In this video i'm going to show you the three biggest mistakes i see with driver that are stopping you from hitting it longer straighter. And more consistently and the best bit is all three are very easy to fix. And everybody watching this video can fix it. And hit the driver better number one is very simple ball position i see too many golfers when they set up to driver having the ball position too central in the stance now the issue with that with driver we want to get the club going up into the back of the ball we want the club head moving on an upwards angle of attack if that ball position gets too far back the driver gets guilty of hitting down. And you know what the results are you either hit the ball ridiculously low like super low people watching this video might go that's me. Or you could also hit the crown of the driver you could sky it and the ball actually goes super super super high what we want to do is make sure we hit the golf ball on the way up. So here's a really simple way of doing it when you put your club head behind the golf ball start with your feet really close together and all i want to do from this point here. So you can see the club is it pretty much in line with the middle of my feet all i'm going to do is turn the left foot out. So let's say 12 o'clock straight we're going to point the left foot to 11 o'clock. And then.

Take your right foot stance nice and wide so here what we've got this width of stance is the same width as my shoulders. And check this out my ball position is in line with my left heel that way we can hit up into the back of the ball this is. So important when hitting driver ball forward so we can get this club moving upwards. And you'll launch it better and you'll hit it much further number two is how we position our body as we come into impact as i've just talked about we want the driver moving up into the back of the golf ball that's. So important with driver it really is unlike an iron. And iron we want to hit more down we want to get the body over the top of the golf ball more with driver we want to delay that weight transfer and that's what's really important that that wording we want to delay the weight transfer so once we've got our ball position forward notice how as i said to the golf ball my upper body is ever. So slightly tilted from the peak of my heart to my belt buckle i've got a little bit of a slant going on that way that's going to help us to encourage that upwards hit when we come into the ball. So ideally when we hit with driver we almost want to get into a position that is ever. So slightly back our body is ever slightly leaning backwards only only slightly as we actually make contact with the golf ball the benefit of that you can hit slightly higher off the face. So you can get that low spin. And because you're hitting up on the golf ball again that'll give you the low spin and the correct launch angles to hit it longer so as you start to the golf ball a little bit of a slant in the upper body and it's not a lot it's just a little bit of a tilt and then.

From there aim to try and stay in that slightly tilted position as you make contact with the golf ball so you're almost just slightly delaying that weight transfer there's one more golden rule though that will definitely help you hit much better drives. And bring all this together the final point point number three now so far number one and number two have definitely helped us hit more up on the golf ball to get those correct launch conditions the last point and it ties in very nicely to point number two what we don't want to do is hold all the weight too much on our back foot throughout the entire swing. And into the follow-through that's where you are going to actually lose distance we want to get that body moving towards the target. But we're delaying it so i'm just going to take the ball off the t. For a moment what you'll see here and you'll see is from the best players in the world one that ball positions forward. And they've got that slight tilt in the body and they come into the golf ball with tilt from that point then.

It is a rotation of the hips. And it's a more of a move around the left leg so we're delaying the weight transfer and then.

We're moving around that left leg notice how i've got more weight on my front foot here i have fully pointed my hips towards the target my body is fully rotated round. And i finish with balance one of the best golfers in the world with this is rory mcilroy when he hits driving he's bloody good at hitting driver he'll finish really really balanced almost like a statue he could stand there all day long if we can blend these three positives. And we can change these mistakes that are very common mistakes if we can get into a pattern that's helping us create all of this power. And control and speed you will hit driver better than you ever have done before guys thanks. For watching hopefully you enjoyed the video make sure to like and subscribe and we'll see you next.
