There you go guys on youtube today.

I've got a real fun video today.

Of harrison roberts who uh junior golf have been having lessons with me quite some time. And and since i've got the gc2 device uh i've seen his game come on leaps and bounds to gc2 is the launch monitor i use in um videos when i test in clubs. And also to use it on a daily basis when i'm coaching it's really enhanced coaching and it's helped harrison each week aim for a new target so each week he wants to beat his best score he's closest to 50 yards he's closest to 60 yard 70 and today.

Our previous best score was 96 yards of carry distance with the driver. And our mission today.

Was to get over a hundred. And i just want to want you to show you the magical moment of when this happened and the excitement on harrison's face and his reaction is absolutely priceless. So stay tuned for that so and obviously harrison just just turned 10 a huge man city fan um and real kind of pleasure to coach on a weekly basis and what he's done here when he's hit the shot he's just ripped it smack bang out the middle of the golf but we've worked on a few little technical things there but nothing much i like to keep my junior coaching nice and simple he's looked down at gc2 he's seen 103 yards and his reaction is just superb he was. So happy that he beat that score so i'll play it in normal speed so you can get the full reaction on this. So he's hit one great out the middle what look down at the gc2 which gives us the data and a great celebration now here's the data that you look down on so it's 84 miles per hour of ball speed and the bottom number was the one that was most important about the 103 carry distance with the driver. So really impressed with him today.

And guys i just wanted to show you how kind of coaching the the youth of today.

Really does obviously bring a lot of pleasure when they've hit golf shots as good as as good as that one there that harrison has hit today.

Real a real target that we aim. For today.

And i'm looking forward to seeing his next.

Reaction when he beats 103. so well don't say harrison great session i know you've been looking forward to seeing this video on youtube and uh guys if you've enjoyed the video and you love the the kind of enthusiasm that harrison brings to this this golf shot please do give it a thumbs up uh subscribe to the channel. And also leave a comment down below if you've if you've enjoyed this and remember playing golf for this reason to enjoy it to hit that shot and just know you know what that was the best shot i've ever hit well don't say harrison. And i look forward to seeing you again next.

Time you.