So i've tested some weird-looking clubs on my channel before but this is one of the weirdest. And one of the most expensive [Music] so these wedges are from a company called more now they're from the usa. And i'm going to start off by talking about the price. For each individual wedge they're 429 and the reason why i talk in dollars is because that's the price they've told me. And i don't think they're available in the uk just. Yet you might notice they look very unusual very futuristic almost like a concept wedge and that the reason for that is because there is. So much adjustability which i'm going to dive into. But also talking about the actual wedge itself it's made from one billet of steel so they reckon they've made it really precise on the lofting and the gauge in the shape and everything else the other thing that's really unique is the hosel they've saved around about 50 grams. And where they've placed that is more into the head to give more accurate shots. And to help you be more precise apparently the other thing that's really unique is that you can change the bottom of the golf club this bounce. And grind section here almost like the flange you can take these two screws out. And you can customize the bottom to help either suit your game your angle of attack. Or even the golf courses you play and also there's another little bolt here if you unscrew that the shaft comes out of the head and therefore. you can actually replace the face. Or the whole head can't change the loft i must admit as soon as i saw this wedge for the first time i was like oh my goodness can you like twist the loft can you make it more more right. But no that's not the case you can just change it. And then.

The face look at this face so again it's been machine milled it's rough to touch and at first i didn't think there was actually proper grooves on it because almost it's. So eye-catching it just almost looks like it's like a piece of jewelry but there are grooves as well there now that's all the technology now all sounds great. But there's three things apparently gonna help you as a golfer be better at first off more speed on short shots so if you can you've got a tight pin you need to attack you need to get a ball to stop countless going to help you also because of the shorter hosel. And the fact that it's set backwards as well i mean that's quite a cosmetic difference it's almost got onset i'm not sure if that might even help if you shank it a little bit i'm not quite sure i might even test that in this video. But what they're saying because of that it's going to be really good on accuracy they've managed to move the weight more in the bottom. And the onset it's going to help you hit it straighter towards your target. And finally as well with that hosel because it's slimmer because it's more differently designed out the roof which we're definitely going to test today.

It doesn't snag up. Or clag in the rough and twist the face bold claims it should do all of that. For 429 right let's get in some let's get testing it i've got it in a 56 and a 52. i'm intrigued i'm excited right first impressions before i hit this opening shot that is a bizarre looking wedge it you know what the shaping of it everything that's going behind it kind of looks a bit gimmicky i don't want to call it that just. Yet because i want to stay open-minded but it almost strikes me as like if a mate of mine turned up playing with this i'd be like what is this thing yeah i'm not not sure just. Yet it's a very very unique look it's certainly not a classic looking wedge at all right let's get in a few short shots first [Music] it needed a lot of spin that was a bit fiery um first impressions off the face quite a hard feel that first shot of the i fired it a bit far past this is the 56 degree tell you what that grabbed that was like a little low spinner me a few more from this location [Music] right by that last one the rest of them weren't great i'll be honest with you a little bit clunky from my end. But i'm dead honest i've not chipped for a while i need a little bit more practice feel wise it definitely felt hard off the face it's not soft but i did see glimpses of evidence that there was some decent spin in there however. whenever i've tested a brand new wedge right out the packet you normally get a lot of spin early doors let's hit a few more from around the green try. And form a bit more of an opinion on this wedge [Music] right spend a bit of time chipping with these wedges and also hitting some munk shots as well they feel nice like they're not bad wedges and they're a little bit harder than let's say a super soft forged wedge and the shaping is quite unique on the short chips around the green i did notice almost like the front edge mentally it feels almost like it's more like a spoon almost like you scoop the club underneath the ball which isn't again it's not a terrible feeling um okay whether the worth 429 dollars i'm not quite sure about that what i'm gonna test out next.

Is one of the first claims spin on short shots now i love spin. But no kind of no hidden secret i love spinny golf shots. So let's pitch up maybe about 40 or 50 yards out with the 56 and see if we can get some proper spin into the green all right. So i'm not 50 yards out and just a note i'm not expecting actual back spin from this range but i am expecting the ball to stop pretty quickly that's how i got [Music] okay. So this one the first one i i hit a bit heavy that was my fault. And it ran out but i can't really count that one that was a bad strike now these four it's really interesting i've tried to land them all near the flag pitch mark pitch mark. And two over there and they've stopped nicely they've stopped nicely what you'd kind of expect from a brand new wedge uh yeah i wouldn't i'm not blown away by that. But i can't fault it either not bad there okay. So this is an interesting part of the club the neck the big talking point this because they've almost on set it. And the fact they've made it lighter and the fact they've shaped it differently it's supposed to be much better out of sand and in the rough now i've hit some out the sand already the only thing i found i didn't particularly see the performance was any different to a normal 56 degree wedge. But what i did notice when you open the face up. So when you really lay it open because there isn't as much of a hosel on the on the actual leading edge set it did actually feel slightly flatter almost felt like i could open it up more. But again that was just mental rather than actual performance based then.

They're also saying it's gonna be better out of rough now on a shot like this this isn't my favorite shot i'm like 85 yards away from this flag. So it's like a three-quarter sandwich for me and i could do with any help i can get from this situation now typically in rough the grass has a tendency to almost wrap around the neck of a traditional golf club. And can force it to close. And even open so they reckon it's going to be more accurate from this location let's give it a test. So i said 85 yards away i've got five golf balls out in all different variety of rough positions the last one being probably the worst let's see how it gets on from here the other thing to call out. And this is really interesting as well i'm not sure the kind of science behind this. But also it's quite long like this sand wedge it's pretty much the same length as my nine iron so it does actually feel a little bit more powerful. And again i'm not sure if that's going to help it out the rough potentially help with a bit more clubhead speed who knows let's get this first one out the roof out. And it's slightly short on the green not bad but not great next.

One [Music] right i'm gonna have to clean my wedge after that one because even for 429 it's not gonna stop me fat on a wedge that's sure not finished well at all next.

One that was nice that was really nice yeah i mean that wasn't a dead hard lie from that rough. But that did come out very very nicely. And it's absolutely down the flag again that's not bad this last one's going to be the most interesting one because this one's this one's in the worst like i'll have a quick look at this live first because it's uh this is a horrible little life if you found this from 85 yards away we've nestled in a little deeper spot here in the roof now again that cord i need to clean the face in a minute that definitely could have the tendency of dragging the face. And almost wrapping it over the grass could almost wrap around the neck let's give it a clean and so it does from here oh it's come out a bit thin is it gonna catch a piece yeah you know what it's still on the green it wasn't my best shot in the world. But it was on the green. So as i wrap up my summary of this wedge um there's a few things i want to talk about first i mean this could be the wedge of the future who knows i mean it to me it strikes me as almost like a prototype. For something that's going to come out in five. Or ten years with the adjustability and the fact that it looks so different to a traditional wedge and the fact is. So many different assets the fact it's got a billet of steel you can change the face you can change the flange it's got this fancy shaft in it's talking the torque. But it comes down to it you have all the technology in the world all the stories in the world but when you're on the golf course it's you a club a ball and the golf course for me it's not worth 429 of anybody's money guys stay tuned lots more to come and we'll see you next.
