[music] there you go guys on youtube here's a little video that i've done now to kind of summarize and finalize joshua's sessions he's had been having down here at trafford golf center in manchester um if you've not heard about joshua joshua's from germany from frankfurt and he saw him on youtube and decided to book he wanted to improve he wanted to improve his golf game and he came into me for the first lesson first ever golf lesson the start of july this was. And we sat down and we talked about what he's done at the moment in his golf he's not played a great deal of golf but he's played enough uh probably been playing you know maybe only less than 10 times and his best score currently was 120 shots 120 that was his best. And josh wanted to improve and break that score that's all he wanted to do he wanted to break the 120 score um i thought that was quite easy to do really. So instead of just trying to beat 120 we wanted to be a hundred and i said i set in the challenge of almost trying to break 90. he had 10 half-hour lessons throughout the course of the month. And we did two playing lessons i managed to get him um courtesy membership at a local golf club flixton golf club we really want to thank flixton golf club. For their generosity regarding that as well it's very very kind of putting joshua up and he made a lot of friends there made lots of uh nice kind of qual nice relationships as well uh joshua's young athletic strong uh very very well mannered a pleasure to be around which made things so easy i loved the time in in manchester loved the fact that germany won the world cup while he was over here we went to the open together. And it's just awesome so if we have a look through his golf swing and i'll tell you what we've changed and then.

Stay tuned to the end of the video to find out what his now current best score is. So we've rattled through his posture first we see some really strong characteristics a really straight spine angle nice knee flex love how the arms are hung naturally from his shoulder socket now which is great looks very athletic looks very strong in his setup from the front view this is just a mid iron. And this was one of his last shots here a lovely little draw we've slightly strengthened his left hand because that was a bit weak. And also we've weakened his right hand because that was a bit strong. So that was kind of being conflicting interests stance nice. And wide so we've got the inside of the feet about the same width as his shoulders and just got the shaft leaning forward slightly at his address position what we did with josh was explain to him the importance of making sure we hit the ball first. And the floor after very one piece strong takeaway and all we talked about in the takeaway was the feeling of him turning his hips. And staying central so we wanted joshua to keep his sternum over the top of the golf ball as he rotated his hips instead of slid his hips look at that the top of the backswing how good is that click like right now if you love that top of backswing i do i think it's awesome really good strong position love the way you stayed centered his right leg straight. And his left leg stayed flexed he's got massive amount of rotation looks powerful it looks strong the downswing then.

We talked about turning the left shoulder back and behind him sorry left shoulder left hip back and behind him as we worked on maintaining the leg angle in the right wrist so that we make sure we hit the ball first and the floor after and also not sliding side to side too much we wanted to try and stay really on top of the golf ball which was key to his success. And the way you struck the ball as you then.

Would come into the golf ball the shaft would remain leaning forward and this is just an amazing position look at that ah i love it on the left-hand side again guys if the top of the backswing didn't impress you does that look at that click like right now if that position impresses you because that is awesome position he then.

Would launch the ball out low slightly start the ball to the right. And because his swing path was. So good which i'm going to show in a minute started to curve the ball back towards the middle incredible arm extension. And follow through very balanced very strong his toe to his left toe to his nose is perfectly in line as well which is just awesome now that one. For super super super technical has to be has to be perfect but for a golf swing starting from scratch this is almost as good as it can get takeaway is just exceptionally it's better than mine his club face is ultra square his club head stays in line with his hands as he rotates you can see that just everything is just all in line as he rotates into the top of his backswing now we make sure that we carried the turn going a little bit steeper because he was just getting a tiny bit flat. So we made sure that the arc of his swing stayed consistent and that was really key to his success as well as he gets to the top of the backswing he kept turning. And his left arm at the very top was perfectly in line with his shoulder playing which is sensational that is a great position to be in again he's such a strong position there keeps the club slightly on the inside on the way down now if the top of the backswing didn't impress you. And the impact didn't impress you one i don't know why you're watching this video but if that third position there on that way down hasn't impressed you i'm not sure what else to do click like if that's impressed you might have already clicked like already. So you can't do it. But great position there in the in the down swing the club head is perfectly in line with the hands this is going to um deliver the golf club in a very neutral manner slightly from the inside. And the ball that he was hitting was just exceptional started a little bit to the right curved back towards the middle of the target. And on a consistent factor which was great. So i've done a driver swing video with him as well so you might be able to see that on my channel i'll click the link just up here in the corner so you can check that out guys because that was really impressive as well bombing his driver 250 carry distance now with a swing like this. And the knowledge that he's learned from his golf game and how to actually get round the golf course from what we've done in our playing lessons as well joshua's new current best score is 92. So we've reduced his score by 28 shots that's not bad that is not bad at all 28 shots he's reduced it by the thing is with joshua he put all the hard work in he put all the effort in he was regularly down here hitting golf balls the traffic golf center he delivered his practice sessions in a very controlled structured manner which made the world of difference. And he just got kind of swinging the golf club really really really tidy and very very accurately which was great joshua's now back in germany he uh he left at the end of july start of august i think it was um. And he's going to now play a lot more golf i've got him to keep us updated with his progress you can check him out on twitter by clicking the link down here below. Or his twitter name just here in the corner and i'm sure he'll be delivering lots more um kind of golf updates as well he's going to go study in september this is why he had this opportunity to come over he was working. And he's going in between work. And studying so guys you can check out my channel by clicking the link in the right hand side subscribe down below. And check me out on facebook and twitter in the corner thanks for watching guys and we'll see you soon.