Thoughts on some tailor-made players not using the stealth robert mcintyre has been using the sim 2. and actually weirdly we had the golf on the opposite of the day and that's the first thing i noticed when he was swinging that he was using the sim 2. And not stealth so it must have left standard samples yet is it good bad. And different for taylormade doesn't matter is it what do you think i think certainly with taylormade because they're they're models are typically very significantly different when they when they go from a sim to to a to a stealth that's really noticeable. And yet that i don't think you can hide like when if they went from sim to sim two yeah you don't see on the telly it's not you're not buying an eyelid really because you can't tell yeah. But from this time when you're going from a blue head cover a stealth a sim to with not the red face the black face. And you suddenly you go with red head cover red you know it's always a trick that i don't massively like i bet you probably have a stealth headquarters yeah they often do well it was like the the open when maracao won he wasn't a sim 2 driver he had a sim i think it's a weird one. For me in some ways you could you could say you respect the brand for allowing if that's the right term the athletes use a driver that's right for them and ultimately as long as they use a tailor-made product doesn't really matter but i also think it kind of it should open the eyes of the the golfers the consumers that these guys out on tour who playing golf. For a living want every single marginal gain you can get whatever it might be a yard a yeah half a yard like just while they're not like these the people that need every little game you can have. So if there's athletes who are choosing not to use the new product. For whatever reason obviously for them you wouldn't think right now is gaining them anything makes you think doesn't it why should the average consumer that bothered about a new driver correct. And again you might see differences if you're using a five-year-old one compared to one now i do think you'd see differences. But year on year it's so teeny teeny teeny tiny almost almost hard to measure do you think as well it almost looks worse. For taylormade because like brands like titleist i can't remember if it was adam scott which isn't the old driver. For ages i can't quite remember but like it happened with titus a lot he had the old irons in the back yeah ever. And the ball you know there's guys on tour i think he used like 20 2013 pro v1 2015 2017.. So again you could argue well if the new 2021 pro v1 is much better while you're using it. But it feels like with brands like taylormade you know and callaway as well who have such huge claims and such mass marketing campaigns and this year i've been into a few golf shops as you have as well obviously the marketing materials around stealth everywhere black and red balloons on display huge there almost feels like they're tied in with a bit like valentine's day maybe i feel like that really happened a lot on the r11 era i remember our 11 and the rbz there was loads of promotion. And this obviously is the way it's gone again. So it really does feel like there's a lot of people talking about stealth interested in stealth i'm sure gonna be trying it. But obviously some of the best players in the world aren't using it yeah. And like so you can't hide it no it must wonder how much it's written into contracts it does seem to be very peculiar that like when you see the shoots with. So when they do those videos now which i think are really good on youtube you've got tight well not tagged at the moment we did have tiger. But now you've got sergio yeah tommy matt wolfe dustin rory miss anybody i'm sure murray kawaii marakawa that's six might be one. Or two others can't quite probably about right they all i think are putting got in the back now is that they are the top top guys almost are told we're gonna give you x amount a year more. But you have to have it in the bag yeah there's no choice yeah well like a robert mcintyre can kind of sneak under the radar a little bit. But then.

On the other way look at it does that if the fact that they happen in the bag could that be perceived that it's no different if these golfers who are playing again. For the living have won every yard if this happens go okay i'll use it then.

Which is the same as last year's really yeah yeah interesting topic [Music].