Hi guys my name is rick shields down here at traffic gold centre in manchester. And today.

I've got a putting challenge. For you i've got a six foot putt i'm gonna say how many i can hold in a row. And i'm going to challenge you guys to see if you can beat it i'll send in your videos. And i'll do a little montage. For all the ones that we did. For last for next.

Time next.

Videos uh that are published. So i've got six foot measured out uh just a scientific measurement i'm about six foot so i'm about six feet and you can see there it's about six feet mark i've done this with a ruler as well. But so you just got it's exactly that length so no cheating first attempt i'm gonna see how many i can get in the row you guys have got to try. And beat it send in your videos and see if you can do better let's get to work. So good missed it oh so 33 not out not too bad well at 33 out actually no not too bad um guys i want you to see if you can beat that score. So that was a six foot challenge measure out i want to see your measurements as well i want to see in a one run. So no kind of cheat in the system i want to see it in short after shot of the shot send them in i want to see we'll do a winner as well i've got a little prize. For the winner as well so you can submit your videos send them to myself which is rickshawsgolf gmail.com. And then.

We'll put a montage together with everyone the hole in all the pots guys thanks for watching my name has been rick shields down here at traffic golf center in manchester you can check me out on facebook. And twitter and do subscribe to the channel thanks. For watching 33 oh you.