Has been some beef online we love beef beef me up rick so you might have seen recently yes um we it was it last week's episode last week's episode we had one question it was actually a listener it was a voice note in from a listener who basically wanted to know who was the best golf youtuber. And this question has been asked a little it has been asked a few times before i've answered it before but there's loads more new golf youtubers some golf youtubers have got better than others some have got worse i'll hold my hands up there um so and it's they always make for great clips so last week i've discussed and talked about who i think has got the potential of being one of the best players um where i probably sit in that list there's also been another coincidentally another youtuber um kyle levy i can't remember the name it was like a newest channel it was. So random because that weeds our clip and the day before that this guy doing a video kind of ranking golf creators in like different tiers of ability um which is just kind of quite coincidental actually uh i can't find his name now. But anyway so listen in that scenario in a podcast or whatever luke peavy did a video about it. And uh he mentioned an awful lot of really cool young american youtubers yes. So like lord the good good lads jm golf and all those lot brushing the shambo was is tier one of course i actually got put in tier five well hurts me a little bit tier five i think tier four's fair does it matter doesn't matter yeah it does a little bit. So but either way um in that video again there's loads and loads of comments about youtubers that he's missed out right and but i i sympathize with him because when even when we talk about golf youtubers and big who's the best there are hundreds of golf youtubers now. And also there's something i'd love to see the kind of science behind this psychologically but if you are watching that video. And your favorite youtuber who has 45 000 subscribers let's just say isn't mentioned you almost feel impulsed to then.

Reply and say but you missed off joe's joe smith golf yeah because like he's he's your man yeah. So um in our little chat obviously i didn't name and i hold my hands up i should have done i should have spent the next.

Hour and a half naming every single golf youtuber and ranking their potential um placement on this kind of imagination podcast is it number 112 it'd be boring rick shields he'll be born as hell. So i didn't say everyone's name and i'm not gonna do because it's impossible because also what quantifies as a golf youtuber like how many subs do you need because you know tomorrow tiger's gonna set up a youtube channel he's got two subs is he the number one well on the flip side a random person just put a swing video on that gets five views. And they have one subscriber who's the mum and that well i put videos on youtube like where do you draw the line. So anyway um andrew jensen tweeted me and was not happy at all um that i'd missed i ignored small youtube channels ignore them well it is funny because they don't even the other week we went to the traffic center doing some shopping. And we're walking down the the the um and the small channel came to ignored them said you know i've got 40 000 subs i'm gonna ignore you i don't even look at him. But that's i think that's very very unfair because obviously back in 2019 i run the youtube golf day um i was on a podcast with like golficity just last week who who've been around. For a long time but they've not they're not a massive massive channel um we're on the phone with sas golf yeah um i can't speak to everyone andrew we had a little chat on the phone i'm glad you retracted your statement because i did think it was about hand. And i apologize for not including you but again i couldn't include everybody um but maybe one day we can come up with a massive tournament that settles it forever. But that's the thing i said last time. And people said since in that their own videos on this topic is it just a hypothetical question just a bit of fun you know like you said i think didn't you say he said to this guy it's like tiger versus jack it'll never happen you know mike tyson versus tyson fury it never happened because he'll discuss it like eve there's two things really firstly the chance of you having a match where every single purse is included like you said will never happen because it's a 200 youtubers by the time you actually organize to get it done there's someone else who starts channeling that time anyway. And all on the right game yeah exactly everyone plays well. And also even if that did happen what's the point like you don't claim to be if you're all saying i am the best on youtube. And that would be quite good to watch but you're not claiming that pete doesn't claim that no verizon didn't even come out. And say that even though he clearly is the best golfer on youtube at the moment unless you get you know yeah one of the other guys it isn't really it's just a talking point. But anyway all good fun and you.