Hi guys so here is a lesson today.

With a new client of mine called mark bradshaw this is the biggest lesson change i've ever seen ever in one lesson i just wanted to share with you guys on youtube because it's unbelievable. So we've got a screen here at the moment mark at the start of his lesson now to say this is the biggest swing change ever you're going to see a massive difference at the end. So please do stay tuned um mark came in with complaints of hitting it very very low. And very left and really struggled to get any any height and to really struggle with long clubs really did struggle with one clubs this is a nine iron now mark would hit his nine iron incredibly low. And i'm gonna show you some features in a minute of this swing very low and along the floor then.

We need to look at why that happened and the first thing that stood out to me was mark's grip his right is well both of his hands are in the strongest grip position i've ever seen ever. And i mean the hands are. So far around the back of the club now this would make the club face without question aim to the left and would completely deal off the face completely and this was why mark was hitting it. So far low and left but he would then.

Make so many compensations in his swing to help him hit the ball somewhere near straight let me show you this by the way on the right side of the minute look at the club face here at the top of the swing it is in the close most closed position i've seen any club the toe of the club is vertical up to the sky that's really closed that would mean that he'd have to make. So many compensations to hit the ball anywhere near straight so we got to work we really did get to we're running. For an hour today.

And we got to work on some real key fundamentals in this swing certainly we tried to battle the grip so what we did first we noticed a few areas in his grip certainly this arm extension through the ball. So you look at the uh the right hand image there the left hand screen here that his arms coming through the shot would completely separate out because they had to if they didn't separate out he would literally hit the ball past his left foot so what we what we did first is we didn't change his grip straight away i got him to do some practice swings where he would be swinging the club to the left. And he would be extending his arms so you can see on the floor here there's a stick just down this left side i was getting him to swing down that line. And also extend his right arm over his left there's such a big difference that movement now if he did this correctly you can see there just the impact his club face was actually almost turned upside down the toe of the club would have hit the ball. So what did we did a few few swings of that first we took our time. And did a lot of practice swings without hitting a single golf shot doing that we then.

Change the grip. So once we change the grip we had a few off iffy shots we didn't hit the ball great at first but we saw a huge improvement straight away first off the club face was an awful lot straight at the top of the golf swing it was still a bit close which we would imagine. But it's an awful lot straighter and i was encouraging mark to hit downwards. And towards the left hit down and towards the left to change his path because his path at the start today's lesson just to remind you this is him at the start today's lesson was severely to the right because it had to be it had to be to the right to stop him hitting it anywhere close to being left. So getting to encourage him hitting it down and towards left now sometimes that that works really nicely but at least we've got airborne at least we've got the ball up in the air and the last shot it's the last shot of the day this is just unbelievable the difference. So you can see now the new improved grip it is still a bit strong in that left hand. But i'm going to let mark off in this first lesson it's still a little bit strong in that in that left hand position there. But we're only talking a tiny bit you can see here in his setup how his arms hang naturally better how he's actually got some wrist angle. And at the very top of his golf swing his club face is now straight. Or at least straighter so this is the point now i'd say to mark hit it downwards. And towards the left i want you to hit down and towards left because it was. So different to what he was doing look at this shot i absolutely love this. So it's high it's straight and it's long this is the shot that actually marked it this was the action replay. So it's high it's straight and it was long this is a nine-nine carrying at 155 yards now bearing in mind mark at the start today's lesson was hitting this along the floor. And this was this was a good one along the floor. And to the left now to be hitting that golf ball high and straight got to the top hit down and left but that just shows the importance of lessons it really does i mean that is that is the biggest this is the end of the year that's the biggest swing change i've seen all year without question mark you did great today.

Well done um guys if you enjoyed the video please do give it a thumbs up comment down below let me know what you think about that swing change because it is absolutely enormous um we're going to see mark again. For another lesson very soon i've actually told him not to practice between now and next.

Lesson just because he doesn't then.

Fall back into bad habits i'm going to see mark. For his next.

Lesson i can't wait to see him continue that grip improvement and from hitting it five six yards um straight left off the face and along the floor to hit 155 yards carry with the nine-nine dead straight was huge well don't say mark guys if you enjoyed it do subscribe click the link down below comment let us know what you think about swing change next.

Time awesome best swing change of the year yes.