Hi my name's rick shields pga golf coach down here at trafford golf centre in manchester and you join me today.

In my teaching bay. And i'm here to test the new gsa 3-bay training aid also stay tuned to the end of the video because i'll show you i can tell you how you're going to have a chance of winning one of these cool pieces of kit. And also do check me out on facebook twitter. And do subscribe to the channel down below hope you enjoy it this is the g3 base gsa pro it comes in a really slick packaging. So you can slip that open. And as soon as you start to open this product you really get a sense of kind of how much care has gone into the product just by the way that it's presented really a couple of things this is the most important little piece of device this is the actual motion sensor device that goes in the button the golf club she's got a little spike on the top it's got all little gizmos it's got a usb port. And it's got a button here at the top i'm going to press in a moment just to sync it up to my ipad. So we can get some results. For that i'm also going to test it up against flight scope today.

Just to see how accurate is uh see if we can get any kind of feedback from it. And see how accurate um we can accurately use this to actually measure how far we hit the golf ball. Or at least club head speed and ball speed and stuff that so i'm going to test that a minute what you also get in the pack is you get a little carry case you get a charger you get some instructions. So it's a really nifty piece of kit and it's good for storage so i'll put that back down again i'm going to put in this. And it's a little holder and we're going to be hitting some real golf balls today.

I've got an egg iron. So the first thing that we do is we pop it on. So when i press this button on the top of the golf club top of the device here starts to flash blue now this is all synced via bluetooth. So when i turn my ipad on now it's automatically come up on screen so it's telling me these are the ones i've just been practicing with actually. So it's telling me that everything on the screen that i need to know that it's synced in the battery is good the date the time i've also got here what club i'm using. So this is really important you need to set what club you're actually using from this calculation it knows kind of a prediction of the loss of the golf club the length of the golf club everyone's going to be different that's the thing that's the only thing that this is going off industry standard rather than your individual custom fit in uh golf clubs. So i'll just pop that down on the floor for a moment because we'll have a look at some data on that in a sec now it's linked in i'm flashing blue it's linked in onto my ipad or your iphone or your android and all we do is just pop it in the button of the golf club. And just this little arrow at the top here just make sure it's dead square with the grip and square with your grooves so that's all lined up and linked in and the the it's there's no weight to it at all i mean it's just a plastic little uh device here there's no weight whatsoever. So you can't even feel it on the golf club so that's a good thing you can't you don't want really a training aid that you can feel on the club too much because it might hinder your performance all right. So we're going to be hitting some real golf balls um i've got flight scope up. And running and turned on so we can have a look at some data like i say i don't know how accurate it's going to be we can only uh we can only kind of see. So i'm going to hit a couple normally times say we've got a nice sunny day in manchester um. So if i just hit a couple of these and see what it's coming back with that's a decent hit a little bit out of the toe okay. So it comes up on screen it says one swing data being captured so it gives you a nice graphic on the screen of my swing and this is a really good tool you can actually slow it down. And it will track your whole swing almost the movement around your body your swing path you swing plane. And therefore. your path and also from the front view as well it can show you how the length of your backswing i put some graphics up on screen there. So you can see that a bit more closely the important thing though is you can press a little device on the side here a little setting. And it'll give you some really interesting stats now i've got fly scope up for running next.

To it so at the moment it's saying club head speed is 88 miles per hour. So that's about normal for kind of a time flight scope saying a little bit more than that i must admit 96 miles per hour um it's saying the ball speed is 120. So ball speed on the flight scope is 104. So it's not perfectly accurate uh carry distance 165 against one four five so again quite a big difference there um but importantly it's saying a couple of key things that the shot shape i've hit a little draw swing path is inside. And club face is open. So for you guys who know the real kind of ball flight laws the swing path needs to be a little bit inside and the face needs to be open to your target but close to your swing pattern where that curve happen let's test another one that's not giving me the best readings just yet so swing data coming we'll see what that says okay now these figures are a bit more a bit more like it maybe that first one just needed a second to realign um club head speed on here it's saying 86 on flight scope it's saying 85.6. So pretty pretty close there carry distance 160 against 149. so a little bit shy on distance there but again swing path inside and the club face square that's good i like it ball speed's a bit faster on here ball speeds 117 now whether that's just predicting i don't know a an absolute perfect strike i'm not too sure but at the moment that's that's the only real figure that's measuring quite high off the spectrum and i'm guessing that's why it's predicting the carry distance so much clubhead speed seems good i'll just hit one more so we'll see what that one says it's just tracking on both one new swing in fact the gsa was a bit quicker than the flight scope there um 85 86 very close carry distance again that carry distance is out on because the ball speed is. So out ball speed on there is 109. And ball speed on here is 180. now i would say flight scope is is most accurate there i'm hitting that was about 140 145 with an eight. And that's that's typically a normal a time for me and i can see that from where i'm landing it on the driving range here we've got some 150 banners out there. And it's landing just shy of that so i know that's pretty accurate i wouldn't say it's flying 162 i think that's just a little bit too exaggerated right let me do a bit of a wacky swing this time i'll do a swing that just putting that nice pro v1 back um let's have a look. So at the moment my path is going up on the way back it's going pretty pretty well on the way back my plane dropping a touch on the inside. And that's what i'm getting a bit of a draw from so let's exaggerate this movement now this time let's go really inside and then.

Right over the top and let's see what happens on the uh on the old gsa app of course that was a really inside over the top swing let's see what the graphics come up with oh yes it's highlighted that perfectly. And i'll put a graphic again on screen here and again club head speed club speed is incredibly accurate 89. For 89 carry distance again is way out just because of the it must be predicting of much faster ball speed than i'm getting at the moment. And again that's carried 142 this same one six seven that one's way out but club head speed very very relevant but what is. So important here that the swing path is. So different now this is really good now if i go back onto an old swing of mine one of my best ones i'll save this as a best swing. And i'll show it as a best swing arc now if i go back onto the the wacky swing that i just did the green one is my best one. So it's going up. And i can play these in sync it's going up on different paths it's coming down on different paths. And you can really tell the difference between a my good golf swing there my bad one another really key feature on this as well it actually gives you live club head speed. So on the way down here my good one is picking up from kind of bottoms out the top seven eight miles per hour starting to slow down change direction. And it starts to speed up the gun on the way down 15 miles per hour 20 miles per hour 26 32 37 44 and it just as it coming into impact 73 and then.

Kind of 80 miles per hour coming into impact so it gives you live club head speed on the way down which i think is a really nifty piece of kit now distance wise i wouldn't say it's the perfect bit of kit this is a 200 piece 200 pound device flight scope trackman. And much more expensive stuff like that so it's not going to give you the most perfect accurate distances in the world. But what it is giving you really well is the club head speed it's giving you the inside it's giving you swing path. And your club face which are more arguably more important than particularly how far you hit it it's also giving you really good clear graphics of your swing. So for example if you've been working on something in your golf swing where you've been trying to get more on the inside or a bit more straighter on the way back you can use this piece of device as a practice tool to go to the driving range. And instead of just practicing aimlessly and maybe not improving this piece of kit linkedin with your ipad or your iphone or your android phone you can instantly receive feedback to whether you're doing it correctly. Or not so you can take this into your coach. And go well where do i need to be in my swing. And i can practice that ready. For next.

Time and what i've discovered when i've been i've been i've had this little device for a couple of weeks now and i've been handing it out to players and stuff saying give me some feedback on it and the feedback's been very very good very positive um and a lot of players have said i feel like now i understand where i need to be in my swing just by using this kit. So for a couple of hundred quid it's it's very good it's very good swing aid distance measurement yep we realized not as good but for club head speed for swing path for club face it's an incredible piece of kit and probably the best on the market there are other things like this out on the market at the moment. But this is by far the best one the packaging is slick it charges up it's a really nice. And there's no weight to it at all i mean it's it's. So light um now we've teamed up with uh gsa3b and we're going to give one of these units away to one of our facebook followers. And twitter followers now all you need to do is you need to go into the description down below. And there's a couple links there to the three bay gsa facebook page you need to like their page there's a link in the description for my gs for my facebook page you need to like that as well and also on twitter and facebook if you go onto sorry twitter from gsa and my twitter if you follow both on there we're going to be giving away one of these probably in the next.

Month. Or so one of these and the putting one so you can check out my putting video in the description down below. Or in the little corner here if you aren't fortunate enough to win one of these there's a website that i found that's selling these that's just under 200 pound and it's called strike right dot code at uk so that's strike right dot code uk and you can nip on there. And buy it for less than 200 pounds i would say it's one of the best training aids i've ever used thanks very much for watching i've been rick shields in here in manchester and you've been here in my teaching bay and thanks very much for watching and i hope you enjoyed the video and let us know how you get on with the three bay gsa pro swing training aid thanks for watching you.