All right guys I'm just getting packed up to leave the house because I'm excited I'm filming with my good friend Paul today.

Paul Sturgis is the tallest man in Europe. And he's the I would say is the tallest golfer in the world we first met up about three years ago when we played in the British Masters trial with Tyrell Hatton. And then.

A couple of years ago I invited him up to Manchester to do some filming. And you might see in the video where we swapped golf clubs and believe me when I say Paul's golf clubs are absolutely massive. And we swapped our tries to play with these clubs that was a lot of fun. And then.

Last year he actually played in my YouTube golf day um out of everybody there he was easily a person people wanted the picture with most last time I saw him he was seven foot seven. And a half inches you might have grown since off to find out and I've heard he's playing some decent golf he's got his handicap down and I thought it'd be a good time to challenge him to a longest drive competition I don't fancy my chances but it should be a lot of fun I can't wait to see Paul again here he is how are you pal all right man good job I'm excited about this you versus me in the longest drive just doesn't make sense to say it [Music] I gotta show you this these are Paul's golf shoes size 19. look at that I'm a size 11 UK. And 19's custom-made just to fall right so we've played golf a few times now and it's been good every time we've played but I've always thought what would the longest drive be like against you because obviously you've got to hit it further one because you've got long levers I believe now you're a five handicap foreign so I'm intrigued I'm intrigued to see how far you can hit your driver definitely. But you've told me that you don't only drive a great have you not amazing there are a lot lockdown's been a killer. For me but so I want to see if how far like before we get to driver though I want to see maybe a Time distances four iron distances and then.

Drive I mean we'll hit a few warm-up shots anyway. And get going because in theory I'm just thinking like your levers are absolutely massive because if I if I was to even I'm six foot if I was to reach how far how much higher can you reach of that foreign yeah. So it's quite a bit more right let's hit a few warm-up shots um and then.

We'll get GT quad out and see how far you can actually hit it [Music] right just while Paul's warming up I want to show you this obviously Paul's clubs are custom made. For him this is his putter versus my putter look at the difference there between the two another putt with Paws I mean it's it's like a broom handle putter it's longer than my driver comfortably longer than my driver let me see if I can hold one laughs that's unbelievable I could never use that. But it's perfect for Paul [Music] all right so warm-up done and we're both feeling loose so first challenge we've got the longest drive we're going to start off with an a Titan. And then.

Move into a four iron and then.

We're gonna go driver you ready for this really good we're going to use range balls. For the eight iron and the four iron then.

We're going to use real Pro V ones. For the driver I've got GC quad I'm intrigued in warm-up Paul looked like he was hitting an absolute mile I was doing everything I can to try. And catch up so let's go eight iron first we're gonna hit five shots each and play like a match play format whoever hits it longest goes one up until we have a winner okay a tie in first oh it's a decent start 150 yards of carry okay I can't fall he's like I can get past that with her. So I can put some words all right 150 here we go should be a little tickle that looked good not my best. But it's carried 180. 180 yards but I had a toe but okay uh one up to Paul. For bed speed difference is there I was 95 miles per hour poles are over 100 miles per hour with an a Titan right round two pulls one up okay try to play a big hooky one 166. I'm warming do you think you can hit a 200 yard eight iron if I give it absolute beans that's what we want to see that looked good 193 193 yards 193 yards of an a Titan is outrageous that is. So good two up 167 I'm getting longer that's nice that's a nice flight oh that was only 172. a little week that one oh at the time okay. So that was short. And sweet three up for Paul with the eight iron um his longest was 190 plus yards with an a tire okay let's move on to four iron next.

I'm not sure what else I can do to hit it longer. But I'm intrigued lots of four iron for you normally uh I'm never really probably like close to like 220 230 240. we'll find out very soon challenge two four iron um I'm normally about 200-ish yards not 250 yards so I'm gonna have to beat my timer he's saying he can he's going to hit daytime pass my four that's a little low chaser 214 yards which normally I'd be over the moon with I feel like I'm going to lose by about four to here no pressure just. For 214 to beat oh 184 slapped it ah you might be big Paul but you still gotta find the middle of the club face now Rick unexpectedly goes one up in the four iron challenge kind of hitting big raking draws 219 yards get that I'm under pressure now you're striking it I feel like even if you did a half swing like little chippy one just to find the middle of the club face you'd still beat me on 219. But that's not what people have come here to see people want to see you absolutely annihilate four iron oh it's a bit of a low Chaser up the left who's 33 getting better wow okay it's a bit High 216 yards I mean consistent I'll give myself that 216 yards to beat Paul not sure 216. it's exactly 216. wow whole that was that round was halves at 216 exactly carry each because we're doing match play. So far it's all square for the three shots we've hit so two more two more shots to go oh I didn't get the drawer it's a pushy one 214 yards I mean I'd be over the moon with my dispersion on these. But that's not what we're going. For we're going. For Pure distance oh it's a low one at the left 194. uh oh it's not find in the middle of the face oh you might have all that speed but you got to hit the middle Rick goes one up with one to go with the four iron this could go down as my greatest achievement foreign that's a nice flight 215 yards I'm not getting much better than that they're all carry distances um 102 miles per hour clubhead speed I'm swinging out my boots with a four iron there all right I'm gonna try and find one here come on oh that looks good 221 only just tipped me so that means the four iron round finished all square let's get on to driving now we've been debating whether you can actually swing driver in here yeah. So we've uh we've established because they're in poorly seven foot seven and a half inches right you cannot swing driver in here with that roof so we're gonna go outside set it all up and then.

Have a longest drive me versus Paul me versus tiny so he wins okay. So we're outside longest drive time but before we get going Paul keeps using this excuse that he's not in his driver very well. So I'm gonna give him the opportunity to hit some warm-up shots first with range balls before we get the Pro V ones out and what I'm interested to know is Corvette's speed I normally swing about 110 112 miles per hour how fast can Paul swing the driver. And then.

We'll have a little challenge against each other nice okay. So Paul is warming up. And he has got some serious clubhead speed with his driver swinging over 120 miles per hour but as he mentioned that's a good one he's not been hitting it great but like a heavyweight boxer if he just catches one it is going to be a knockout blow the challenge is simple we're gonna hit five shots each. And it's who can hit the one longest golf shot if he honestly catches one he'll absolutely annihilate me started off quite well anytime I was piping it. But I'm quite disappointed by the four iron um getting some Pace but just need to find the middle of the club so driver's not doing very well since locked down but I definitely know if I can catch one out the middle Rick's not going to go anywhere near me. So fingers crossed I can get a good one away okay. So here we go longest drive time I'm gonna hit my five first and remember it's the longest shot that counts and we're gonna go on total distance so for these five shots I'm going to absolutely try. And smash it I need to put down a strong benchmark for Paul to try and beat let's go come on [Music] that could be long that is long [Music] [Music] that's big that's big as well 335 yards well I'm not gonna lie to you I've surprised myself there I'm absolutely tried to bash them I've managed to get out 345 yards of total distance still not swinging as fast as you though. So I honestly think you can catch one there is a huge potential to beat me I should be able to get past life because got to find the middle of the club which you were doing. So five shots to see if Paul can get past that okay here we go I've got five Pro V ones. For Paul to hit so no excuses he's got 345 yards to beat which I'm totally surprised about I didn't think I left it that far you ready pal I'm ready let's do it let's do this oh that's ridiculous that is ridiculous. So already out of the the blocks the first goal shot tall distance 320 yards and he swung it faster than I did. But didn't quite strike the middle there is pure distance gonna happen with these next.

Few shots. But so far I'm still leading oh that is a bullet did you hear that one well yeah that's ridiculous okay. So that swing was 124 miles per hour that is fast that's like Tiger Woods Rory McIlroy clubhead speed told this was 315 yards [Music] well that gives me a glimmer of hope full completely skyed that. And it went um 71 yards but this isn't a competition about averages it's about longest he's still got two more to go right three four five to beat oh it's a low bullet Chaser that is low. And long oh my goodness it's carried 310 total distance cannot believe it 349 yeah he beat me by what four yards with one golf ball left to go that is ridiculous comment speed 126 miles per hour outrageous that is The Knockout blow Topol everyone world's tallest golfer hits it a bloody mile thanks. For watching guys thank you lots more to come and we'll see you next.

Time our show's new doesn't it.