All right guys this is an exciting day it's early in the morning i'm pretty much the first person down here at the golf club. So i've got the first tee time because i'm gonna put the new taylormade blades in the bag we're gonna play the front line with the taylormade blades the new p7mbs and then.

On the back nine i'm gonna switch over to the p7mcs i'm gonna bring that out in a different video but first check these out the new taylormade p7 [Music] blade the new muscleback iron oh my goodness how stunning the day now bladed clubs are typically brought out. For your best players i mean we are talking about the best players in the world use blades like this. And that's why sometimes a new blade is actually quite hard to change. Or or to do much to it because the best players in the world don't want the irons to change that much. And if i'm honest with a blade the head size is. So small you actually can't change that much the technology though behind these irons is they've moved a little bit more weight low. And towards the toe to apparently increase a little bit of stability i don't expect to see any difference whatsoever but if i do i will be pleasantly surprised. And i'll be the first person to report it to you so let's get on the golf course it's going to be a lovely day let's put these clubs to the test. And as i mentioned then.

I'm gonna hit the back nine with the p7 mcs and they are definitely a set of irons that could be a key contender. For going in my bag let's get to the first tee. And play golf with these beautiful irons [Music] okay here we are first hole marriott worsley park now when i play golf here. For the front nine i'm going to be using the irons. For all of the shots i'm not going to be using my wood. So much just so i can put these irons through a proper test it's a couple of things i definitely want to try out with blades traditionally you want a blade. For precision so i'm going to get onto a par 3 with my gc quad. And hit some shots and see how precise the carry distance is. And the spin rate and again for the the type of golfer that wants this back they want that really dialed in precision price-wise the 1299 for a set of seven irons these things aren't cheap but like most of the taylormade irons they brought out this year the p770s i said the mc's which i'm also going to be trying now as i said it's early in the morning it's my first shot. And as i've just mentioned a second ago i'm going to be using mostly irons all the way through this video however. i'm not prepared to stand here with a bladed 4-iron off this first hole. So i'm gonna chicken out and hit my driver just for the very first shot and then.

We'll go all irons [Music] oh that is a good start standing over a driver on the first tee is definitely more confidence boosting than standing over this on the first hole yeah we're down there now let's carry on testing these irons i must admit it doesn't get much better than this it's like first thing in the morning i've hit a great opening tee shot i've got these beautiful blades in the bag i mean this is this is literally like dream golf um the blades from this range i'm 143 yards to the flag this is where i'd feel like i'd be alright using this set of irons because you needed sometimes a little bit of finesse because to some degree i mean there's pins at the back i don't want the ball to spin loads the greens are a bit receptive at the moment. And could spin a lot and this is where again just having a set of irons where you can actually take off a bit of distance. And be able to shape the ball well i will definitely test that this also is a somewhat of a feature. But a cosmetic feature typically blades have somewhat of a flat back what taylormade has done this time they've just put this little kind of bump in this toe area that's why they've added a little bit more weight as well and the idea cosmetically as well let me just give it a wipe it bounces the light off at different angles you're almost getting light from four angles from this flat back here from top right from lower camber here and then.

Kind of on the left edge of the toe there it's nice it's reflective i do like that there's something quite special about blades anyway just because they do look. So good so the idea of this i'm just going to hit a little soft nine in. And hopefully with a shot with a club like this i should be able to finesse one in [Music] or hit one thin [Music] just past the flag um yeah that wasn't the best struck shot in the world very low off the face. But in in fairness it's done all right that's funny there great tee shot perfect conditions stood there with a set of blades thinking that was rory mcelroy tiger woods. And then.

Boom straight back to reality after thinning one uh just past the flag blades can do that to you bring you back down to earth [Music] okay this is where i'm gonna step up. And hit the four and after t this is a gorgeous looking blade wow. So forged head design as you would imagine with most kind of premium bladed irons and also there's a little bit of milling on the face with this new lineup i think they've taken some inspiration from the tiger irons the ones that he's had kind of input into you've seen a lot of the players over the last few years certainly from taylormade having like proto blades like rory's had some dustin johnson i think they're almost getting a bit of everything all different angles of the best players in the world input into these irons i mean that is super small there there can't be that many golfers even if they put this bladed set in the bag that would actually have a three. And four iron in the bag you could see a lot of players put something a bit chunkier in the bag however. we're gonna test the full set so for iron off the second hole wish me luck [Music] that's better than i expected it to be yeah that was nice really good good feel again daunting when you look down at it found the middle. And that was a good solid ball fight. So there was me thinking i'd hit a good tee shot with that four iron. And i've actually hit it in the rough it mustn't have been that good it felt okay. But i didn't hit it up straight um the second shot in i'm 163 yards to the flag and this is where i'm gonna be hitting the seven iron the lofts are almost like weaker than traditional this is a 35 degree lofted seven iron you see in sets these days get into under 30 degrees. For the loft of a seven iron this is super traditional i think this is similar loft to what tiger uses if if not you might even use a 36 degree 7 iron. So don't expect these to go far and they shouldn't do they're not designed to go a long way. And i would possibly say for me this is as far as i would start to after this club i'd start to feel less confident with a blade. So like six iron five iron four iron but this i still feel pretty comfortable this is a gorgeous looking eye it's got great shape to it let's try. And hit one nicely into this flag just out the rough oh that's good super high ball flight get on the flag stop yeah that's really good from there straight over the flag just left landed towards the back of the green. But stopped super quick out the rough very noticeable high ball flight that went up to space that was really nice. So out of the rough there from 163 yards that ball stopped pretty quickly as you can see it's flowing a few yards past. But i wouldn't be disappointed with that shot and i mentioned then.

That iron shot did go very high. And that to some degree is the fact that they are slightly weaker than traditional lofts. But typically a bladed set just because of where they put the centre of gravity in the way that a club's designed don't particularly stock go super high there's a number of reasons loft the lie that i had and the shot i once wanted to play and that's what you get a little bit more from a blade you can be a little bit more creative with the flight hit it high hit it low hopefully anyway if you're skilled let's knock this one in. And then.

I'm going to play a few holes to really test these irons out to see what they have to offer [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]. So i've pretty much hit every single club in the bag so far and like most blades they're not particularly easy to hit in the longer irons the four five and six as you would imagine they're quite small headed from that point down 789 pitching wedge beautiful really nice i loved the control you get off those little delicate shots even little chip shots around the green with the pitching wedge were. So delicate perfect now there's not much of a technology story with a set of irons and certainly a set of blades when a new driver comes out and it claims to be faster longer all this jazz i'm happy to call it out if that's not what i see but with a set of irons certainly blades as i mentioned at the start of the video they actually don't want to change that much for who they are aimed at they're aimed at a tailored type of golfer like i say it's the best players in the world. And the best players at your golf club i mean. For example the director of golf down heresty who plays off plus one handicap who i think just won the club championship five times now i showed him those irons. And he loved them he said oh my goodness they look amazing currently he has in the bag a six-year-old set of titleist mb blades he's the type of golfer that if he was looking to upgrade after six years of having a trusty bladed set in the bag he might move into something like this. Or it might be a player who dramatically has improved their level of golf over the years and have gone from higher handicapped clubs to maybe cavity back now want to move into blades as they get better and it's not mandatory but that's sometimes what you see so they're a good set i think they look good i think they feel fantastic like say they're a blade one thing that stood out to me on the uh the tech sheet was surgical like control. So apparently these irons now offer surgical control see that would imagine that you are going to be unbelievably consistent with your distances. So i've come up to the beautiful par three here the seventh hole i'm gonna hit the seven iron which is 35 degrees of loft i would possibly hit the seven iron i guess i would carry it maybe around about the 170 mark with spin rate around about 7 000. it'd be interesting to see what the milling of the face does to the spin because i have seen some good results of that on the course. So far let's hit a few shots and i'm not so much about where it's going to finish down on the hole. But how accurate it is on the launch printer on gc quad see if it actually gives me surgical light control okay first shot let's get a benchmark [Music] that was hit very nicely indeed great flight on that [Music]. So five shots i hit there four of them i hit lovely and the four that hit nicely it gave me unbelievably consistent carry distances ranging from 169 yards to 173 like four yards of dispersion which is impressive the spin rates were all pretty much 7100 give. Or take 100 rpm do you talk about surgical light control yes when hit well that's what you get. But one of the shots in there i think it was shot number three i hit a hit terribly. And the distance dropped way down 157 yards of carry distance so as much as this could be a surgical-like tool if the player isn't a surgeon then.

They might not get the best type of results but when i hit them well i did see that amazing level of control that's why you need to be a ball striker to use these tools in the best possible way. So getting up to the green here you can actually see as much as i wasn't massively going. For the flag there but just stand here for a minute this is parallel to the line that we hit it on look at those four balls four in a line that's the four that hit with consistency. And the one that i didn't hit well ended up in the water front of the green right let's pick these up and carry on so far these irons are completely tailored. For the better players as i mentioned they're giving you everything the feel the looks the control of distance but one thing that is a true characteristic of a blade is the workability factor now i've actually made this a little bit harder six i'm actually gonna do out the rough. But what i'm gonna test here with the six iron can i hit the four shots required on demand. So can i hit it right to left which is my normal one. So i should be able to do that. But then.

Can i also work it left to right can i hit it high can i hit it low intentionally because you know a golfer again who wants to use this club let's say they've hit it into the rough on a path. Or par 5 whatever it may be and they want to maneuver it to get closer to tight pins they've got to be able to work out the rough so let's go let's go draw first i've got the six iron they are gorgeous these clubs there's no question about it they really are stunning i'm just gonna draw it back into the middle of the fairway let's kick things off yeah that one that one was pretty easy. For me like that's that's pretty much my stock shot and passed with flying colors next.

One which is a fraction harder. For me personally but again if you've got workability clubs you should be able to maneuver them a little bit more it's always the the old antidote with a lady club so i'm gonna start up the left hand side this time out the rough again get some left to right movement on it oh not bad i've managed to move it a few yards in the air next.

The high one again i think there's a couple of advantages of a blade to some degree because there is a little bit more loft to weaken the standard the high one again should be a piece of cake [Music] wow yeah super easy. And then.

Last one the low one the stinger out the rough potentially this is where you can start to get this club leaning forward a little bit more again because the sole is super super kind of thin basically it allows you to be able to push those hands miles forward. And see if we can get the lower one coming out [Music] yeah exactly what i'd want to see with a bladed set of clubs okay that's the front nine done with these the taylormade p7mbs wow let's give some positives. And some negatives positives looks i've got to give credit again to taylormade the design team for look these are a 10 out of 10. For me they are beautiful at every single angle. And everybody that i've given a little tease and shown to just down here at the marriott over the last couple of days they've been like wow they look incredible and they really do feel again 10 out of 10. when struck in the middle they feel phenomenal. So this brings us on nicely to the downsides the negatives when hit not in the center you lose distance and they don't feel as good forgiveness-wise if i was to rate them out of ten honestly if you're not crushing the middle these things are four out of ten. For forgiveness certainly in the long irons the four five and six iron are tremendously difficult to hit. And then.

Also i want to talk about this idea that if these are a new blade. And if i use steve down here as mentioned before he's off plus one handicap he's got a set of blades in the bag at the moment what entices him to put these in the bag at 300 pounds there's not that much of a difference between these and another set of blades and as i mentioned that's not what they're not trying to make them that different and that can kind of be played in two ways it can be a somewhat of a positive. Or a negative i think as of new taylormade blade. And mb iron goes they couldn't have done much better than these stunning and i'd like so i think you're going to see them in the bag of a lot of the best players in the world right that's the mb's done now i am going to jump on the back line. And put the tailor-made mc irons in the bag these bad boys check them out in the video that's coming next.

Now these are a true contender. For potentially going in my bag oh right let's load the bag up. And let's get back on the golf course and we'll see in the next.
