I'm going to show you five ways you can still play well when you're playing bad that doesn't quite make sense. But think of it as golfers when we're on the golf course sometimes it's not going our way we're having a bad round well in this video i'm going to show you five tips. And tricks to make sure you can salvage those bad rounds. And turn them into decent scores [Music] so tip number one is to stay positive it's very easy when you're out on the golf course to be stood over shot thinking negative thoughts having a bad day on the golf course. And it's just so easy to let those bad thoughts come into your mind this shot for example shot over the bunker it's very easy to think oh no don't don't fat it into the bunker don't thin it through the green. And this happens all over the golf course you might be stood on the teeth thinking don't it's out of bounds or you might be throwing the whole way you think don't hit it in the water well let's switch that mindset around negative thoughts do not work i think about it in a different way think positively. So i stood over this ball this time i'm thinking right what does a good shot look like i want that ball to land on the green it's going to check up a little bit it's going to roll down the bank. And go close to the hole i'm thinking positive thoughts and this might be hitting us thinking about the positive thoughts on a tee shot or the positive thoughts of hitting it over water whatever it may be try and fill your confidence tank with positive reinforcement what does a good shot look like that's what we need to be saying to ourselves. So that when we stand over it we can action that positive thought. And you'll play much better golf shots let's move on to tip number two tip number two every shot counts every shot you take on the golf course tally is up to your total score the amount of golfer they'll see stand over this port. And let's say it's for a triple bogey and they won't give it any care and attention and often they'll hit it with no real care. And attention and it'll miss and suddenly that triple bog is turned into a quadruple bogey with just very simple care. And attention yeah if this same port. For that same golf was. For a birdie they'd be giving it so much attention so tip number two is make sure every shot counts every shot matters on the golf course it's the difference between potentially saving four. Or five shots around and think if you did that over a season of golf your handicap might come down by two just by spending a bit more care. And attention every single shot counts make sure you don't rush anything make sure you give every shot the same amount of attention so that when you're on the golf course you can optimize your performance. And on bad rounds you can salvage a decent score because every shot counts how many times do we get to the 10th hole. And almost see it as a fresh start you've played the front line badly and you're playing partners go right new nine let's play better golf but that doesn't have to be the case because waiting to nine holes is still quite a long time why not break it into smaller more manageable chunks think of the 18 holes as six three holes because every three holes then.

You could reset every three holes is a new opportunity. For you to play as well as you can do you might set yourself a little goal right in the next.

Three holes i'm gonna try to try. And shoot one over par or maybe the next.

Three holes i want to try and get one under my handicap whatever it may be it's a little bit more manageable it takes less pressure off you as a golfer and if you're playing bad three holes is quite manageable it's quite easy. And you'd be surprised once you add the score up at the end of the day your bad round may have scored really well it's worth trying splitting up the 18 holes into six three hole chunks so i've played a couple of holes and i'm not playing great and it's time now to play a little bit more aggressive and that's okay to do if maybe the round isn't going your way it's okay to fight a little bit. And try and capitalize on something try and make some birdies but it's a great tip don't go for a silly shot if you've never done it before we're on on this par four and i know if i cut over the corner of these trees i get a little bit more of an aggressive line but i've done it several times before so i can stand there with confidence knowing well if i chew a bit off that corner i've got a chance of shortening the hole. But i would never take this shot on if i've never tried this shot before having a scorecard in your hand isn't the time to practice the hit hero shots because if i don't know if i can achieve this if i then.

Suddenly carve one out of bounds. Or put it into more trouble my bad score gets worse you can be aggressive that's fine. But make sure it's realistic otherwise your scores could really start to get super high oh yeah that is tiger line. But you've got to be confident and you've got to have done it before [Music] oh and tip number five is deal with it bad things happen when you're playing bad you get the rub of the green it doesn't go your way. But that shouldn't affect your emotion if you get angry the likeliness is gonna start playing worse many of you watching don't play golf as a job unless you're a tour player. So enjoy it laugh smile really good tip is to walk to the next.

Hole after a bad shot with confidence put your head up high make sure you're not slouched down. Or feeling depressed think right next.

Hole i've got a new challenge coming my way i'm out on the golf course i'm enjoying my golf things sometimes don't go your way. But if you start thinking badly your scores will start to go up think positively think confidently. And eventually you'll start to see minor improvements that'll help lower your score it's a big one deal with it bad things happen but it's how you control your emotions [Music] there's five things there that may not help you shoot your best round ever because bad shots will happen. But it'll certainly help the horrendous score come down a little bit you may save four or five shots off your round and that is massively important to keep your score card healthy certainly. For the season so instead of me shooting 89 and i'm shooting 85. it's good for me guys thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come we'll see you next.
