It was a long time ago now when i first started playing golf. And there are a number of things i wish i'd known back then.

That i would have implemented to my own game that would have made me better at golf in this video i'm going to show the seven things that you need to know when you first start playing golf that are going to make you a lot better at this game. So number one is learn the basics when you first start playing golf it can be quite complicated how do you hold the golf club how do you stand how do you swing well the best way of doing that is investing in some golf lessons with a pga golf pro that's the best way it's going to cost a little bit of money. But you just need a couple of lessons to get you going either individually. Or a different option which is also a really good option go. For a group session now group lessons are great because it costs a little bit less. And you'll be in a group of people who are like-minded. Or in the same stage as you and often if you make friends in those circles you go and practice together and play together now if you don't want to have lessons that's okay because now youtube is around wasn't around when i first started playing. And it is a wealth of knowledge instructions videos not only. For myself or the pj golf pros now i did actually create a series of videos a number of years ago which is called the complete golf swing guide i'll link it up there in the corner it gives you everything from grip stance posture. And how you swing the golf club it is a perfect beginner's guide. So make sure you check it out and also maybe like and subscribe if you enjoy it as well warning there's one thing to avoid however. make sure you don't take loads of advice off playing partners as much as they might be good golfers they might not be able to diagnose your actual issues or your faults i'm sure they'll try in their best way to help you sometimes it doesn't always help seek professional advice that's the best way of doing it point number two the most important club in your bag isn't that it's actually this learn to love your putter believe it or not when you're playing golf use this club more than any other club in your bag and what's great about putting it's almost a level playing field doesn't matter your athleticism it doesn't know how strong you are just knowing about any past experiences putting is all about three things pace control get really good when you're putting to judge distances short. And long that's good a simple way of avoiding three puts you can practice that there's drills to do that by just making sure you get really good at your pace control number two face control control where this putter is aiming make sure it's not too far to the right because the balls squirt that way not too far to the left because the squat the ball squirt off to the left make sure you have really good control over the face that way the ball is going to roll towards your designated target. And it's going to give you a much better chance of getting in the hole. And the third thing that's important for putting is learn how to read greens whether the putt is uphill it's going to go slower whether it's downhill it's obviously going to go faster whether the slope is from right to left. Or left to right and how much that's going to affect the actual direction. And the role of your golf ball get really good at reading greens it's a skill within a skill but if you can get good at it it's one that will last you forever in your golfing journey number three it's very rare you get a perfect lie. So don't practice perfect lies all the time i'll see golfers either going to the driving range on a perfect mat hitting golf shots as you know on the golf course that's not always going to be the case. And this ties in quite nicely even for situations around the green if you've got the facilities to use a chipping green or spend 10 minutes on a green on a golf course if it's quiet i'll see golfers too often putting the golf ball on like the most perfect lie almost teeing it up but let's be honest that's not reality the reality is your golf ball is sometimes going to end up in horrible little situations around the green whether the ball is buried there's not much grass around it certainly in the off season the winter season practice those shots practice shots in a bunker. Or on a on a sloping lie it's really important to test yourself and also have fun with those situations golf can be tricky. And it can throw many different situations at you. So make sure you adapt to them have fun with them and you'll become much better because of it number four take a little bit of time to learn some basic rules and etiquette and that's not me being kind of snooty and saying you need to know all the rules of golf just having an understanding of a few simple rules are going to help you enjoy the game more it's going to help the people you play with enjoy spending time with you when you're out in the golf course learning. So important things like out of bounds stakes what do you do when the ball goes out of bounds. Or what happens when your golf ball goes into a water hazard really simple things that you can learn they're going to help you develop your skills anyway. And also things like etiquette i mean it goes without saying no talking when players are hitting the shots making sure you don't stand on the line of a player's pot. And even number three putting your bag between the green and the next.

Tee to help speed up play you know what for more information on rules and etiquette a really simple guide i'll put a link up here in the corner or a link in the description below just a little bit of understanding is honestly going to make it more enjoyable. For you and the people you're playing with it is important now you might notice. So far i've not mentioned anything about equipment it brings us quite nicely onto number five equipment when you first start doesn't massively matter if it's borrowed equipment if it's a hand-me-down from a grandad or a friend or a family relative as long as you've got something to use to go and practice to go and play golf but it's all you need when you first start as you start to develop you might look at investing in some clubs that are going to help you they've got a little bit more forgiveness. But one thing i definitely think you need to be aware of is don't get sucked into brand claims big brands big manufacturers that make these expensive golf clubs spend a lot of money on marketing they want to convince you that their latest. And greatest gear is going to help you massively. And as much as it might help a tiny bit it's not going to change your life now you might have seen from one of my videos i'll link it up here in the corner i actually went out. And bought a package set for 79 pounds and they did the job it meant i could go out. And play golf doesn't matter what clubs you are don't be embarrassed when you first start even if they are super old as long as you've got something to use that's what's really important. So number six and i think this again is really important don't worry about what people think now as a new golfer you're gonna be thinking everybody's watching you like let's say here today.

There's a few golfers here on the putting green everybody's focusing on their own game they're not taking much notice of other players around them. And if they are. And if they're judging you they're not very nice people they're not really people you want to spend time with anyway so don't worry nobody's judging you go out there enjoy it for example we've all been out on the road and we've seen a learner driver and sometimes they'll stall the car and you don't get annoyed if you slap behind them because everyone's learned at some stage if you do get annoyed about that by the way that tells me more about you than it does about the learner driver. So take that into consideration when you go out on the golf course yeah you're going to hit a couple of bad shots. So what everyone has been there everyone's done that and a lot of established golfers still do that. So don't worry don't be conscious go out there and enjoy it and have fun and the final point have fun when you are learning golf golf is tough it is to the point where it's been around. For hundreds of years nobody's ever completed golf just bear that in mind it's gonna be tough it's gonna be challenging but make sure that you are doing it in a more relaxed friendly way make friends like some of my best friends i've met in golf make sure you take on the surrounding areas i mean you're out in nature beautiful golf courses. Or wherever it may be you're practicing take that all into consideration also remember don't be too hard on yourself again because it is a tough challenge it's a tough sport go easy on yourself be your own best friend when you first start playing golf again i wish i'd had this information back then..

So i was a bit too hard on myself. So be friendly to yourself it's tough but do most importantly golf is a sport it's a hobby. For many of you watching make sure it is number one it's fun.