In this golf bag i've possibly got the best irons in the world the irons that would suit a professional golfer all the way up to a high handicap golfer now they're not new but they are new because these irons in my bag are the new version of the taylormade p790s back in 2017 was when the first set came out. And i raved about how good they were 2019 the next.

Version came out. And again i raved how good they were while taylor may have brought out a new version. For 2021. there's subtle differences but they're also claiming there are a lot of similarities to the other sets that have been. So successful in the past [Music] now if you don't know what the p790s are. Or if you need a quick reminder they're a hollow head design and through that screw there at the end after they've been made they insert speed foam yeah it's a tailor made thing now apparently that gives more ball speed a better feel. And it fills the inside of the head also it helps with acoustics the sound when you hit the shot these are forged irons. And i must admit the look again this year is very super clean i like the design the only thing i'm maybe not as big a fan of they've gone. For this slightly more brushed finish which doesn't offend me but i think i liked a little bit more chrome now in the set you've got four to seven iron. And they've got this speed pocket here at the bottom that's again to help more ball speed with your longer irons that doesn't continue as you can see through eight nine. And pitching wedge okay the first place i'm gonna start with this test is actually i'm gonna pretend i've never tested p790s before i'm gonna use this set as almost a brand new set. So the first thing i need to look for is the long irons i want to know how easy they are to hit are they forgiving do they go a long way. And then.

We're going to move into the more lofty clubs now there's one concern i have about the lofty clubs. And we'll test that in this video because that's going to be a real critical point to whether these are the best irons in the world. Or not okay let's start with this little path through up the hill i'm going to hit a six iron looks wise behind the ball yeah just just clean nice not super thin top line at all a little bit of protection a little bit of forgiveness almost confident boosting all right let's start off see if we can uh hit a good one to kick things off [Laughter] you can make the best lines in the world you can. But if you fat it two inches behind the golf ball no club is going to help you get the ball on the green that was not a good start at all okay take two [Music] a little bit clean that time. But that has actually made it onto the green other fatted one i thinned one i'm probably testing these clubs today.

Okay. So that's my warm-up hole out of the way i've now come to a quiet seat because i really want to test these long guy and certainly the four and five iron it wouldn't seem strange to have a set like this in a very very good player's bag like say a scratch handicap or even a golf pro but also someone like a 24 handicap or a 28 handicapper could play with these irons because of the forgiveness level so let's see if they are forgiving i'm gonna hit some off the tee. And i'm also gonna hit some in the rough there as well to see how much forgiveness i can get with these long irons okay five iron first okay there are three really nice five irons that last one that i hit was absolutely out the screws when it's hit from the middle they do feel really nice oh it was going. So well to that one just didn't quite catch that and i'm not it's down now it's not horrendous and it's it's definitely shorter than the other ones that was hit right off the bottom now's the real test. For iron out this juicy rough [Music] [Music] so i feel like i've given those irons a real good test they're off a perfect lie and certainly in that juicy rough now are they the most forgiving irons in the world no. And that's a fact but often when you want ultimate forgiveness you have to compromise looks like often you need a club head that's way bigger much chunkier it's like a real chunky pink or a chunky callaway or even taylormade make a chunkier version iron the problem is you sacrifice looks. So for me they're going to offer you about 70 forgiveness if you are that higher handicapper. And one ultimate forgiveness you probably do have to sacrifice looks. And go for a chunky iron but you do hate the look of a chunky iron. And these do offer a fairly high level of forgiveness. So coming up i've got the ultimate test which will really tip the scales to whether i think these irons are the best irons in the world. But before we get to that the next.

Hose are lovely par five i'm going to throw a load of golf balls down different positions. And try and hit every club in the bag multiple times and certainly some of the short shots around the green as well [Music] very nice [Music] so so far i feel like i've tested these irons thoroughly tested every club in the bag in loads of different situations and the first thing i want to say these irons are very good i've come on to whether the best irons in a moment however. i have noticed a couple of subtle changes certainly against the previous models i can't help myself. But compared to the 2017 model and the 2019 model and there's one thing that's definitely stood out to me a little bit more with this iron set they just sound a bit louder off the face it's not as maybe as a as um satisfying noise now the only thing that could have changed to affect that apparently the speed foam inside has become lighter i mean how light can you make foam i'm not sure it's the only thing that really could contribute to the difference in sound. But performance so far has been very strong the last test i've come here to the 18th hole i've made myself a kind of made up par 3 shot coming into this hole i'm 150 yards away from the flag so i'm going to hit in a 9 iron full now my big concern with power irons. And certainly what i've seen from previous generations of the p790s is when you absolutely smoke one out the middle there can be a tendency of the golf ball to go too long. And you might be thinking i'd love to hit the ball too long the problem with that you don't want to hit it too long if there's trouble past the flag you don't want those inconsistencies so let's hit a few into screen and see if we find anything or whether we can classify these as the best irons in the world. So i'm about 153 yards away from the flag and i'm gonna hit the nine iron now normally my standard nine-iron i probably wouldn't quite hit it that far but these are strongly lofted the 40 degrees nine iron. And just to give you a bit of a benchmark here's the lofts of these irons they're slightly on the strong side but nothing ridiculous let's hit some nines i've got gc quad to get some baseline numbers as well but i say what i'm looking out for is i don't want to hit those absolute monster golf shots that go way past the green [Music] oh that's very nice yeah pin high literally four feet away from the hole [Music] that looks nice as well. Or a tiny bit to the right it looks good for distance [Music] oh that's got potential visually it actually looks really good again to be honest with you let's see what the numbers are on that one i must admit the four of just hit the dispersion distance has been exceptional like three. Or four yards between them they're all around the flag and that last one was the one that i must admit i'd fear in the past i felt like i absolutely crushed that. But it's absolutely spot on for distance so i cannot fault it so it comes back to the title of this video and the question i asked at the start are these irons the best irons in the world no. And you know what they are very very strong in every category. But they're not the best in every category they're not the softest field they're not the most forgiving they're not the best looking it depends a little bit what you are looking. For but i'll tell you what i must admit they are one of the best all-round irons possibly ever made. And they suit a wide range of golfers.