Right guys so we've got another unboxing today.

This is the adidas grip more shoes um quite an exciting product this because it's the one of the first golf shoes that actually have um almost individual spikes that are not they're not spikeless they're almost like cleats. But fitted ones it comes in a beautiful box i mean this is really nice i'm not sure if this this is the box that everyone gets. But it is a very nice box. And it's pretty much already highlighted uh the components of the shoe you've obviously got the ground you've got the red spikes which i'm going to show you on the shoes in a moment are the cleats. And then.

We've got the kind of the look of how sleek and comfortable the shoe looks as well opens up really nicely and it's i mean it's a mega cool box. So these are the shoes that uh martin kymer recently won the us open with justin rose are ex describing these as versatile comfy. And the first shoes that he's noticed that really do grip onto the floor without sacrificing any kind of sport look. Or comfort as well stay tuned to the end of this video as well to figure out how you're gonna find out how you're gonna win a pair of these i'm going to be offering a pair of these in conjunction with adidas through our facebook page. So stay tuned to how you can actually win a pair of these bad boys as well. So we'll have a look through the shoe i've obviously got both in here i've got these in the gray ones they come in different colors but i've got them these in the gray because i feel like they're quite universal color to try wear with any kind of trousers really now i love anything like this style wise because i mean these are perfect. For myself certainly when i'm in the teaching academy because you know if i wore proper spikes they just crack and crumble all the time so the good thing with this this has two let me guess right 243 contact points to the floor that's pretty impressive it's got its normal what you would class as being it's kind of spikeless spikes here at the back almost like um sports stud so to speak but in the middle this section here the red section these are all your little fitted cleats. And all the other little mini tiny spikes real spikes you know plastic spikes uh black widow spike so to speak little little tiny ones and lots of them now these are fitted you can't take these off. But you've got that many of them even if you lost a couple it wouldn't be the end of the world um what i do like about this let me just take out this bit of wrapping etc is that they are super kind of movable as well you know that your foot would it would stay stable in there. But it doesn't feel like it's super rigid so gone are the days now where golf shoes are used like full leather. And really hard to move and manipulate foot these are. So much now more becoming almost trainer like shoes now but with the added bonus that it's going to grip more as well. So guys these are pretty pretty awesome golf shoes at the moment used on. And off the golf course for practice and on the course as well like i say it's got some great wins under its belt already now how can you win a pair what you've got to do is i'd like you to go through to my facebook page i'm going to put the link up here in the screen you're going to find a link on there what i want to do is i want you to share the link i want to like my page. And also like adidas golf page as well so i'll put all the information on the actual message so it's like my facebook page adidas facebook page and share the link the winner is going to be announced a week after this video is released. So do check it out i'll put it on my facebook page who's the winner of these. And you could be a proud owner of a new pair of adidas grip more shoes in the color that you prefer and also with the new added technology of 243 fixed cleats at the bottom guys thanks so much for watching if you've enjoyed the video do give it a thumbs up if you're not a winner of these i'm unlucky. But do definitely go. And try them next.

Time you're looking at a pair of shoes that's going to help you play better golf thanks. For watching subscribe by clicking the link down below and you can check out my next.

Video in the window just here thanks. For watching and that was my unboxing of the adidas shoes sword.