I'm going to show you how you can play better golf without changing your golf swing without going. For loads of lessons without buying the latest and greatest golf equipment in this video i'm going to show you how to prepare correctly. For your tee time that's coming up now this example i'm 45 minutes away from my tea time so i'm going to show you the ideal warm-up. And preparation you need to make sure you play the best golf you can when you get to that first tee [Music]. So 45 minutes on the clock we're going to break it into three sections we need preparation we're going to warm up full shots. And then.

Short game with the putting now we're going to talk about preparation first. And what that time is. For is to get ready get your kit prepared make sure all your clubs are in check you've got the right amount of clubs make sure like gaff things like you've got golf balls in your bag. Or a clean glove and maybe keep a few things in your car like if you can grab some golf balls make sure you've got enough golf balls to go out. And play sounds dark but if it's a hot day take some sun cream make sure you've got the tea pegs make sure you've got drinks chocolate whatever you need to help you play the best golf you can on the golf course make even making sure that your golf clubs are clean that's five minutes of our preparation time it's really important make sure your equipment is ready. For your round of golf ahead so the first place we're gonna go to is the driving range now i've got a token. For 50 balls if i'm honest i think 50 is actually too much. So if you've got a playing partner maybe share 50 balls because you don't need a lot of shots to warm up before around the golf now i know not every golf course has a driving range of practice ground so everything i'm going to show you very soon on the drive range can still be done in a practice net. Or a bit of a warm-up room or a simulator room if you have a golf course just something to bear in mind right number one thing to think about when you come to warm up is that is exactly what it is it's a warm-up it's not a practice session. So you're not going to change your swing you're not looking. For technical things to try and work on before you go out and play the warm-up is a way of getting your body used to hitting shots getting kind of the body loose. For me i don't do a lot of stretching before i go out. And play if you've got physical limitations and it's something you desperately need to do well obviously yes do that. But a lot of time i think just hitting shots just get that kind of warms your body up that gets you loose to hitting shots. So first thing we're going to do is start off with some short golf shots now what i like about this it does two things gets our short game engaged gets us contacting the grass correctly. Or the driving range mat or whatever you're on and we're going to hit 10 shots. And each shot just has to go past the last one so that's five down so far and we're going strong they're all nicely the line. And progressively just getting a little bit further than the last shot i hit until that one now i'm gonna touch about that one because when we go out and play sometimes we hit a bad shot but this is where we can just forget about it like don't overthink it yeah i flattered it my bad lost a little bit concentration. Or whatever it is. But don't panic before you go out and play don't try and change anything technically as long as you're doing all right and majority of the shots are okay don't worry about a few kind of dodgy ones because again this is warm up get your bad ones out here. So they don't happen out on the golf course and as i come to the last shot of this little first section of the warm-up notice as i'm just starting to hit these further my swing length is getting a little bit longer i'm increasing the speed of touch as well. And again that's a great way of just loosening your body ready for some longer shots in a moment so next.

Thing we're going to do is start working up through your irons now you can either just one of two ways you can start with your pitching wedge hit a full shot nine-nine hit a full shot eight seven six five four whatever your longest line is that's one way of doing it actually let's do it where some warm-up sessions i'll hit the odd irons. But i'll hit two shots with each odd iron or another time i'll hit two shots with each even iron doesn't really matter so for me i think again this is just a way of getting used to hitting different irons different lengths different swing speeds different ball positions whatever it may be. So today.

We're going to start off with i'm going to go nine iron first. And kind of work my way up but hit two shots with each of the clubs it's also worth picking out a target either a target on the driving range or something in the distance that you're trying to aim at don't just hit willy nilly into an open field even though this is not got a lot to target to aim. For here i'm still going to pick a certain spot in the tree line in the background where i want the ball to land how i want it to fly again we're not going to do technical information here we just want good hits good strikes positive reinforcement get that positivity raised as high as we can before we go. And play okay before i move into my longer iron now one thing i'm also noting it's ball flight right i must admit i'm hitting them pretty straight today.

Tiny little draw they're all pretty much landed on my target which is a real positive. And i'm going to take that out on the golf course today.

However. it's not always been like that. And you'll find the same some days you might have more of a tendency in the warm-up you might be overturning it to the left you might be fading it too far to the right with only limited time before you go and play this is not the time to fix that you've got to fix that after if you're noticing a pattern of a ball flight that's the pattern of ball flight you should be taking to the golf course that was nice. And if in warm up you hit one that is absolutely pure like that one remember it bank it remember those positive feelings how it felt off the face the ball flight how you felt afterwards because again you can use that emotional support when you get on the golf course perfect now this is where some of the better players. And you can try this as well. Or you might want to try and start shaping the golf ball so again trying to get yourself in game mode so i'm going to spend i'm going to probably hit five shots here. And try and hit five different ball flights draw fade high low straight just so you're getting an eye in i'm also monitoring weather like what's the wind doing to the golf water how much is it affecting it how do i feel am i warm am i cold am i hitting it further. Or shorter than i normally hit again all that information needs to be computed for when you get on the golf course so all in all that's probably taking about 10 minutes of our 15 minutes we want to use in this section so the last five minutes we're gonna just hit the woods hit a few three woods get some drivers hit and then.

We need to finish off the last golf ball in our warm-up needs to be preparing us for the first tee whether you're gonna be hitting driver whether it's a par three and whatever iron you predict you're gonna hit you've got to finish with that last shot [Music] [Music] i'm hitting driver quite nicely there last couple of shots i'm gonna just kind of tone it a little bit really try and picture a fair way almost go through what will be my pre-shoot shot routine before go out. And play so i'd be a little bit more behind the ball maybe putting a few practice swings if you've played the golf course before that you're about to play i'll try and visualize a certain hole you want to try and hit a good tee shot down just a little bit less the fairway but it wouldn't be that much in trouble [Music] it's the last ball this is the one thirsty you're warm you're loose you're ready to go picture a nice ball flight think about where you want the ball to land. And this is the one we're gonna hit off the first tee [Music]. And we can absolutely stripe it [Music] okay. So i've got 25 minutes before my tea time now so the next.

Section 15 minutes is going to be used here on the putting green similar to the driving range this is not the time to make technical changes this is the time to get used to the speed of the greens the slopes. And build confidence it's number one so the first thing i'm gonna do is kind of figure out the speed of the green. And the best way of doing that it sounds crazy don't go out the hole get three golf balls throw them down and the first thing we're gonna do just spend some time roll in the balls to the edge of the green trying to get as close to the edge of the green as you possibly can now ideally we want to finish it on this line hit three putts going towards the edge. And try it a few different spots around the green so tiny bit pasty i can learn from that oh not bad i took too much half hour let's get between those two now well i think it would have done. But again look at this i'm just trying to gauge it towards this line so i'll do that on a fairly flat put first then.

Maybe try one downhill one uphill as well [Music]. So that little drill is great. For pace control it gets your eye in for the speed of the green that day and typically the putting green on a lot of decent golf courses the same speed as the golf course themselves the next.

Thing i'm going to do even though there's several probably nine holes on this green i'm actually going to put a tpeg in the ground. For this next.

One i'm going to put in space where it's gonna give me uphill puts downhill puts left to right puts. And there's two reasons why i use a t-peg first off if we can roll the ball towards the t-bug. And it hits the t-peg obviously that target is ridiculously smaller than a hole. So when we come to put to the hole in a minute the hole will look bigger that's one thing the other thing is what what i like about the t-peg is that it's not massively uh result orientated if you're skimming that t-peg. Or just missing by it doesn't massively matter because you don't know if it's going to go in. Or out the last thing we don't want to do is spend time on the putting green. And suddenly every put we put to a hole lips out or gets unlucky because that's going to put negative mindset in our head before we go. And play the last thing we do on the putting green before go out. And play is really try. And improve and boost our confidence levels i'm going to hit several short putts because i want to get the feel of the ball going in the hole. And just that that sound the rattle the picking the ball out the hole all these confidence boosting things you don't have to go long you don't do super long ports. But just those little confident boosting ones because again when you get to that first green and if you spent time holding lots of putts and you remember how it goes in and you remember the sound the feeling that's going to give you confidence when you get on that first putt [Music] okay. So it's 10 minutes before my tea time and this is the perfect time to finish off that preparation we talked about. For the five minutes when i got out the car because we don't want to rush the first tee like the last thing you want to do all that hard work that practice you've just put in something let's go oh no i'm teeing off in a minute running to tea not feeling prepared not having everything ready get there in plenty of times a few things you can do things like marking your golf ball make sure you've got tea pegs in your pocket things even like a pitchfork get your scorecard like check the handicap board with the new world handicap system to know what exactly what your handicap is. For that day and things like tea sheets make sure you know exactly what tea sheet we're on today.

And certainly things like gps watches sometimes it take a minute to load speak to your playing partners get prepared so that you are fully ready to battle the elements out on the golf course you're prepared you've done all the hard work you've done your warm-up you've done your practice you've done your section on the driving range ready to step on that first tee. And hopefully hit one of your best opening shots [Music] that will do very nicely oh yes thanks. For watching guys and we'll see you next.
