So here we go guys final episode of break 75 this season episode number 12 and I wanted to do something quite special now this last 12 episodes have been a roller coaster of emotions we've had some great rounds a mixture of average rounds. And some bad rounds but that's golf now first off before we start this episode I want to give a massive shout out to Harry and Mark who have filmed all these episodes they've done an amazing job and big shout out to Harriet for Edison Mall he's done class so give him some praise down below now this one course though that beat me up last time that destroyed me and I've lost many sleepless nights over it and I want somewhat Redemption now today.

It might go one of two ways we might go brilliantly. But it also could go terribly wrong as well we're down here JCB golf and country club with that at one of my favorite ever golf courses I've ever played last time it destroyed me but now I've had a bit of course experience I'm playing with Mark from JCB as well to give me a bit of guidance hopefully to get me round this golf course without further Ado let's get going JCB episode number 12 break75. [Music] foreign [Music] [Music]. So if you saw episode number five when I did JCB break75 here the first time you remember on this tea I was excited because I couldn't wait to close golf course this time I'm excited. But for a different reason obviously to try and do better than last time definitely. But also I kind of know what to expect a bit more now I know what holes are about to come. And if you remember the 17th hole the signature hole island green over water 255 yards per three so we've got a good scorecard going that could be the killer now a reminder as well this golf course is long off these back tees because there's even new teas it's playing nearly 7 500 yards per 72. without further Ado let's do this if you remember as well jcb's on the T look at them they've rolled the red carpet out again let's do this not the start we wanted we went on the first [Music] ah three off the T ipical I'm excited. For this first team I've been visualizing the perfect shot hour and a half drive to get here ripping it on the Range yeah. And I go and dunk it in the water sorry dude welcome to JCB right two things to note first off Mark has just hit an absolute worldby into this oh unbelievable's got for birdie I want to show you something though just to give you an idea I think we're about here check this out [Music] I'll give you that [Applause] they're running at about 11 did you say 11. And a half eleven and a half yeah 11. And a half on the stems which is fast really fast [Music] oh gave it a little bit too much respect that everybody is what you call a nightmare starts a double bogey a lot of work to do from now. And Mark knocks it in for birdie Mark should we swap scores on the first would that be fair no foreign [Music] good shot oh I never gave it a chance [Music] yeah let's finish on the tree starting on the corner of the festival oh draw. So fourth hole and something I wanted to highlight and I'll throw in the Drone footage from the last time we played here and then.

Switch it to now this roof wasn't like this I mean my ball safe we're in the Fairway thankfully. But look at this now jcb's grown rough I'll be good for distance oh it's very nice the distance we'll take that foreign [Music] good effort [Music] okay. So last time on this power three it didn't go quite to plan so even though I've not hit the green on this shot I'm taking it because it's a much better shot than last time we can come off with power here I've been over the moon [Music] foreign come on grow a pair oh Rick it didn't break that much surely I disappointed hurry go on oh Curry I'm frustrated myself on this holds it's the par five I played last time from memory now because I played the course this is a fairly easy par five possibly one of the easiest holes in the course I just had to keep it in the Fairway pulled it in the bunker [Music] we're all right. But that wasn't the strike I wanted but we're out let's get out of this bunker I was lucky oh whoa that's gone really left [Music] oh foreign [Music] between two mindsets because you were confident then..

But you're worried that if you're confident what if it doesn't go you know what if you end up with a smelly one a bit too far right maybe [Music] oh it's so close see the Sandy record just to the right of the bunker God that was. So close to being good [Music] oh look at that [Music] all right through seven now seven holes come around to the halfway house now last time I foolishly didn't order a sausage roll this time I'm on a JCB sausage roll look at that I mean that is literally perfect top spot beats Hillside that is nine. And a half out of ten near perfect love that [Music] [Applause] [Music] I lost that in the air and come back down laughs [Music] wow this is one of those holes I was looking forward to coming back to look at this come on come on come on actually come right to the end you can appreciate it more par three down the hill is that not one of the most picturesque holes beautiful really complicated green pins right at the front pins a bit of a hole in one pin potentially [Music] you need to start trying to get a score together trying to make some birdies yeah this is quite disappointing. Yet to make a birdie at JCB [Music] foreign [Applause] oh my goodness [Applause] I touched that I mean I made the putter go that far back. And then.

Hitting it hitted it hit it it's in for par front nine five over slightly better than last time but a lot of work to do oh best Drive of the day yeah thanks love that you go five yards left of that even better A1 best of the day as well I like this tee shot are you about to get on a 630 yard the answer to that is in you know perfect [Music] [Music] [Applause] take it great shot nice no way look at that look at that ouch I thought I'd hold it I know I'm not even on the Green wow what uh what a test you got to be. So accurate now you all might know my wedge game isn't the best part of my game but that was honestly a perfect strike which was what I thought was the perfect distance it's pitched here. And I repaired it in a second looked like it had nestled three or four foot past the hole to here it's caught this bank and just gone see ya and now we're off the green that that hurts that I felt like I played that really nicely [Music] it's a great Pace yes [Music] yes failed a little bit. But he's about right to use it oh I've hit that bad [Music] [Music] do not put that on the video nice scabby [Music] hi okay there's one place I couldn't go couldn't go left said it to myself. So just don't go left Rick keep to the right just hit that bank and bounce there I mean it it is fairly shallow [Laughter] Q next.

Scene we stood in the water okay we're going. For it I'm gonna give it a try foreign [Laughter] everybody and not too what oh look at this however. just a little bit of damage on the way just there and there and maybe at the front never mind it's worth it [Music] brilliant mate we'll take a five here right it's a quick score update I'm currently seven over par which I think slightly better than where I was at this point last time uh I'm writing the flip Point here obviously I've got to make birdies if I'm trying to break 75 I mean it's it's a big ass from this point onwards. Or do I just play safe do I plod it on. And just try and beat the last time score what what's your recommendations mark you've got a birdie chance here so you've got to go for it yeah if we can get one don't go aggressive. Or safe for the rest of the round oh aggressive come on the man said aggressive we're going aggressive [Music] a little bit further than I wanted to obviously. But very very challenging from up here [Music] Rick that's that is pretty Georgia [Music] good shot okay [Music] we'll take a five on that hole that feels somewhat Redemption from The Nightmare I had on this Hall last time just a quick one Mark's just been telling me about the rose series that's coming back here this year 5th of August where the ladies are going to be coming around this golf course. And playing now that's not the exciting news the exciting news is you could actually come. And watch there's about 3 000 Spectators that can come you've got to buy tickets I'll put a link in the description below it's 10 pound. For adults and five pounds for kids how good's that to come have a look at this phenomenal Golf Course to see amazing lady golfers battle it out and it's the Justin Rose tournament the road I think it's actually his wife that set it up Mega opportunity get involved buy the tickets down below. And I might come down as well bring my girls have a nice fun day out I don't know if I've got this shot in my bag but we're going to try it oh it's coming back [Music] [Music] well done mate thank you take a three there foreign nice really good Rick unlucky he didn't get a little bit of draw there get the legs good it's good if I two put this I'll be absolutely delighted because soon as I get over this hill just where Mark's ball is Mark's got really unlucky another two feet he would have gone right down into that back portion of the green I've got to get over this little bump. And then.

After that it's going to be absolutely rapid got to be judged to Perfection this oh that's almost an impossible put because I couldn't have hit it much softer than that. And still got it over the hill pushed it Dreadful [Music] so realistically now as we walk down the 16th hole I'm not going to be breaking 75 today.

Just this golf course is just. So tough off these back tees I got off to a bad start anyway I am however. on track for beating my previous score around here which was 85. however. we still got the tremendously hard 250 odd yard par three coming up next.

I mean this 16th isn't easy either even though I've had a nice t-shirt. And 18 isn't easy so still no guarantee I'm loving this place though it's such a great venue digging sharks get up oh no oh [Music]. So here we go this is it this is what you've come to see we know it the 17th hole oh my goodness I'll tell you about second time around it doesn't look any easier it's 255 yards to the middle look at this is my garment. So it was from here it says 245 to the middle water from water long left. And right wind so some walking over the bridge here to 17th green I just wanted to take a moment to really kind of wrap up and give a bit of a summary to the break 75 series it's been real fun playing loads and more golf than I normally would do recording it showing you guys the the highs. And also the lows of golf and it's something I want people watching to take away from it doesn't you don't always have to play great to have fun playing golf sometimes it just doesn't go your way get out there smile have fun have a great time as I mentioned earlier big shout out to Harry and Matt for filming it massive shout out to guy as well who's been to every single one of them and played with me a few times season two of series two will be coming back we'll maybe look at next.

Year. And we might let me give you a little bit of insight here we might sprinkle in a couple little extras as the year goes on hopefully you've enjoyed it guys got a few more holes left to go here at JCB it's been fun hope you've enjoyed it if you have make sure you like subscribe and uh I've had a lot of fun making the videos I really have [Music] thank you [Music] that's probably brilliant with your you want to be a couple of yards right at that [Music] oh no [Music] just died in that approach didn't it [Music] yeah well done thanks power thanks Mark thanks everyone. For watching hope you enjoyed the series that wasn't the it was better than last time. But it didn't break 75. that was awesome thanks buddy really appreciated that you're welcome maybe next.

Time we'll have another go see you soon.