All right guys i wanted to thank so much my 50 000 subscribers i cannot believe i've reached that milestone in only what was probably two in a bit years. So i'm so thankful and to celebrate that i want to give something away i want to give quite a special prize away i want to give away to a subscriber a free coaching day complete coaching day using gc2 and hmt so learning all about how you hit the golf ball and how we can improve it using swing analysis we'll also go out on the golf course we'll go. And play some holes might even film it you know play somewhere really nice as well i want to really spoil one of my subscribers the only way you can win this competition is to be a subscriber now it's completely free to become a subscriber it's completely free all you need is a gmail account now how subscriber works is that you will get notifications every time i put a video online. And it just keeps us much more connected together once you've clicked that subscribe button or if you are already a subscriber subscriber scroll down into the comments. And put subscribed it's all you've got to do you've got to be a subscriber. And then.

You've got to say subscribed in the comments below i will pick a winner probably next.

Week next.

Week from this video. So i'll pick one winner to come and have a full day coaching to celebrate 50k subscribers so it's a 50k coaching day giveaway i love the tagline using the launch ones using the swing analysis to one of my subscribers i just want to thank all of my subscribers so so much for being part of my channel to being involved to commenting to liking to watching the videos and to celebrate it i want to give away a full day of coaching full day subscribe comment below saying you subscribed and i shall pick a winner next.

Week guys thanks for watching thanks for watching as always commenting subscribing and we shall see you and the lucky subscriber winner when they come and have a full day coaching day thanks for watching guys we'll see you all soon.