When we play golf we always want the perfect lie we want the ball to finish here right in the middle of the fairway but as we know as golfers that doesn't always happen and sometimes we find ourselves in very tricky situations in this video i'm going to show you three problem scenarios. And how you can escape them much easier. So the first scenario is deep roof. And i'm in a real tricky situation here now the trick is we don't hit weak shots out of the roof. And we don't need to our main goal is to get club on ball try not to get too much grass trap between the club head. And the golf ball if you can now a couple of things that you just need to be able to be aware of is loft is your friend in the rough. So for example i'm about 165 yards to the flag from here which on a fairway lie i'd probably be hitting seven iron well when i'm in the row 7900 just gets a little bit hard to hit because you've got less loft so i've gone for eight times now granted i might hit a little bit short of the green but i've got a better chance of getting it closer by having more loft next.

Thing we've got to do is we've got to slightly change the setup. And ever so slightly change the swing when we're hitting in the rough first thing is making sure again we want ball we want the club to hit the ball first. So just bring the ball position back slightly more than normal not in the center just one position back the next.

Thing i'm going to do is really hold on to the grip of the golf club typically in deep roof like this if i hit the grass it can snag around the neck. And start pulling it left hold it nice and tight and then.

The last thing you just feel like you're picking up a little bit steeper get the feeling using your wrist hinge refraction more so that you hammer down into the back of the ball ball position back grip harder and a little bit steeper to hammer down into the ball and that way it'll come out beautifully that's scenario number one we are safely on the green next.

Problem scenario you may find is sloping lies obviously golf courses are not flat we've got four scenarios here i'm going to talk through them first i'm going to talk about is when you're on an upslope now it's important to know when you're on up slope you're going to be adding loft to the club. So where for me now i'd normally be hitting my pitching wedge from this distance i'm actually going to go with my nine iron because you're on a slight up slope it's effectively launching the golf ball up in the air now as a top tip. For all slopes try and adjust your body to the slope don't fight against it when i'm on a slight up slope here i don't want to be leaning into the slope i want to lean with the slope my feet my knees my hips are all parallel to the ground the other thing i want to make sure i do when i'm on the slope it's important to still use the legs make sure you turn from the bottom. And swing and hit that time the ball went way higher than my normal nine iron but because i took more club we're in a good spot now what you need to know when the ball is on the downslope like this you actually need more loft because the ball is going to come out lower. So again i'd normally hit my pitching wedge from here i'm not i'm going to hit my gap wedge. So again it's going to squeeze out a little bit longer similar to the slope uphill i'm adjusting my body to the slope i'm leaning with the slope. And again i'm going to use my legs. But just expect the ball to come out lower that's why i've got more loft for this shot and it came out unbelievably lower and that's what a slope does a slope will affect your ball fly now the things you need to know about ball below your feet is the ball have a tendency of curving. Or setting off slightly more to the right that's because the loft of the golf club gets adjusted as i go more down on the slope the loft starts to aim to the right take that into consideration so i'm going to aim left of this flag i'm going to lower my body a little bit i'm going to make sure my legs are a little bit lower just to account. For that slope so me aiming a little bit left will make those really nice adaptions that's worked out nicely. And then.

The last one i've actually come the other side of this slope this time the ball's above my feet this time the way that the club is going to be affected the loft is going to go more to the left take that into consideration. So when you've got a ball above your feet aim slightly right of your target i'm not going to hit this one because i'm hitting the wrong way. But set wise i'm going to stay nice. And tall aim a little bit further to the right and make sure again i used my body to turn through and because i would have aimed a little bit to the right i'd have made those nice changes to make sure i hit it towards my target that sloping lies in a nutshell makes a massive difference when you're out on the golf course now our last scenario is when you definitely need to learn how to play now obviously when our ball ends up into a bunker we hope it's going to sit up nice. And lovely a perfect lie because that's okay i can play that one however. we know engulf that doesn't always happen sometimes the golf ball comes in from a great height. And as it lands into the sand it plugs a fried egg how'd you play this one there's a few things first off to note it's not going to react like a normal bunker shot the ball is going to have more top spin it's not going to have as much backspin. So we've got to change our landing spot i want to try and just get this just out of the bunker if i'm honest with you the next.

Thing we're going to do is use our most lofty golf club 60 degree lob wedge. Or something of that kind is really important the next.

Thing we're going to do is have confidence. And hit behind the golf ball i'm going to make sure this club digs down into the sand i'm going to make sure this golf club at minimum reaches the bottom of the golf ball that's going to give us the best chance we're going to open the face we're going to dig down. And we're going to just land it out of the bunker it's really important to know it's not going to spin it's going to roll a long way i'm going to get my feet shuffled in. And i'm going to hit just behind the golf ball. But hit a lot more sand than normal with speed that way the ball pops out and i would be absolutely delighted with that come in for a second let me show you i have taken the grand canyon worth of sand out of that bunker the ball was there look how much more sand i've taken in comparison i'd probably normally take about that much sand in a bunker shot more sand hit down hit confident. And you will get out of this other tricky lie guys thanks. For watching hope you enjoyed hit like and subscribe make sure you play these shots much better when you're on the course we'll see you next.
