[music] today.

I'm going to play golf nine holes using the world's smallest blades it's going to be interesting because these clubs are very difficult to hit now a few months ago i reviewed these in the home simulator. But it's now time to take them out on the golf course these cobra rev33 the irons that ricky fowler had all that input about making the irons that are. So unforgiving that i am terrified of bad shots even in this heat today.

The irons that are. So difficult to hear even after 33 iterations ricky fowler still hasn't even got these irons in the bag let's come play nine holes can i break par this could be interesting i've got four to pitching wedge i'm nervous i'm excited it's the hottest day of the year. So far and yes i'm rocking shorts i'm trying to get these legs a little bit more tanned i know they're a bit white at the moment let's go nine holes using these bad boys okay first all i'm playing is here the tenth hole um it's 380 to the middle of the green i'll be honest i don't fancy starting things off with a five iron because it's quite a warm day let's go six let's get it down there i feel like the four iron needs a few warm-up shots first now i'll try not to say it too many times in this video. But these iron heads are absolutely tiny the definition of a blade of these now typically good players play with blades because it gives them more feel more workability. But the downside forgiveness levels are non-existent if i don't hit these absolutely in the middle of the club face with a good strike one it's going to hurt my hands. And two the golf shot's going to be pretty atrocious. So i've got to be fine in the middle nice smooth one off the first hole oh that felt good but when you hit them in the middle there's not many irons that feel as good as a blade good strong start now i might be a glutton for punishment but my cameraman has just made a suggestion how to make this challenge even harder every time i don't power a hole he's going to take a club out my bag if i birdie one do i get a club back okay we'll take that then.

Right. So now this could come i mean i might be finishing the last over just one club i better hit some good shots now little five iron into this green beautiful oh beautiful [Music] if that's just simmered down it needs to put the brakes on that was right over the top of the flag good start. So far and you might have noticed even making this challenge stupidly tough i've not got any lofted wedges past the pitching wedge so if i find any bunkers if we're going to hit some really high flighted wedges i'm not going to be able to i think i'm through the back of the green it looks. So good in the air as well yeah look at this uh oh i've only got a pitch in my trimmer. So i must admit i think wedge is probably just about enough loft if i land it about here just on the front of the green. And let the contours take it round to the hole if i was any further back i'd definitely need more loft simmer simmer great. For speed terrible for line i've got that for par okay little tester on the first left to right greens look absolutely perfect pretty flat put a nice stroke on it no pulled it that's a club out the bag on the first hole nightmare i mean interesting know what club you're gonna pick which one are you gonna take seven iron interesting choice not the worst i thought you could have got a lot worse there you could have gone pitching my draw four iron okay second hole path three up the hill um i must admit you've been sly there because i reckon it'd be a normal seven iron. So i'm gonna have to try and hit soft six i was wondering why you took the seven makes sense now just gonna make sure i put this in the middle of the green oh be good oh be nice we might be getting that seven back everybody we might be getting that seven iron straight back in the bag that was perfect love that shot okay very very pleased with that shot controlled it nicely sets me up. For a nice birdie opportunity come on rick you got this oh you didn't hit it you didn't hit it oh that is very frustrating ouch that was a weak put okay this hole i normally whip driver out. And smash it towards the green with a hope of trying to get it close today.

That's not the play because one if i hit it too far i've not got enough loft. So even if i hit a four iron here i'm gonna be too close to the green because the hole is only 315 yards. So let's think about this let's reverse this if i want to hit a full pitching wedge into the green that's about 130 yards. So then.

I need to hit a shot that goes about 175 yards um 175 is not i must admit that's probably normally my seven iron again. So i'll go with the six i've been enjoying hitting the six so far now the only thing with hitting a six line off this tee there's a couple of bunkers in the fairway just right and left i don't normally see because i'm normally hitting it over that it means i've got to be even more precise with this iron off the tee come on that is wet i have just hooked that into the water hazard on the left-hand side wow i've never ever been in that water hazard oh my god right we'll have to take a drop down there i'm absolutely gutted what a stupid golf shot i've gotta be honest making power from here now it's gonna be near impossible gotta take a drop i've got to pitch it close. And knock it in it's my only option or i'm gonna lose another club at this rate i might be playing the last hole with just one golf club left in the bag oh damn okay. So this is roughly where it went in. So i have to take a drop here that's roughly two clubs okay uh 140 yards left into the flag i can't even see the flowers there 140 i'm not gonna get there with pitching wedge it's got to be a really well hit nine iron. And then.

Try and stop it on this green as well it's gonna be very difficult come on hit that so nicely be the club that should be on the green and putting but it's not super close it's going to be a long range put. For par okay this is where we finished that's actually not a bad shot from back there i got the distance absolutely bob on. But this is a long range bird sorry par put now come on go in go in oh oh kimmy oh you are kidding that was a good port i thought i had it that is another bogey that is another club out of the back i thought i had that okay what he's going to take this time interesting the six sign is gone okay. So this is the 13th. So 13 14 15 16 17 18. six holes to go five irons left in the bag so i can't afford to make any more mistakes and the tricky thing is as soon as i do make a mistake i make a bogey i lose a club. And it gets harder it's almost like a snowball effect it's par five and it's time for without question the hardest club in the bag to hit this is the four iron now when i actually reviewed these uh clubs in the home studio this was the club i was terrified about hitting just because it is. So tiny tiny small now at home there was no real consequence here there is trees water hazards this has to come out like a bullet. And because it's a par five i've kind of got to hit this full out really right come on no more mistakes pars. And birdies coming home that's what we want to see oh that's beautiful oh i love that doesn't feel like it's gone super far i've got to be honest with you feel flight was sensational it's a strong start to this hole not scary as i thought he says after hitting a good one second shot on this par five after hitting a great first one i've got it. For iron again because i'm 200 and in fact no foreign is it i want to leave myself about 130 yards in. So i've got it about a 150 club i'll hit the eight iron then.

I'll leave myself a wedge left in water left bunker's right time to find the fairway oh that's so nice a one position after that perfect layup i've left myself 135 yards to the flag which is what i wanted if i'm honest. So this is a pitching wedge straight at it with a wedge it's time to get a club back i hope travel travel go in oh it was dancing around the flag i didn't think it got there at first. But it's plenty enough club pin high putting for birdie that's how close it landed like right next.

To the flag a little bit of draw spins pulled it round to there let's see if i can finish it off with the nicest of puts it's this club that's letting me down today.

It's not the irons it's my putter well at least i didn't lose a club. But i didn't get one back the good news i should be able to finish the round at least now ah that's frustrating i must admit i'm enjoying playing with these irons uh bar the shot hit into the water a couple of holes ago i felt like i've hit him really nicely i suppose though any time when you're slightly off center like that particular shot you do get more punished. But when hit out the middle something about a blade that just feels different right part three coming up i think it's going to be a very very soft nine iron to that flag probably playing about 140. oh it just turned ah it's massive actually oh. For such an inviting pin that is a very uninviting put. For the next.

One ah frustrating i thought i was gonna be good as well okay not my finest iron shot i was hoping to get a lot closer on this par three big long sweeping put left to right most of the way come on can't afford to make any sloppy mistakes here now slow down oh i've gone very pacey oh i've gone very very pacey aggressive why did i hit it. So hard i feel like if this doesn't go in you should take my putter out my bag not another iron this has to drop do not make a silly mistake on this hole take this club take that i don't don't deserve to take an iron out my bag take my putter another bogey oh it's not the iron's fault keep that club damn ah right i've had a minute to calm down i need my putter back you can't have that you can take one of my irons go on which one are you gonna take the four iron just when i was getting on with it you take it out the bag right we're down to four irons. And we've got four more holes to go this challenge i thought i could overcome this i'm currently three over i've lost three clubs we've got four holes left to go four sweeping dog leg down the hill i'm not on my four right anymore i'm gonna have to hit a five iron problem is unless i hit my five iron to eight iron distance i've not got a club that reaches the green unless i go five iron five iron either way come on let's bullet one down there oh it's a bit drawy it's taking the tiger line it's going to be in the left roof. But fingers crossed it's missed the bunker there because that could be very tricky if i'm in there right i found it down the left hand side not in an aisle ideal position because look at this look what i'm faced pin is 160 yards um i've got to get clear the trees get it to come down soft enough. And land quick and stop quick 160. probably a nice a tie now this really is where blades should come into their own the fact that you can manipulate them. And work the golf ball i've got to play almost a very very high fly today.

Tying here oh wow oh wow get there ball go big bounce we are on the green everybody can you see that zoom right edge right front edge as the ball's just trickling down that bank that golf ball went. So outrageously high okay this way it finished front edge i've got a big right to left swing input from here it's all about the speed. And the line i've got to go so far to the right go go go go rick your putting is horrendous oh. So bad cannot get it close to the hole today.

This really really has to go in i cannot afford another three-putt thankfully we keep the four clubs three clubs to go three holes to go should i say okay five iron off this tee par four up the hill hopefully we just check hopefully i can carry those bunkers up the right hand side well i don't know actually now i'm gonna have to play left of those bunkers with the five iron it's gonna be a long way in from there right come on nice very nice if i could hit golf shots like that all the time every time hit out the middle i would comfortably play with blades this small comfortably okay found the middle of the fairway which i'm pleased about however. looking at my distance away from the flag i don't know if oh i might just be able to get eight in there just. So i've got eight iron five iron nine iron and pitching wedge left yeah eight iron just a little bit down breeze it is from here oh i don't know if i've hit it well enough travel couple of big bounces bounce bounce oh i just didn't quite catch it. And in hindsight i didn't quite have the club eight seven nine i think was needed from there i'm not far away though. But just didn't quite get every single bit of the golf ball yeah. So it wasn't far away just a club short now normally i'd put this normally i'll get my putter out and put it but my putting's been so bad today.

It's how bad it's been it's actually going to force me to chip. So i'm going to play a little nine-nine chip. And run to the back of the green desperate times if i feel like my chipping's more i'm more confident with my chipping than with my putter that's actually quite nice yeah very nice slightly pulled it offline. But perfect for distance considering it's the hottest day of the year so far this putter has been the coldest golf club in the world until now hopefully for par left to right [Laughter] oh my goodness me i think it might be time. For a new putter everybody two holes to go and you're gonna take another club out my bag you're happy with yourself aren't you go on then.

What you gonna take oh the pitching wedge down to three five iron eight iron nine iron and i've got a par short par four and a par five to finish i actually don't feel like it's the iron's fault i feel like it's the putter that's really been letting this video down this challenge down but anyway so be it okay 290 yard par four it's normally again it's driver on this hole i'll be going. For the green sometimes it's even three wood today.

I've not got luxury let me think about this because now you've taken my pitching wedge i have to lay back to about 140 yards. So it's 100 290 take away 140 is 150. is it 999 iron no i'll go i'll go eight iron soft soft nine hopefully yeah it might be a fraction that's all right that's good oh no maybe not that might be in the rough left-hand side annoyingly one thing i feel like i have to make power on this hole because with the par five coming up next.

If you take that five iron out of the bag it's going to be almost impossible. For me to make par and i really want to try and make a birdie with two holes to go this ain't ideal i'm 116 yards away from the flag i'd want my gap wedge normally i've not got a gap wedge i've got a pitching wedge so i have to chip a little nine iron in there land it short run it up so these clubs are supposed to be workable playable let's see if that's the case get lucky hit the bank that's got absolutely massive that has gone 20 yards long i think you know what obviously i'm having a bit of fun with this video coming out playing nine holes today.

With what really the world's smallest blades. But sometimes if you've got time on your own you want to go and play nine holes it's actually really good exercise to do it teaches you different skills how to play different shots drop the woods out your bag just go out with a few irons. And it's amazing how creative you can be. And it'll work in your favor for next.

Time you go and play golf with a full set of clubs it's worth trying okay. So i'll smash that through the back of the green luckily it pulled up just short of the real rubbish but i've only got a nine iron that's my most lofty club now so i've got to try and bump it into this little bank short of the green hop it up and hopefully it nestles close difficult or the best of times never mind we're just a nine iron come on rick big left to right you know what it is i don't like putting with shorts on i've just figured it out i don't like looking down at my legs when i'm putting right uh you got to take another club which means i have to play the last hole just two clubs in the bag go on then.

I think i know what it's gonna be great par five coming up eight. And nine left in the bag okay final hole par five 500 yards uh let me try. And do some quick maths if i hit my eight iron around about 165 yards maybe 170 if it bounces 170 340 ah should be about right it's about 500 yards. So hopefully three i three eight irons should get me there or there abouts if i just make a par or a birdie on this whole a bit delighted it's been a fun little challenge i've enjoyed it but i'll enjoy it even more if i can make a birdie down this last hole stop stop stop stop stop stop turning stop turning yeah it's all right actually not in the fairway. But only just off second shot a time it is perfect okay last shot playing this part five i've actually hit two nice shots to hear i'm actually lovely enough too close to the green i'm 130 yards away i've got the 99 in hand. So i've got to hit a soft one come on rick i just want to finish with a nice little nice little birdie let's stick this one in close take the hop and spin spin oh oh yards too long a few yards that was it i think it's just might have just held onto the back of the green annoyingly it looks. So good in the air as well okay. So to finish this challenge off it actually held onto the back edge of the green so i don't know if it's any better but i am putting for birdie on the last hole guys if you've enjoyed this video make sure you smash like playing golf with the world's smallest blaze it's certainly been a challenge one that's that's a worn against me today.

But it has been good fun right right to left let's finish off with one put that drops in the hole that's absolutely awful oh god that is awful guys thanks. For watching it wasn't the blades that particularly beat me i think it was this putter today.

We'll see you next.
