Ah we're not really live this time guys thank you so much first off everyone who tuned in last night we massively appreciated it i know we had some technical issues it kept dropping out dropping in dropping out and sound issues but thank you so much we had some great numbers on it so this is the almost live golf show the almost live golf show from here the turkish airlines open kind of here behind us this is the clubhouse yeah we're actually in the clubhouse of the uh the max royale um i mean last night with the uh there's no there's no drink in there just coke i know with the comments last night we were just doing it on the laptop with the live golf show. And the camera quality wasn't great because he was just off. And the actual kind of macro camera but we i thought we the studio uh production here is a little bit better we've got the studio we've got the camera. So it's like a studio we've got the iphone torch in fact i'm going to take another vip i'm going to take a picture of what you guys can see. So go and check this out on twitter that's what you can actually this is what we can see of you. But yeah we are literally right next.

To the media tent we are in the vip section. So we might get photobombed by some massive european tour players any second um so stay tuned to the background see if you can see anyone don't watch it just watch the background that's where all the interesting stuff's gonna happen. So anyway we just got some questions um well first off should we have a quick roundup of the turkish airlines open event so far we've done uh they've had to play about 27 holes today.

Because of rain delays. But they've done incredibly well to get the whole house gaming yesterday thunderstorms were last night they were really really big thunderstorms last night. And yesterday was a bit of a washout this morning was wet they had to delay the start time again this morning. But they've managed to get kind of everyone out and in uh today.

Which is really really good incredible um considering the actual because it goes quite dark here quite quickly it's pretty dark at half four. And our time um so be half two um kind of back with you guys there so they've done really well to get everyone out uh it's pretty condensed kind of leaderboard and polter westward and there's a few decent kind of names up there and wayne wade all's bit terrible when he ormsby ormsby wade ormsby well done wade you are currently leading i hope he's not somewhere here he could literally be behind me um as an australian guy um. And he eagled the last yeah that's how he got on top not a bad finish though great finish uh pulter westwood uh marcel seam um we've actually done some interviews with some players as well today.

We did some what's in the bag. And we did some um tips with pete. So go and check those out the channel coming very very soon but it proves to be an incredibly exciting day tomorrow look forward to it so it's going to be nice weather as well tomorrow which will be good uh i've just put a tweet out asking some of your questions guys do check us out on twitter it's rick shields pj. And pf golf pro um right adam price first one what qualifications are needed to be a golf coach what qualifications are needed to be a golf coach well it's is it's actually one of those weird things because if you you could coach golf if you wanted to right now you you could you could however. the benchmark is the pga qualification the pga the professional golfers association most countries do have them now that's the benchmark if you are going to see a coach. Or you see in a coach and they're not pj qualified their level of training will be significantly lower it'd be substandard to what you should be expecting from a golf lesson. So yeah your pga is going to go. And see a pj pro that's your best bet yeah there's a couple in manchester i'm going to do a little i'm going to this is this is how almost live it is i'm going to do a little focus in there could you say that pete okay okay yeah i'm filling i'm filling in the focus thing. So yeah if you haven't gone to cpj professional um that's what you need to be seeing um all i did was just repeat myself this is almost live golf show the reason it is a little bit kind of rushed here is because basically tonight we're heading off to play night golf uh again against me. And my golf and do a few kind of special videos as well. So yeah that's why that's why we're rushing it that's why we're not drinking. Yet that we wouldn't anyway that's why we are ready to. For battle and even after those guys took us in the gym yesterday we are ready. For battle yes uh more questions um eddie boyle uh favorite course you've played that isn't in the uk. For me well i've not played that many outside of the uk there's there's one that i played which was trump uh national which was in l.a which was phenomenal that was amazing golf course. But i'll tell you what the one we played out here in turkey that was also well i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm just gonna try to focus again pete i think he's going out of focus really badly there okay. So do i need to keep filling it you answer your question though oh yeah that's true um outside the uk i've gotta be honest i haven't actually played that many um fantastic courses outside the uk most of the courses i've played outside the uk are all kind of resort courses uh played quite a few in the states i did play um one called emerald valley um in arizona we are live which um emerald valley in arizona which was a little bit crazy they actually built it to hold the pj event. But when they'd actually finished designing it they realized that the greens were too extreme the contours yeah the contours on the greens were too extreme. So like the maximum they could have the speed was about kind of 10 on the stim meter. So it just wasn't quite good enough for a pj tour event but i played there that was pretty pretty cool um um eddie boyle he loves her favorite place to eat out in manchester uh very quickly australasia amazing restaurant um probably ben brazil let's go to facebook uh harry hodgson do you think rory will win the masters. Or do you think someone new will win also pete can i have your g25 driver um rory. For the masters because that one first uh rory for the masters yeah i i is it one though just straight out yeah he's gonna win it just yeah i mean the thing is with the thing is with the masters the cream usually rises to the top. And the very top of the cream pile at the moment if that's even making sense is rory. So you've got to be thinking it yeah 100 um question from golf mata g25 oh yeah no didn't you give it to that homeless person yeah no no it's not it's in a glass case now oh is it above my fireplace i've actually decided what i'm going to do with it. Yet maybe maybe i will sorry. But am i doing a competition i don't know i'm not sure yet sign it and give it away worth all of 12 pounds then.

Devalue it golf mata uh will there be some course vlogs abroad next.

Year. And is there room. For some youtube fans maybe a question mark uh yeah definitely course vlogs next.

Year abroad we've actually just half an hour ago had a very interesting little snippet of a meeting uh which we can't talk about. But that like you never know can you tell how i'm i'm i'm i'm on it tonight i really am it's one of those things we are the the thing is i mean we've actually had a really really really nice message from a couple of uh our younger subscribers who's thinking of making like starting their own youtube channel like 12 kind of 13 years old. And they were on about you know how do you which i thought was quite nice you know how do you come what training have you done to come across professionally you know what kind of studying have you done with the camera equipment the one thing you guys have got to know is this is every single video we do although some of them are obviously similar we're learning all the time. And where i mean can you tell yeah i mean we're all we are we are hashtag we are winging it. But we are kind of learning on the job all the time we're getting opportunities all the time i mean this is new to us i mean we've never done this yeah when i started youtube this was a this was i never expected i'd be here. And like the meetings we just had then.

That could be taking us to different places as well it's just the opportunities are endless uh right guys just to there was a little bit in the in the live golf show uh last night that i think cut out uh turkish airlines are running a competition. And it's definitely worth entering they're using the hashtag mygolfjourney and they want your best golfing images so whatever you can do golfing. And i've we've seen a lot go on have a look at that hashtag actually on instagram on facebook on twitter go and have a look at that um and you get a general idea of what what people have been posting the winner the winner actually gets to come to this event next.

Year and if you if you get the chance to come out here it's fantastic so what turkish airlines have basically said is the best picture they'll fly the winner out um all expenses paid uh five-star hotel flights golf. And tickets to the event absolutely everything and i've never been to turkey i've been absolutely blown away and by everything here i really really am i want to definitely come back next.

Year um probably working definitely but i'll be honest we've mentioned that we've entered enough times now turkey airlines basically told us to put this hashtag out for for you guys we've just been putting our own pictures every single picture um so we've had we've had some awesome day so far we've got one more to go and it proves to be very sunny tomorrow and also we are looking to be filming loads. And loads and loads of content tomorrow um so stay tuned for that make sure that all the subscriptions are on mine. And peace channel let's see if we've got any more questions uh i say it was a bit i don't what time is it now in the uk about half half three uh afternoon time. So some of you might be out in the golf course still no no dark no probably just about live now. Or certainly in the clubhouse you might not be interacting so much on facebook twitter um let's see if we've got any more see if we've got any more well phil pete you need to be doing this this is we are live i'm sorry i'm absolutely daydreaming um. So what we're probably gonna do tomorrow with this uh almost live golf show is do something quite similar because tomorrow day we're gonna be doing lots. And lots of videos but in the evening there's the closing ceremony that's the wi-fi is working there we've got like the closing oh we've just got no questions we've got the closing ceremony here as well. So we won't have a chance to actually do a live version of show. So we'll do it almost live version as well which this is what this is going to be basically this is going to be edited. And uploaded all within well very kind of quick oh yeah yeah this is just straight up straight up there definitely right guys we are going to um wrap it up there yeah i think tomorrow we'll send the tweet out asking. For questions maybe maybe not just five minutes before we start recording um guys thank you so much for watching we really do appreciate it as always uh turkish airlines thank you very much. For putting us out there hashtag loves the freebie um we're enjoying our time uh we're staying at some awesome places we've played some great golf and we're now going to head over to the golf course the floodlit golf course to practice because we are going to demolish the me. And my golf guys i'll tell you what should we they'll they'll get this right go on to twitter it's like i'm whispering they're not here but go onto their twitter me my golf and just give him some nice friendly banter can kind of direct it to where us too that we're gonna win. So come on go on hashtag so go and do that guys they're making some great content as well while they're out here. So uh go and check those out um and do subscribe check us out on twitter. And facebook instagram yeah we're all over instagram at the moment check out the daily vlogs that are coming out through me. And my goals he's doing some great vlogs by the way i got to fly a plane yesterday.