One of the most common questions i ever get asked is what irons should i buy. And i'll be honest with you it's a very difficult question however. as a very broad answer i've often recommended ping ions because i don't think you can go far wrong with a good set of ping ions. And that's because they're reliable they look pretty good they're modern i think they're bringing out their new lineup the g425 irons. And i've got a full set to test i want to see if these are another set that i would recommend to buy let's go. And find out okay. So i've got a full set of the ping g4 25 irons here from four down to lob wedge i'm going to hit a few here in the home simulator first thing i've got to say these irons look incredible pink irons in the last 12 months have really ticked a lot of boxes in the looks department sometimes they've experimented with colours. And blues and oranges and reds this year round is blacks it's greys it's silvers these irons are super classic. So i'm going to hit a few on the gc quad with pro v1s now the g lineup is typically aimed. For forgiveness for consistency across the face and really for your mid to higher handicapper now what they've done in the g425s is put a weight in the toe. And the hidden weight in the heel to help with more forgiveness now you might have seen from the driver video i released i mentioned how straight and forgiving the driver was it'd be really interesting to see if that's the case with these irons as well price wise the 900 pound. For seven irons so they're not the most expensive irons in the world but they are pretty pricey. And lofts the strong this seven iron is 30 degrees of loft the four iron is 20.5 degrees of loft. And the pitching wedge is 44.5 just to give you a bit of an idea unlock-wise i'm expecting these to go a fairly long way finish wise hydro pearl 2.0 finish supposed to be more resilient it's supposed to be really good in wet conditions that'd be interesting to test right let's give these a hit behind the golf ball they're a nice looking gi. And i would say they're a smaller headed g i and i've seen in the past from toe to heel really nice actually let's see how they feel there's apparently there's a new multi-material badge at the back to help with not only feel but also sound but let's not waste any time let's give this a hit i've got the green out there like 180 i'm expecting to be hitting these around about that far that felt really nice pretty much 180 bang on the nose carry a tiny little push but nothing to be offended by two things i noticed felt good sounded solid that's off the first hit set a few more [Music] oh that was close very close [Music] oh that was a bad strike that'd be interesting because i didn't hit that one well at all as you can see i've missed the green by a mile i lost about uh probably about 15 yards of distance there on a really miss struck shot that's something to note. So i've hit a handful of shots with the 79 to start things off a few things i know i do like the look of this irons i mentioned i do like the feel i do like the sound very very promising signs i also felt like a lot of the shots similar to the driver that i tested were very forgiving did go straight. But i didn't hit every single one of them as sweet as a nut there was one that hit very much low from the heel as you saw from the footage it moved way off to the right. And i lost about 15 yards of distance that's a big drop off it is. And you want forgiveness with an iron like this but just know if you do miss strike it you are going to see drop-offs now what i do notice with irons like this certainly with strong loft lofty enough. For giving irons something i've seen in the past and i'm always scared of hot shots when you absolutely crush one out the middle and suddenly the ball goes much much further that's really hard for when you're trying to judge distances so because i've got a full set let's do a gapping session from four iron all the way down to pitching wedge just to see if we identify any big gaps that we don't want to see very interesting findings the two gaps i've identified the first one that worries me is between the pitching wedge. And the nine iron the pitching wedge was carrying at one three one the nine iron was carrying at one five one now we ideally want 10 to 12 yards if i had 140 yard shot let's say with this set of clubs what am i hitting like i have to do it super soft nine. Or absolutely trying bullets a pitching wedge that's a big concern to me on the other end of the spectrum there was a club that felt like i absolutely crushed. And did come out hot which is the five iron. So the six to five iron again there's an 18 yard gap that's too big where the four iron is only nine yards gap. But i don't think six to four is that bad i think that five iron came out a bit hot it's almost backs up some of the concerns i have over strong lofted power irons you just got to be careful that you're not leaving yourself in really tricky situations out in the golf course. And you just don't have a club to play it with the last test i want to carry out is testing this hydro pearl 2.0 finish now apparently the finish on these clubs help move moisture away when the club is wet. And when the ball is wet why that's important it helps consistent spin control. So i'm going to test it hitting five shots with ball. And club dry first then.

I've been created with my coffee mug and a squirter we're gonna wet the ball and club and see how much the spin changes now i have seen other people do tests like this before. But i've never done it myself i've got my sandwich in my hand let's go dry first before we move on to wet shots [Music] okay ball. And the club face has been soaked let's see if there's much of a difference [Music] very interesting test before each wet shot i sprayed the face again i sprayed the ball again results are amazing now i'd normally with a wet ball wet face i would see a drop off in spin. And the carry distance could be more inconsistent what i found with that little test there was no difference spin was the same ball speed was the same launch angle is pretty much the same carry distance was the same there's something in that that's a cool little piece of technology that works also just something to touch on the g425 irons do feature archos in the smart grip as well now this is great if you play loads of golf because you can sync it to your phone. And after you round it will give you loads of stats about the game of golf that you've just played. So in summary are these set of irons good. But yes they are they're forgiving they're long they're straight they're easy to hit. And in my opinion they look phenomenal i think they're very timeless they definitely look better than the g410s. And the g400s from previous generations but is the performance that much better than the g410. And g400 no not really at all. And if you didn't want to pay top whack it might be worth looking into the 410s or the 400s guys thanks for watching stay tuned lots more to come we'll see you soon.