Right guys so we are down at the belfry the brabazonian no sorry though right guys. So we are down at the belfry uh on the browser uh myself. And rick shiels don't be so unsociable come and have a chat i'm getting in the zone i'm getting in the zone so we're gonna we're gonna fly through the last three holes we're down here um on a product launch today.

So we've got a big event on so we thought we'll jump out quickly on the back a few holes 16 17 18 we may get chance by the tenth where well we'll see we'll see i'm just looking i've never actually played the uh brazilian before so i'm just looking forward to playing this middle of october so the leaves have now started to fall in the uk here and it's it's a bit more winterish golfing are you not warm a little bit yeah i'm down to my i'm down to my t-shirt mind you i'm i'm carrying rick's got his uh risk got his terminator trolley on the cam um i'm gonna hit little uh 220 yard yard shot down the fairway just towards that bunker it's gonna say it's about what what's the length on this three three eight eight 388 around the corner a little bit of a dog leg rick's got the hybrid i have not come on in might be a long way in from there i'll be honest with you not sure i picked it up on the camera to be honest don't believe me whereabouts is it to the right it was up to the right bunker it wasn't a great shot i'll be honest with you it's over the bunkers yeah. But it's not the right line so guys pete i'm sure you've seen him on my channel before you can check him out i say isn't his t-shirt today.

I'm absolutely boiling i might take his body warmer off middle of october pete's being more i think probably correctly more brave than i am i tried to play. For position but obviously work well you've got to bear in mind if you've just had a long drive we've always had a long drive it seems to be the case we need to get here early and hit balls but we try and do this stuff. For you guys we'll try and get straight out on the course um your game golfing up aren't you oh i am yes i've actually i've actually not got mine currently with me. So you can check pete on his game golf link down here guys you can see how he's performed oh i'm feeling stiff that'll be the prettiest swing i've ever done to be honest hopefully effective though your swings are always pretty oh stop it's just down that right side again not sure if i quite picked up on the camera it's down over that button oh it's that bunker actually more down that line i think it is hit a tree. And it's gone just before that second bunker i think all right perfect. So rick has found himself in a awkward spot some would say yeah this is not pretty that's a hell of an approach you've got in there what are you actually planning to do with this i'm gonna go. For the pin okay that is the pin there yes surrounded right okay 180 away. So i'm going to look five iron not down keep it low. And that gap's big enough yeah yeah it is are we match players throw play stroke yeah that gap is big enough that gap is big enough. For 16 shots oh oh please be good oh what's a shot that could be that could be actually amazing i think that's the best shot after a drive i've ever seen him it then.

I might have the best shot i've ever seen him anyway it's a one three six pete here is away um pin heavily guarded by a few bunkers down there. But well it doesn't seem to matter to you does it i must admit if if mine stopped quick enough should be good i want a bit of a bit of a quandary now i was i was rubbing my hands together i thought i was right in there bit of a quandary one three six. So balls a little bit bummy feet here and above my feet and on a slightly downhill lie which isn't an amazing combination what would you what would you prescribe here pete well that pin is left of the green massive amount of green to the right hand side should come in right to left off this slope. And go a little bit lower so just gonna knock down nine at the tree in the middle of the green and if it comes around it comes around and if it doesn't it's safe but if it comes round oh nice shot sir oh i stopped it did stop quick nice shot i think there's a bit of a slope in the green there. So we've just got up to the green and this is where mine's finished you actually see the trail can you see it on the floor oh yeah leading back from there it's got a lot of run on it it you were just a little bit unlucky i'll be honest with you look at the crater oh is it in one yeah no no dot dots at all yeah uh it's just one big splat it is a bit wet to be fair around there isn't it it is. So you got a a right to left would would say just about this hill here it goes that way right pete talk us through this one um slightly right to the left i've left the flag in other words you're not gonna be able to see it but it's down there i don't know how much he's gonna break so he's pretty wet you can see all the footprints there i can't i think we're the first ones out here aren't we yeah apart from the green keeper. So yeah right to left quite a lot i just well i don't know the pace that's the thing no real idea how fast it's going to be they don't look slow though no they don't look slow i reckon wants to drive they'd be nice. And fast that's a phenomenal effort yeah great pot halfway i thought i was gonna stop you can see the trail there on the floor yeah great pot bottom halfway along. So after that fantastic shot wreck i have to say birdie chance that was a real special shot out of the trees though i must admit uh yeah birdie chance up the hill uh obviously the moisture issues a bit like yourself not quite sure the speed. But i feel uh not on this place somewhere too long should be all right got it just off the left yeah positive stroke now that oh it didn't move at all wow yeah well you can see um oh my god is that speed. Or what because it's actually gone over that line you can see the trail there four just didn't seem to move unlucky that way after that it's a good. So here you go pete for uh do we say stroke play yeah. So for the par the sticker level yeah unfortunately i'm sure you'll just just wrap this up nicely yeah nice pot i was just good quite sure about the break though. So guys we are now going to jump over to 17 down here at the brothers at the belfry i'm looking forward to it nice cameron foreign ah. So how was your how was your how was your coffee that was what how's your coffee this morning i am feeling amped no one cares about the whole rick 17th hole dog leg to the right the kind of holes right over there. So uh two bunkers down the fairway you want to be to the right of the bunker on the right how far is that bunker cameraman. So i've never played it before rick has so i'm trusting him for guidance oh you played front nine all right i played it on my simulator all right rick's been playing simulator the little fade is required my strongest shot it's pretty much straight over it just to the right of it it looks like it's no it's straight over the bunker straight over big kind of maybe needs to be further to the right further right than that kind of run out of fairway actually a little bit right. So pretty much over the corner of the yeah yeah i've gone straight over the bunker um have you lost our only t no no picked up uh. So yeah you want to kind of just be down i've gone over that bunker there. And you actually want to be a bit further right so i've hit it and i've gone i've run through the fairway i've had lots of things pete so a bit of a slide around the corner you need a big yeah i tried to move it a bit left to right that's as far as left to right as i can move it hopefully went straight it went dead straight yeah right then..

So bubble fade yeah bubba side oh this is gonna hurt bubba fade it's a proper problem it's over that line there. So we'll have to see i think it was long enough i struck you very well good we'll find it that way you broke my arms when i did it. So rick has found himself in the right roof got 250 down to the flag what are you left. For i'm sorry i've kind of run out of run out of fairway space actually because it was the line i wanted to come on. But yeah just a little bit too firm. So what's the plan here i'm going to start it off over the right. And then.

Sling it around the corner using my little hybrid iron the adams i'm going to try. And get a bit of sling on it make sure my path is way on the end. And whip it around get some sling got a hook hook hook i mean it should be okay over there it just never turned enough is it over around that bunker uh no to the right of it i think it on the uh the auto focus quick enough sorry though i'll show you see where the weeping is the weeping willow the weep in my eyes yeah uh just the last of that all right okay. So it's uh the pins you can just in the left corner. So i have about 50 60 yards left and i reckon awesome or maybe even less all right i have to go try and find my ball now it's in in there somewhere right then.

Pete so we've uh we didn't quite get over the uh the trees though it's a shame you kind of took on too much i didn't take on enough i struck it well so i'm guessing it it might it must have hit it because i felt like it would have been a bit further but i think give it a bit further you might just cut that bunker this was the bunker aiming over just the edge of it. And it extends all the way around the corner to here obviously a lot of people take this corner on um flag wise i don't know if you'll be able to just see it from here can see the green. So if i zoom into that house in the background that house there the greek that's the green where that magpies just flown across but the flag is actually just just i don't want my finger getting in the way kind of just around this corner. So he's got a big a big left to right shot coming up here pete yeah it's 220 there's 220 to the bunker it says okay the one near the green yeah. But i'm not entirely sure to the flag but well either way it's gonna have to be a another slider so you're trying to move i tried to move it right so if you're trying to move it left to right yeah i won't go. So bubba on this one i thought no it's a bit more natural to your shot anyway. So it should well the only issue is right to left wings uh might hold it up. But we'll see get up get up get up get up get up get up get up fair way well i'll tell you what that was adventurous because that's a strong three wood from there isn't it yeah well that that it's a strong three wood when you hit it from there ah right okay that's sometimes what happens if you try. And make the path a bit too severe yeah not the biggest sweet spot around there bob you've hopped hop skipped. And jumped onto the fairway i can't be too disappointed with that is that it's down there i'm not that happy about it. But part five i'll make a birdie from here though so pete managed to scurry it up and over the little stream find the perfect fairway good lay up peak thank you how far have you got it's almost precise that i wanted left me one two one which is what i was going what's your favorite yardage favorite yard everyone knows that uh. So i'll show you the pin ooh zooming zoom and zoom in there's the pin so relatively um straight down the throat with the flag really probably the other thing i'm gonna do i'm gonna wait a little nine rather than a wedge okay just because of the way kind of stuck on my last green yeah it does stop quick it does stop quick a little bit more i'm just currently by the looks of things i can't quite confirm that just. Yet i like him in that bank yeah. So i've got to go i've got a lot more bunker to get over all right then.

Come on only takes one good shot to turn a hole around does. And that could be that one good shot oh it's just a bit bit beefy a bit meaty there peter you did strike that on me i wasn't expecting i wasn't expecting a good no i mean i must have our strike was phenomenal just wanted to clear something up very quickly on video that we do always repair divots always we just don't always show it on the video beautiful though look at that by the way the geeks go in they're going west going to slightly warmer climates um as are we very soon. So this is rick's view of the pin they just see my ball beyond the pin. But it's at the back just lift up a little bit higher and all of a sudden this shot becomes a little bit more tricky the bunker of doom behind i think what i'll do rick i'll come get you from this yeah don't blame me because you're not going to see anything no. So difficult lie here as well yeah ball a long way above my feet. And up as well so this should make the ball go a lot higher and ever so slightly to the left where's it going to go higher. And slightly to the left so 75 will probably play more like 90. And loads of green to work on the lash i feel confident with that i just need to make it it's just make sure you get beyond the bunker isn't it really sir oh there it is yeah oh you find me absolutely fine okay. So we find pete here just just over hit that really didn't you yeah i struck you with a little bit of spin there. So yeah jump back a couple of feet. For you i think uh i think a full wedge was probably the right shot. But so flag or the pinch we say is just down there where the uh the gopro camera is um relatively flat. And just a touch downhill would you say yeah maybe slightly yeah slightly from the right. But i'm just down there on the right i'm a bit more level with the pin but probably a bit closer but relatively equal at the moment so these are both birdie chances not entirely sure the speed i do apologize if there's a little bit of a green keeper audio in the background there guys it's a great effort oh look at the trail let me follow the trail down this is the trailer going all the way down because we've come out. So early today.

We've actually got the green keepers coming out here we've got the uh the roller out here. And actually this gentleman's just cutting a nice new hole for me i might just i might just wait five minutes pete the whole the hole is going to get closer soon yeah let's do that again. So it's slightly left to right here yeah just off this side can be a great deal in it again it's just judging the speed on this court want to go pro behind to catch it hey i just stayed i'm honestly gutted i really should have waited. For that hole to be caught in it um so par i'll give you yours pete oh give me give me give me give me so pause right guys we are now going to head down the 18th. So we're going to play this as two parts this is part one guys go. And check out part two in the window as always go and subscribe to pete click his link here there you go uh like i said we're gonna jump down the 18th. And then.

Hopefully you never know we might have time to actually jump down the tenth hole as well if there's a little bit of time uh and awesome morning here at the developer glory snow it's really nice stay tuned guys see you soon thanks guys thank you very much thank you.