You think tiger will retire at saint andrews um i think there's a chance now you know do you think i just think he was very adamant after the masters he will be playing at the old people yeah now i know he's flying there it's apparently his favorite golf course in the world. And it's somewhere even if he was only 80 i really think he could compete there i just think the way he obviously had to come off at the pga he still looks in. So much pain i feel like obviously we don't know he could be on a journey still to be getting better and he might each david in half percent better and he might be in a year back to full fitness equally yeah on the other hand he could be declining. Or not you know he could be not getting something much better i just think when you watch him walk now it does look hard work yeah now tiger being the guy here i can see both ways i can imagine him ending it since andrews. And and walking over that silicon bridge hopefully on the sunday wearing sunday red and going down in a lot of people's eyes as the greatest of all time there's obviously a debate. For jack which is a great debate we could have that all day long um i also could imagine to set to play. And again hopefully make the cut and kind of just play the odd event here and there but tiger wants to be winning events there was that famous clip with curtis strange when he first came on tour at 96. And he said like i wouldn't i don't play tournaments if i want to win i'm basically here to win tournaments. And i still think he stands by that tiger's not there to compete well no sorry not urged to be part of the field is he's there to win. And if he knows deep down which will be getting more. And more kind of data and insight and just feelings of that as time goes on he will be knowing now how his journey is the trajectory of his journey. And his fitness and if it's possible to get back to full fitness if he knows now's little chance he will is he gonna still want to compete i hope. So i i think he may retire at st andrews i just don't know if it's gonna be this year yeah i i could see it happen in another five years potentially yeah when it's because it comes around to saint andrews every five years it won't be 150th granted. But i don't think he also needs that it's not a big deal. For him i think in five years i mean how's he now is he 42 uh i'm just guessing a bit older than that. So you know he's gonna he's going to be maybe clocking onto six 46.. So yeah it'll be getting close it'll be over 50 at that point um that that's my guess i think he'll he'll do this one i think he'll play in the four majors each year a couple of little events around it his own event a few other tiny little ones that you might play in that gives him that that'll give him another probably 16. Or 17 chances of winning winning the major in that time frame it seems quite a lot yeah he's got to win how many more to become to overtake jack now four well you know what though kind of going completely against what i've just said he is super competitive. And wants to play to win but actually having said that. And i still do kind of obviously stand by that. But we have seen him change a little bit in recent year or two haven't we since certainly in zach's since his children are getting a bit older he has got that more happier approach. And like we've seen him laughing yeah having a bit of a joke after his events he's been like hugging henny. And stuff like that and he really looks like he's happy to be there maybe there is part of him again maybe it's a pattern that thinks i just want to be i just want to be able to be to participate again i don't know i can see kind of either option really it's very difficult to know i think putting himself in contention is probably his main objective i think as well what's different maybe. For footballers than like sorry for golfers and footballers is when footballers often want to retire at the canals at the peak don't they. And and not be the guy that comes under the sub in the last five minutes do you want to you know some do that. But some want to kind of go out on a real high which i get it's a bit different with golf i guess isn't it because we do get some as we see in the masters. And we discuss the sandy isle stuff which kind of people have different opinions on some guys want to just kind of play in certain events for as absolutely long as possible which you can understand some people may want to retire when they're on a high. But he said yeah i'd have no idea it's a long answer to his question is it. But i i don't know it wouldn't it wouldn't totally surprise me but i think it would it also would massively shock me he would only retire if he knows he can't compete anymore if he's still got a one percent chance that he thinks in six months it'll be a bit better there's no way why would he retire um good question though is a very good question he sounds like.