Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold central manchester. And today.

We're going to talk about one of the hardest shots in golf this is a tested tester shot we've got placed here a 30-yard bunker shot. So we're 30 yards away from the flag we're in we've not got a massive lit we've got enough enough for lip but it's more the distance this range of a distance it's quite tricky it's not like a green side bunker it's not just a splash and see how hard you can hit it. And pop it out there you've got to really control where you hit on the floor and also have the confidence to hit it hard enough let's worry about this shot is hitting it too hard not taking enough sand. And thin it miles hitting it through the back and that's that's a scare that is a worry because the length of swing that i would have to do to hit this shot i could potentially hit it 70 yards with that swing. But obviously i'm only going to hit it 30 because the sun's gonna dampen that shot. And help me hit the ball a little bit shorter um just general factors in the setup of a bunk shot first you can settle with your feet slightly to the left this is more preference than anything you can aim the club face slightly to the right. And again it's not a massive deal uh so feet slight left club face slightly to the right and then.

From there ball position just slightly in front of center just like it's closer to your left one is your right. And what i'm going to do here now is be confident in the way that i'm going to make sure i'm going to go back with a three-quarter swing transformer weight. And hit the line and the sand at the same time so i hit the line where i drew then.

Just in line my feet and through the ball making sure that i hit it with a level of confidence that would probably hit this ball maybe about 60-70 yards so shuffle my feet in i'm going to make sure that i take it back about three-quarter swing slightly transfer my weight hit ever. So slightly behind the golf ball maybe an inch and then.

Hit it as if i was hitting it about 70 yards. And that way then.

The ball pops out nice and high and actually hit it with it i might say if i had to fit that full that would have gone an awful long way you know as if i'd hit it full ball that's quite a big swing then.

Um but as long as you've got that confidence to be able to hit it that hard a little bit of weight transfer will stop you from hitting way behind the golf ball. And help you hit the ball help me hit the sand just behind the ball and that way you can judge a distance chrome much better. So i'm not leaning back and trying to scoop the shot i'm taking a three-quarter swing a shot that would probably hit me maybe twice maybe even three times further than the shot would require transformer weight enough on the way down to make sure that i get the right amount of sand at the right spot and then.

We can land it's at 30 yard bunker shot 30 yard pin position time after time guys thanks. So much for watching if you've enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up do subscribe to channel you can click link just here. And you can check out my next.

Video just here. And that was one of the hardest shots the 30-yard bunker shot three-quarter slightly transfer the weight. And hit it close thanks for watching.