So you've seen from the title and the thumbnail of this video me as a golf professional he's been playing golf now for 23 years i'm gonna team up and go on the golf course day with a beginner i'm gonna play with mia baker [Music] so mia has only been playing golf for a few months she's been on the golf course less than a handful of times so this challenge is going to be quite difficult what we're going to do we're going to play alternate shots mia's going to hit i'm going to hit mia's going to hit i'm going to hit. And the challenge is we're going to see if we can make a par right with me are you up. For this challenge yes very excited. So you've not even i mean coming out the golf course you've not played a lot of golf have you before no i have been practicing into a net at home over lockdown. So that's when i started and now we're on a course so who knows what's gonna happen she's brought the sunshine up to manchester the problem is it's quite windy today.

Now to make it interesting mia's gonna tee off first 12th hole par four it's about 270 yards from the red tees doesn't matter where it goes we'll find it. And hit it again nice good slice on that it was a decent contact though that's all right. For the first shot on camera that was ripped it had a little bit of slice yes. But we're in a good position after that first tee shot i'm impressed with that well done that was class. So how was that. For the first tee shot for you it's good you know it's very nerve-wracking that was decent i think first tee is to give you any heads up i don't think first teen nerves ever massively disappears oh brilliant i know i even get i still get first two nerves really yeah honestly. And i don't even when you look at the best players in the world even like when they're playing in like massive events like the ryder cup and stuff they still get nervous so it's just how you overcome it that was a great first tee shot you should be very happy with that one thanks rick. So we found it actually that is a really good start on this whole we're on a bit of an upslope uh-oh it's gone left oh no that wasn't very good i've let the team down already um yeah that wasn't great though it's gone left of the green it's pressure first t-pressure there you go look i let you down though what club am i using here because well we are 30 yards away little hill to get over you need something with loft are you comfortable chipping with like a sand wedge yep what kind of shot is it like a little half swing like that spot okay like that look not quite all that happened there you dug into the ground however. i can sympathize you with a shot like that because sometimes i'm not as good from this range okay fourth shot i'm gonna try. And play something just over this hill [Music] this could go in this could go in oh my god it's unbelievably close and i've left you with a tapping for a five okay right i've brought my putter. But i'm hoping not to need to use it okay also hoping the same i'm gonna leave it here this is straight this might be one of the best chips i've ever played on the channel nice. And straight knock it in there we go so we're five to start on this first hole now i think it's time we get serious let's play the next.

Couple of holes alternate shots we've got par five. And a part three to come let's see if we can improve on that start. And see if we can go one better. And make a path that's good that was a good start i'm not through that. So second whole we're playing here rick is teeing off it's a path five let's see how he does [Music] fantastic that's gonna help me out it should do i'm not hitting it much better than that i'll be honest that was smokes crushed [Music] oh don't worry not your best. But don't worry it's my first time using this club brilliant nice sharks [Music] so rick's got this for par [Music] oh we were close however. it's rolled past. And i've left mia with a nasty little three-footer let's hope she holds it from here sorry i could have should have put you much closer than that very nice well done [Music] nice here he said right oh it's just on the bank that's good here we had the right club [Music] pick up the phone very nice that was good that was. For par this will be. For our third bogey in a row take that no power. Yet but no disasters i think it's going well we've got a few more opportunities to make par coming up [Music]. So i've put rick in the middle of the ferry now um this is our third shot this is a par four. So if you can get it near the hole we might be getting par yeah i mean as a pro i should be good from this range if i'm not the best [Music] right me i've not put you in a great spot here you've got to be quite creative yep don't fall on the bunker little sand wedge chip up the hill i mean if this goes into our par. But let's just try and uh chip it close i'm so close to falling in but turn the club a little bit more to the left the other way spit it more yeah that's it perfect okay. And then.

We're just gonna go oops that was just that wasn't lucky it was also quite hard just yeah that was that was very challenging never mind i'll take full wrap. For that oh i thought that was gonna turn [Music] okay we're. Yet to make a par so we're gonna place next.

Two holes and go into ultra focus mode it's mia to tee off on this 16th hole she's hitting driver let's see if we can get to a good start. And try and make power on this hole if not the next.

[music] very nice wow that was nailed was that smoked smoked. So the pressure's back on me now i've got to hit a good shot into this green to set up our par opportunity maybe if i get it close a birdie opportunity i'm gonna hit a little soft little a time from here oh no i was rooting. For you then.

It's like a different type of pressure it's like i feel like i should be the one that's carrying the team and at the moment i've hit some of the worst shots hit some good ones too it might just be on the green just a bit soft just needed a little bit more so i expect rick to hold this but if he doesn't i've got my putter just in case [Music] oh so close oh another one i feel like i've let it down i should have hit a better iron shot anyway for bogey it's another bogey now the next.

Hole is possibly our best chance of making par second short par four. And teen off [Music] okay. So 17th hole it's just just ran off the back of the green but we've got this opportunity for eagle how many eagle opportunities have you had i don't think i've ever had an eagle opportunity well this is one let's get the putter out let's roll it close worst case we should make par here amazing if we could make birdie outstanding if this goes in. For eagle it's so windy that's not bad that's not bad very good that's good very good first eagle opportunity she's put it nice and close we've got that for birdie mia still bring your poster just in case so i've never had a birdie in my life before so if this goes in i'm gonna count it i feel like i should shall let you take it no no no still not quite sure fantastic team effort birdie that was great what did we say what's the word snap smoke just smashed it well you know what we came today.

As a golf pro. And a beginner to try and make a par i think we did very well we did we actually didn't make park at all we made a birdie. So i'm over the moon with that i felt like you hit some fantastic shots but obviously as a new goal for beginner golfer you hit some dodgy ones in there as well but i'll be honest i didn't particularly play great either that was really fun guys if you want to check more out about me. And make sure you check her out on her instagram story really interesting story about how she started playing golf and we cover it more in a podcast that we've recorded guys if you want to watch that i'll listen to it links in the description below thank you for your time mia i think you're going to be an incredible golfer i. And i think one day we should have a little match against each other when you get really good. And you get a handicap let's have a match okay it's on guys thanks. For watching stay tuned lots more to come we'll see you next.
