Callaway have introduced two new apex irons apex 19 and apex pro i've got to say these irons look delicious i'm going to test them on gc quad before taking out the golf course to give you my full review [Music] hi guys i'm rick shields pga golf professional if you're new to my youtube channel welcome smash that subscribe button if you enjoyed the video hit that like leave me a comment down below what do you think of the callaway apex irons if you enjoy the video share it around via text message social media. Or whatsapp tell your friends about the review so the callaway apex lineup is typically aimed at your better player the player who wants maximum feel wants consistent distances. And not looking to hit the ball a ridiculously long way and it's the same with the new apex 19. you've got two irons you've got the apex you got the apex pro apex is slightly chunkier slightly bigger version with stronger lofts. And then.

The apex pro is a much smaller profile head with a slightly weaker loft. And for this review i'm going to test the apex probes it's the iron that's typically going to suit me most. So callaway claiming they've made the apex feel even better and they've used the technology that they used in a rogue iron which is a distance iron. And they're infusing in the forging process urethane microspheres easy for me to say i don't know how that's going to improve the performance in the field. But we'll see if that's actually the case if i get any feedback whether they feel any better than the previous models um now apex also feature 360 face cut technology which is a way of keeping the ball speed hot across the face certainly on low strikes as well. And they're using tungsten in the weighting of the club head to be able to pinpoint more accurately the center of gravity for each club therefore. they're claiming you're going to get better distance control. And better trajectory these ions are very much inspired by tour pros. So the shaping of the irons has been influenced by the best players in the world and i've got to say they look delicious and they really do the lines the contouring the fact that there's next.

To no offset the forged apex pro has this kind of shiny chrome finish where the apex has the brushed chrome finish i just think they look great they're very simplistic not much going on you've got the silver the black text the bold black number underneath bit of an odd one with the apex pro that's almost like a full stock mark under the number i'm not quite sure why that is. But they look great price wise they are expensive you're looking. For a set of seven irons regardless whether it's the apex or the apex pro in the uk you're looking at 1 300 pounds and in the us you're looking at 1 400 that's for a set of seven ions so definitely high on the price spectrum let's test them on gc quad see what distances i'm getting from the ions i'm not expecting massive distances because again the loss of weaker for the seven iron it's 33 degrees aloft nine iron is 41 degrees of loft. And the five van is 26 degrees where the apex is a little bit stronger. But as i mentioned i'm going to stick with the apex pro let's see how far they go see how they perform. And then.

Get them on the golf course [Music] [Music] [Music] okay. So all of the indoor testing carried out on gc quadwords pro v1s and the distances i was getting from the irons pretty much married up to the loft. So for me the seven iron 33 degrees of loft i was carrying the golf ball 168 yards gotta say the feel off the face is great when i hit him well. And certainly the height was really impressive as well. For me the carry distance for the 5 iron was 195 yards. And with that loft of 26 degrees it's kind of what i expect and then.

The 9 iron was carrying 145 yards really good flight good feels i noticed on off centered hits i got punished. And you'd expect that with a smaller head design but the strikes off center still felt good and just lost distance when i was testing it on indoor numbers let's get it on the golf course to see how the apex pro get on on some real grass [Music] [Music]. So one of the shots you definitely need to be able to play with a player's club is a little knock down shot not full power like a half swing bring the flight down see if i can get it close that flag this is a nine iron from 115 yards yeah does the job [Music] something i always like about slightly more bladed club is that you can manipulate a shot like this this is a bunker shot i'd probably need wedge to get up over the lip. But i need 99 distance i'm going to open the face of the 9. And see if i can get it up there i feel confident because there's enough loft on this apex pro yeah it kind of does what i want it to do you want a club with a bit of blade to be able to open it up. And play different types of shots okay well i've got a chance here i'm gonna eat both of the seven irons in apex. And apex pro see if there's much of a difference i'll hit apex pro first yeah. For me that's everything that i want from an eye and the feel the sound the response the look behind the ball it's a solid nine out of ten we go apex a little bit chunkier a little bit more offset a little bit stronger lofted and just on first reaction that's definitely like it's gone a bit further but for me sound is louder feel isn't as soft it's a kind of seven seven. And a half out of ten i much prefer the apex pro [Music] so i'm gonna try a shot here with the five iron i'm gonna bear lie i'm gonna try and punch it under the trees to get back into play again a shot that this club needs to have in its locker that was [Music] [Music] [Music] one of the shots i like to be able to play on the golf course. And certainly in the test a little bump and room delicate shot let me go with the seven line here with the apex pro kind of requires a bit of finesse and control you don't want a club that's got too much power and this hasn't got that so i should be able to play this little back of the stance bump it forward and get it closed i like that with clubs that are kind of a little bit more streamlined a little bit smaller head it doesn't feel like it's going to come off really hot off the face like i've got control i could play that with a little bit more height if needed. And lower as well i like that with irons [Music] [Music] [Music] okay. So that is testing on the course done with the callaway apex pros i can't say i'm a big fan i really like the feel is the first thing that i noticed when i hit the shots it has that kind of forged feeling obviously soft feeling. But it's very satisfying they're not the most forgiving golf clubs the off-centered hits do get punished as you would imagine the apex would be a little bit more suited to off-centered hits. But still it's not on the category of ultimate forgiveness for me it hit a lot of criteria the distances weren't too maximized they were good solid distances. And consistent distances which is something you want in a better players iron i think they look absolutely stunning. And do everything i want them to do high shots low shots bump. And run shots you can kind of be creative with it fade it draw it you can pretty much get the golf ball to do to a certain degree as much as you want the golf ball to do with these clubs on the negative sides one is the price you know the 1 300 400 pounds it's really expensive sits in that same category of the taylormade p760s well they're just. For me they're just too expensive um bar that they're very good i really like the everything that kind of club has to offer i just feel like the price is 4 500 pounds too much. For a set of seven irons you've got the apex pro and the apex both very solid golf clubs i personally prefer the apex pro and i must admit they are high on the agenda. For maybe making it into my golf bag thanks for watching guys stay tuned lots more to come we'll see you next.
