Right and kenny here's a video of your golf lessons here with rick shields down at trafford golf center and we've changed um the shot incredibly today.

Really hitting some much much better golf shots. And all of it comes down to is the grip the grip was really weak. So both hands were too much around the left-hand side of the grip too much round this way what that was causing you to do was keep the club face very much open. And then.

Cut across it massively to some way get it to go to go straight you also not on this not on this particular one but you have a tendency of just leaning the shaft back a little bit as you set up to it as well so what we've changed in the grip is we've talked about the two knuckles on your left hand. And i've just put a couple of blue dots on your gloves you remember that and the right hand much more on on the right hand side of the grip and get the v pointed up towards your right shoulder we also mentioned about keeping the club face straight and leaning the club forward just to touch into a stronger position this was your backswing before we've not really done a great deal on your backswing. But the grip is actually on give you a lot more freedom. And room and you can see how much further you were swinging it okay we still got work to do on that at the moment. But it was much much better on the way down before the club face was just. So far open you'd have to cut across it to get it somewhere near target so what we talked about today.

Was the feeling of trying to actually hit the golf ball left actually feeling like we're trying to square the face up. And actually hit it into the fencing on the left hand side you're going to see even better from this angle in a minute this was before. And this was after. So before here on the left hand side as you came in the club face is really really open at that position going back you can see that just there. And just because we've changed the grip the club face now is much much squarer much straighter you can watch it here in a minute perfect that club face is. So much square now on the way back we've not really done a great deal on the backswing but over time it actually got a lot longer this was uh this was one of the ones from before just which one was it was this.