Right guys so week three down here with barry edwards at swing fit uk feeling good feeling good pumped up and done some really good sessions already if you've not checked them out check out them in the window up here and like i said this is week three we're doing a series of fitness sessions aren't we really strength concessions fitness sessions to help me improve my golf. And also to give you guys a bit of an insight of what exercises and stretches etc that you guys that can be doing as well to improve your golf. So you can learn a lot from these sessions learn a lot from barry you can check barry out in the description down here as well uh just some great stuff on youtube. And twitter as well so you can check all that out. But barry's going to put me through my paces again again yes again you know we've got to keep going yeah of course i know it's early morning. For perfection yes that's the idea now i've already seen a massive improvement since the fight recently i've just done a video with some of the pros down at trafford golf center i won't mention any names. But i managed to beat them that's what we won london we're team winners at swingfoot longest driver so i was quite impressed with that. So i can definitely see tangible results already in the fact that i'm hit i feel like i'm hitting the ball much much further feeling slightly better trying to stick to the healthy eating plan as best i can. And we're going to put another good session together yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah definitely most definitely i mean hopefully the first couple of videos that we've done that people have used. For the exercises and they've helped to improve those you know and let us know about that you know if you've used some of these stretches that barry's been offering do comment down below we'd love to hear that i said barry's on there commenting back as well. So any questions you have please put them on there and i'll get barry to comment as well and reply to any any questions you have and also i've just done a screening recently with one of barry's uh associates stephen lane um from uh got a summer summer physio and we've just done the golf matrix screenings that should be live now so go and check that out because that was highlighting a lot of the issues like yeah yeah i haven't enough physique in my body. And now we're going to use that evidence. And that that information to best train me and my uh my golf now in my training session there's a lot of talk about i mean like i said go. And check that video because it gave me a handicap out of 50. uh i won't spoil it i won't tell you where it was. But we're going to look at bringing that handicap down over the next.

Few weeks. And it was a lot about the hip flexors it was hips yeah. So we need to strengthen the hips the glutes etc so that's what our kind of sessions are going to be based around as well yeah. So yeah now we're going to work on an exercise that's called clutch what. So it's going to stand on the the dynamo ball just going to get a little bit keep your back straight yeah okay know what he's going to do with his free leg he's going to go through imagine imagine that there's a clock all the way around. So first of all he's going to squat. And touch 12 number one number two three and so on five and six and straight back up back a little bit straighter yeah five oh it's hard it's tough it's good four. And this is working a lot of the areas that we noticed in the screening wasn't good yeah. So this this is helping with obviously rich balance. But more importantly it's just stability and so we're going to do the opposite leg now does it all the time before we actually do the other side of the clutch we'll do 12 11 10. And i'm making sure it's right in the middle of the ball that's it you've got to make sure that you're level in the middle let's get a little bit lower if you can. So nice try not to turn your body with it try to keep your body straight in the middle yeah just moving your leg okay that's better that's better we don't want to twist with it. And then.

Back and then.

Back through so seven and eight gold keep that body straight through the middle because if you're keeping you stirred them over a ball yeah. So stay nice and centered yeah that's it that's what a little bit lower though oh. And stuff like that so that's just gonna that's just gonna help him if you don't have one of these at home you know you can just you can practice on a pillow you can practice just on the floor even surface you're gonna say that just do all sorts of all sorts of things even without eating without a ball. So that's definitely one to practice yeah definitely yeah help me balance me feel a lot more centered. And grounded you know if you want to create strength you've got to have a good solid base yeah you can you can't say squat on a canoe no no you've got a squat on a concrete. So i'm gonna do three sets of that. And then.

We're gonna move on to the next.

Exercise where again it's gonna help you improve the power right guys so i've got my seven iron in hand we're gonna talk about what i do in my golf swing. And how mixed with the screening that we did with stephen. And barry's expertise how we're going to fix that. So you've probably seen videos of me hitting before and i have a tendency of my left knee comes inwards in the swing it kind of always has stuff yeah yeah. And i've never seen it as a massive issue or massive thing to change but when when we did the screening it was highlighted yeah it was in my head yeah your glute medius muscle you know. So you know this kind of this kind of place okay. So on the bottom immediately rotates okay. And that's why i think. So i'll just demonstrate that so normally when i swing i'm not going to exaggerate this normally that knee would come inwards. And i i've purposely tried to keep it out there that feels awful yeah i don't like that feeling well the muscle's not strong enough to control. And hold the position right okay it's giving way to its strongest point my fault is that that's it's a muscle yeah. So we've got an exercise here that barry's going to show us here's something i made earlier this is an elasticated band yeah that's that's plenty simple that's all it is just a big thick elastic band that i've put two four buckles on. And all we're going to do right now is we're going to we're going to stand in here put it just above. Or just below the knee okay now if look if rick takes a driver stands just put it a little bit lower just relax your legs if you notice his knees come in. So what this band is doing it's activating his glute medius because he's got to keep his knees out yeah that feels right. So we'll feel it here straight away his muscles are under tension straight away before we even move i can definitely feel that. So what he's going to do now is we're going to stand sideways okay sorry all right that's that's the way i want you to squat as long as you can we're keeping a good posture okay. So from your driver just get your knees back a little bit so from the driver stance what i want you to do from there is just take it out a little bit further control bring it in. And walk up the gym okay. So yeah you really feel it on the side. So make sure you do 15 each side 15. yeah. So probably far enough but just to demonstrate it yeah feel that a lot yeah you really can feel that good. So a small step back to driver's stance yeah why step back steps i'm trying to keep your knees all the time yeah can you need. So as soon as we release you don't know you'll feel it you'll feel this so i'm going to carry on doing 15 of each side of these three sets three sets of it. And then.

Hopefully that will strengthen this get money to stay better yeah i mean um i'll just get another band. And obviously a lot of people a lot of you will have one of these. So you can also use just a normal exercise resistance band. And what you can do is if you tie it together okay you can you can tie it together stand in that put that around your knees. Or alternately put it on a tear over a table leg over turn the leg and just stand on that side and kind of do a similar kind of exercise yeah you know just just. So it's all the same it's all working the same muscle that just targets it a little bit more from a more functional position right i'm gonna do 50 on each side yeah yeah yeah rick's never squatted before he's just done one set of 12 since the second time in his life he's ever swatted well a few obviously with my physique a few times no not not very often anyway right. So a little bit further on your back that's it so lift from there so no technique warriors out there that's it okay. So stand up straight stand up straight okay make sure that you keep your knees out okay. So don't let them go away with the band that's it that's okay that right that's okay just get as low as you can good. But obviously needs to work you know we need to we need to work with rick's depth a little bit you know but that's that's completely fine for now and again this is working all around those hip that's the area of the screen all over the leg all over the leg the quads the hamstrings the glutes the bands activating the glute medius a little bit more a little bit of forward bend you know that's just some core work that we need to do five more reps. For it twelve reps that's it keep that head up keep looking forwards that's the way 12 reps 4 sets like a bodybuilder so that will help activate all the muscles around what i've been working on everything all over your lips that knee from coming in too much it will give me more stabilization four sets of that four sets of 12 between 8. And 12 reps and how much break in between we'll get about a minute minute and 30 seconds in between yeah. So we'll do some more of that. And then.

We'll move on to next.

Okay i'm going to do a bit of core stability work now okay. So we're back on the what's this called like on the the dynamo ball bossy but it's like a half round ball suit ball that i think it's a dynamo ball okay. And we're gonna plank on it yeah. So hands on flat that's the way so legs back upside off a bit yeah that's it just tip the feet a little bit wider okay what rick needs to do in this position though is suck his belly button in as if he's trying to touch his spine. And all he's going to do he's going to do circles with the ball. So five one way keeping those hips as still as you can. So what's this mainly working on barry core stability somewhere obliques yeah that's that's tough to prevent too much hip flexion you know he was hip yeah a little bit too much hip flexion now the squats that you just seen were setting the squats with with with this exercise. So we're going to have a resin over another minute. And a half and then.

We're going to go back on to the squat rest squat. So superset is when you put two exercises together yeah. So we're going to do a squat on a plank roll plank rest squat plank roll we're going to do three to four sets okay all right guys. So we finished week three uh that was probably more of a weight yeah that's it yeah we've done we've done more weights more core stability stuff you know we're kind of kicking on a little bit now you know we've you know we know each other a little bit better rick's got to get used to the kind of things that he's got to do here used to be more i've got used to what rick cannon. And and can't kind of do you know. So no we kind of kick it on a little bit though week three we're going to step it up to two sessions a week now okay sounds good a midweek. And a weekend if we can yeah. And you know we're gonna split up a weight session and then.

A couple more cardio fitness kind of bass session so today.

Was very much the the weight session saying lots of weights i don't feel like i've sweated as much. But that's good i do feel like i'm aching yeah which is great late tomorrow it's good if i'm not playing. Or filming tomorrow so um like i say stay tuned to the next.

Episode you can check that in the window just here you'll get sent to the playlist if it's not there. Yet it will be very soon also to check out guys the the video that i did with stephen lane screening from summit physio uh the golf matrix screening that i did which has now aided our um program a little bit more yeah i tend to get you know um my clients to do to do a screening first yeah it tells us any limitations that you have. And things like that but as that video is that video said yeah um it makes my job easier you know it makes you clear in your mind of what you what what you know what i'm doing. For you is correct you know you don't want to just turn up in the gym. And just lift weights and this that and the other because if you've got any restrictions then.

They're not necessarily going to going to improve. And you're a golfer because we're not we're not bodybuilders are just athletes. Yet you know likes and this is all down with the what he does with stephen lane it's all about the tour pro program. So a real kind of very specific program to improve elite golfers and also for very that's legal that's it i mean you don't have to be a touring brought in our tour pro program it's just there's more involvement it's just a little bit more personal than some of the other programs that we do. And you can check out barry's twitter to find out a little bit more information there do comment down below as well guys like i said barry will be on there answering any questions you do have uh because that's really important we want you to learn a lot more while we're doing this thanks. So much for watching you can subscribe to channel by clicking the link down here below. And like i said next.

Video in here. And i'm gonna have a nice rest and get ready for a busy day teaching thanks barry appreciate your time again.