In this video i'm super honest about my golf game tell you about what i do well. But most importantly what i don't do well what i need to improve on now many of you watch my videos you'll know i'm a golf professional i'm a pj golf pro i normally shoot somewhere in the 70s if i get close to level par i'm delighted if i shoot under palm over the moon. But somewhere in the 70s i'm more than comfortable shooting i don't particularly play in competitions anymore i don't really find that to be that appealing but i love making videos but generally i love getting better as well but i still care about my golf so i want to talk today.

And be very honest put all the cards on the table and tell you a rundown of what i do think i do well in my golf game. And what i don't do. So good so i want to kind of tie this in with a little bit of an updated what's in the bag video as well start with driver so my driving i'll give a bit of a brief history first i've always felt like i'm a good driver of the golf ball i've got decent club head speed i can strike it well i draw it a little bit too much at certain times. But i find myself a hitting driver i don't fear whatsoever i never really have done if i'm dead honest this is a new addition to the bag as well this year i've put the cobra king speed zone xtreme driver in my bag which has given me even more confidence i'm finding i'm hitting it straighter. So for me driving if i was to rate it out of 10. let's say that i might do that all the way through the set i would say i'm around about an 8 out of 10 with driver good club head speed decent ball speed i carry it about 280 yards. And my misses aren't that bad touch wood so that's the driver out the way i feel like that's one of my strengths in my game next.

Club three wood fairway wood now you might again as this is a bit of an update what's in the bag uh cobra king f7 oh boy. For everybody watching from uh from many years ago this has been in the bag for a while i'm gonna be dead honest with you i don't hit fairway wood that often but it is one of the least used clubs in my bag. And that's why maybe it's the club that's not changed so much i just don't find myself using it the only time i'll use it if i'm about 260 70 yards away into a par-5 that's probably the only time i use it i don't massively use it off the tee because i find that i'm more accurate with my two iron when i hit fairway woods well i mean nothing beats it i absolutely stripe it i love the flight that i get from it however. i'm partial to the odd top i'm partial to hitting the top of the golf ball in my fairway wood. And the ball just rolling along the ground quite embarrassing shot for a golf professional so for me i would rate my fairway wood probably about seven out of ten and i'm not talking about fairway wood the actual the wood itself but me my ability of hitting fairway wood about seven out of ten but it's not bad but again i just don't use it often before moving to my irons this is a club i pull out a lot this is my two iron titleish u500 now as driving irons go. And a lot of people watching would be scared to death of hitting a one or a two iron i absolutely love hitting this club for me this is probably one of the most consistent golf clubs in my bag i find that i hit it a lot off the tee. For safety i'll still hit it into greens if i need to but it's so like it's safe i love it the miss isn't that bad i very rarely if i do miss strike it's a little bit of a thin shot that still goes straight down the fairway. For me this category my longest i am a driving iron i think. For my ability i'm about a nine out of ten with this with this kind of club at this area so i'm a big fan of that moving into my irons we are going to come up to much more negatives in a minute believe me if you're a long time watcher you'll know what those are irons i've put some new irons in the bag this year taylormade p7mc irons love these really nice they're giving me the forgiveness that i want from a club. And the feel so they're a good addition however. my iron play in general i think i'm a good player with the irons i'm long even when i play with golfers who are longer than me off the t quite typically i've been longer than them with my irons i compressed the ball i kind of flight it really nicely i would say without really kind of diving into too many stats because i've not kept any. For a long time i would say a much stronger iron player than most of my game like i'm good with distance control i can flight it well i can hit it high. Or low on demand again i'm a little bit draw biased at times but i can flight it. So my irons in general from all the way from my foreign down to probably my nine iron i'm gonna come onto my wedges as a separate category i would say i'm about nine out of ten with my irons i don't often hit it horrendously i'll again i'll catch a slight thin one every now and again i just sometimes don't quite stay down on the ball i don't let that right shoulder drop low enough i get a little bit inside and a little bit up but generally irons is pretty good. So before i come on to the part of my game that i think i am the weakest at that i'm the worst at i'm like a in some description like a an amateur golfer 15 handicapper with i'll come on site in a minute. But before i do that putter again i've had this club in the bag. For a while this style definitely even roll er2 i went out with the blacked out version recently just very kind of classic looking putter very nice as putting goes i think i'm a decent putter i feel my stroke is good i feel like i'm very good at distance control what i'm not great at. And again it's probably lack of practice or playing in tournament play certainly when i'm filming i'm just playing casually i don't take enough time to really read the putt a couple of years ago i did aim point which is the crazy reading where you like use your fingers. And your feet and everything else when i was doing that i was an unbelievable putter i really did hold a lot of putts. But over the years i've just personally personally neglected my putter i've actually had a little putting green put in the garden so i might that might get a little bit better but we'll see but putin is okay i would rate myself as a golf professional rating my footing i would say i'm about a seven out of ten more to improve on. And then.

We come down to let's say my problematic area in my golf game as i mentioned that starts video i'm gonna be super honest with you i feel like i have been so far i've not massively bigged anything up i'm okay a lot of areas. But my wedge play in particular is dire my pitching distance control is shocking i'll often hit it way too long when i don't need to i'll sometimes miss strike a shot. Or sometimes not catch it well i'll often try and play the the hero shot as opposed to trying to play a safe shot i don't particularly flight my wedges that well it's just it's not where it needs to be i'm very i'm loose with it let's say i need definite work on that for me personally and hopefully you guys can take a bit away from this i personally need to work on my distance control i need to work out how far i hit each of my wedges with each wing. And i've said this on videos in the past i've done videos coaching videos on how you guys can hit your wedges better yeah i don't take my own advice sometimes. So i need to do that i need to take my own advice a little bit more. So wedge play shots into the green from 100 yards is poor. And then.

The final the final bit of my wedge play is chipping around the greens again you might have seen i've said this on video i've not been shy about this on videos it's. For where i'm the least confident with at the moment i can play some beautiful chips. But i can play some really delicate lovely little chips. But overall when i'm stood over the golf ball with a chip i don't know where the ball is going to go let me get down to the chipping green. And just talk about that a little bit more so before we get down to that green i forgot to mention it as well the wedges i'm currently using i've got three of these the mg2 taylormade mg2s 52 56 60 i do like the wedges it's not really the wedge's fault i think it's a little bit more about my technique let me show you right. So i've just come down to the front of the green here this is the uh tenth hole at the marriott where's the park i'm gonna drop a few balls i'm gonna do a live meet me live chipping this. For me is a shot that i'm either gonna blade it fat it chip it in there my three options we'll see what happens i just feel like off in a tight lie i'm gonna use my 56 degree i would personally. And this isn't the worst thing i've got around situations like this by putting it or hitting a chip and run or just doing something that's much safer and again there's nothing wrong with that whatsoever but for me i just want to have that ability to have the confidence to slide a wedge underneath this and chip it close for me this is the weakest part of my game i think there's technical issues from my own technical issues i feel like i get too much wrist hinge in the backswing. And then.

Struggle to release that wrist hinge coming through i feel like i need to keep much more straight armed and club and turn the body better but sometimes it's always a gopro sometimes i've got these ideas in my head but trying to turn them into an actual shot can be quite challenging i might have to look into a short game lesson from somebody. So for me this this type of shot again live on video like this isn't my favorite in the world [Music] i take it all back i suppose i'm really trying to concentrate on this right now [Music] so what's mad about that one i'm somewhat happy with the shot and that's wrong i'm happy with the strike but come and look at this this is where as a golf professional from that range look how far it's run past that's run past about six. Or seven feet first one with a you know easy that's a little chip tapping for par but that is no guarantee. For par so it's even though and this is where my own maybe expectation levels have changed i'm just happy that it was a well struck golf shot it wasn't two foot in front of me. Or thin through the back but in reality that's not great but a lot that's a weak shot [Music] that's a little bit better then.

One more that was pretty class in all serious note it might even just be a mind blank like just venting it airing it to camera is actually helping me feel a little bit better about it i mean like say they are pretty nice shots. And that's unlike me and maybe i've concentrated a little bit more maybe it's not my chipping that's the weakest part of my game maybe it's in here a lot of golfers will struggle with that mental side maybe that's where it is. And i've definitely struggled with that put me under any type of pressure you know remember a couple of years ago i was playing in the bmw pro-am down at wentworth if you put me in that situation. And filled this green with a thousand people even if it was ten people i'd be a nervous wreck i need to watch this video again to show you how i can chip guys thanks. For watching hopefully that's like a little bit of an insight i'm gonna be honest they're way better than i expected it to be but it's part and parcel of it you don't get four attempts at a chip stay tuned lots more to come i'll show you what i'm gonna do to improve my short game. Or improve up here to help you guys improve too we'll see you soon thanks for watching make sure you like and subscribe that's me bearing all about my golf game that's a pretty question.