In this video i'm going to show you how you can become great at golf. Or at least a little bit better there's three things the best players in the world do. And if you can implement them you can become much better at golf. Or maybe even great [Music] so when you look at the best players in the world all the golf swings are quite different. And unique someone like a rory mcelroy who's got a picture-perfect golf swing versus someone like a matt wolf who swings very differently but gets the job done but there's three things all great golfers have in common i'm going to show you those three things in this video that you can learn from number one when hitting an iron they all control the low point they make sure they strike the ball first. And then.

The ground after i'm going to show you some dead simple drill to help you achieve that i think it's one of the things that when we look at amateur golfers. And to be very concerned about positions or grip or rotation whatever that may be but neglect impact impact is. So key it's ridiculous so striking the ball first and the ground after is really really essential i'm going to show you one of my favorite drills ever that's going to help you achieve this now if i was to step to the golf ball as normal i'm just hitting the seven iron here. And the ball's just in front of center now as long as i stayed centered here and turned and rotate towards my left hand side i'm going to strike the ball first. And the ground after however. this little drill is going to highlight this. And help you do it more often when you start to the golf ball like this if you want to come in a little bit closer. So you can see this all i'm going to do in practice obviously this is just a drill i'm going to roll that ball about three inches further forward i'm then.

Going to put my club back where we started. So you can see there that ball is significantly closer to my left foot. But my club is in the same position the reason why i've done that is i'm going to get you to hit a shot in that position. And what you need to do here it's going to force you to push your weight more onto your front leg it's also going to force you to have your hands in front of the club head when you're coming to hit the ball. So we're looking for an impact position that's looking more like this my weight's around my left hand side my hands are forward i'm going to try. And hit the golf ball in that position in contrast what i'll see how much of golfers do is as they come in to hit the shot they'll lean backwards. And flick the handle backwards all that does is you hit the ground before. So this drill ball position further forward three inches further forward where you normally have it have your club club back to normal and what we're going to look. For here is that movement to the left with the handle forward. And we're looking to strike that golf ball as you can see there we made contact pretty good contact with the ball as well you'll see from the front on view there notice how i really move my weight over top left hand side with the handle forward once you've done that drill several times. And got used to it and got familiar with it picture or imagine those feelings that you've just been having with the weight moving forward and the handle forward and put the board back to where it normally is. So as i mentioned seven iron is just in front of center in my mind i'm going to make sure i hit beyond the golf ball. So i want to hit the ball first and take a divot here and try and replicate that same feeling i'm gonna move my weight to the left handle forward and this time strike the ball first and then.

The ground after if you're coming close i didn't take a massive divert but the ball was there. And we made contact with the ground just after that way we can compress it that way we get more speed more distance more consistency that's number one to become a better. Or even great golfer [Music] number two all great players create speed certainly when hitting the driver if you can create speed you can create distance now a lot of people watching this video the idea of creating speed yes it'll be an advantage hit the ball further. But also it might be the fact you can tone it down when necessary. And hit more of a controlled shot and still get some decent distance so being able to create more speed unlocking that power is really the key to become better. Or even great now the first thing is making sure we're getting a nice solid setup. So a couple of simple things to look for nice wide stance with driver ball position just inside left heel and a little bit of upper body tilt that's going to help us launch the golf ball up in the air. So that's just a nice little bit of housekeeping the next.

Thing to look for if we're going to create speed is two main things we want a really good body turn like use your core use your legs use your abs to create that coil. And that speed so if i look at this backswing now as i've set up to the golf ball with driver when i'm trying to create more speed i'm making sure that my body is winding up a nice wide takeaway. And lots of body turn like my hips have turned my shoulders have turned i'm trying to maximize that range of movement that's really key because from there then.

I can unwind. And create that power number two this is a really good way again of unlocking some speed work on taking the backswing back faster now it might need a little bit of practice. But if you can take the backswing back faster it's actually much easier than to switch directions. And pick up that speed let me show you that in a shot so nice wide stance ball position four with a little bit of tilt i'm gonna turn with that club swinging back faster and unlock that extra bit of speed yeah that'll do [Music] now there's one last thing that all great golfers do. And you can do this as well they control curvature. So whether that's them purposely trying to hit shots right to left with a draw or left right with a fade or hitting it higher lower or just dead straight being able to control the ball fight is really key. And you can do this too now i want to experiment with i'm going to just do this with three golf balls. But you can do this with more than three is when you go. And practice or you're a driving ranger you're trying to hit certain shots yes hitting straight shots is definitely key. But also experiment with trying to hit these right to left shots one because it's actually really beneficial to get to certain flags out on a golf course other times if you're in trouble and you've got to bend it around a tree or you've got to play into wind or with the wind being able to shape the golf ball it's so crucial starting off with the right to left one first the draw i want to do a couple of things just to help you with this the idea with hitting a draw we want to hit the inside of the golf ball with the club face slightly left of that slightly closed to allow us to do this. And again you can experiment you can go to the driving range experiment with this i quite like to see a little bit of a closed stance aiming slightly to the right a little bit of a closed upper body. So that i can encourage my self to hit the inside of the golf ball. And just allowing that face to rotate over but again experiment with it so this one i'm going to try. And hit a draw hit the inside of the golf ball with the face turn it over a little bit too much but i can live with that that's again just having that idea of curvature then.

We're gonna go the other way we're gonna go left to right this time i'm gonna open my body up this time i'm gonna swing across the golf ball with the face a little bit more neutral. Or slightly open a little low fade love that shot that i need sometimes when i'm out on the golf course and then.

Once you can start controlling curvature believe me when i say this hitting straighter shots becomes easier when you can shape it right to left. Or left to right you have an understanding and a a better knowledge of path and face relationships and then.

You can pull the trigger on straight this time i'm going to aim dead straight i'm going to make sure my club comes through the ball as straight as possible towards the target. And keeping that club face absolutely stable and straight to where i'm hitting it to looking at a dead straight one look at that love that controlling curvature is really key the three points there controlling the low point hitting the ball into creating more speed. And controlling curvature the best players in the world do that. And that's why they are great if you can practice that you can become great as well. Or at least a little bit better we'll see you next.
