All right guys we've got some absolutely brand new irons to test brand spanking new never even been on the market before so it's like reincarnation of a of a super old iron and it's the ben hogan irons i can't wait to test these it'll look sublime you can see some images up on screen there at the moment a couple of unique selling points there is no a kind of set six iron five iron 79 whatever they're a lofts. So they go from anywhere from 20 degrees aloft all the way up to 60. they've got all them lofts so you kind of would work with your custom fitter whoever you're going to get custom fit with. And would absolutely dial in the shots now some of these lofts that i've got here are kind of half clubs it was like a five. And a half iron so you could really tailor in the way that you kind of the distances you hit the ball they just look amazing they're so slim line so i'm going to start off with a 41 first. So this is uh it's probably about like a 99 really 41 degree loft got gc2 i'm hitting real golf balls down here at the orlando trade show first impression soon as i look at it it just it just looks. So classic it is such a tidy clean line of an iron it really is gorgeous um nice solid thick lampkin grips these are the ace grips. But they're in a really nice kind of navy blue and red looking down at the ball just blades real classic blades love it it's kind of like you know if you ever was to you know pick up an old club from your granddad. Or your grandparents you could imagine it's looking like this this is just a new reincarnated version of it a little bit of chunk at the back of the head. So it's going to give a plenty of power. So i'm going to hit nine iron. And see how it feels how it cuts through the grass most importantly oh wow that that cut through the grass so incredibly well it kind of just glided at the bottom of the club there's a a veso it's forest head it's got a v sole so the front edge and the package kind of tails off whether that had a big influence i've had wedges like that before that have been a vessel and forged what's similar to these actually um wow this is like a 99151 carry felt amazing oh yes it's the way i don't know what it is it's the way it cuts through the surface now they've actually produced quite shallow difference. For a nine-nine it's almost if it cuts through in the leading edge then.

The back edge kind of bounces back up again and helps protect it from digging into the floor 152 carriage just awesome right let's pick another one i don't know what the uh club is here this is 28. 28 degrees about five. And a half iron it's interesting that you can dial it in that precisely this is a five. And a half iron 28 degrees is it five. And a half i'm nearer to six nearer to six in new money let's see how this performs so again that this is probably a little bit more boxy in the head shape oh is this like the flight of it the feel 188 it's it's it's impossible it's impossible with. For me to explain the feel it's it's impossible for me to do. So because i'm gonna i'm gonna say this it doesn't feel like any club i've hit before i couldn't i couldn't even compare it to another club i've hit before with its forged head and that way that it cuts through the surface don't think they're. For everyone now if you're a don't hit the middle they're going to punish you they really are. But the way you can home in the lofts 188 carrie just the flight is amazing i like i like a lot i really do i'm gonna go 21 degrees of loft. So 21 nearest kind of a three iron now still got a little bit of vesol yeah just a fraction. So even this the front edge and leading edge is slightly kind of cut through the surface that's such a classic blade i'll tell you what ben hogan irons you probably never you would have never seen these on the market at all. Yet not even out just amazing right 21 degree basically three iron right that wasn't absolutely ripped i didn't hit that perfect 219 carry i didn't i'd promise you i didn't hit that perfect the only little bit of forgiveness it's got is that right at the bottom it's chunky it's got a little bit of a chunk at the bottom. So with that thin shot that's still produced very i can't describe the feel it's impossible for me to do. So because it doesn't feel like any club i've hit there's not a lot more i can kind of compliment these irons on i'm running out of of ways of describing it i've just picked up another club this is 34 degrees it's a kind of eight eight time range they've been pretty true to distance. So far but let's this is what's interesting let's say you've got a gap in your set now let's say you've always wanted a five. And a half iron or a 26 degree or 27 degree whatever it is you can now get that with this set which i think is a really unique selling point let's go one more let's go to the a iron seriously 134 degree 177 got me that can't be right. And it felt that good struggling right this is an interesting test i'm going to try. And chunk this i'm going to really drive down into this. And see what it reacts like when hitting too much grass because that's vesol i'm expecting it to cut through and then.

Almost bounce back up again i'm going to really go at this quite hard descending angle it just cuts through the surface it just cuts through the surface 167. i need to stop hitting these irons this this might be a 30 minute review guys it might just be me hitting the rest of these irons rest these golf balls the rest of the other golf balls in the buckets it's an iron i've not felt before whether i'd fully use them not sure i don't know why if i'm name branded i don't know. But certainly ones that you should try i'm going to go one more that 21. i'm going to try. And sneak this out this is coming back with me right 21 degrees i'm going to finish with a little bullet i'm going to finish with a little 21 degree bullet guys review done that's it no i'm not i'm not hitting the line today.

Maybe this one one more it's class just great irons just great feel love the fact that they've got different lofts that's it cute.