All right guys so we are at orlando golf show. And we are with blair o'neal we're excited about the new cobra range coming out play the cobra player. And she's upgrading to a new set aren't you looking photo i am yes. So what what's coming out what are you going to be using this this year well what i'm excited about hitting is a new driver the fly z cobra driver has some new technology on it with the waiting you can change the cg settings this is the one where you're going to flip it. And rip it yeah there you go who doesn't want to rip it that's a brand right there brownie points cobra. So flipping technology and what coloring did you go with uh i don't know this last year i was pink. And the year before that i was like a turquoise. So i don't know we'll see maybe i might stick with the pink but we'll play around with it well everything else i love the pink everything everything else is things no i would not make it what about irons uh well right now i still have the biocell plus irons in my bag. But we'll see i'm gonna hit some of the new stuff and see yeah sorry not really tested just. Yet have we not tested the new orange this year um not yet i'm still working we're gonna work with uh my tour rep and get ready and see what i'm gonna you know put in the bag are you keen on changing do you want to change are you happy with the stuff that you've got about you know the cobra equipment is. So good so every year the new stuff comes out and it's fun to try it and you know see what you like better and maybe something that you have is you know what you want to stay with. So it's a little bit of kind of back and forth but i always love looking at the new stuff and i would agree with that i use clubs every whole time all the time thank you very much are you on instagram twitter there you go you have to do it now been set by player thank you very much appreciate have a good season.