Hi guys so welcome to the monday night golf show i'm back i'm back black and bleary-eyed coffee needed so guys i just want to thank you all so much for your kind messages on on facebook and twitter uh of my arrival of my daughter uh ivy shields was born 27th. So 12 days ago today.

Uh. And she's awesome awesome tiny tiny tiny tiny baby uh i'll throw a picture up on screen there for you guys if you've not seen it but i once again thank you all uh missed last week thanks andy carter for sitting in for me yeah did a decent job i thought i was i was wondering if you were if you're gonna get the seat back i was a bit worried i was like this morning should i should i go in. And film the show and i thought yeah yeah go ahead. And he's actually on holiday um so we did unwind you a choice really had to get rid of that substitute today.

So yeah um like i said i'm back now i'm back uh filming about teaching uh. And excited now to kind of run into the last end of the year kind of all guns blazing you should be fully refreshed after 10 days honestly i feel ready i feel ready laziest person i know 10 days off all i've done is slept well i've not slept in the day. And and been up for night really but yeah uh mum's doing good as well my wife claire's doing fantastic. So yeah we are over the moon um. So guys obviously the monday night golf show we've done this a few times already now uh if you missed last week since on pete's channel uh do check out pete on his channel as well guys you can subscribe to him by clicking the link down below uh because like i said we are going to be alternating this this program on each channel as well um loads. And loads to cover today.

So we're going to fly us through this pretty quickly uh with mega excited ryder cup is getting closer yeah teams have been picked uh countdown is on uh just well the end of the end of this month it's only what is it gonna be under under 20 days now until the till the start it's exciting i'm i'm a little bit gutted. So i'm actually going to be able to watch it. But where are you away i'm in venice the holiday was booked. For me and uh days i'm terrible with so i was just yeah yeah whatever yeah just book in it's fine came back with the dates. And i was like i'm sure that rings a bell from somewhere filled out an application. For the ryder cup tickets and then.

Found out oh no i'm already on holiday one of the things i'm good about i was planning on going to the ryder cup i've got tickets. For all four days i was going to take my wife. And my newborn children under five can't attend so i'm not going either um i'd say i'm the ticket it's a non-transferable. So i can't change the name on him so yeah thanks very much pj i really really appreciate that thanks ivy yeah thanks ireland i was hoping i was just gonna time her cries perfectly the americans backswing i'm guessing that's the reason why they're not allowed in i'd only presume that. So yeah i'm not going either. So i'll be watching it at home and uh just excited about it anyway things to cover we are going to talk about tactics today.

Radical tactics which is going to be really exciting we're. So disappointed that bloody blanga didn't get picked i can't if you're watching paul we're very disappointed in you still love you but we're still very disappointed and just because we sent you an email every day and a tweet every day a letter letter but anyway i think your picks were fantastic. And it's a very very very strong theme and the right decisions to be fair also we've had an exciting a weekend uh pga tour we had uh billy harsel who won uh a few couple or ups and downs with people weren't there yeah macaroons up there again garcia was up there oh yeah like well mcelroy had his his before put from three foot. Or whatever whatever he was which was quite quite entertaining. For the mere mortal cycles to actually watch your top one with the top professional do that was it was quite nice he did it on the next.

Day as well again yeah i know he's on saturday on the sunday just as a i don't know. But what i love about it this is i don't know if you've seen his twitter do go. And check out his twitter because it hurts and starting to become quite humorous um he kind of said um i think he said this this morning he said something like um if you missed it yesterday i thought i'd do it again. For you the monkey monkey emoji over covering his eyes so it's quite a nice little touch yeah it's good i like more chilled out now definitely definitely. And then.

Garcia had his shocker on the uh on the closing holes last night when he's he was in contention 600. For the day and then.

He threw in a triple bogey after sculling a wedge a little chip into the war it was strange it was just very weird he keeps getting himself in contention he does it doesn't seem to get over the line. But it's a good sign going into the ryder cup again. For europe so very very good side lots of very good players but we had an american one american winner billy all shawna billy horschel um very good nice swing yeah we just looked through swing you know we were trying to we were trying to pick out some unique features to his swing every bit of it every bit of it is fantastic it's not unique sorry. But every bit of it is amazing just. So technically sound is very very modern it's got a very modern technique very modern way of swinging the club. So we'll we'll kind of do that in that analysis in a moment. And it looks very good actually we've picked up a couple of little pointers that are going to help you hit the ball further. And help you well hopefully shape the ball a little bit more in a draw kind of manner from the things that we've picked up in billy's uh technique so that'll be interesting to see so we'll jump on the mat and do a bit of that we'll cover any questions you've got you've hashtagged on facebook. And twitter with monday night golf show we're gonna fly through them super quick towards the end and then.

Fill you in with our uh exciting news that we've got just building up all the time we're doing loads and loads of stuff on youtube from uh from travels here there and everywhere to private jets to different places around the country it starts to get a little bit crazy so we've got we've got loads coming up which is mega exciting. And we always want to keep you filled in with all that information so that you can keep up to date with it. So radical teams if you're not actually seeing them selections have been made the wild cards have been picked by both captains and well it's what's been expected within kind of the last kind of few weeks really that europe on paper have the much stronger team they're much stronger the u.s they've got a few players out injured obviously got tiger duff and they're not there so it's it looks it looks like europe are the favorites it's been the ryder cup you can never no you can never predict these things with bubba playing well at weekend as well bubba you know came second at weekend he's back seems seems a little bit happier he was he's been up. And down recently but yeah they came back out. And played well this weekend so it's it's one of those things because europe looks stronger in paper but you know us team they've still got fowler mickelson you know you get slightly unpredictable maybe this year but it's it's zach johnson always performs the ryder cup fury having a good weekend as well walker i absolutely love jimmy walker the way he's twinsies week ago two weeks yeah. So it is it is a strong team still it is a strong team. But yeah europe do look. For when you've got you've got the number one player in the in the world in your team you're always going to be favored you've had multiple winners justin rose multiple winners last kind of not had a phenomenal season this year. But henrik stenson you know he's not he's not really set the world alike this year but certainly under actually he was flying yeah gallagher playing well you've got ian poulter mr mr ryder cup himself in there. So it's just injects himself with red white and blue don't of well not right why i'm blue that's us but more you know i was thinking more uk. But kind of just injects himself with the the ethos and the uh it it's his son it is his tournament it's when you were from a european perspective you pictured the ryder cup you picture the impulse going a bit mental really. So that's what that's what it is really. But there's going to be some very we're just trying to figure out actually kind of what the pairings are going to be um because there's a few couple of new names in there. But a few absences like um donald who i think the last few years has played pretty much every every pairing really he's been a very good point winner. But not a great couple of years so he's he's not in the team and he's in absence but i mean you you'd probably expect a few of the parents to go back together mcdowell. And mcelroy they're good friends and kind of normally play together but yeah they've had a little bit of a tiff recently you know they've not been they've not been as quite as closed. And clicky so it'd be interesting to see if they do actually get paired together yeah i think there's a bit more to that relationship than seen uh on the front i think it's a bit more behind the scenes going on there um god just your gossip queen. And if there's not let's let's see let's see a bit of a bit of drama um the poulter and westwood generally play well together yeah which is good uh. But then.

You've got you know you've got someone like rose i could just imagine rose and kyme are just going out together. And just ah so uniformed i i would love i think kyle. And stenson together yeah just be unreal yeah you can't see anyone really standing up against them too no not at all. And then.

Obviously you got all the fantastic uh quite a few characters in the us team as well you know like you know you've always you're a bit edgy with watson you know do you play him in the foursomes because he can't be he can be. So erratic are you if you got if you got a pair with watson in the foursomes well. For a start me and rick could be wondering what we're doing there but if you've got pearly watts in the force and you'd be like because what could you do because you never know what he's going to produce no you never know what he's going to produce. So what's in it in four balls that'd be absolutely amazing but you know from a from a golf coaching perspective the worst pairing that could go out is bubba watson. And fury together wow if those two went out together and one they'd break cameras if them two went out together imagine those two will be able to figure it out the cameras i'd love to see watson furyk against um rose. And stenson imagine that oh just we our heads golf coaches would just explode we won't know how to do deal with that at all. But it just proves that there is no technique you know there's no correct technique there's there's bits of uh of information that will definitely impact factors that'll help you hit the ball better. But you're dancing and jiggling up at the top it doesn't really matter you're doing it all the time it's one of those places like in the us thing you although i mean zach johnson is not kind of a prolific winner. But you know what you're going to get from him you're going to have a straight hitter. So you'd be loved to be paired with him he's obviously a fantastic putter fowler an amazing putter as well playing it's playing really good as well so you've got these kind of plays but from the from the european perspective you've got unknowns to most americans are kind of jamie donaldson uh victor de guzman i think he's saying. For analysis nice so he's he's a rookie french player who um came second to date the match play uh early in the year with some just ridiculous up and downs in the playoffs yeah yeah you remember that one um stephen stephen gallagher as well who actually met actually when we went to taylormade really nice guy actually trump international we met him. And rose um but yeah gallagher was really nice really nice guy absolutely smashes it as well yeah hits this this is really low like obviously a link to golfer yeah it's this bullet of a golf shot. So it can be interesting to see if the wind does pick up at glen eagle you talk about someone who lags the club in the downswing it almost collides with his body the shaft on the downswing is that is that much of a lag uh. So and policy if you play with anyone so so guys we also want to know who would you put together who would you put together as the pairings who what matches would you love to see singles and you know the doubles pairings as well fill out the comments box down below we'd love to hear what you think. And we're going to be very active on that this week really reply to a lot of comments. So i want the most comments ever we can get right billy let's have a look let's have a look at the golf swing of billy we're going to jump on the mat talk about a couple of factors in his golf swing. And how it can help you hit the ball longer. And straighter it's not bad for it billy billy horsham my inspiration so we've just been watching this ring for the last five years it's obviously doing something for pete right a couple of things we obviously like to say we talked about before about billy swing being very very technically sound it's fantastic so many good points it's untrue and if we were to cover it all we'd be here. For another 50 minutes um we're going to cover one bit of it though. And that's kind of halfway down the down on the downswing about halfway down position and how it affects impact and how it affects the ball fly yeah. So i'm going to get pete into that position that we've we saw billy into nice a couple of things first of all we can see the golf club is positioned behind our hands the club head is way behind the forearm. And the hand that's going to help the club approach the ball much more from the inner side of the ball much much more that can create a couple of different shots it can create a nice curvature that moves right to left with a draw it can create one that goes too far to the left. Or one that hits more of a push time it right with the correct amount of club face aiming to the right you're going to hit that nice lovely draw another thing that we see as well if i just take peep back into that position again is that a bit harder it's very early on the monday morning a little bit further. For us about parallel right what i really like about this position as well this is something we saw massively on billy if i grab this alignment stick is that the hips are a long way open really really open to our target. Yet our shoulders have still managed to stay closed that how much power is in that an incredible amount can you feel it here in your back oh big time yeah yeah when you just hold in this position you can actually feel the strain. And the stretching it's just it's the separation between the upper and the lower body now obviously kind of horseshall as you know he's he's a very strong athletic guy you do need to have the ability to separate you know the upper. And the lower body to actually kind of make this maneuver you won't be able to see many many kind of part-time golfers who don't have the better fitness levels to actually get into that turn position with the lower half while keeping the upper half nice and square to your target i i think what pete just did there holding it in that position. And actually trying to get in that position from a standpoint i think that's a great drill it is actually quite terrible i mean i'm a little bit out of breath actually probably says more about me than it does about anyone else. But it's to the top just moving it down feeling like those hips are starting to turn. And rotate towards the target and then.

Keeping the shoulders back and trying to get that club dropped into a position here i mean if this goes wrong. And if you get it too on the inside you can hit a massive kind of block out there. But you'll get a lot of power as you get that kind of separation in between the hips and the shoulders coming down i thought that's the key it's the power that you can create from it it's huge amounts of power you know you've got you've got one amount you've got a full series of muscles moving one way. And another set of muscles moving almost restricted and moving the opposite way and that tension between the two is where that power is just prop produced. So much um bill is obviously a ping player as well. So he's uh all pinned up quite active g30 i think he was g30 yeah i think he was g30. So if i was to hit well i'm not i do drop the club probably a little bit too far behind. And my downfall flight is that i can kill it too far right to left in the air that that's something that obviously billy's worked hard towards kind of not doing there's limits to this you don't want to drop a golf that's too far behind you because it can have the same effects of having too far from the outside yeah it's the same i mean if you are kind of a slicer of the golf ball you do struggle with an out to win swing you know there are there are those who also struggle from the opposite direction hookers of the golf ball who come far too much from the inside. So it can be an issue in both directions you know there's no kind of particular right way i it. And i'm sure you've had it as well i love teaching where one lesson is massively outside. And all you're trying to do is get more insight. And the very next.

Lesson someone else the very next.

Hour appointment the club is too far from the inside. For a certain golf and you've got to try and get them outside keeps it interesting it does it keeps it interesting you're almost like running out the studio getting the other guy back in. And said let's just swing. For him can can you two just get together i'll just blend yourself we need to have a golf love child. And just bring him into the world please i think you could rent yourself out. For that i think i think a lot who read myself out i'm not i'm not sure i like how this is golf swing stallion get my own stable defeat if it's stunnery i'll do it i'll do that if anyone's owning a ranch in kentucky they want to kind of get me over i don't mind not coming anywhere near my daughter hips one way shoulders the other club slightly behind produces power strength a little bit of a right to left draw a shot if you're a writer. And the golfer um and just consistency yeah absolutely abundance i mean if you look at kind of horse you'll start to think he's top five um it's top five in eagles i think he's fourth in eagles. And very very high up on greens in regulation as well so it does the exact same moves hitting the irons um. But yeah that's how he creates that lovely consistent golf shot absolutely let's do some questions let's answer as many as we can with hashtag monday golf show. And then.

We're going to uh let's say fill you in with what we what we've been up to guys if you've enjoyed that little segment do comment down below i'd love you to get down to the range. And practice those movements and as always you know tweet us send us pictures we'd love to see you actually doing these movements yeah absolutely pete finch's pf golf pro myself is that rick shields pga check us both out send us some links. And some pictures of your swings and we can kind of go on there. And see how you're you're all improving i'll just bash it around man okay. So question time um we're gonna start off on twitter first um so all the ones that have hashtags monday night golf show don't forget guys do check us both out um we're on there constantly almost too much. But i hope we've got loads of uh great stuff on there so we'd love you to interact that way uh we're gonna fly through this as quick as we possibly can roger um. So roger 2710 raj do you prefer to use the middle two fingers of the right hand. Or concentrate on the trigger finger in the golf turn i'm guessing no i'm guessing no it's not shooting. So do your friends use the two fingers right on the cover yeah. So with the um with the grip the trigger thing it just refers to the positioning of the the thumb and the right finger basically on the grip and the hogan is it is hogan's kind of thing with the trigger finger there it's kind of like the thumb. And the finger pressing together forming a bit of a trigger on the right hand um i think to be honest i mean i'm i actually quite like to keep my grip pressure quite even really throughout the grip i don't really like to grip firmly. Or looser with any particular kind of fingers at all really i mean i do get it into a shape like a trigger with this v kind of pointing up towards my um my right shoulder. But as far as applying different kind of pressure points with the fingers i actually keep my grip relatively even i'm a no it's not something i think about it's not something that i think you should overthink yeah um hold it what's comfortable that's in a very uh grip that's gonna suit your golf swing. So that that's not always neutral but um it's a good question but i don't think it's massively important pete's answer that pretty well uh can i keep it evenly spread all the way through your hand uh keon do you think the fedex cup playoffs are good. For golf or do they americanize the game too much um i've i've got to be honest it it's not something which has massively grabbed me i've i've got that it's alright it's just the way to i think it was originally brought in because it's this time of the year where most of the other american sports are starting to kind of kick off. So you've got the american football season you've got the baseball you've got the basketball you've got all that kind of stuff um not sure about baseball actually but the major kind of sports in the us is starting to kind of get underway now. And it's just a way to try and keep viewers involved with the engagement yeah with pj tour which is fine i mean it's not a it's not a bad thing. But it's not really grabbed me to be honest but and it's it's it's kind of this thing that i i don't understand is where you know you've got you guys like hunter mayhem. And billy where they've had a couple of fantastic finishes and banged they're straight up to the top yes i don't quite get that it's not as it's i mean that it seems to be the race to dubai yeah that seems to have kind of gone off the plateau it's just it's a similar kind of it's a similar kind of concept on the european tour the the race to dubai i mean at least that's more of an order of merit at least that's more on throughout the season this seems a bit more right on your marks get set go go go play as much as you can as well as you can. And just big big money events at the end of the day i mean i'd have preferred to see a bit more of a you know like an old-fashioned kind of tour championship at the end of the year. But i mean that's i don't know i i think it does slightly to answer your question i think it does slightly americanize it no that's a bad thing i think it almost kind of all singing all dancing sparklers. And whistles and all this and i think it's it's great. For the game of golf because people do watch i'm not saying it's a bad thing i'm not saying it's a good thing. But i think it does kind of really showboat it in the best possible way. So yeah i don't think it's terrible uh very quick one ben anderson um this is the ben actually asked the question about the golf clubs um which golf club would you go hunting with is that yeah that's actually the same guy dead quick question what's rick's uh what's rick's daughter's first driver going to be um honestly i'm open to sponsorships. And manufacturers guys so this is my little time to plug uh probably i won't put them in order. But anyone that pays the most i mean i think a similar deal to uh mcelroy's from nike would be fine you know i can i'm happy with that any sponsorship that pays through university will do yeah i don't want to come in with a big deal i'm going to be dead answer that question i'm not bothered if she doesn't play golf ever. So i'm gonna let her decide honestly it's down to her she wants to be valued after a horse ride it's completely i'm not gonna force her until she's seven right um what's your go-to yardage and go-to shot and what's your most memorable shot albatross question mark i wish rob i wish yes i've never had an albatross never i've never had a hole in one no i'm not either that's our goal. For next.

Year we've never i'd love we need to get one on a vlog we have to definitely we have definitely so guys how many holes in one have you had you've been like surprised i mean there's there's five teaching pros down here. And no there's undead one i think andy's had i think andy's had a few i think jed's had a few peter styles one of the other pros down he said he's never had one. So three out of five was never had a hole in one. So please do fill me in obviously um oh who's the guy who won the bmw the guy i know they want to run the bmw i8 the beer that that was the one hotel just one yeah someone won the car oh it was uh crane was it crane no who was it i'm sure it was bankrupt no it wasn't he was driving around he was driving after it anyway let us know anyway let us know we should know these things. But i'm sure you got only one on one if not i'm going to cut this bit um. So most what should go to yardage and go two shots um a trick i suppose go to yards is difficult because you know you you need to it every hour yeah you need to wish every artist really you need to know what clubs go the correct yardage. But yeah if you put a good if i put a good swing on a callback. And i know how far it's how far it's going to go. But go-to shot for me is probably still a little bit of a fade it's the one i feel kind of most comfortable it's probably opposite. For you yeah i'm more of a hit more of a draw as my go-to shot yardage go to yardage i remember a while ago. And playing maybe more competitively and used to have the bushnell every time i used to zap 89 yards i was. So bloody confident it was untrue i just knew it was my 54 degree three quarter swing. And to me as soon as i saw 89 yards on my boston or somewhere around that i wasn't thinking about hitting it towards the whole i think about getting it in that's how confident it is. So i think when you do get that confidence yardage it is a massive massive boost to your game i really do do not i need to experience that do not have you every yardage in the freaking book this guy. So uh i don't like i said i think it's a great question um. But yeah what's your most memorable shot wow is this is this a good way. Or a bad way because i've got both i'm trying to forget the bad ones uh i've not i've i'll be honest i've i can't not one of them is jumping out of my head. So i i suppose i have not got one i've got i've got shots that i'm fond of but i don't say it's one that really stands out i've got i've got quite a few that i can remember by the well that att shot off trump. For a start i mean i'll never forget that view if i don't if i don't go back that's true that's true probably probably my most memorable shot was one of my worst ones when i was kind of playing in some decent amateur events as a junior. And they i played a day and i was a pretty angry kind of young junior not this relaxed mellow fellow you see today.

I was quite an angry dude you're a better person yeah much better person. And he's actually from this shop because i hear driving a path five i was going. For the green in two i was using like one of the old um during the old kind of taylormade yeah three was a tiny tiny head once. And i struck this shot and i i felt like i absolutely ripped it and i looked up i couldn't see it anyway like playing partners we're looking around we couldn't see it anyway so i was getting a little bit angry you know why couldn't anyone see this shot it was a great shot. And i was just about to put the club in the back go look. For it by the ground i just noticed this big hole in the ground kind of before well just after where i'd hit the ball from and the ground was really soft now this perfect shot that i just hit i actually must have hit just a perfect top. And this ball buried about four inches under the earth so i had to dig it out take a drop and at that moment i actually i lost it i probably mentally lost it like clubs thrown everything but looking back on it that's when i kind of figured out that i needed to just kind of chill out and let the bad shots go so i'll always remember that as a turning point where i became a much more relaxed golfer it's actually most memorable i love it it's not always a good one but yeah i mean i've got memories of great shots as well. But that one's a good turning point yeah there's a lesson. For you though i think is a good thing. And this is i think this is a valuable confidence booster is have a bank of good shots in your head. So you can draw down on that confidence you know i you know have a have a every time you've hit a really good shot kind of story in a part of your memory that you can you can rely on when in pressure situations i think that really helps well tiger you would used to i'm not sure if still does he usually use the trigger didn't he he actually hit a good shot. And that twirl of the club is a kind of a something like a mental um like a trigger. So like a tag yeah. So when he hits a good shot twirls the club and he also taps his back foot into the ground and that's a bank memory so if he's kind of calling upon that shot maybe later on the round or later on that week you can call upon well when did i hit this shot last i would hit a fantastic one on thursday down the fifth. Or whenever when i tapped him tagged it and that stores the good memories brings it back and it makes it more possible to hit the good shot next.

Time it's a really good kind of tip i like it really good way of doing it um i think the next.

One's quite a tricky one to answer i'll be dead honest with you uh andy kaswell council asks um you must have played lots of golf courses local golf courses what's the best value middle priced. And high end i'm going to be slightly slightly uh sat on the fence because we are pga golf pros we actually a very fortunate position that we don't actually need to pay. For green fees on many golf courses we actually get courtesy um so i'll be honest we've not paid a green fee for for a long time so i don't know and also local golf courses maybe you know that's just manchester based we play some very nice ones you can check out our course vlogs. For that i think a lot of courses now are becoming very more much more competitive with their prices i don't think i think with with different discount codes etc you can get some really good deals yeah absolutely. So i don't think we can start if if if you are though if guys if you are uh wanting to help andy go. And find him on twitter yeah uh the underscore kelso yeah go. And find him and and please answer this question for him because i don't think we're quite the best guys just use him. And you know use the monday night golf show as well because you know there's some still some courses we've not played around we'd love to know we'd love to know what what you guys think are the best ones though absolutely uh this is a great one. But something we can't do very quickly oh robert archer um at robbie arch uh guys please hit some drivers with a persimmon club. And compare results with greats like woozen i'm not sure if you want to get wooz in the morning if you if you if you're watching it yeah yeah. But i mean that'd be good to do can we get some old clothes yeah we'll do that that'll be in a future video definitely without question um very quick one with uh keane higgins very nice of you to ask uh not really a question. But hope the kids and the wife are great yeah they're fantastic. And thanks for your comment uh facebook always over to that uh go what have we got here um some kind of technical questions i've noticed in your videos from jeff gill uh that you keep your hands only slightly if it's all in front of the ball is it better than keeping the hands more forward. Or is it just different i think this is the point of impact um that jeff's referring to with the irons you want the hands just ahead of the ball um just. So you get a slightly descending arc just take take the turf a little bit after the ball just create a nice div with the driver it's slightly different because you want to be sweeping it up and off so you don't really want to get ahead of the ball with the hands there um kirby lee who in your guy's opinion has have the best technically sound golf swings on tour besides adam scott we're not allowed to pick adam no i'm not sure why i wasn't sure it's one of those things i mean how do you define technical sound is technical sound the ball that goes to straightest yeah i don't that that question asked 10 years ago i think there would have been a more clear line caught of what what technically technically is perfect. But because of launch monitors now because of impact factors more than technique i don't believe that that question um has it has an answer to it ev everyone can have an opinion on it. And i know he's asked your guys opinion uh who has the best technical golf swing again use the hashtag let us know what you think yeah i i don't know yeah. For us a technically sound goal swing is one that works. And gets the ball exactly yeah. So i'm not bothered uh gary roberts i hit my eye into my five wood straight with a little fade but my three wouldn't drive have a habit to slice um is the length of the club to blame if i change my shaft length to a five wood length would that stop the slice i think gary's probably more to do with the loft that's actually kind of on the club with with the higher lofted clubs such as the five you have a little bit more kind of backspin not quite enough kind of kind of curvature. Or kind of the axis the spin axis doesn't actually drop to the side as much so i think it's more to do with loft than actual shaft length i think shaft length has a very small factor in it because it will generate slightly more clubhead speed more clubhead speed would encourage that spin to accelerate more potentially. But i think it's more of a technical thing that the fact that you probably need to work on your your delivery factors etcetera i wouldn't change the length of i won't change the length of you you would at all if you change your shaft in the driver to a five wood length you're going to be reduced in distance. And you're probably going to be getting close to what you're eating through with e5 with anyway. So there's not much point in doing that just work on the fundamentals go watch some of our videos about how to fix a slice more than fixing your clubs absolutely i like it nice nice club plug clayton landells regular questioner um did you have a mindset change to reach low single figures. Or did you always have that self belief um i i can't remember ever going from i've always been the same with sports though if i if i play a sport i want to be the best i can be at it. So as soon as i started playing golf i wanted to yeah i wanted to get down as well as i could. So i've always had that mindset really um yeah i i it was just i mean we were both young when we when we like these days now we're that's an old um yeah we were we were i'm sure like pete we were probably in our teens early teens. And and it there was never a fact that i want to change mindset i just wanted to be bloody awesome i just wanted to keep getting better. And better and better and better and better and you know that that's what drives you on so i don't think i think it's an older golf. And possibly as a as if we were taking golf now i always think about this question if we would take up golf now one i would get frustrated with it i think it's really hard to pick up this time of year in your life the thing is i mean we get kind of beginning golfers come in all the time you know from from a you know nine year old all the way up to you know 80 year olds who just want to kind of take up the game. So it i think what you've got to do is you've got to get a clear kind of goal in mind what you actually want to get out of yeah absolutely you know if you just want to get out there you just want to enjoy it then.

It's it's all about just going around there not losing kind of balls yeah you need to get your kind of your priorities correct before you can start kind of setting goals. For yourself so um damballo best tip for avoiding a blowout hole um should we tweak garcia for that one after this weekend um yeah you know best tips is to try. And keep a very consistent routine to make sure that your routine is consistent all the time from your practice to out on the golf course create a routine that's individual to yourself that has all the main factors of making sure that you you're concentrated making sure you're relaxed are you confident. And if you can incorporate those kind of feelings every time you hit a golf shot you're still going to have bad holes everyone's going to have a big hole without questions there's no real way of fixing the blowout hole. But all you can do is do your best to make a very consistent uh model every time you hit golf shots right. And it's just approaching it's still cliche so it's just approaching you know one shot at a time you know absolutely if you hit a bad shot it's not allowing yourself to be angry or frustrated by the time you actually reach the next.

Ball it's just allowing that shot to kind of fade into the past not thinking about it too much and then.

Just moving on to your next.

One um a couple of quick ones um well let's just come in really quick if you could and this is from harry hudson if you could change any rule in golf what would it be. And what is your best golfing memory. So it doesn't go from memory um if you could change any rule in golf what would it be that's a bit of a tricky one i suppose it is slightly annoying if you just put your club down behind the ball. So you ground your club then.

It just moves very very slightly you get real penalize the shot that's that's slightly annoying but it it it's there for a reason it's there so when people put the club behind the ball they don't start shuffling it no into a better life i think every rule in golf is just to prevent exposure to that rule i mean stuff like like you can't hit the flag when it's on the putting green you're lying by the side to me simply. So that someone doesn't line the flag up to the hole and just run it down there like a rail it's to kind of prevent any any um kind of twisting or bending of a rule i think a lot of these things are in there. For like not grounding your club in a bunker if you touch a grain of sand it's not going to make a difference. But if you dig a big hole but what what there's no distinguish between that if you're gonna make if you say you can't switch you can only touch three grains of sand you can't do that just better say just don't touch anything a bit like the ball room like pete just said if you put your club behind the ball. And you move it you could you could move it six inches and go oh that was an accident yeah sorry sorry sorry about this perfect line i found myself in. So yeah i i think the rules of golf are fantastic i really do i don't see any i think as a as a as a rule book they're easy to follow they cover every aspect to it there's obviously times scenarios where you don't quite know the perfect rule. And then.

There's always going to be that yeah. But considering it's a sport that we referee ourselves we refer ourselves every time we play i think it's a very sound uh uh segment to the game of golf. But again let us know what you think yeah yeah yeah please do ben evans smith have you ever tested the cobra s3 pro i don't know i haven't i'm sure we'll try. And do it um. And then.

One more we've got one last quick one uh anthony i'll let you finish the surname and anthony craig gwynne i think quinn gwen i think. So we've covered this already a little bit what did you think of rory on this four-putt misery um i it's obviously not great to see because yeah you want to see the best players do the best he can. But every now and again uh even the top pros will have just an absolute brain fart i bet a lot of people enjoyed watching that oh yeah. But i've had a lot of people replayed it and played it and we played it one of the things i really liked about it and this is just from a mindset point of view what i loved about it is that he didn't really get that frustrated obviously got a bit shouldn't have done that. But every single he he marked it he read it he lined it up and he put it as if he was trying to get it in it wasn't like um who res um l's at the open the first like when he just like patting it around without that to me yeah that to me is not uh it doesn't look like an attempt to try. And get the ball in no mackerel was ever. And it didn't look easy that green was oh no no no that's the thing you've got to bear in mind you know the greens do look flat on tv you know it's a very you know the greens that these guys play on off touches. And i bet i bet he wasn't the only player to floor put on it i bet he wasn't and and what i loved about he was very confident over every putt yeah he didn't hold back on it. So guys that was all the questions we had this week we really do appreciate it again we really do uh we do want to make this whole thing as social as we can. So do follow us again on facebook twitter's you can check out our links uh comment down below as much as you can we're going to jump on there. So much this week and just fly through everything we can possibly fly through sometimes we don't get to answer everything. But we do our best. So yeah thanks very much hashtag it monday night golf show um last bit just to finish off this episode of the of the golf show uh any other business that we've we've been doing yeah i don't know it's been i mean i since kind of rick's been away i mean kind of i've just been you've been lost really i think a little bit i've just been i've been found wandering the misty streets of manchester alone i saw a video of you wandering the streets of manchester literally on my days off now because i don't want to play golf on my own i'll just go walk about. And try and make friends so yeah we've got like i said myself. And pete now we've we've obviously got our own channels we're doing lots and lots of stuff uh but we are in we are in close kind of working relationship where we are we are helping each other to build the kind of this network. And this this uh youtube business really this this this uh we're loving every bit of it we're loving every uh every week and the opportunities that we get um and we're going to keep doing that one thing that we are keen on doing very very soon is getting some good course vlogs. And this is an opportunity. For us to kind of draw down on you guys do you play a very very very good golf course in the uk i mean we might not even limit ourselves to the uk if it's that good. And if if you know if if you see it maybe you're a an admin from the golf club uh secretary or or social you know marketer etc and you would like us to come down and do a course vlog please do message us we want to play top golf courses um. And we want to showcase it to you guys on youtube as well um we've got hopefully got some matches lined up as well um maybe some with me and my golf again towards the end of the year which will be very very exciting um we're flying here though everywhere kind of in the next.

Few weeks as well uh i've got a trip down to said prince's uh golf club uh down in kent. So that's going to be exciting we've got a titleist factory coming up we've got uh callaway potentially coming up we've got loads. And loads of loads of things um exciting things to come up so it's kind of the opportunity again to make sure you subscribe to both of these channels it's important that you do. So it gives you the the kind of first heads up as soon as we release the video it's free it's all free so there's no no paid subscription not just this channel every channel on youtube um. So subscribe and then.

You get exclu you get the first viewing of each video yeah it's absolutely i mean the more you the more you kind of obviously subscribe comment you know like the videos let us know what you want to see i mean that's what will that's what we'll try. And do i mean we're both we've both been really kind of taken aback. And surprised at how much it's actually kind of kicked off and how much support we've been shown so we just want to kind of get out there do more stuff i mean we've you know we're gonna have a chat kind of off off camera about things that we've kind of got planned. For this year so and kind of early next.

Year as well so there's so many kind of things exciting coming up and it'd be it'd be great to just take you guys along for the ride so yeah please subscribe to both channels. And yeah share this share this adventure we're on together really. So thanks for watching guys we do appreciate your support we do appreciate you watching. And we look forward to seeing you next.

Week uh with only a few days left before the ryder cup indeed cool.