All right guys welcome back to the rickshaw's Golf Show podcast episode 175 I feel full of beans today.

Guy that's weird I was literally about to say from this 10 minutes I've had before the podcast you are. And I'm gonna use the word full of beans as well yeah I feel really really like upbeat Lively excited we've got this the start of a week I feel like a shark are you taking performance enhancing drugs no I didn't sound very convincing there. But I'm definitely not if you've seen any performance from me um over the last few months I am definitely not taking performance enhancing drugs imagine if you took steroids for a year and you start hitting the ball miles an Italian one and race 85 comes along and everything's like why is everyone hit Rick's Rick's content in it 410 yards now. And it was however. at the start of this year when I went to Orlando. For the PJ show it was a conversation with the long drive guys about something very exciting coming towards the end of the year which I've not heard anything more about. Yet but that could mean that I've got to gain some distance. And would you go to any lengths to do it. And anyone has to do it Rick's gonna get stacked. And dead Moody imagine through the door sideways just because I've become so massive what would you like if you're massive quite aggressive no I'd I'd like to feel I'm going to be like a big gentle giant one of those guys that looked intimidating was dead sound yeah you like that touch I almost like oh he'll look after us yeah big teddy bear anyway in this week's episode we've got loads to talk about um there's something some serious matters yes there is um. But also I think it's worth chatting a little bit about where I'm going with this I had all these ideas that I thought right let's make sure you've got too much beans I feel honestly I feel like you're. So on it today.

Well we have got a lot to talk about. And I said you've got something serious when I go over shortly I do we've had some two things serious two two serious things we've got some great questions from Facebook as well which can kind of it's almost um lead the podcast there's been some great little bits I think a nice talking points um. But probably the best place to start the most Fitting Place to Start was it's a Monday morning. For us it's Tuesday maybe Wednesday listen to this yesterday we saw our friend Tommy Fleetwood very very nearly win on the PGA tour I can't wait for the day does winning the PJ tour. And say it does because it will happen um it's a matter of when not a hundred percent. But one event I actually sat down on Sunday night and watched a good chunk of the golf and weirdly I'm getting to watching golf a lot more than probably ever have I didn't I'll be honest I didn't watch anything until Sunday evening till yesterday afternoon and um I think lot of that to do again when I look at the leaderboard. And I see you know a friend of the show Tommy Fleetwood up there doing really well I think it's always exciting when Jordan Spieth is up there 100. For me he is one of the most exciting golfers to watch on the planet because you just never know what the hell he's gonna do I love watching him when. So was it well was it 17 he messed up. Or 16 16 he went in the water which again you could you could see him do it what I love. And I think everyone should take away from watching speak is when he's made a mistake like that it's how he grind to then.

Finish the whole the fact he made bogey on that hole was incredible after going in the water his bounce back percentage after making a Vogue before that hole was 84 ridiculous 84 of the time when he's made bogey the next.

Holy makes birdie. Or better you know what he does I think. So many amateur golfers don't do including myself. And um I've always said this to you my brother's a perfect example of this if we're playing golf. And her brother has got a eight foot port for a bowl get a double bogey you'll have a quick look at it hits it it may or may not go in if he's got an eight foot putt for a birdie he'll be reading it from behind walking around the hall taking his time and he'll really want to hold the pot now I understand in his mind I want to make a birdie why would you not want to make a birdie but obviously every single port is worth the same. And that's one thing with speak you really see he gives every single shot the Cur the attention it deserves whereas I know if I was playing a hole in the water I'd walk down I'd Chuck one down where I think it should be I'd hit it I wouldn't really think about it. And come up with a triple bogey he made Bogey and that obviously saves you shots doesn't it yeah it almost kept him in the tournament If he if he had bounced back. And birded 17 after hitting an amazing approach shot I think he would have probably gone on. And won that tournament but it wasn't it was Taylor Moore who won it. And this was a mad start of reading he hold 64 out of 64 ports inside seven feet. For the whole tournament now I know for some people might think well what seven footer think about this they pointed on greens that are absolutely like glass that are undulating the pressure you've got the crowd watching people at home watching you've got players like Jordan Spieth. And Tommy Fleetwood and Adam shank chasing you down and he's managed to hold 64 out 100 of his ports inside seven feet it's insane I think it's it's a real important stat to remember that we joked before about just even the start of this podcast about distance. And how you need to almost change you as a person to be able to hit the ball further to hold pots inside seven feet you don't need to change anything about yourself do you really no you need to practice. And you need to get unbelievably confident from that range that's the only thing maybe it's more of a change in a mindset isn't it that you don't have to be big and strong necessary to hold a seven foot Port but you need to have that that mindset um and like I said that that grind to practice I think you need to be able to make practice competitive as well. And Under Pressure because you know any of us can want to put in green now Chuck a ball down whacker put in seven foot yeah not a problem. But trying to do that over. And over again when you've got pressure when your heart's racing when you're sweating when like your hands are shaking to still be able to hold those putts in those situations is just different level yeah you know what's noticed I don't know if you've got answers to this somebody May comment it might be really obvious answer Adam Shanks caddy his name was bunker is that right yeah did anyone else I don't know if Matt did you watch the golf. Or not I might even watch it so obviously Steve's caddy his beer bad speed on yeah Adam Shanks had bunker. Or wasn't one of the days earlier in the week didn't all the Cali bibs have something different on I don't know yeah because it was a quite a funny one um it must be something I must have missed. But I was like dead confused by it. And I'm probably someone will comment now to be a really obvious thing. But I missed that caddy bibs at the Valspar it was something along the lines of one of the days they had um different names on the bibs right um yeah honestly. So for example Max McGreevy okay his caddy had Mr 89 on his bib right because Max the week before actually shot 89 at Sawgrass oh wow um I'm trying to look at some other ones um let me see if I've got some here with a quick Google. And let's see what comes up I thought you're a bing guy I do I'm a Bing. Or um Bing Ash Jeeves Dragon people that use Bing and have iron head covers I believe so I'd like to believe so um yeah. So so basically on one of the days it's it's an opportunity for the players to roast their caddy the caddy throws the player do you mean no um tour Pros absolutely roasted himself no it's still it's tour Pros to roast the caddies. But he wrote he did roast himself in this situation nice um. So yeah that was quite a fun little thing sorry go on sorry let's just say do you want to come to your kind of important warning announcement now no let's come on to that next.

Okay the other golf that was taking place which genuinely. And I'm I am not exaggerating this now I honestly didn't know until Phil Mickelson went live on the last Green live I live didn't know it was on again I don't know what world I'm kind of living in the moment I just feel like they're all these tournaments are almost I don't know what it is almost catching me out. But sounds obvious you follow live on Instagram and stuff and you still do it maybe I don't because if you um I guess if you did a lot of the players still yeah I feel like sometimes I'm not sure if maybe. So I in in retrospect I did see players like Porter. And Henrich Denson or Lee Westwood posting about Majestics I saw that type of hype but maybe it didn't connect it to an actual tournament that's taking place feels like the the teams had been more um proactive and and promoting themselves as teams but I'm losing the actual tournament side of things a little bit right Danny Lee won yep after using it was a four-man playoff. Or something and I was very impressed he putted off the green on the last hole to win the match wow you hold it um to win four million dollars PJ tour was 1.5 that Taylor Miller won. But was the week before um TPC Tall Grass not like three points that was yeah that was silly um. But yeah I yeah I don't know what it is I'm not bad-mouthing. Or anything I just didn't feel like I knew a lot about it this week I think maybe I do need to follow I don't follow live at the moment maybe I actually need to follow him because I just feel like I'm not seeing a lot about it at the moment yeah I know what you mean I think the fact is obviously not on on TV. For us in in the UK it's on the app sorry on the app the app's actually been refreshed it's a little bit better now it's got the the actual Leaderboard on there straight away when you go on it um but yeah I mean I kind of feel a bit like a broken record when we talk about live the fact that you know we're not as into it. And you know I'm sure there's people or there is people out there that love it. And comment on our videos oh yeah you hate. And live but it's just like you said it's hard to really I don't know. And again I've said this several times now obviously Tommy Fleetwood didn't win on the PJ tour. But if he had she was very close to doing. So and obviously we believe he will it's that thing of oh my God he's won a PJ Tour event it's like it almost like solidifies your career doesn't it whereas at the moment living up winning on live does it does it make me see Daniel Lee In a Different Light oh no whether it will do in the future. Or maybe and that's that's the thing when the events get a bit of History next.

Event I'm gonna actually try and watch as much as I can when is the actual next.

Event I'm going to put it in my calendar well it's not obvious is it is there even going to be another one before um the Masters I don't know I've never got the um I've got literally got it up now in front of me. So oh there is where where when why okay interesting one. And it it'll be a time zone you like okay Orlando. Or do like an Orlando time. And it's Orange County National oh yeah which is a bizarre place. For a tournament I've played both golf courses there and no I love the place no disrespect to the place. But doesn't feel like it's a tournament worthy venue um March the 31st until April the second I need to watch every single time I can't I'm in Paris on our 10 year anniversary watch a little bit on the film I'm sure one airpod in my wife would be really happy if I was watching um I used to live haters an excuse in it you're watching the PJ tour yeah where's the PJs all that week no joke yeah okay. So it's it's Orlando March the 31st till April I'll watch it for you I I will do my best I'll watch as much as I can. But now I know it's in my it's in my brain now is it in your diary I'm gonna put in my diary I was actually physically added into diary um. But yeah. So that's a bit of a Roundup very very light as always on the PJ touring and obviously I live and we don't and the other actually the other one just just a note on the DP World Tour Matt Baldwin won the absolutely yeah he's a good friend of James Robinson who's a good friend of ours there's gonna have a mutual friend to some degree um he's been on tour. For a long long time and it was great to see him get the W um maybe some of that would be a great podcast guest as well phenomenal podcast guest they must be close by was it as well. And also last one um Ryan Ruffles sister Gabriella one as well oh wow uh let me just pull it oh one second she won the Arizona Women's Golf Classic nice so another W um I think as well as Gabby I think Ryan is definitely going to win something this year can you claim some level of impact on that because you filmed with Ryan. And that's his sister well she was actually supposed to play with them on that day which she had to fly to Australia a day earlier wow. So she couldn't play with us but yeah um I think I can take probably 90 of the credit 70. all the hours of hard work she put in the dedication the sacrifices have really played golf with you yeah well that was a little bit of a Roundup um. But Rick you've got a bit of a um a more serious kind of is it a warning borderline announcement yeah to me there's a there's something that's frustrating me immensely at the moment celebrate 75. correct this is serious sorry um YouTube. And Facebook have a huge problem at the moment um every time a post gets put on or a video gets released in the comment section there are scam accounts that are driving me insane. And it's not just on my channel it's on other channels it started mainly on Facebook that was the worst culprit yeah uh where you leave a comment on a post. And suddenly you get a response from what looks like a rickshil's account okay they're using my logo in their in their accounts. But often certainly on Facebook the spelling of the name is is incorrect yes like sometimes it's really badly incorrect sometimes it's only just got one L that's different. Or it's got like two L's and shields um it's it's incredibly frustrating they are trying to trick my audience into thinking that they've won a prize correct. And it happens on Facebook and it's happening on YouTube a lot at the moment on YouTube they want you to contact them on telegram yes I'm saying this right now. And I'm actually going to make a main video on this as well these are not real accounts they are scam accounts they are not genuine they are trying to take your money it's no giveaway the only time I will ever contact you. For a giveaway is from one of my verified accounts yes. So on Facebook that's a blue tick on Twitter and Tick Tock and Instagram it's a blue tick and on YouTube it's like a gray tick and my name almost gets like highlighted if it's come from me on Facebook on YouTube yeah well that's like you said that's the whole point of the kind of verified ticks that you know you get in a comment back off the genuine Rick Shields. And just to kind of make people aware of what which I need to combat this video as much as we can. But unfortunately there's not actually that much we can do. So for example if we post a YouTube video and in the comments section a fake Rick Shields comments back to somebody and says you have won a prize telegram me or yeah I've actually said WhatsApp before. And put the mobile number on well again that isn't isn't Rick it's not us um we can then.

Find those comments. And block that that um that person can comment in again all you have to do is just make a new YouTube account put your logo on which anybody could do it's very simple to put your logo on. And start replying to people's comments so I think some people see it. And they kind of know it's too good to be true and they kind of leave it I think some people kind of think this is a bit dodgy. But I'll go with it and then.

Some people get fooled by it and like you said they're asking they're saying oh you've won a drive you've won this. But you have to pay for shipping so I need you to pay 25 or whatever again well exactly we if you are lucky enough to win a giveaway that we sometimes post you would never pay anything um at all you won't pay. For shipping you won't pay anything whatsoever um and we would also get to actually via email we're not going to give Rick's personal phone number out to people willy-nilly. So again if it's asking for text for whatsapps for telegrams it's not us and not that it's your job listener watching to do this. But if you see somebody in the comments get commented feel free to either report or comment or comment back and say be aware X person John whoever this isn't real um we have spoken about this a few times but you know it's really getting series now to the point where I've got people messaging me with pictures and WhatsApp and they're actually sending pictures of me to to to my fans to say oh yeah no it is definitely it's a selfie of Rick look it's me what's even worse is the video I showed you the other day that's crazy they're actually now starting to use a i on these photos to make it look like I'm talking insert here this giveaway is real you want a driver congratulations mate now to most people they realize that's not me it's not my voice. But you know it other people will get tricked by that you know they might not know exactly what my voice sounds like. Or they might genuinely think it's real please I'm praying. And everybody listening let's try and combat this together let's really try and stop these scammers I don't want any of my fans getting ripped off or needing to pay money if you've won a prize from me genuinely I will never ask you money. For shipping yeah we cover the shipping we ship worldwide. And you will not get asked. For shipping please report these accounts it is getting serious. And it's really starting to pee me off no it is it's frustrating. And you feel you do feel sorry if people have got um tricked by it you know. And it's certainly when it's kind of your brand your likeness that's doing that you feel almost part of responsible and when we're not but you do feel like that again we're adding everything we can to combat it we're blocking the account as soon as you see them well they keep making new ones. So we've had a word with YouTube kind of personally and they're kind of it flummoxed what they can do because it's not really a great deal they can do. And but hopefully something will happen that addresses this um yeah. But it is frustrating on a brighter note float onto your second little announcement thing um we have got a break 75 on Friday that was very very exciting a lot of fun to make it was. So uh last week's episode little Aston did really really nicely with Ollie Phelps from Harry Potter fame um I didn't play my greatest golf my Potter was um freezing cold it wasn't even just cold it was freezing cold to the point where after three holes I chucked the putter out my bag that I was testing. And put my Old Faithful back in to some level of success um but we thought you know what you guys watching you deserve birdies you do you deserve more birdies than what I'm currently offering. So we decided to try a new format and and we have we are we've not really got a title. For this it's like um like a break two-man scramble break 65. so it's me and guy playing Scramble okay around one of the hardest golf courses here in the UK a golf course that has battered me be to me show me love. And affection but also slap me around the face JCB Golf and Country Club I think together as a scramble team we could make a decent living on the challenge tour I think we'd make one cut on the challenge it was. So much fun obviously for that I'm guessing 99 of people listening know what Texas scramble is. But if you don't know you both hit a tee shop he picked the best one and you play from that place you both hit a shot you picked the best one so in theory you've got two attempts at every single shot and I also I feel like Americans just call it scramble yeah we got Texas scrambled we added the Texas. But the beauty of it is is like I said if you've got a six foot pot. For a birdie and I miss it there's a good chance that Rick may follow me in and hold it or potentially doesn't but what's weird about it and why it's quite fun to play is if I hit a bad shot. And then.

You hit a good one it's like you've saved me like a bit of a fist pump well in May or vice versa a also sometimes you get to a tough hole and you may hit a bad shot and then.

I also there's no guarantee. And then.

There's only a good shot it actually gets a lot of pressure and there's a few times we've played where we've done another video which will come in a couple of weeks. But we've both hit good shots in the same place and it's almost like oh physical waste but we've also had times where we've both hit bad shots we haven't did. And then.

Also in times of one of us it's a bad shot one of us saved each other which is really good. But yeah it was exciting uh we did Play Pretty nicely the score was pretty good that video will be coming out on Friday it's a nice change expect much more birdie Source in fact I even think there's a birdie birdie Cannon there is a very Source gun coming soon you'll see it um. So yeah that was really exciting. And we've also got a few more videos coming out very very soon um should we go announcement yeah. So this isn't your big big one I was gonna just say this. So that the big big announcement the one that I really you know bigged up a couple weeks ago that is coming soon we hope. And pray next.

Week okay we hope. And pray however. this still is pretty incredible this year I'm going to hi my name's Rick. And this year I'm attempting to run the London Marathon wow yeah I like the word attempting I've started to put that word in yeah okay. So I am running the London marathon on April the 23rd Sunday April the 23rd If you are in London. And want to support me and push me on give you a little whack please do come. And support now this is I mean the story behind this is fascinating I'm actually running. For a charity called it's never you and the um the person who set that charity will be called Kerry is actually um owns the Shire Golf Course down in London. And it's a real heart warming um a very emotional and sad um reason why you set the charity up um his little boy Hugh unfortunately got cancer and passed away at the age of six and you know Kerry's found it incredibly difficult as you'd imagine him and his wife and um as they were going through the chemo. And you know everything that Hugh had to go through you know he possibly discovered certainly over here in the UK that the support system for parents was was lacking um you know it was not really a great deal of support you know to help you go through those difficult times. So Kerry set up a charity and I think it comes probably best from him he's done us a little video to put in this this um podcast. So I'll just play that now because I think it's uh he explains it much better than I do my name is Kerry in 2021 my six-year-old son Hugh sadly passed away from a rare form of cancer with an abundance of Courage strength resilience. And humidity Hue fought the cancer for 11 months shortly after Hughes passing my wife and I decided to use the immense grief and pain from losing our son and help those still in need and created the charity it's never you the UK's first charity exclusively supporting the parents of children with cancer we set out to be Innovative and offer something different something that we felt was not supported during our experience with Hugh we created the first social media platform exclusively. For parents called The Children's Cancer platform we have created a platform where parents can access advice. For mental health physical well-being and Financial Resources all which they need along the Journey of their child's treatment we bring Paris together to share their experiences and to support one another during their darkest times from diagnosis through treatment and remission whilst also supporting parents who are sadly say goodbye to their child by raising money. For it's never used you will be helping. And supporting parents who never thought it would be them thank you [Music] um I think just the tagline it's never you like you never think it's gonna happen to you yeah. So um you know when I was in London last year I was at the Shire doing the uh with the random Golf Club Eric Anders Lang event. And I got chance to carry and I said I'll you know talk it was just before I was doing the walk across Scotland. And he said have you ever done a marathon I said no I've not he said would you ever want to do when I went yeah of course I do I'd love to do marathon he said well we've got places would you like to run. For it's never you so I said yes um uh to some degree I'm worried now. And scared about doing it but after seeing that Carrie's doing it as well and there's a few of us um that carries managed to get involved in this um I've set up a just giving page um I'll put a link in the podcast it's just giving uh I think it's let me just pull it up it's forward slash Rick Dash Shields Dash Marathon. So if you can donate it'd be really appreciated um. But yeah it's super sad I mean God God forbid you know your child becomes ill poorly um you know never mind you know losing someone only sick. So I'm running for you I'm gonna push my boundaries I've trained to some degree so far but I really need to start increasing the training considering the the run is five weeks away yeah um good luck I'm sure it will be a a great experience. And I cannot imagine right I like to do a few 5Ks a week. But running the marathons different level but I'm sure the support will get you through it I thought Marathon was 5K now it's 5K eight times [Laughter] I'll be fine yeah I'm sure you'll um yeah. So if you'll do it you can donate I'd really appreciate it um you know what I think you should say going forward sorry come on I'll just cut you off. But don't say I'm running on the marathon I'm doing on the marathon and if you walk it's like I walked a bit of it the water did it what do you think my goal should be when I first said I'd do it my goal was under four hours I think yeah you are actually quite a stronger because now it's not no you're you are a strong winner when you're into you wouldn't we did that 10K together at Andrews knew what we did it at the same time I think I was suffering more than you were. But that was when you're doing a lot of running I think if you'd if you had fully fully fully trained 100 that you could do under four hours. But to be fair we've had so much going on it's hard you've got three kids at home it's hard to find time to get out. And do a 5k never mind train. For a marathon so in reality I think if you could do it sub five that would be because you are probably gonna walk a little bit that's that's just to be expected did. But I don't think it really matters I think the whole point of this is you're doing it. For a great charity you can use you are using your platform to raise money. And to raise awareness the timing is irrelevant you know do another one in another year. Or two for time if you want it's not about time it's about using your platform so I shouldn't go and try and set a world record this time um you could set a world record for YouTube creators with more than two million subscribers slowest time um say what there'll be no I'll tell you this. For a fact there'll be nobody else who beats you in the London Marathon who makes golf content and as a YouTube Gold plaque as more subscribers but no um. So we have had a lot of um a lot of great questions in this week we used our Facebook group to get some questions we often do if you're not a member. Or of the Facebook group then.

Take a look in the mirror I'll tell you why you should be a member of the Facebook group yep an extra perk the scammers don't get in the Facebook groups get yeah they're not in another no we have never had a scam comment on Facebook no I'm in the group no we've not. So get involved in the group follow Rick Shields podcast you've got to um submit your application yeah you've got to turn up in a shirt. And tie yeah. For a formal formal interview with mean guy yeah um we're actually 17 hard hitting questions. And if you answer them correctly and there are correct answers correct then.


You're allowed in only one member. So far my dad but no we've got a great um great bunch of people as a mixture of um all sorts of abilities. And one thing I love as well is people using it to talk about the podcast because that's what it's there. For we're also talking about their own achievements as well we've got lots of people posting the first hole in one but probably even more than that what I'll always when people like break 90 for the first time they put a picture of the score card in it and and they actually get the most likes those kind of things it's great to see a kind of support and it's class that you can imagine someone is on the 18th they've just sunk up to break 90. And one of the first things thinking I'm gonna put that in the group that's quite cool but yeah I've got a few different questions. And we're going to come on to one of the bigger topics that probably this podcast has actually been titled as. But firstly from Rhys Beresford it's a good question this if YouTubers out when you both first started Golf it's like 97 98 era and the pro was doing tutorials who would you like it to be excluding Tiger Woods. So Young Rick Shields is 1998 YouTube's invented all the golf um big golfers are doing tips you see Brighton a bit now Etc who will be the one person bar tag he'd be like I would love to have watched them it's a great question because it varies doesn't it I'd quite like to hear different opinions on different aspects of the game okay. For example like how to scramble by Jordan Spieth yeah. But what about I'm speaking about the 97.98 oh right in that era okay um who would I have liked to have seen then.

Um thing is it was only have a tiger on it really. For me then.

I find that hard to answer I thought yeah because when I think of golfers of that era I slip into thinking of. So Nick Faldo Greg Norman um that kind of era of player yeah you know I think I would have really liked a little slightly after 98. But like Justin Rose yeah because he was young I thought it was really really cool he would have been someone I'd have been like I'd like I also like Sergio as well as big Sergio fan I'd say you would have been good because I think he would have presented it in quite a chilled way Ernie Ells yeah retief Goosen David Davao yeah there's a lot there's a lot of guys out there that it's hard like to say because it was such a tiger literally when I whenever I think of those dates I literally on everything you know what I do think Faldo would be good yeah he started doing yeah that's what I mean YouTube have been good well apparently. So fouled so Nick faldo's got a new YouTube channel out and he's done a few episodes so far he's done like a round table podcast so far including guests like no you might have heard doing Jack Nicholas yep I know him did he win once in a convert I think he's one a few times. So he did a round table with uh Jack Nicholas which is over an hour long um I've watched most of it I've not watched it all. Yet but it's very very good he's done he's done 18 holes or he's named 18 holes with Nick I don't think it's quite full 18 holes with actor Chris Pratt. And also uh cricketer Kevin Peterson she's got a really like High Caliber of guests doesn't he until next.

Week so next.

Week's episode I believe is the Rick Shields episode how have you blagged that unplug everything. So we have the same podcast as like uh series as Jack Nicholas so I'll tell you what happens this this happened in December when we went over to America in December this was one of the main reasons actually kind of why we went even though we ended up filming with Rickie Fowler at medalist. And and filming it um loads of other places like uh Floridian and having lessons off Brad Faxon and Claude Harman one of the main reasons was this day with Sir Nick Faldo. So I went down to um oh Jupiter Hills Golf Club it was really really hot day like stupid hot day. And we filmed an episode out on the golf course and Sir Nick Faldo really it was a full table turn he was asking me questions you know what he was interviewing me you know what's mad right. So I've worked for you now for just over five and a half years and in that time A lot has changed the numbers of subscribers thankfully have rocketed and the views and lots of things as we could go and name a million things arguably the most bizarre things happened in that five and a half years is your. And I'll use the word Frenchy everything that's probably warranted your friendship with Sir Nick Faldo it's it's crazy you got invited to his birthday party I don't mentioned that before I went to his birthday party at the old course hotel at St Andrews we went out for dinner when we were in America I spent a full day with him playing golf whiskey tasting it's just. And then.

Also sat down and did a did a full podcast with him where I was his guest he was the host. And I was his guest. And it was fascinating. So that very day so I I sat in that chair in this in this lovely leather see and we did it was like a a house that got rented on it was one of Trump's golf courses. And it was lovely the guys were all EX you know the guys were filming it we got really good shoot. And everything was done. And it was like Well Done Rick thanks. So much because so I just asked the question so who have you got in next.

Anyway well tomorrow um in that very suit that you've been sat in today.

Jack Nicholas is going to be sat. And I'm like what it's ridiculous um so they've actually tweet the order a little bit unsurprisingly they've gone with um Jack Nicholas first it doesn't surprise me so yeah believe it. Or not I am on next.

Week's show another weird thing that you're on not weird thing another thing I just thought I'd mentioning we've not done so far uh if you're in the UK and you're a fan of golf monthly magazine the May issue which I believe comes out in April because normally like a month ahead on the front cover it's only bloody Rick Shields it's only your boy it's only Rick Shields with actually again a really cool um kind of in-depth interview with yourself and there's also like a coaching guide that you've done a 30 minute rain session range session guide so if you are heading to your local Tesco uh you Morrison's going. For a couple live yeah what's nearly got five things on your list what's on your list your wife sends to Tesco what are you getting always milk yeah like constantly we're buying milk we get both because of the kids always need bread yep. So fruit loaf Bagels wraps yeah okay it's like a bloody Bakery no watch. For normal bread then.

As well oh some normal bread as well you've got orange albertons or no like the seeded batch they're nice healthy. So so the app Brad eggs always needed um yogurts always needed and then.

Always needed is the latest copy of golf wolf magazine Claire says every single time yeah she says make sure you get golf months you're walking you've got an airpod in because you've gone to the club I'm gonna look to Sainsbury's. For half an hour I'll get the things we need I my Sainsbury's trips are. So long it's very close to your house so it shouldn't be so I'll literally drive there I take ages to drive there once I arrive I sit in my car and have a have a good good film it's funny because there's people sat here going why is that car steamed up. And why is that guy viciously moving his right arm what's going on that car that is your scroll back I am thumbing my phone constantly scrolling you are actually the North West Champion of film Wars. And there's no training behind that it's just this phone screen. So I have a nice scroll sit in the car nice and warm nice and toasty I look gonna be asked going in the shop. And I got caught and I have to so go in the shop and you're right I have an airpod in so I'm listening then.

My phone is still on fire because I'm listening to something. Or watching something always work it's a Workhorse that phone this is something I always do okay yep regardless of the shop okay the first thing I do is I go basket lust wow nothing you juggler always right. So there's one thing I know about Rick Shields you don't learn lessons so by the time I think enough people have watched my golf to know that as well by the time I have now full my arms are full. And I'm literally dropping off I get to one of the tills and put it in a basket yeah you know the baskets that normally below the tills because that's what people have normally used put them in there. And thinking even that's bloody heavy right sometimes I need to get a trolley but I just anyway I go to every single time go to the magazine aisle yeah. And flick through golf monthly sometimes buy it sometimes I don't yeah um depends on who's on the front cover. But if you're on it you'll be buying it I'd like to think the same way on. For free if I'm on the front cover but what about the flex we're going. And buying it and going uh yes you've only got two items you've got your eggs. And your golf monthly or rather go through self-service you go to the woman you're cute for age is a massive queue until number seven. But you're in the queue committed to this excuse me is this uh how much this magazine it's three pounds 17 it says in the front oh sorry oh yeah because I'm looking at that now I can't quite see it's quite small right in it. But it's not normal to you love wait was that you on the front cover oh sorry sorry there it is that a Sharpie pen oh you want me to sign a copy. For you not a problem who should I make it out I don't want to go let's go vandalism yeah you know I'd always love to do do you ever see do you ever see like when um authors have made a book. Or or they've done like um a celebrity done like an autobiography yeah. And they'll go into like a water stone and go inside a few copies yes why don't I go. And do that because I don't think you're right I think go into a Bolton um Supermarket might get you kicked out oh I forgot all the stack of golf monkeys. And just signed on the front of it oh that would actually be quite good I think we should actually do that. And then.

Security stop me and go you're right pal what are you doing now by the way Golf monthly's out soon I believe I don't know the exact date uh we may put in the comments if we find out. But go and buy one no we'll bring it we'll bring it in yeah right that was good anyway. So uh this is a question that was I looked at. And it's it's something I want to address with you I've said this off camera to you. And we'd have words about this Jack ding wall has said Can Rick be more specific about the plans he wants to make his bag this year I know he's mentioned swapping everything before. But sure that can't be true my I don't know what my car's on the table I've got my cards on the table if you swap your driver I won't be angry at you I'll just be upset you resign yeah because you're hitting your driver you're the longest in the world you're a 160 ball speed guy. And you're not the young pup that you once were. But you're driving now it's pretty good like pretty impressive I'd say it's arguably your strength of your game although your hands have been pretty good but if you swap that driver I'll be upset come on something soon is going to happen Okay. And again this is the big big announcement. So sorry if we keep teasing you all right keep teasing you I'm semi-thinking after the said event I retire the clubs. And don't clean them like mad no before no. But number four yeah then.

Don't clean them. And then.

Yeah do you think yes now that's mean I don't go. And get another driver that's exactly the same okay. But that exact set including ball or balls yeah. And shoes get retired okay I can shake your hand on that. But I just can't see your swapping driver to a different one that's fine okay I think to some degree that's going to force me to try. And see what else I fancy I must admit though the video we filmed last week how good today.

At three would humble it that three people as well absolutely ripped it um. But yeah I'm semi-thinking after said event which will be announced very soon that set of golf clubs never gets used again yeah okay I can I can work with that. But yeah you know what I was thinking as well this morning I have some anyway before the podcast you said to me have a good weekend mate I was like yeah yeah well I didn't tell you is to spend a couple an hour on Saturday um with my wedges in vinegar should I get rid of the rust oh really yeah does it work you're dead unbelievable I'll put a before. And after picture in the podcast here and the only reason they did this was because I. For as long as I've played golf really I've had Rusty wedges raw wedges that's supposed to oxidize over time the tagline is to get a bit more spin which has been not really proven to be correct. But also they have less color which again in the UK isn't really an issue it's very rare the sun's that bad that the white is glow in your face. But for whatever reason I've always used or pretty much always use Rusty wedges and since being like 12 and having my first one which is a Cleveland um 588 I have a little obsession with getting that Rusty then.

Take another roster off then.

Let them rust again then..

And repeating the process and now 32 years old I think yeah 32 years old. And I'm went out to the car to get my clubs on Saturday got my wedges out put them in vinegar house dunk of vinegar all the rest of them just admired them why are we big kids with golf clubs. And this got me onto the bigger topic which kind of comes into this golf clubs are grown-up toys yeah because they are. And that is that is why we all know that the new golf clubs don't really perform any better than last year's the year before. So the year before was that we just love toys yeah. And you just want the new set of toys that's all I want your clubs are perfect tools. But you want new shiny toys I want new toys yeah. So if you want some get some apart from a driver um I was going to bring something else one I can't remember what it was does Diet Coke not work as well yeah. So you've got white vinegar uh Coke works as well leaving it then.

Get it out and then.

It's literally get like a bit of wire wall and it comes off looking cool we um I'm sadder now just one more thing before we get into any more topics um we had quite an eye-open experience on Friday so on Friday we did a photo shoot with Echo. And Royal Rhythm you did I did well foot model they asked me to be in it. And it was like come on you're the models now come on it's Rick gig this leave me out of it my feet are nice yeah um. So we did. But one of the um kind of crew Tim Tim also works for Dan Greaves who's a coach at Woburn yeah. And he's like he's known for the kind of short game coach these three releases how fascinating was that conversation yes I think it really helped me yeah it's a different way of chipping it's not how you chip. And not how I chip and it definitely helped I don't think anyone wants to Chipotle chip. But yeah I've also now spoke to Dan. And I think a video is imp video Lesson 375 at Woburn. And maybe get him on the pod on the podcast yes yes to all those things. So yeah Dan agrees if you're not checked him out do he's got a book out three releases I've started to have a look at it it's very very very interesting it is you're chipping. For those of you who did it was actually quite impressive it's there it's it's I hit the green like it carried away. But it could well I hit the green a few times I did hit the green. And then.

Also your Badger was a thin there's no other little Duffy fats you know what I was thinking as well on the weekend about your chipping they sad that thing about your chipping on a weekend. But it was do not think that those sins are they punishing the less embarrassing little fat ones aren't they them little fat ones are horrible. And that little technique that you were trying on Friday there was no little fat ones in there I genuinely sense a lot I don't think I could be on the tour if I keep wrapping I really really really really should practice a lot more on my short game that's that's all I'm gonna say the new studio all right let's go. And bring it in bring the question um if you can find it. And now since lost again but basically somebody was saying is this actually gonna happen this new review Channel because I'm almost debating unsubscribing they were thinking it's not happening unsubscribe at your peril that's what I say you know what's really weird I think we're becoming like the same brain because I was about to say it thinking in my head then.

At your post weird spend too much time with this last week I've not been out your site you've been thinking about my chipping. And everything on Mother's Day happy Mother's day mum why guy why are you in the room you're here. But you're not here like the third Daydream of your chipping I mean nightmares that's what I do Saturday night I have nightmares um I drink away the sorrows. And I'm drinking right um on the review Channel yes okay. So everyone listening well you already know this I don't tell me um I reckon the last time we spoke about it the studio that we are having custom bespoke built one of the greatest golf Studios you will ever see in the existence of the world was 90 complete correct I would say it's up to about 96 complete now. And as well we also um need to hire a really good Editor to look after this channel we want the channel to be serious and you know this is a bit more the boring real side of what if we don't see. But we need to hire somebody we've been doing interviews at the moment uh first round interviews second round interviews we've got a few people lined up who are really good we've not picked the candidate. Yet that's going to be successful we've got a couple of ideas who that might be. But even then.

The person's got to accept the job they've got to hand the notes in at the current job that might be a four week wait till you can start with us. So it's a it's a real kind of reason it's not just as simple as click this new channel we did probably announce it too early admittedly. But that's okay we've got to be excited about that it's coming it's going to be serious. And it will be yeah. So if you see anybody commenting on watch demographic this channel it is it's just gonna take a bit longer than probably yeah we we thought it would be a quick turnaround with a lot of things that we do day we probably act without thinking too quickly. So um yeah I like you London Marathon this we're looking. For an equipment geek who can edit. And we think we have shortlisted the correct candidate. So yeah stay tuned a couple more questions before going to the main event uh Fraser both because that's me how has Guy managed to get golf in now as a dad um well don't really I play with work I'm very lucky I don't play golf at weekends. But you know you didn't really do before did you no I I don't really it goes the range a little bit. And hit a few which is why I'm a swing. So couldn't hit the ball so far and straight and accurate but yeah I don't really I play luckily out to play this week played uh last week whatever. So I'm playing with work which is really good. And a privilege but I think as well on that not that many I've not got much experience. But I think if you want to play golf which has been realistic isn't it when you've got a newborn child. Or children New York's known better than me on that but whether it's that you play once on a weekend and you play super early or you play later on I don't know but it's different for everybody isn't it I would genuinely if I were to do it all again which I'm not if I was to have kids again little kids I would definitely have a look at one of those have you seen those kid caddies yes where it's like a troll it's like a pram you can attach your golf clubs to yeah I I think a little oh yeah love I'll take the baby out. For a little walk yeah if you went six o'clock in the morning seven o'clock in the morning yeah do a little do a little six holder it's an option kids happy wife gets a bit of rest you get to play a bit of golf yeah changing nappies on the seventh grade yeah deal um Daniel uh this is a series on this video yeah Daniel Matthew has said who's winning the fight a gorilla. Or a shark I'm I'm depends on terrain I'm a huge shark fan okay. So I find myself watching and obviously yours every night I've seen him out of um I watch videos from about drones who have captured sharks from above and you know sharks getting in cages and all sorts so who'd win sharks every day on land every day okay I'm thinking the gorilla would punch it said in in war there's a shark anyway um Chris Gurley what about on Ice oh good question um because I think the shark would survive on Ice by its ankles oh no it's just a little like shallow water I could kiss like a kid's little if we're talking water it's shark if we're talking rough terrain the yeah gorilla if you ask me what about if you threw him uh massive crocodile in there. And a lion lion every all of them Lion's king of the jungle jungle not C right what do you think Matt I like I like turtles I'm working with two blokes while no crocodile. Or someone like sharks what do you like lions anyway right last one before again genuinely the main event Chris Girling has said it's a good question actually does Rick consider himself a better golfer now. Or when he started YouTube 10 years ago I think I swing it better now. But I think I played. And I think I was better golf about then.

What parts of your game chip in um I don't know to be honest when I think about it I feel like I've always had a stretchy short game I don't know maybe I'm better now I think it's hard as well because you actually keep score a lot more now don't you as well. So if you keep score you actually realize you and this is nothing actually sorry to kind of jump off that. But what's weird what people don't probably think about enough even though they know this is that your scores are at different courses every single week now sometimes you play the course before sometimes you've not it's very hard to go from course to course to course. And actually shoot decent scores I definitely found a big difference no excuses here. But like little Aston last week when I played it was middle in Birmingham um. And it was like hardly anytime since I got back from like America. And playing on like Sawgrass and things and no joke going from like Sawgrass greens a couple of weeks before tournaments are like little Aston in the winter different it's very difficult to adjust. And maybe I don't give myself enough time to adjust or enough practice time before I even you know what we should do as well more we've not gonna break 75s I think he's actually talking about the course like rating. And all that kind of slope and stuff because it's something we don't mention it's like you go into trying to break 75 at a past 72 that's fairly easy-ish maybe one week and the next.

Week you go and play in one where tour pro shooting 80. we probably should leverage that a bit more that's what I mean I think you've gone sorry it's like Bay Hill. And Sawgrass they they were the probably ones that I think viewers watched. And went oh God right that's the score that Rick's shooting compared to like the pros like there's a there's a level of like oh crap yeah that is hard like Bay Hill was honestly. So hard and like you know it's it's one of the hardest golf clubs I've ever play in my life but when you're looking at video it doesn't look that hard well yeah. But yeah certainly when you're watching tall Pro to it in good shots. But it's like when my golf club my old golf club probably now should say I'm not rejoining but there's guys there that are scratch handicappers. And good plays at the club they can literally shoot a couple in the power. And stuff in tournaments and win Club championships whatever and they go to other local kind of little tournaments at other courses down the road and don't break 80 sometimes and I've done that myself as well it's like it's it's one thing being a member of a club and having a handicap it's how you can travel with the handicap. And I definitely remember went genuinely when I was trying to qualify. For the open a few years ago and I was playing a lot. And certainly playing a lot of comp competition golf I think that was when I was most confident in my game when when my score I shot a few really good underpar rounds my bad rounds were like high 70s yeah like they were my bad rounds. And we're now kind of my spectrum is probably a bit wider. But if you remember like the mere for example where you used to work many moons ago and you actually played weekend comps I think it's 11 18 yeah pretend it's got a bad day we'd also have quite a few Underpants I see you're going three four into Power occasionally. So like your actual handicap I know it's different with the whs it's a bit different but if we're talking old money because that's what I can still work in you'd be like at the mirror a couple of scratch golfer I would say because those good rounds will bring you down. And the batteries anything I think just with the oh yeah with the old old system I was gonna say the new new one plus one. Or two I think because that I can chew on the power. But that's a golf club you know well playing all the time exactly so anyway so this is the this is the big question we've got. For today.

And we've all we've had the reason I'm asking this is because actually it's very timely this question. So it's from Alex um balanga I think his surname is I might have butchered that. But let's just say Alex for now he said will we see matches between golf YouTubers anytime soon Rick versus fat Perez. Or is there a big event in the work. So just before you answer that Rick like you have a little think about that if you don't know who fat Perez is lots of you watching. And listening will some of you in the UK may not do. Yet and and yet probably being the key word because fat Perez is on a YouTube channel called Bob does Sport. So you have met even a podcast where they've not done a proper collab again yet um fat Perez is a bit of a larger guy hence the name fat press is a bit of a look of Pat Perez it's obviously a name it's come from my own words he's a good golfer he's a very good golfer he is a lot better than probably people would think looking at him which is fair to say I believe I think he said that as well he is he's above the sports the channels are massively on the up growing views are massive subscribers are on the opposite it's a good Channel very different to what we do. But it's nice it's it's um why would your word a bit more irreverence would you say yeah. For me I've all over the 11 years now doing YouTube I've always kept my finger on the pulse as you have went into when you join the team like of of channels YouTube channels like you know ones that you you might see as competition others that you might go oh God I love what they're doing the the big Breakaway ones in the last few years have obviously been good good they've done a great job in in capturing a market that hadn't been filled currently uh this kind of young golf very aspirational cool kids brilliant they're nailing it and that's why obviously last year invite them over to the UK to a collaboration week and it was brilliant week. For all do the channel that I'm desperate to work with. And we've spoke about it is Bob does Sports as guy just mentioned they're again filling a void in YouTube space where it's like it's a bit more a bit more lad culture a bit more kind of beer on the golf course culture here on the golf course comedy it's not particularly about the golf like it's more about the personalities uh you've got three characters on there you've got Bob you've got fat Perez you got Joey cold cuts. And they're all on their kind of different levels of golfer obviously um Perez been a very good golfer like a scratch handicapper one two yeah I mean he he Nails it absolutely Nails it. But then.

The three of them they'll invite guests on they've had players like Max Homer on and they've had some other huge players they've just signed a deal with Callaway um brilliant brilliant guys so their channel is currently sitting on 402 000 subscribers which on the up. And they're getting good good views and um there's been a recent video where fat Perez has kind of announced if you like that he wants to start taking on more golf YouTubers your name has been brought to the party Rick so a couple of questions here really following on from the question from Alex are you gonna take on fat press are you gonna beat fat Perez. And what is this little rumor about this Bob the sports potential collaboration elaborate please I'm gonna look straight down on that camera at Perez versus fat Rich bring it no I think it'll be I think it'll be awesome I saw that video as well it I think it'll be class you know there's definitely imagine Perez playing. And then.

And then.

Bob and Joey on the sidelines just constantly jabbing and jibbing and throwing one line as it I think it'll be epic um I'm all up. For it I've been in conversations for the last few months with Bob about doing inviting them over to the UK similar to what we did with good good. And we are gonna confirm that very soon. But it's gonna be summer 2023 this year so do you think you'd have a chance it's that what would it be match play I think match play yeah yeah you know what I think would be really good to forget the golf you Perez ninth hole sausage rolls oh I was thinking. And then.

Guinness me fat Perez 19th hole Guinness Championship I think I would give the golf would be close yeah I think sausage rolls again will be closed. But I might even give that to you if you like well exactly if you're hungry you can put a few of them away I do. And my money honestly Guinness I think I'm gonna be on you there's not many men who can take Rick down the Guinness there's not many men many. And many have tried and failed um but up and down that then.

So that's obviously a potential yes collaboration that will hopefully will make work. And I think that'll blow up they saw the question from Alex's final bit is. Or is a big event in the works. So in 2019 again many of the OG listeners followers viewers Etc will remember you hosted you created the word. For the worst and the first there's the worst the first ever YT YouTube golf technically it was the best on the world it was the best. And it was also medium yeah it was all right um we had some creators there that were at the time kind of the biggest in the planet you had yourself you had me. And my golf had Eric anderslang Peter Finch um who else came everybody basically everyone was doing stuff at the time guys from America is correct uh what's inside came yes who are a YouTube channel not in golf. But uh Dana Lincoln came over a little bit of kind of b-roll over this if you're watching the video we have Paul Sturgis the world's tallest man yes Europe tallest man world you had loads of Champions the list goes on. And it was good it was successful it was kind of a bit of a somewhat friendly tournament. And the purpose was to get created together like a charity golf then.

Exactly. And to create um a bit of a legacy thing and also it was lots of money raised. For prostate cancer UK then.

We had covered yeah the plan was to do that event each year. And maybe alternate it between states UK they met kovid yeah. And then.

Since then.

Like which alluded to there's been a surgeons of new channels of you good good job Sports etc etc list goes on there's a YouTuber um called Nate Edmondson yep who is a bit of a kind of golf YouTube commentary Channel he's brilliant who talked about this idea of a big YouTube tournament he kind of put the idea out there would it would it be good would people watch it a young Mr Rick Shields commented on said video little did Nate know that I was your fingers are currently in several different pies plotting a plan. So I loved the YouTube golf day in 2019. I wanted to continue it covered here well the year has come 2023 it's going to be a busy year ladies. And gentlemen because this year I plan to host the world's biggest best annual tube Masters oh mic drop please drop me Mike that's an expensive mic that there is the table um yeah I'm gonna do it we're gonna we're gonna set it up it's going to be absolutely epic. And details are being kind of finalized when talks with YouTube themselves yes of getting involved um you know a lot of people saw went down to YouTube a couple of weeks ago. For a number of different meetings but one of the conversations was about the YouTube golf day. And they were fully involved in it. Or YouTube Masters um you know I really do want to open this up to as many YouTubers as possible there'll have to be some sort of criteria um it might have to be based on subscriber numbers. Or whatever it may be to play in the main event but I want it to be a festival the week or a few days and it's not even just one day I want it to be a few days where it is a festival of everything great about YouTube golf exciting it's going to be in the UK this year um it's going to be towards the latter end of the year possibly post summer. And we're going to try. And tie it in with a week of a huge golf event to get as many people we've got our meeting this week about this as well we've got a meeting this week at a venue that might be absolutely perfect you want to fit the criteria caddy caddy well you are co-host of the world's biggest golf YouTube channel yeah. And you are a feature the main feature of the main YouTube channel yeah. So I think I think you've got a place do I have to ask. For permission to play um the board of sports I looks like American and become like a hangout with those guys do lots of beer. And stuff I I think you'd be really funny that week I would I have different Vibes. So like if I do the American guys hats on backwards freaking Corona. So fingers crossed I've already spoke to good good I've put it on there radar I've already spoke to Bob the sports put it on their radar uh there'll be other um you finches will be there I'll start to cherry pick. And reach out to but then.

Obviously we do want to open it up to as many as possible. But there has to be a cut-off Point well that's the thing you see like obviously now there's hundreds and hundreds over a thousand golf YouTube channels well and that's it as well and it's kind of like at what point do you um become a golf YouTube channel. So let's just say for example you've put a few of your own swing videos on there you've done a few shorts and also you've got 400 subscribers then.

You know you've put content on YouTube you couldn't really expect in that instance to play in the YouTube Masters so it might well have to come down like you said to subscriber numbers. And the thing is now there's that many channels with like 100 000 plus the cutoff actually might be quite high. But um but again I still see this opportunity where to have other creators potentially come down and involve and get and caddy oh yeah. Or great content or whatever it may be you know it is going to be open to all as much as we can. But there has to be a cut-off of how many people can actually play golf are you seeing this then.

Being an actual does it as a stroke play scratch champion I see they're being three days. And over the three days it'll be three different formats so I definitely think the answer needs the the answer to the question of who is the best golfer on YouTube needs to be answered where's your money on now we've got five seconds um oh god um come on yeah yeah probably I'll tell you what would be interesting though getting the good good lads yeah getting grunt Micah getting Mica they're all invited everyone's Hey listen it's it'll be interesting the other plan as well. And this is the more ambitious plan these are these are the details we're really trying to get involved at the moment. And this is exciting. For a lot of you watching we want to live stream it yes. But this is serious live streaming yeah. So so this is the goal that this I'm not saying this is a definite. Yet this is the goal to live stream it on my main YouTube channel to around viewers around the world um it's logistically bloody difficult you know what it's been very expensive yeah. And and that's it and it it's what's interesting and exciting this kind of thing is hopefully this will work. And it'll be class but equally you want to keep doing this every year you look back in five years and go oh my God how how bad was the first one compared to where it gets to. So the journey it's gonna go on is super exciting. And you think like you you list some of the names there you Garrett's uh Luke Quan fat Perez Peter Finch Etc some good good rickshaws some good good golfers in there good golfers in there you think actually genuinely winning the YouTube Masters. And having that troll through that potential Red Jacket whatever it looks like a red Jack um that'd be nice that would have some level of prestige and you think if it is live stream which is again is the plan you've got to put on 18 to win that's going to be quite nervous very very nervy this is going to be you know a YouTube major like it this is this is big deal um. So yeah really Spectators Spectators can will hopefully be able to watch on site. And live on YouTube and like say this year in the UK hopefully next.

Year over in the USA yeah third year um Australia I was gonna go Kuala Lumpur nice first country I don't even question where it is. But yeah hopefully it'll travel around as well the YouTube golf traveling circus will hit a town. Or city near you what would you rather happen you win it right you play you play the best of a player you win it and the events like all right it's kind of the live stream's all right kind of bit laggy Works in parts or you shoot 95 but it unbelievably bangs the live streams are ridiculous the production is ridiculous everyone absolutely loves it oh that's a hard question gotta be the 95. I might not even play drivers I might just host we could do it as Texas camera yeah. So I mean the other the other day. So yeah I think we need to find the champion golfer of YouTube we'll be drinking well I'd be drinking crossover they will um I think also we need a day where it's like a bit of a Ryder Cup Vibe okay wow it's a match play that's just a little bit thrown in there. So a team from the UK or Europe versus USA I think I'd be pretty USA would win then.

I think we needed the final day. And it doesn't matter which order this needs to be I think the final there needs to be the big event to be honest second to final day needs to be the the Ryder cup-esque match I think the first day needs to almost be like a a collaboration day weather today.

A band today.

Where maybe no fans are coming on that day. But we we set up loads of mad challenges we do we do loads of cool cool videos um I mean. But then.

My issue with that is knowing what you're gonna be like band today.

A few guinnesses yep then.

You're gonna have the Ryder Cup Day win. Or lose few guinnesses comes the final day you Garretts are probably going to be fresh-faced bushy-tailed ready to go because they can handle the early 20s you're pushing 40. you don't even die on that First Tee it's fine I want you to do well in this tournament I'm there. For the bounce and therefore. the 95 and the great live stream there you go that's your answer so yeah lots lots of exciting things happening um love to announce it here on the podcast. So you can get involved. And let us know who you think would win the YouTube Masters. And hopefully get the bad boy off the ground and running can we have a net tournament as well I'd like to have stroke play winner that's fine a net tournament. And potentially even this is three in one a stable. For tournament no no stable fit as well I'm gonna try. And win something no I wanna look on top three in something no we have a Masters winner. And then.

We could have a net event what's the price for the net event if you get a red jacket for Maine what can you get. For the net little red cap a little red hat little red berry berry I'll pick one up from Paris very good well that was a pretty how long was that now one hour ten my guess is one hour time getting good at this guys thanks. For listening make sure you like And subscribe follow everything and anything everything and watch out for those bloody scammers yeah take them down to watch out. For scammers and watch out for Rick Shields running down your road training soon soon TBC and maybe chipping employee last thing on this I've gone why don't we make it that you did on the marathon dress as a giant seven iron yeah my club's on my back there you go done I mean I walked across Scotland I don't mentioned that last year. But I did yeah awesome guys thanks. For watching listening subscribing see you all soon peace out episode 175 dog.