So you go guys on youtube here's a lesson i did with peter o'neil peter o'neill's actually a two handicapper uh playing at swinton park at the moment. And started seeing me for lessons about six months ago working on his downswing plane uh he kind of knows he throws it over the top a little bit but plays with a lovely little fade but wanted to straighten that out and if anything starts a little bit more of a draw so like i said pizza off too. So he's a pretty handy player but i just want to show you today.

How by just using the visual aid a visual um training aid which is the product i'm going to be reviewing over the next.

Couple of weeks which is the swing playing perfector here on the right screen just sticking out how we managed to improve his plane. And how we got peter hitting some much much better and straighter golf shots so like i said pete's a pretty handy player we've got in some really good positions during his backswing currently plays with a little fade. So he would generally just from that top position see how his arms just move a little bit further forward during his downswing so his arms and his hands just move a little bit forward and he's just his hands get a little bit in front of his chest and the shaft angle just gets outside the line a touch she just gets it a little bit outside there as he comes into the ball like i said pizza skilled players he actually hits through the ball incredibly well. And just at these hits these lovely arrow fades and just turns the ball nicer towards target but it can cause a problem when he um tries to hit the ball a little bit harder he ends up throwing the ball club over the top more. And his very controlled fade often turns into either a pull or too much of a left to right movement so the ball would miss target to it to the right so it's good that pete's got a good short game but it's himself that wanted to work on this i was quite happy with the fade. But pete wants to work on a straighter goal shot so what we've worked on here with the swing playing perfecto this is an alignment stick that's actually set here currently at 68 degrees it's where you can set it i'm going to review this on my on my site very soon on my youtube channel. So p on his takeaway to feel like he was just missing the stick which he did. So well get to the top and then.

Make sure the club and the arm stayed underneath this by quite a big stretch trying to stay underneath the float and the stick by quite a big stretch by the way the flow is my addition just. So a bit of protection as pete comes down now notice how his hands didn't move forward during that initial transition from the top of his backswing the club came down in a really really good plane if i should show you this here this is pointing much closer to the golf ball during his downswing compared to the one before. And it's handy with his jumper on with that stripe jack jumper on you can see there the shaft angle here on the left side was much higher more in line with his sternum where here now the shaft angle is more in line with the middle of his chest almost to his right pec. And then.

The club just came down unbelievably well from there really square in that position the little hands are perfectly in line with the club head. Or the club head's perfect line with the handshake and as he turned through he just started to hit these unbelievably straight golf shots really hit the ball well and it's good because obviously pete's ingrained these these movements into his swing so he just needs that little bit of prompting to get into the right position but when he gets into right position there is not anyone that i teach that hit the ball straighter than pete does. So i'm looking forward to this season if we can keep working on this keep improving on this we will have a scratch handicapper by the end of season if not even a plus handicapper. So guys thanks so much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up you can comment down below uh if you've struggled with something similar please do feel free to comment i'll try. And answer as much as i can. And do subscribe to channel. And pete well done say great session i look forward to seeing you you.