That's good rob right then.

Guys so we are down here today.

Traffic gold center in manchester myself rick shields. And one of my clients who's been very hap very generous to come down here and test the golf club for me today.

This is rob potter say hello rob oh. So rob's a 13 handicapper who currently plays um it's just moved to heron's reach haven't you in blackpool yeah. So he's playing there now but he's testing the golf club here for me today.

That's had quite a lot of interest. And height and i've been waiting for a perfect test study and rob is my perfect test of study. So clubby's got in his hand at the moment is the taylormade sldrs which we've all heard about. But we've got the 16 degree option so this is 16 degrees worth of loft um which is quite a scary loft at first because it's one of those ones where you think well this is surely not going to work we're going to test it on gc2 i've got some hmt now as well which is the head measuring technology. So we can give some club speed etc data. And the reason why i've chose rob is because he he's the kind of golfer who would benefit from this driver the most. So there's no point in meeting because i just hit it to space i do literally hit it too far too high because the spins everything else. But it's a fantastic club for rob i'm going to explain why. And also give you some evidence to back that stuff up at the moment um there you go sir thank you you've been hitting it already this morning he quite likes it and enjoys it and what was your first worry when i gave you that cluck that like i said rob's a client of mine. So he comes down here for lessons myself and he's currently using a 10.5 degree driver and wanted more distance now just to give you a bit of background with rob he's about 91 miles per hour club head speed um lost a bit of distance because we had a bit of an accident yeah a couple of years ago was it now yeah yeah. So unfortunately lost a bit of club head speed but we're gonna gain that distance back with a bit of technology that's what we're gonna do. And so when i first gave rob the driver well i'll let you kind of explain that because it was quite a yeah oh the fear i have with it is that i've had a 13 degree driver in the past. And it was a high trajectory driver. And you're hitting it anything to win that you know i played an inline links kind of kit well replicate like an inland lynx with the wind at leyland uh and then.

I went to herring's reach and of course being a seaside course it gets the tidal wind um so i was both about. And i approved it with a 30 degree driver it just went up in the air and just well dropped down the latest tee it was ridiculously short um. So when i saw this and it being a 16 degree driver instantly my fears he gave it me straight back and went no i'm not hitting that because it's just gonna go too high um. But the advantage with this is that it's supposed to be low spinning. So that's the only difference the one i think you tested before because that wasn't quite as low spinning. So this is supposed to you know we've all heard about the loft up you know theory. And taylormade sldr clubs the reason being is because it spins it doesn't spin a great deal. And this is kind of what i explained to you once it right about the center of gravity yeah. And now you've understood it a little bit further but yeah you know don't take you know my word we've seen how this works. But i wanna i wanna show you the evidence on the on the gc2 as well um but because the central gravity moves forward it spins less so we need to get that golf ball up in the air a little bit more regardless of the number on the bottom we need to get that golf ball up in the air with low spin with the taylormade sldr driver i just want to clarify this again because many drivers if they brought our 16 degree loft this wouldn't work particularly because the spin would be too much and it's exactly what you've seen yeah. And i think that's that's the 16 degrees driver hardest battle because you might be using it in a golf club that spins too much. And it just would not work at all what other fears did you have though tell us some more things about that rob well the phase out you know is that i was going to be losing uh losing the distance. But i was then.

Concerned about well hopefully i'll still have the accuracy um. And it was just trying to get the two things in you know getting in tandem with parity the way it's explained it needs to be explained a bit better with the amateur to understand how you know are you not going to lose this you know everybody's going to want to go. For a 10 degree driver because that's what they see the pros using yeah they know the boom. And it not everybody can be a bubba yeah you know simple as that don't say dustin anymore no no no no no no no just i've seen that he's fitting his dummy out of the boat um yeah the that's that is the fear that it's you see the things on tv. But these guys are locked up when the when they're using the tailor made. And that's what i keep you know saying this is not. For the ping clubs the callaway clubs this is. For the sl the 16 degree sldr because justin uh went up as well for a couple of times also you know you've got a guy there's a major winner who's happy enough to take that hit and look like he's got a a a 13 to count 390 caps club i feel so much better already right we're going to get rob hitting some like say we've got gc2 set up we're gonna be hitting real golf balls. And we've got the hmt as well which is my new addition just here on the end this measures all the head data. So we can give club head speed etc etc um when you set it up what do you think uh when you actually you set up to it you think i'm never going to miss this because when i set up i thought i'm going to hit the roof yeah it seems it seems mega mega loft it's like having a love wedge in your hand it is long shaft it is. And that that's again that that first you put it in someone's hand and that's their first thought it's going to go you know to space it's the essence of you want to tee down lower because it's got more loft yeah absolutely uh it's kind of like having that it's like having an oversized three wood yeah how it feels that's the analogy to it yeah it is uh. And i guess does that does that build you with a bit of confidence it builds me confidence in terms of i'm gonna be able to launch it. And get it up but the confidence that i need to see with the evidence you know is that it will go further than that yeah. So it's getting that mindset right it's like it's basic psychology to yourself on what you're gonna hit yeah perfect i love it right you ready rob yeah. So rob's been very brave here on camera as well but we're gonna hit some shots we might not we might not record them all we're going to get 10 shots in day 2. So your normal carry distance rob would be what without me saying what's your normal carry distance 200 to 210. someone says it can go a little bit higher than that. So you know between 2 10 to 2 20. i would i would definitely back that up we're we're aiming for 220 carry that's what we when we sat down together to start off we wanted 220 carry we've gained a bit of that with clubhead speed and technique but now we're after that with a little bit of help from technology so let's see what this this bad boy does nice shot rob really nice does that that doesn't look like it's got ridiculous amounts of snow on it does it no it doesn't it doesn't look stupid high it was higher i think no birds. So right some data so i'm gonna throw that up on screen for you as well guys that carried 216. it's a little bit of an improvement in carrick it launched off the face at 18.1 yep so a little bit higher than the loft so obviously hitting slightly on the way up and it spun this is the interesting one at 1762 it's quite low spinning really it moved a little bit left in the air because we've got this in what we would class as being the slightly draw biased option you know the the weight at the bottom just like the drawbar. So we might tweak that 23 yards left but a really nice fight didn't look stupid high though peak height 30 feet 30 yards up in the air not not stupid really right let's give it another go and did it feel all right yeah it felt great. For me yeah good shot same height exactly the same height that looked higher yeah i think it went higher quicker because it launched no actually it didn't launch them almost the same 17.9. So 30 yards up in the air again 210 carry that time 1900 spin so about the same a little bit left again so it turned into that left corner but yeah not bad you know that. And one last question before we hit the 10. is that the fight you expected to hit with the 16 um i actually expect it being even higher yeah honestly when i hit it it's proper up to space if you look at the 13 that i used to have that i was hitting i would say the 13 goes higher than what this 16 does well we did some tests recently we didn't hit him before with his 10.5 degree driver his peak height was average at 21 right that was your 10.5 driver at peak height it was carrying it 21.. So this is going a little bit higher than that well nine nine yards higher yeah. So it's pretty that's eight feet then.

Oh yeah. So it's 21 21 yards is 10.5. And this one is i'm currently averaging at 31 yards peak height all right hit me one more then.

We're going to hit some on um we're going to hit the 10 off camera. So we get some nice data okay oh yeah good hit again it's a it's a bizarre kind of seeing that flight from you because i've been after coaching you. For a while that that height doesn't normally happen it comes out much lower your ball flies head height at 35 yards up in the air that time a little bit higher you ready for this one two two one carry 221 yards carry and 2 221 spin so if you reduce that spin even more that would probably go further 18.3 but it was your best ball speed you got that coming out at 132 that time. So the efficiency off the face was pretty good smash that's 1.48. So smash fats was really good as well. So guys we're going to now hit 10. And come back with the results um so that we've got some averages then.

So we've got some kind of a baseline to how how rob is hitting the 16 degree driver i just want to clarify i don't think this driver is. For everyone at all i think if you if you hit maybe club head speeds over. And above a certain range you know over 100 miles per hour or if you hit up on the golf ball too much which i know i do. So i'm the worst of this i hit up and i've got 110 miles per hour club at speed it's just up to space if you're a golfer that hit massively on the way down and you had that much clubbed speed you might get away with it slightly because the loft will help you. But let's go with seven more and then.

We'll see what the averages come out yeah that's amazing two two five carry two two five gary we'll have to get you one of these right. So we've done the ten after rob sir stop celebrating we've done the ten now i mean celebrate all you want i think that's amazing uh right let's get the averages up on the screen right. So ten shots real golf balls gc2 hm hmt so we will get some club data. And some ball data as well um average carry distance after the 10 yeah we were about 200 to 210 in the past we are 10.5 you carry that 216. your best one was 225 your very last shot then.

It's good hitting really good hitting your spin rate is 2166. So you know that's what sldr promised that they're going to try. And do low spin. So as close to 2 000 we can. And the launch angle off the face was 18.1 your peak height averaged at 33 yards up in the air. So pretty decent as well the best thing was is the shot shapes. So i'm going to put all 10 on on screen now if we look at dispersion of all 10 i'll show you there rob as well they've all just slightly turned into that left corner. But are all really tight. So you're hitting just a little draw it's actually quite a tricky day today.

Because the wind's off the left. So in rob's head it's hard for him to commit to his target line particularly as much so he's just drawing it into that wind diffraction it doesn't show on the gc2 but just in real life that has a big influence um and if we look at the height that's not ridiculously ridiculous high no it's not in fact one of your long one of your highest let's see which one your highest one was 41 yards up in the air carried at 218.. So one of your highest carried the furthest so what one thing that when we're just hitting them rob just said about what happens into headwind. So he's asking because it's quite windy they say what happens in headwind and the only thing i can then.

Kind of throw on that. And guys please do share your opinions on here as well if you've got an sldr driver from my understanding of it the lower the spin the less the wind should affect into the wind. So again that's what my understanding of it so if that's from nearer to 3 000 the spin the wind into would affect that golf ball a bit further that's that's my fear yeah he's he's going you know i'm playing over at blackpool now. And with the tidal winds anything that's going to be into into wind he's going to come down with snow on it seagulls aircraft everything i'm really really worried about. So but i genuinely think with the lower spin i think you're gonna you'll be all right with that yeah. But that's gonna be proof in the pudding um but i wanted to guys show you today.

That 16 degree driver certainly the sldr driver the s1 isn't a super scary tool would you would you agree because the data backs the golf shot up if you're a golfer who struggles with height who struggles with maybe not generating as much clubhead speed as you would desire to we have to get you we'll get you in the gym rob we'll get you in barry we'll get you working out you'll have to give that back if you do you'll be less loft. But if you don't generate loads and loads and loads of clubhead speed you can help the golf ball travel i mean 220 216 average carry distance that's good that is a good hit because that's going to run out to 230 240. yeah you know when that's not exaggeration that's what we're after. And for a 13 handicapper and for your dispersion that was really really tight the only thing i would slightly do is tweak that maybe into the neutral setting. Or maybe the slightly fade setting but you quite like that ball flight okay he's just nicely somebody goes to the left a postcard. So we might leave it in that setting but if you wanted to you could slightly move that to a fade setting maybe straighten that shut up guys guys i want to thank rob honestly we really do appreciate you coming down here today.

And as a little thank you take that that's yours that's yours you could i want to use that because i think that's the driver that's going to really suit you yeah do you keep that. So yeah thank you guys you can check rob out on twitter as well i'll put rob's twitter name down at the bottom it's a bit of a crazy one. But i'll put it down here at the bottom um rob's a fantastic client he's been a great sport to come down here today.

He's hit loads of golf balls he's got himself a new new toy new tailor-made 16 degree driver um. And i'm going to put all them starts like i said i've put them all on screen already. But just to highlight a 16 degree driver can work in the correct hands serious vanity it's up to space it is right rob pleasure guys if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up subscribe by clicking the link down below. And you can check out my next.

Video in the window here we'll see y'all soon. And that was the taylormade 16 degree driver the sldr.