Right luke play well we're off whoa this is a lot faster than i thought it was gonna be hi luke how you doing i'm very good thanks i'm excited about tomorrow it's gonna be pretty out there obviously golf normally takes about four. Or five hours what's your realistic target for tomorrow i'm gonna go for 45 minutes and i'm guessing you don't carry a full set of clubs four clubs that's it got three words i've got a six sign a pitching wedge and a putter i'm going to try. And keep up with you on a few holes how fast are you going to be running this way i don't know if the buggies are going to be able to keep up do you bother keeping score. Or is it all about speed oh look i love score the problem is i'm going. So fast i can't even think now today's a bit of a combination of not only obviously how fast he does it in. But also he's a pretty decent player like what might you shoot because you think if you're playing fast you're not going to be concentrating as much you might think you'll make some mistakes. Or would it actually mean that you make less mistakes you think less about it either way i'm intrigued to find out right luke play well thank you we're off right whoa [Music] oh my goodness i can't go [Music] this is a lot faster than i thought it was going to be i couldn't imagine uh playing 18 holes already at this speed [Music] you don't bother taking the flag out right great effort after that start yeah hey one hold down that first hole took around about 1 minute 45 that's a great golf shot [Music] is this the place you keep all round yeah in the future we're gonna be going probably twice as fast whoa oh oh [Music] i'm kind of giving myself a breather i'll uh i'll rake his bunker pretend i'm being a really nice guy. But to be honest just getting a bit of a breather in [Music] whose idea was this [Music] very good right come on [Music] i'm still going [Music] actually done good luck i'll catch you in a few holes oh that is fantastic that is. So good [Music] how you feeling i'm absolutely fine obviously i could have kept up with him before too just chose not to um hard to comprehend the speed of it because obviously for running that's not particularly fast but for playing golf and running that felt really fast and i was even playing golf [Music] [Music] okay he's just on the seventh t now. And it's just gone 14 minutes but how fast is that i mean does it how does he even keep record of score like obviously he must be able to open his head oh look at that talk about distance. And we'll just mosey on over to his ball not carrying the world i feel sorry for me there flying around like a madman look at that he's running around the golf course and she's absolutely split the fairway good shot lou thank you how'd you hide him for score tell you later tell you later [Music] get past that bunker [Music] oh my head i was asking. For a holy one that's a goal i don't think i quite got it [Music] okay. So as luke tees off the 10th tee just over 20 minutes and nine holes how crazy is that. For a golf course he's never played before i can hear him fast approaching rick you're taking it easy mate oh he left me hanging he left me hanging i've got to catch him up. For a high five very good 20 minutes just over 20 minutes for nine holes oh he's going into super chat this is six iron everyday little one oh that's a beautiful gold shot [Music] do [Music] just hold on a minute we're on now 12th hole tough par four into wind luke has just gone three wood three wood to here this is a lid come on i have ten more seconds to light it up come on luke give it a chance you don't even get time to read a pot that gold shot was absolutely sensational spectacular oh get in the hole i'll give you that one honestly those two goal shots he just hit inside green were spectacular i think sometimes probably the hardest thing we put in is to maybe just give it that bit more time you have to read obviously it's probably one-handed yeah should be fine [Music] here we go ah get in the hole ah i feel like a marine on a night time assault through the roof. But we're gonna get it higher come on look at this baby close [Music] where's the next.

Okay oh it's been a bogey day all right come on dig dig dig come on mate go mile come on coming in hot oh another special hull yeah beautiful is this the hole in one this could be a great hole in one maybe golf shot you know what though i've been transferred loop. So far yeah you golf my god the golfing good [Music] ah i went to that park oh well come on two par fives to go you can do it you're doing good what's the time rick let me give you an update one sec 36 minutes it's going to be a long shot i don't know if he's going to beat 45 minutes he's going to be really close he's got to play his last two holes ridiculously quick [Music] it's a 17th hole i'm trying to keep up with him. But i don't want him no he's doing good [Music] come on luke last hole three woods out going kind of slightly to the right oh my goodness what a golf shot i'm gonna run this last hole with you two i should be able to keep up with you just run 17 right in the middle of the fairway that's 250 i don't think it's a full 3 wood you see the pin come on luke it's easy. For me to say come on pal [Music] get it up [Music] let's go in go in what one second let's give luke a massive clap i mean what an absolutely incredible effort.