These are five things that all good players do good players are consistent they play really good golf. And hopefully you learning from these five things will help you become more consistent. And play better golf too i'm rick shields pga golf professional if you're new to my channel welcome hit that subscribe button so you don't miss out on any videos if you enjoyed this video smash that like button and leave me a comment down below how many of these five things do you do. Or do you do them all let's start off with number one [Music]. So one thing you'll see all good golfers do is they use the same type of golf ball this way they gain more consistency of distance spin rates touch. And feel around the green you often don't see good players switching between brands or golf balls too much get a fitting get a golf ball that suits your game and then.

Stick with it that way you're going to be much more consistent out on the golf course number two thing you see all good players do is make sure the club is prepared ready. For the shot to make sure it's clean make sure it's dry again this is going to help you become a more consistent golfer if you've got a wet club face. And the grooves aren't clean the ball is going to react differently off it you don't want flyers you don't want the ball to come out with no spin look after your equipment make sure it's nice. And clean to gain that ultimate consistency and good practice clean it after every shot and as a side note to my last point what you'll also see good players do when they get the opportunity to mark the ball on the green they'll clean it they'll dry the golf ball that way you're gonna get the most consistent roll from the ball certainly on long putts it's going to give you a bit more chance of holding your shot [Music] another thing you'll see all good players do is they'll take note of the plane partners when putting on the green. So that if you have the put next.

You can learn from it whether the putt's going to be fast slow uphill downhill left to right. So when you're playing partner watch don't just look around in the sky watch the putt and learn from it and that way you can have a better chance of holding your own put bearing in mind you cannot stand directly behind. Or directly behind the flag on the other side stand from a distance and take note you're gonna hold more putts that way [Music] okay. So number four of the things i see good golfers do think of the positives think of the do's not the don't. So i've got a tee shot here as a i'm gonna be positive on this shot i'm gonna hit the fairway my mission is to hit down that left-hand side fade it straight back into the middle of the fairway i'm focusing my positive reinforcement on that. And visualizing that shot the worst thing you can do is think of the don'ts don't go in the water don't go out of bounds don't hit it into the trees because that's going to give negative reinforcement i'm stood here. And i'm going right do hit the fairway i want to start the ball down that left hand side fade it back to the middle have that positive reinforcement going through your mind all the time. So when i step up to the golf ball i'm confident i'm ready good golfers do this they don't think of the don'ts they think of the do's i am going to hit that fairway i'm going to do it with style. So as you can see that's landing into the fairway just right of my target line. But absolutely middle of the fairway it's that positive reinforcement i went there the right attitude and i've put myself in a perfect spot so number five of the things that good golfers do when out on the golf course is shot calculation i'm hearing a par three. And i've played it several times last week for example i hit an a tied into the middle of the green and left myself a good chance for birdie today's a totally different day it's slightly more into wind it's colder i'm maybe not feeling as freely not swinging as fast all of those things you need to calculate and good golfers do that great using tools like gps. Or lasers to be able to identify where the flag is that is also a massive help learning from your playing partners. So if you are not first to go learning from playing partners who maybe hit the clubs same distance as you learn from their mistakes if they come up short. Or hit it long learn from that i think good players are really good at this they don't just presume that i'm gonna hit an eight time here this week because that's what i hit last week in the summer downwind wearing just a t-shirt i could probably pitching wedge into this green. But today.

I'm into wind the pins further at the back it's definitely colder no way would i have hit seven iron last week. But today.

I need hit seven nine to get to that back flag it's all about shot calculation not just grabbing a club presuming that is the correct club to hit. And going. For it good players learn every single time they go out and play to adapt to the situation and because of that they get closer to the flag and score lower every time they play there are five things that good golfers do on the golf course mainly to improve their consistency level i think it's really important as a good golfer to stay consistent you want no variables to minimize those variables are going to benefit your score if you're a higher handicapper you can learn from these things no don't just randomly choose any golf ball. And play and don't just neglect your equipment or don't just presume that you're going to hit the same club week in week out learn from it. And adapt to it guys thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video smash that like button leave me a comment down below i'd love to hear your thoughts stay tuned lots more to come and we'll see you next.
