the rules to your advantage but if you can again just out. And out cheese oh God yeah like say it I mean it's all Pros I've been have suspicions of being cheats as well yeah um. So I had a list of things to talk about Rick and we've kind of Hit the end of that list now so how far in are we met I want to give you two minutes of freestyle. So you can you say whatever you want to say. For two minutes to be honest I worried about 15 minutes on my right 75 TPC it's got 15 minutes enjoy it break 75 yes it's absolutely smashed it it's that a million views nearly yeah a million views in like five days saying there's two things I want to talk about the little cheeky surprise that people might have heard about in last week's podcast I just wanna oh yes give a little insight to that. But yeah break 75 Sawgrass um we it was your great decision we released it the Wednesday before the tournament the amount of feedback positive feedback we got from viewers saying they love the fact they got to see the golf course with me playing it before the tournament yes it was good you know I don't know if I don't know if it highlighted your experience. Or other people's experience of like almost getting to know the golf course like you know because in the break 75 it's one hour eight minutes it's me playing breaks up that's all grass playing very well in the Batman level power back nine six over front nine sorry to spoil it for people who haven't seen it yet um but like you really get to see it the love that Nick the caddy guy he's a cool guy is ridiculous. And very deserving um it's mad in America I mean certainly in America like caddy is. So much more popular it is over here isn't it certainly these bigger big venues you get it a little bit of lynx courses. And stuff don't you where it's like a proper Resort but even that is because typically of the influx of like American visitors who almost expect a caddy um. But I think it added he was. So good he was a really cool guy. And I like hearing you know what I like hearing from caddies is how they react to your good. And bad shots because even when you hit a bad one you don't want a cat that's going to talk absolute nonsense like oh that was a good hit mate even if you've pulled into trees. But they go like okay well that's that's fine we'll find out yeah we'll find it we'll get up. And down from there whatever yeah. And he was he seemed like someone that you would want on the bag if you're playing defensively yeah he was he was very very positive. But like say it was realistic positivity it wasn't a top one in going oh unlucky it was like nearly you know what I mean it was like no worry we we you know we didn't want to hit the Green in two anyway yes we want to make we want to make we want to make it was that it was very very very good the golf course was spectacular the 17th I mean I I don't know if there's a hole in golf that genuinely scares you quite as much as that 17. I obviously haven't played the golf course um. But I would probably agree because JCB 17 uh 17th hole Yeah is a long par three that's like 250 yards downhill island green. But because it's so long and sounds a bit silly you almost not expected in the water but if you do it's like well it's a dead hole Yeah it's they're long yeah where was that it's 120 yards where it is a number of different teas. And obviously depending where the pin is the day I played it was about playing about 118 yards I think it was pin was at the front in that nice little I do like that picture glad it was there I'd love to play it in Sunday pin position on the right I wouldn't like to play it back left I think that's a really hard pin position um. But you're still there and it does you know forget the water. And I've mentioned this in the video it's not a hard hole get rid of the water it's not hot it's pretty unbelievably easy part three but then.

You obviously add in the water there is a bit of swaling wind around it's the pressure it's the fact you're playing this iconic hole arguably I mean I some guy disagreed me on Twitter. But I think it is the most famous Pottery in the world well what did he say instead is it the 12th of Augusta well is it is a very famous one I I [Music] feel like the old course hasn't got any massively famous ones to kind of non-golf it's only got two par threes well yeah um Pebble Beach is it Pebble Beach oh yeah the seventh the Pebble Beach. But still I would probably say sawgrasses so let me have a look see if there's a list it's a shame that the um the camera Lads that were with you didn't get to any girls on 17 isn't it really shame because I thought that it was behind the camera now I would have loved a girl on 17. because you might work in Matt overrated hole I think what can you try to tell the listeners um. So you had you were walking around filming Rick obviously on these wonderful break 75. And he very kindly said to you guys do I have a shot at this iconic hole. And you had a shot what happened um I think he blocked out yeah I think he I think he forgets that what's happening it was more it was just t-box. And then.

Water and I was just focusing on the water I'll just top it in the water yeah it's all right yeah he like back shanked it. But then.

Obviously Rick probably said don't have another girl. And redeem yourself I did think this is where you were going with this conversation I was I was sweating a bit back here. But so did it what happened on your second girl thank you oh Jesus follow those two Harry Mirror Image okay pretty much. But you still can say you've played the whole yeah I didn't finish it no didn't you then.


You hit your third shot on the green yeah hole in one on the Sunday pin right well what did they move the pin who was that well you have three girls yeah. And then.

You actually hold that with that ball no I I walked off okay fair news yeah his third shot they actually hit it landed it would have been perfect. For a Sunday pin well you can say what multiple can't say that you've hit a golf shot Sawgrass now Harry one of our other camera man who was there at the time he was really nervous Matt seemed they're confident yeah Harry seemed unbelievably nervous didn't he Mark he he did a lot nervous hurry hurry we're gonna get Harry on this Mica sack with Matt let's just bringing in Harry explained to us about the 17th what was your shot like my shot was um lucky it was on the number why was it lucky it was magical it was magical I mean normally my yardage is I hit a 52 120 degree uh 120 yards yeah I knew you'd been along there I knew I probably wasn't feeling sharp in my golf games when you were 50 if I've made contact with a 50 that was the perfect yardage yeah. And it was yeah. And I don't I remember looking down I remember the backswing it goes black I'll be phenomenal go a bit more go yeah sorry Maybe [Laughter]. And then.

I just remember looking at the ball in the air and just thinking a side relief that I've actually made contact with the ball the balls in the air is going forward I saw it land on the green. And that was it they made. And then.

I realized I was actually closest out of everyone that hit the show he was about 10 foot away yeah did you put it out. Or I did yeah yeah uh yeah um I got a very good read off the caddies. And it wasn't going very fast. But I thought that's surely not right we're at Sawgrass 17 sure it's rolling fast and it wasn't rolling fast slightly uphill yeah slightly uphill Evergreen she only just missed. But then.

Yeah tap him past he's got a scorecard now from TPC Sawgrass that just has a three yeah on the 70 yeah. And Rick signed it so it's an official scorecard correct well done and how did you feel from that um I felt bad. For Matt yeah um you can come back. And redeem himself yeah he came back again I mean I was actually expecting quite a lot from that Matt's been practicing a lot you know that's been talking a big girl you're gonna start arguing right Larry go thank you thank you thank you thanks guys um yeah. So it's pretty epic and then.

To finish the day I I hit an unbelievable tee shot down 18 wedged it in sunk the birdie pop for 78. he's a man but it is just it I think it's one of my favorite golf courses yeah I I'm envious of that one there's that one. And there's Kings bands that I'm very very uh not hitting yourself maybe but want to really play sometimes when we do a video on either don't go. Or I walk around I'm like oh yes it's cool. But then.

Some courses like I don't need to play that card yeah I must admit it was pretty special. But yeah hopefully it'll hit a million views pretty soon. And then.

Tpc Sawgrass he brought me back next.

Year fine deal done remember playing the tournament yeah with tiger. And Scheffler does that be yeah we'll be the one that would be you pick would you. For those two no I don't know it would be with um. And then.

The last thing one even though unfortunately still this moment in time my lips are sealed last week's episode got interrupted rudely. But for the right reasons I got given a piece of paper with something on it and the information of that will be out very soon there was lots of guesses yep I won't say if any was correct. Or incorrect yet but lots weren't wrong Lots were not wrong. So stay tuned hopefully next.

Week an announcement will be made. But I need to go and hit some golf balls official announcement was that you've actually got a handicap. And you're coming you're off 6.7 I'm off single figures of single figure stock price brilliant guy's actually listening hopefully you enjoyed it be sure to like And subscribe we shall see you next.

Week for episode 175. nice that sounds numbers work cool and we'll see you soon.