Right guys i've got another ben rush product for you this is the driver now. So there's two well there's three drivers that are out there's a low spin version medium spin version. And then.

A senior's version this is the hot speed 10. So this is the kind of medium spin version weight in the middle adjustable around the neck. So you can go open closed higher. And lower and loft it it must admit it looks the part i've got this in a dealer a tour extra stiff shaft so the shaft that actually suits my game i've tried this one in uh probably callaway clubs before tried the shaft in i'm gonna do a head-to-head against this. And a ping driver so ping is the probably the best selling driver out on the market this year. So i'm going to do a ben ross against the ping g30 um then.

I'm going to do the lower spin version against my lower spin g30 which i've had in the back. For probably coming on to six months now so it'd be interesting to see what the lower spin ben ross driver does against the ping driver i've got on gc2 we're going to hit some shots um. And it looks the part now what i like about ben ross and certainly if you're watching from an international you might not have heard of ben roster manufacturer because they're really only based in uk and europe at the moment but they are looking to spread their wings a little bit further afield very soon um it's a slightly lower price point. So it's not as expensive as some of the top ranges um so it depends on the the retailer but this is this retails pounds english pounds about 200 pound um. So what's that about just under 300 and europe that's near enough the same euro as pounds these days so let's give this a hit now i'm still a little bit confused about this this is a 12 degree head. So what they have they have they're lost in the head and they can change it by changing the um the neck by making it more open more closed. But they're saying the true loft is 12. But it plays more like 10 and a half so let's give it a go it's medium launch so the weight's in the middle looks behind the head it's got awesome big logo on top of the head for alignment the big line really easy to align a couple of little strands along the back um let's give it a smack see what it does. So i'm going to test it up against the g30 as well see how this performs okay. So we've not got off to a bad start at all there that's pretty that's pretty decent wow so 284 carry for three or six total 2 300 spin and only 11 yards offline that was smoked i enjoyed that i enjoyed that a lot that felt nice yeah that felt really nice lovely flight big high draw. For me lovely it's almost like an identical shot that is really nice good flight it's up there again it is up there again. And for like say the lower end potential of the spectrum this is this is doing all the right things. And it looks the part you know they've made they've put the time and the effort into really making this club look the part as well i love the kind of slightly uh duller finish on the top the gray finish with a bit of jazzy techy stuff at the bottom as well with the visible weight in the middle which always helps and the adjustability two great shots to start we'll go one more and then.

We'll get the ping out see what that can do compared to it i can't go much further wrong than that they have three very nice golf shots well look at some averages first before we get the ping out just. So we can see what the ben ross does alone i said it's the hot speed one which really shouldn't absolutely suit me perfectly i reckon the lower spinner version will suit let's see what these three shots have done. And we'll get the ping out and see what it can do. So having a quick glance along the columns um 112 club head speed so i've got like so i've got the extra stiff shaft in this it's 280 carry on average for 300 yard total distance right up there you know right up there spin for me on this one was 2636. And launching about 15 degrees so i reckon there's a bit of room and improvement by just lowering that spin down and that's why i'm excited to test the lower spin of the spinning version. But those numbers aren't far away from almost pga tour average you know the spin rate the spin rate on pga time average is about two. And a half thousands it's right up there on average let's get the ping out and see what the normal standard ping can do against the ben ross we're gonna hit three shots against it right i'm now going to test the g30 against the ben ross this is the standard g30 not ls tech one the one that i use this is the standard version. So a good head-to-head i've got this in the stiff extra stiff sorry tour shaft so the one that i got fitted when i was at ping should we give it a go see what it does i'm excited about this it's interesting to see what these two will do head to head wise i must admit that was that was a nice hit. So if there's ever going to be one to compare it against that is it right there very very close numbers we'll hit three. So we've got a decent average to be able to compare against okay. So all three shots done with the ping let's pull up the figures and see what the results look like i think it's gonna be quite interesting all right guys. So results are in. And against the best-selling club on the market currently g30 versus the ben ross slightly cheaper price point there wasn't a massive difference but there is a difference there is a difference. So if we look along the columns the ping has managed to pick up a mile per hour and club at speed whether that's the turbulators or the ever so slightly longer shaft a tiny tiny bit longer shaft could possibly be the spin rate was a touch lower on the pink 2521 versus 2600 of the ben ross there was a six yard carry increase with the ping which you would without question put down to the clubhead speed. And there's slightly lower spin and total distance 308 compared to 300 the ben ross eight yards difference that's all not a lot at all it's definitely worth throwing this into the mix when you're trying clubs chucking the benross into the mix to test up against some of the big names that's me testing it hitting a couple of shots we'll hit three shots with each just to see what the numbers are like i don't think there's enough of a gap. So sometimes justified the difference in price potentially but guys go and test that yourself i'm now going to be testing a lower spin version against the ping ls tech. And do some iron head to heads as well guys thanks. For watching hopefully you enjoy the videos do subscribe by clicking the big button down here check me out on social media we shall see you very soon testing some more gear do some more course vlogs. And give me some more tips thanks for watching guys you.