Could you have your girlfriend caddy for you at a professional level lee westwood yeah obviously second took away a huge amount of money do you think. And it sounds like a mad question to ask this do you think he would be happy. Or disappointed with his last two weeks of performances and results depends if you said to him before these two weeks you're going to come once he comes second second i didn't know if he'd finish second in the end. Or not be a second and second i'm sure he'd take it yeah. But if you said he was in the final pairing both week both weekends. And he's not one either he'd probably be disappointed and it was like generally the week when the podcast when we said about him winning a major will he ever do it now because of that pressure was that kind of the same thing do you think yeah you know he didn't play well yesterday what did he what did he actually shoot on the day was he actually shot under all the levels he's not he's not completely fluffed it. But that's the thing that that's that next.

Gear of shooting a 4 under shooting a 5 under cement in it yeah. And it was sketchy on a shot level par. But it was very very sketchy the way he put his round together he clung on all the way around it wasn't it wasn't good golf i'd love to know how many fairway bunkers he found off the tee because he considering i met i said how good the uh. For giving the p ping g425 driver is he wasn't making it look very forgiving yesterday. And he put it in so many fairway bunkers um but managed to kind of put well actually which is not lee westwood's kind of favorite favorite area you know what shot really confused me. And you might know better than me on this i'm sure you will on 16 when he was his second one went into that kind of it was a bit kind of semi-plugged. But not really and he kind of hit like an actual bunker shot wow i thought i mean i might be talking nonsense here. But um bump and run exactly almost just chip it out give it some full momentum let it follow the kind of furrow and roll up towards i mean it may pass wasn't a disaster i thought that. But that was because it was just like a bunker shot yeah it was like you couldn't go up. So if you didn't if you didn't see it lee west after his second shot hit it left of 16 as there's like a tree inside like a a rough bunker it's not like a proper pristine bunker and he got a bit of a dodgy lie so he couldn't go high because the tree was blocking him he had water behind the green he had water a bunker on the front right. And uh he like said he just tried to place like kind of like normal bunker shot where back of the back of the stance little chippy a-time i think would have worked a lot better that's what i thought. But is that potentially. And i want to come onto this topic very quickly because i want to ask you a question here do you think that's potentially where a more senior experienced caddy might have given that advice i don't it's easy to say yes. But surely someone like him has been playing golf at that level for 20 odd years whatever knows a shot on his head he knows the risk the rewards it's not like it's an amateur who needs the advice and saying look play this shot he must have the best option and whether the lie looked worse in real life maybe he couldn't get an a time behind it but it look it just looked like it was almost. For me a chip out the trees shot wasn't it bit of a back foot a tank just digging it and let it just hop out but question for you go on and i want you to ask me the same question could you have your girlfriend caddy for you at a professional level um i spoke about this with my wife this morning she loves the romantic story about lee westwood and and his fiance caddying for him but i said to her could we do that i've got a question. For you then.

I'll throw it back at you i saw something on land it was really good about people who'd been slagging off uh harry diamond who is rory's best friend on the back. And saying he needs a professional caddy what is a professional caddy as far as there's no caddy schoolers there you don't get carried a degree you don't do three years ago. So what is it you know harry diamond i don't know that i think i've been at events where he's been before um i think he's a plus four. Or five golfer you know massive golfer in that county where rory is from um obviously he can play golf to a ridiculous standard one of his best friends he's done pretty well with on the bad guys. And i know he's not one as much as he would like to but lee west was not having his wife on the back just. For a jolly at this level is it if he was retired. Or something or i'm sorry if he was like on the seniors tour playing the odd event here. And then.

It was just a bit of it she come. For a bit of a holiday she must know a lot well i i'm not one second questioning that you shouldn't have around the world you're asking the question i'm asking you personally the reason why first off i've heard him say this he was on eric handler's lang podcast the other week. And he rotates between three caddies as we as we know when i went down to wentworth with him and we got challenged so he has his fiancee he's soon to be his future wife he has his son yeah he's like a 20 year old lad i think. And then.

He does have a professional caddy a quote unquote somebody's used in the past. But he kind of rotates between the three of them now he mentioned this was something really interesting um let's talk just on his on his fiance at the moment he said something like what he loves about at the moment is fiance just ca she's called helen she just carries the bag that is literally all she'll do. And that's not taking any disrespect from her that's just what he wants her to do she doesn't give him advice he does all of his own yardages he does all of his own judgments he just asks. For a seven iron offer and she'll give a seminar and she'll clean the clubs i mean i love the romantic side he'll he still breaks all the bunkers which i really like um. But on the what he said. And this is a really good line he would rather be a hundred percent committed to a decision to the wrong decision yeah this was it he would rather be a hundred percent committed to the wrong decision than 80 committed to the correct decision yeah. And what i mean by that is he can be 100 committed to his decision she's not an interference with it nobody else no no caddy it's his decision. So he can take that club. And he can be a hundred percent committed where when you have got a caddy. And i've even in my little limited experience having a caddy if a conversation between two players to a caddy and a player and you say well actually what about like a little three-quarter eight in here and in my head i'm thinking nine-iron well you might persuade me to hit that three-quarter eight-time thinking it's the right shot but then.

I'm not fully committed to that as the player does it depend on those well as what you see a caddy as yeah. So for example let's picture a lad he's 20 years old he's been the world and one amateur and he turns prones on the pj tour in my opinion i might be wrong but you'd imagine the caddy let's say they get an established caddy who's been around the block whatever that caddy is giving them distances. And you know um club selections etc wind all that kind of stuff but they're also probably not in every case we'd imagine can we give them a bit of an armor on the shoulder when they're coming out that final stretch might put a little bit of wisdom in the rear every now. And again you know it's relaxed you know they've seen it they've seen it a million times before but for someone like lee westwood who's been approved what 25 years whatever it is now more even he's dealt with everybody in a major with every situation. So he doesn't need a caddy i wouldn't imagine whisping down his ear relax breathe all that knees we're gonna do his head in like you said he wants to know what he's doing is his choice. And if he hits a bad shot like that bunker shot that wasn't the worst mistake in the world it was his he chose that yeah. So i don't know but then.

Again you could say tiger was the most driven kind of confident athlete probably ever. But yet steve williams was such a massive part of that they worked as a team. So i think i think if you were looking at a cadet let's say you are new on tour. And you had a choice of caddies between your best mate who you know and this is let's say you're 19. And you've just made it on tour your best mate you think i'd be great to travel the world with him he doesn't really know loads about caddying professionally caddying. Or someone that's been around the block or billy foster or steve williams or someone like that or a you know steve brotherhood we did a podcast with in that journey at that time in their journey that experience caddy could be the biggest game changer. For him because it'll give him so much knowledge and like i said the arm around the shoulder. And the experience around different golf course and everything else um against like so the newbie but i think once you get more experience like rory like westwood doesn't it doesn't matter who carries you back they they're the ones who they know don't end the day that's your question.