All right guys so we're down here with mr rob potter again 13 handicap tester i'm expecting this handicap to come crumbling down soon yeah i've had some some struggles this year uh i've not played as much as i wanted to. But i've struggled but it's getting better now the scores are coming the score's actually tumbling. So we're going to be testing some irons today.

We've done some testing already on the channel. And we've got the ben ross iron so we've got the hot speed 10 and the rip speed 10. and also i've got this one over here as well which we'll do is a separate little video as well because this is the gold speed um i've done these reviews on my channel. And the numbers kind of spoke for themselves they're quite impressive numbers to be fair so they've sent these pretty much in your spec apparently because they knew rob was going to do some testing thank you um. So should we give them a hit which one which one do you want. So we've got the rip which is the silver head the hearts which is the black head slightly bigger head uh the is that right have we got the right way hot is the bigger head yeah rip is the smaller head with this kind of cut out at the bottom yeah well. So we'll we'll go it up we'll go with it the rip speed can you just mention that one uh that's fine yeah we'll go with that one okay uh yeah interesting little club nice club um i hope marvel i've given you the copyright. For the spider-man thing at the back i'm a bit of a comic-con geek and that's a bit spider-man-ish um same with the other one yeah it's really kind of funky he's very spider-man-ish um looks nice i like what you've done he's kind of like looking if you look at this here. And if you're a geek of golf clubs like me very much callaway x22s uh the way that the design the back of the head is uh. And the interesting little speed port channel there that some of the imac like taylormade had brought out recently stuff like that kind of amalgamated a couple of designs all into one yeah. So let's see if that you're getting the best out of the two now if you don't know the company ben ross they are a at the moment just you uk. And europe company uh hope they might come out into the states soon um but i wanted to see rob's opinion on it the reason being they are a much lower price point club okay. So for us a set of these you're looking at some half of the price some of the top manufacturers so i wanted to see if there's much of a difference between a slightly lower budget set not not you know not dirt cheap lower budget set with the technology and after i test it i thought i was really impressed with the numbers. So i have to get rubbed to test it and we put a post out on instagram and twitter last night and the responses for these people wanted to test these were untrue we've got the drivers as well we're gonna test. So let's let's go rip speed first yeah. So this is silver head kind of speed slot at the bottom this is seven iron that we're testing uh it's in a dynamic like regular shaft give it a smack yeah absolutely let's do it. So what do you think about the look of the hub head behind the look of that behind it it's nice you can see plenty of face um nice little bit of offset to it quite a thick top edge uh which again is going to bring people some confidence quite boxy in shape yeah it is yeah it's not it's not the most i say sexy design um it's not got catwalk looks no. And it's it probably doesn't maybe have that finish of like a premium expensive product yeah that is possibly you know is that is that a bad thing no is it it still performs you know. But i'm saying that he's certainly not a ten pointer he looks all right if you don't know what that means are we explaining that right now you can google that. So if you've got you you basically bare glasses on this is like big golf glasses on yeah. So let's go uh let's go rip speed first seven iron we'll hit a few shots then.

We'll go into the hot speed oh was it with my first shots of each club today.

Did you talk we talked too much i can't help it i got too much we talked too much i'm gonna i'm gonna be honest with that although despite being a mulligan it's a very heavy club okay very easy it's heavier than the ones we've tested. So far today.

It's interesting because it is a light shaft yeah it it could be the light shaft that's making the head feel heavier which is 285 gram yeah. But it does feel a very very heavy club uh i was quite surprised that then.

I thought that's what's really throwing me out when i was swinging it sounds not too bad he sees all right. And it's online and it's the probably one of it all day um compared to some of the clubs that we've tested so far we've done some testing on the ping so far uh carry distance for rob norman with the seven is about the 140 mark we have maxed out with one of the clubs no hint there. But in that little max out of one five four yeah that was one four five carry one four five. So it's a little bit longer than i'm currently hitting anyway which i'd kind of expect with the weight of this it feels like i've got my ex-girlfriend on the bottom of the club when i'm hitting it it's ridiculous your ex-girlfriend on the bottom of the club she was a bit heavy nice shot nice shot nice shot that's better better distance yeah we'll go one more with the rip with the ripper. And then.

We'll get onto the heart that was 151 carrie how'd it feel it feels all right it is a bit of a dead feel to it um it really does feel a bit dead. But again if you're going to go on the higher handicapper are they really bothered about the feel do i get the results yeah exactly i mean you know that that again acoustics is a big thing that the manufacturers do pay a lot of attention to. And do an awful lot of research too. And therefore. have to fund that research whether ben ross have gone as long as it performs yeah strongly performs the feeling the sound are very much connected together yeah when you when you do hit it. And it gives that different sound the you get a weird you got a different feeling it's a bit you know touch and feel it's not quite a springy face okay it doesn't feel a springy face off it um. So let's go one more with this and then.

We'll get on to the uh slightly chunkier version that's it nice hit sir another that long mother that nice one five five nice surprise i'll swap you over to the heart chris talk us through the hot there rob oh hold on again uh spider-man effect that's more like a spider-man sequel um so yeah yeah that's this i like the coloring on it i also like the contrast um now the conscious i'm saying with that one is some people might not like it. But with the the kind of the black nickel finish and then.

Having the slightly different gray color on the top line of it and also on the face of it i like that i do like the contrast there's kind of a white framing you know the white grooves yeah with the white grooves on on the the sides. And on the bottom uh the bottom groove does make you look at this is where you want to hit this golf ball right here yeah right there baby it's just kind of like that yeah well it highlights the sweet spot yeah it does highlight it without putting a golf ball mark in it like what the some manufacturers have done over the years. So have a little practice swing with this before you hit it just to get used to the weight just in case it is much different it's the same shaft 85 gram dynamic uh dynamic light that makes a lot lighter okay uh. But it probably isn't but it is a bigger head there's a big head yeah. So let's give this a go hot speed this is going to produce a white line when he hits this one instead of a red first shot you don't quite get it away it's not bad it's down there a little bit heavy a little bit heavy it's actually done really well a little heavy. And it's gone fastest is that all right was that nice yeah i don't know whether it was the sound it was just a midges what's it heavy okay uh just a minute i thought i don't know if there's just the sound it was something that wasn't quite i don't know how perfect. But there was still a there's a spring off this okay there's a bit of a spring off that it could be a spring off the turf i don't know i was quite impressed that it actually still managed to get to where it got to yeah they got past ladies tease i'm really impressed with it saved an embarrassment that's a great shot that is a good shot you do it good on videos. And i've seen a video all the time following you i need to be videoed on the course because my score is a queen down i'm getting really good click like if you'd love to see rob on another course vlog hitting it like this uh 147 carrie not bad not bad. And i'll bring dobby cam with me oh don't get him started with this we'll get on dobby cam we should have double cam for this no way because this has been brilliant i i really don't want to see what you see all the time the path isn't hitting it it's been awesome rob's got a camera that he puts on his head it's yes okay one more with this i'm going slightly off track one more with this hashtag dobby cam bit left yeah that felt a bit cassie at the top that wasn't your best was wasn't it good than that i have one mulligan we've seen adam mulligan with the others everything else. So far so he just proves that i do like the comments of you guys i said that you know it goes. But sometimes i do throw in a little wobbler. So you know i think you've got you know what's what the difference between a handicap. And a single figure exactly it just proves it there a bit off the bottom of the club but it's going it'll go it's got done all right yeah it's off the bottom of the club that one i fell out straight away. But it's gone you can see because the the release on it. So what do you reckon. So not quite as good a yardage on the hot i'll show you the flights we can have a quick look um right three with each i'll give some ball flight. So we can see red one is the rip much higher yeah i know starting the very first one even he caught a tiny bit heavy it came out. So much lower yeah um dispersion let's have a quick look at that. So we can see the red one was a little bit longer white will maybe smack the smaller dispersion uh that's the heart against the the rip another look at some figures. So rip is on the top row the three golf shots in red red text on the left hand side a red logo wing. And we've got the hot in the white uh let's have a quick look so clever speed not much in it it's a couple miles per hour but it's big significant anyway we're actually not gonna hmt dots on so that's only a bit of a guesstimation um carry distance on the rip was 150 carry on average okay heart was only 143. But you did throw in that bad one of the last one which was one three seven. But even the two before that weren't hitting 150 a little bit shorter on the hot there which is odd because that is the slightly bigger forgiving club yeah i don't think i hit this one as good personally uh. But i do like this it was kind of set up all. For everything should have been better you like the look of it you like the weight of it you love the framing you love everything else of it but just maybe on that little test there that we did maybe didn't hit it quite as good wasn't fair to say no um total distance again it's just a simulation 163 opposed to one five nine uh spin rates around three. And four thousand marks are around that mark yeah um what do you think i tell those robbers right sorry. But us golfers are very snobbish um we are very very snowish if it's not one of the big blue chip company names yeah we don't go. For it you walk past it every time you know i even have i had a solex nine iron that i got from argos once that that's that's i rest my case and that was just minimum bottom of the range pond scum kind of iron uh. But it worked it's one of the best nights i've ever written so golfers are very snobbish um these bone rocks are very good both like what past john letter stuff john lennon is one of the oldest manufacturers in the world ever. And people will still walk past john letters because it's not marketed in the same way um this is the same scenario ben ross has been bringing out great putters i've had some fantastic reviews in the golf magazines golf monthly review ben ross poppers in the past. And rate them very highly yeah. So they're a good brand they are a good brand. And guys don't be walking past these i've got a young lad who's uh been through through your set through following you on facebook has actually contacted me and wanted me to give me him my advice on what irons to buy now right he's got a 500 pound budget he's testing some eyes he wants me to help him out with it i've said i'd go across over to yorkshire to give him an hand. And have a look at some stuff don't be dope don't be offering that seriously just with that that golf club is one i'd say to him give that a bash mate give it a go both of them give them a bash guys mid handicappers give these advice they're not i i think that's i think you've nailed it on the head that's its biggest challenge is because you're fighting against marketing budgets that are unmeasurable yeah you know you you blue chip companies like you say in the golfing world you tailor made your callaways your pings whatever it may be your titleists their marketing budgets are enormous enormous. And the thing like the ben the things that ben ross do they don't particularly uh they don't support any tour player no. So they don't sponsor any tour player again that's funding that needs to be that's marketing marketing if you pay for a tall player that is a marketing flight you know look at nike with their elite players. And how many players they've actually got i was watching the golf last night they had like six players in the top 12. fantastic. But if you have that many people sponsored by said manufacturer you're going to have that many people you know up on the leaderboard aren't you ben ross have not got a luxury therefore. they can keep the prices down maybe not as cosmetically refined as some of the top names. But still seem to be performing quite well i like the look of these yeah these are quite these remind me very much of the big berth rounds uh. And looking down at them the very similar look to the big bertha rounds that's not a bad thing you can get something looking like a blue chip company iron you doing all right there kid i'm gonna now get you to test in a separate video we're gonna keep those numbers up as well the ben ross speed gold speed this is in. And yeah when the guys from ben roth uh gave me this they said this is. For rob i said okay that's fine let's have a look it's in a dealer gold speed senior shaft. And 35 guys i'm 35. pesky young kids is what i got what i've said to him we're gonna we're gonna give this a test because they they believe that this will rock it through the air uh. So stay tuned for that guys as always do subscribe to channel by clicking the big link down here go. And check rob out on all these social media platforms comment down below let us know what you think about the revenge rush range. And i'm sure rob will be on there responding as much oh god yes yes especially you know the old decrepit man that i am now you know are you charities you're all right with that i could break an abacus to be before okay we've already got running water in charlotte's i can take a laughing penis that's supposed to be that's supposed to be uh infected as well guys we'll stay tuned we're gonna get the ben ross speed gold out. And we'll see you next.
