All right guys it's early in the morning I'm here at one of my favorite places in the world Wallace golf club for a very special episode of break 75 and when I say it's early the alarm clock went off at 4 30 a.m this morning to get out on the link so windy links by the way to see if I can have a nice tranquil chilled out hopefully successful break 75. now the golf game at the moment hasn't been the best you've seen it from a few breaks 75s recently. So you thought you know what I need a bit of a reset I need to stop overthinking it I've also partnered with my good friend at golfbidder to use some very retro throwback clubs all the clubs in my bag which was supplied by golf bidder are all 10 years old they were released in the year 20 the teen. And I went online and I picked the best selection if you've not checked out golfbidder definitely check it out the best place in the world for secondhand golf clubs and also to sell some of your unused and unwanted golf clubs to get a little bit of cash back when I selected these golf clubs online I didn't expect to be Tina off at very very early in the morning around a windy linksy golf course so I have gone for some uh interesting choices let's run through them we're gonna run the top first off these amazing irons I've gone for the Mizuno MP4 blades yes these might hurt the hands today.

But I've gone four to pitching wedge in these beautiful looking irons I used to use similar irons actually going through college I used to use Mizuno blade. So I'm excited to use in them I've got three wedges in the lineup a 52 degree mac daddy two with an R design grind which looks amazing we've got a 56 degree Rusty Mack Daddy 2. And then.

We've got a TaylorMade ATV 60 degree lob wedge with a nice wide sole on it which is hopefully going to help me around these linksy Turf today.


I've got an slbr hybrid. So that's like my three iron 19 degrees I've got gone for a couple of really retro Old School awards these were. So popular in the day Callaway X Hot 3 wood Callaway XR Pro 9.5 driver can't wait to give them a rip and actually to be truth be told I think the club I'm most excited about in this whole set is this this is a white ice Odyssey 330 Mallet absolutely gorgeous. And you know what I like the little dents and the little imperfections it gives these golf clubs a little bit of character it's been used it's been loved and hopefully I can love it today.

Love the kind of fat grip on it as well I think that's gonna suit my hands perfectly it's a bit of a vibe video let's get out there early doors let's go on break 75 last time I played here I played very well. And I played with James Robinson and guy so let's continue it again the wind is pretty brutal [Music] [Music] okay power force a star a couple of bunkers down there I want to avoid ideally right side of the Fairway I'm gonna get three wood protected by the wind off the tee by the clubhouse behind us. But as soon as it goes into the open air it's going to be affected by the win. So I'm just going to hit a little three wood down there five it's avoided the bunkers it's actually gone left of the bunkers shortcut that's what we've gone. For there a little shortcut right this isn't going to be easy by any stretch of the imagination. But we are going to give it our best shot second shot into this part. For 134 yards I'm gonna go with the pitch in my chair I think that's a good looking guy in that it's very boxy like the front edge is really straight you don't know that as much anymore my only fears I feel like I could might dig into the ground a touch more than expected. But she'll be all right second shot into screen one of you just left in the flag oh I've got lucky there it's early in the day do you know what I mean I'm not quite feeling it just. Yet but I hit the top of the bunker and fingers crossed it's actually got very very lucky near the pin okay what a start this would be the birdie three here on the first I won't say I hit my second shot great. But it finished brilliantly Green's looking macular ah whoa [Music] all right in for four nothing special there it's a power on the scorecard second hole Par Four dog leg right into Breeze now the next.

Few holes are going to be quite interesting got the Callaway x heart 9.5 Pro beautiful head shape go on then.

Clear that bunker yeah that's going to be nice it's short of the bunker. But we're in a a good spot second shot here into the second hole it's long 201 yards normally a driver shots down there and I'm hitting like a mid iron into winter there I'm gonna be hitting a three well at the Hybrid about three hybrid I'll tell you what a gun one this came out at first the slbr certainly the driver was very popular. But so the Fairway woods and the hybrids I just feel like it's been like kind of one of those low low spin kind of bullets into that green [Music] bring it back in Wind it's not turning yeah it was a little bit floaty. And it's finished short left but it wasn't terrible I just hit it a little bit from the toe I was hoping. For that kind of more knuckled both white but it floated up in the air a touch not too bad up and down from there okay third shot just short the green I'm gonna play this 56 degree this is the the little rusty Matt daddy two they get all these clubs are 10 years old wedge designs come on quite a bit to be fair not loads. But you seem to get you see a lot more interest in bits of Technology now with wedges oh wow I tell you what that was partly my fault that wasn't a bad strike the wind literally got hold of that. And just pushed it down and to the right I should have played it much less lofted ah that was my mistake there okay not my finest decision was with the wedge there let's see if I can make it back with the putter damn silly Bogue. But In fairness that might be one of the hardest holes that's what she said it's not ideal. But I think a bogey on there can happen in the best of days to be honest third hole path. For one of the best holes on this entire golf course it kind of the Fairway goes into a valley driver in hand need to hit a low one foreign [Music] yeah that's actually all right you know it's gone up absolutely nowhere that might have gone 200 yards this wind is absolutely brutal. But this is Lynx golf second shot here into the third 190 yards uphill I'm gonna go hybrid again it's right right into the wind uphill. And I feel like I'm gonna hit every single bit of this pins on the back Shelf I'm gonna try and play it low flighted oh Rick it's got a left ah not sure there's an open over there but it's not pretty okay third shot into this part four found on the left hand side in the wispy grass be nice go oh you don't you dare wow all right Rich par can't be dropping too many more shots it's it you idiot oh you fool right two over through three not the start we dreamed of. But as I mentioned it's very difficult the first opening three holes certainly with this wind next.

That was a par five oh the wind might just switch direction to give me a little Helping Hand what a hole par five 533 yards. And my navigation skills weren't that good because we're still ridiculously into wind like probably even more straight into wind normally with a couple of big hits you can get on this green in two I'll be lucky with three big hits to get on the Green in three today.

[music] looks down there the wind is just killing it it's all right just left rough the wind honestly I think that golf ball is actually coming backwards as it landed then.

Foreign this might be stupid people might call me crazy. But seeing that I've got probably 400 yards left into this hole they've got a driver off the deck it's a couple of them because I have they're in front of me that I've definitely got to clear but I've just got to try and hit a bullet driver get ready everybody do stupid [Music] ah yes that'll work I don't think it got higher than six foot off the ground. But that's what I needed right there after that pretty good driver off the deck 109 yards left this flag come on we've got it if you've got to get if we make Birdie on here I'll be delighted I'm gonna try and play a little chippy 99 to get it up there [Music] where's it gone oh [Music] finding this really hard I thought oh I just thought I'd hit that well I've not only missed the green I've missed the bloody right let's drag it up and down from there all right this is too bad I feel really annoyed with that second shot I mean the wind pushed it. But I must admit I really didn't want to miss it here I'm gonna try and Chip it in this bank here and let it run down stop then.

I mean to some degree the best I could have done really ah making this hard work ah I mean there that's three are harder holds the last three you're gonna be able to play three bow gears three over uh one more hole into wind let's see if we can Leaf make a part okay fifth. Or par three 170 yards but I'm literally hitting hybrid again it's probably playing about 200 yards it's absolutely straight back into the wind foreign so hard to find direction [Music] God sake simmer not too bad ah double bogey from nowhere really too many shots being hit look up in the sky is my God it's really him he's come to help us Captain hindsight [Music] okay six hole Par Four first time the wind is actually just helping a little bit off the right down five over through five now I need uh I need a lot of birdies doable this is definitely reachable modern wind go go go come on neither up. And down for birdie a little bit strong outside chance at birdie here right to left win's gonna push it back and straighten it up come on we need some birdie sauce pretty quickly the wind really pushed it kept it outright however. at the moment I shouldn't Grumble with a part power five coming up next.

And it is straight downwind seventh hole par five straight down. And straight downwind come on set a big one down there with the color x hot until we hook go straight yeah it's not terrible not the high launch rocket I wanted. But it's fine we should be able to get on the Green in two still 210 yards downwind I reckon I only probably need to land this maybe 195 give it a six iron come on we need to all right so we need to make some birdies I'm using the first five holes as an excuse getting used to the clubs you know so we've got we've got a task on our hand to break 75 but the plenty of chances to make birdies stay straight dig your teeth in dig your teeth dig your teeth Go funny feeling that snuck through the back of the green didn't strike it well enough to get it to grip on the green and only okay it's the third try this par five after coming through the back of the green uh gonna play aggressive gonna get the wedge out 56 degree [Music] okay an important [Music] oh jeez jeez in. For five behind in this hard work today.

Really um the wind is absolutely brutal my game's just not quite there eighthold Par Four dog leg right wind hard off the Left Right is not the Miss I'm not even entertain I'm gonna try. And hit a bullet towards those two bunkers and hopefully the wind just brings it back into the Fairway [Music] yeah that's a nice Bowl yeah that was really nice thought well okay 93 yards. For the pin here pins at the front actually I've put that in a perfect location on The Fairway come on Rick time to capitalize [Music] leave your teeth [Music] I can't quite get it close I think that why it's all on that 60 I'm not particularly feeling that confident with it weirdly the rest of the clubs aren't too bad I feel like the driver I'm starting to get used to the putter I like I don't feel like that's in 10 years I don't feel like it's changed much at all I don't think I hit this driver as far as a new driver to refer to it. But with its kind of squashed head shape my bad ones haven't been terrible they've all been kind of down the Chute at least uh so yeah can't really blame the clubs blades aren't giving me the most confident in today's conditions truth be told. But that's on me I pick those clubs right come on long range birdie put why am I hitting him so hard with the health only just only just okay three Pars in a row I feel like I've studied the ship ever. So slightly or at five over we definitely need to make birdies par three up next.

Beautiful one as well ninth hole par three 131 yards gonna try and hit a gap wedge and I'm basically going to try. And hold it I think that's the only way I finish this front nine. And deem it a success I'm gonna try and hit a gap wedge and I'm basically going to try. And hold it I think that's the only way I finish this front nine. And deem it a success [Music] oh absolutely awful I feel like I'm finding it impossible to hit greens or even good shots ah bunker bunker short right [Music] ah not the front line I was looking. For must be a nice little confidence boosting very 75. I don't think you have the facilities. For that big man uh six over through nine lots of work to do um I started making some birdies on the Batman eh okay bat nine tenthal 304 yards. But again back into Breeze I think the goal. For the bat nine is to try to shoot level par if six overs my total score it's not brilliant. But I think the the way I've started it would be a huge achievement [Music] oh my God that is not good. So I can play in a different game second shot out of the thick rough okay best I could have probably done from that okay third shot into this green 60 yards up the hill right back into wind yeah should we go. For distance come on I need some putts to drop nice oh I hate hard work of it put in for par foreign shots on that hole written down a four eleven straight into wind I've got to kind of keep it left side of the Fairway [Music] not that far left [Music] ah might be in real trouble I like provisional because I think that first one might be lost it's been left yeah that's not bad better okay. So I found my first one it's not pretty at all it's annoying because my provisional sunflower it's middle of the Fairway not try and chop this one out [Music] yeah not bad from there to be fair you can see the pin just on top of the hill there you try. And hit the lowest pitching wedge I can possibly hit [Music] yeah we're on the event as it actually went through the wind better than I expected long range put. For par surprised me how far I've hit that pitching wedge so that's got about 130 yards into this wind this can be fast [Music] okay. For bogey swinging off the left yeah not about to put from back there to be fair a five after that tee shot I have to take my medicine I guess okay this holds the sight. For sore eyes beautiful par three surrounded by five bunkers really gorgeous hole 140 yards downhill downwind probably playing about 115. I'm gonna hit a gap wedge come on we need to hear good shine to a part three get off it wind uh gosh so hard to judge when the wind it really is okay green side bunk I thought it's looking this annoyingly um I'm gonna try. And play it with a lot of sand and land it on the top of the hill and let it roll down [Music] not how I pictured it in my head [Music] sit down [Music] Ah that's annoyed two bogeys back to back a couple of silly mistakes in there and I'd like to say the next.

Hole's easy put me straight back into Breeze and it's a par five again three big shots to get on the green par 5 13. come on let's get a good driver away [Music] see they're okay. Or I might have just caught that bunker I think it I don't think it would have reached okay Second Chance is par five I'm not even bothering measuring how far I'm away I understand that driver's shot right about 190 yards. So I'm gonna hit driver off the deck again just try and bullet it down there okay it's down the Fairway stay on The Fairway I might just run into the first little cutter roof not bad okay third chance is part five 95 yards let me just trying to hit a nice little past the pin gap wedge that might work out all right actually wasn't my intention that was the worst put in the world didn't give it a full run. But I feared to face it too hard it could have easily got away from me [Music] aim for a five fourteenth hole very very very very getable par five downwind it's not long anyway we have to no questions asked mate Birdie on this hill I don't really know I'm not finished okay second shot into this part five in the rough annoyingly 225 yards I'm gonna try. And rip a six side at it nice couldn't have been worse okay third shot 165 yards we're gonna hit nine iron. And just try and land it short and let it run up annoyed that this is the length of my third shot into this hole a bit nice [Music] how has that gone long very confused it's gone long it's landed on the green it's gone mild I didn't think I'd hit that hard enough to be honest with you okay four shot I'm a bit annoyed with that I felt like I hit a nice approach right into the green one of the nicest shots I've hit today.

It's hit on. And just bounced all the way through the back I've managed to luckily sandwich myself between these two bushes we've got to go up and down for par now I can I can play the different game today.

I don't actually feel like I'm playing golf weirdly it feels feels different okay. So slight left to right putt but wind off the right so I'm gonna go pretty much straight at it for par okay I mean that's a it feels kind of like a bogey on that hole to be honest with you. But it is a par five. Or downwind I mean it is the easiest par five I'm probably ever gonna play walk off there with a five disappointing really okay a few more holes to go still I'm I'm at eight over ah gonna do well to try. And break 80 now 15th Par Four the flag's up on the top of the hill there wins off the left I'm gonna try and hit a shot of the bunkers and just try and drift It Off come on see if we somehow Miracles even shoot under the park from this point [Music] carry the bunker I think it has carry the bunker I didn't think I could off this tea. But I'll take that for a drive okay a really nice C shot to be fair I've left myself 90 yards. And a flag on the hill interbreeze I've been a bit complexed by this yardage today.

It's been a couple of times I've hit that pitching wedge long I'm gonna try. And squeeze a gap wedge there it's been interesting to be fair today.

I've not had my a game I've not had it. For a while I was hoping today.

To come out. And come and play one of my favorite golf courses uh and kind of you know get some confidence back I think the conditions have been tough really really tough. So that's not helped the golf clubs I think there's a lot of clubs in there that I like a lot I think the drive is actually really good I hit way over 50 of the fairways of it probably the one dodgy teacher on 10. And the other dodgy t-shirt on the last which kind of put me in trouble apart now the drive has been pretty good it's off the deck a couple of times as well it's a good effect irons overall the blades what you expect kind of what what you would expect not really low to forgiveness I feel like I made a mistake on that 60 degree club with that really wide sole the ATV TaylorMade I thought it's quite hard I've linked you Turf to have such a wide Sole and the Putter's been all right just not heated up as much as I wanted it to but to be fair I've not really been hitting it that close so all in all testing round of golf mentally physically emotionally so we've got to finish strong a birdie or a couple of birdies coming home would make me feel a lot happier a little too bad maybe a touch long not sure if it's gripped its teeth in quick enough oh golf eh golf funny old game crazy 16th hole par three beautiful looking hole 190 yards straight back into the teeth I've got the hybrid out um my chance of hitting the green I feel is less than 10. So let's let's see if I can improve the odds wrong [Music] that was quite literally coming back on itself yeah there was no chance I was going to hit that green unfortunately okay second shot just down by the left side of the green classic wind yeah I needed to give that a bit more respect down the left side [Music] oh it's needed hitting okay two to play 17. And 18 downwind two beautiful holes see we just pick up one more birdie okay two to go 17 beautiful hole look at the scenery because you know it's windy when there's tight Surfers out there living their best life come on let's finish Finish Well down the left side of the Fairway is ideal [Music] stays on that line it'll be fine don't move ball well that's actually got a pretty long way okay to the corner that'll do okay after a decent Drive 135 yards to the flag can't see it from here. But I've got a good line come on one more birdie would be nice on the last two holes [Music] okay third shot I thought it was on the green. But I mean it kind of short this little bump I could put it. But I'm going to try. And Chip it [Music] [Laughter] uh I wasn't exactly my finest aim for a four almost a three one more hole to go okay last oh par. For 350 yards from this T downwind if I can hit a good one there might be a chance of getting on the Green it's been an adventure today.

Let's say the least um just the conditions. And my my golf at the moment isn't really helping me so let's see if we finish strong let's see if we can bird it'll last uh kick left might need to get lucky. And kick left for it to be a chance to get it on the green if not we should just have a little short shipping [Music] oh it's tight luckily two yards short of the bunker and to be honest one yard away from me needing to chip it over the side of that bunker so I've got the putter out come on two pots from here for a birdie to finish sit pretty good for Speed pretty good for Speed I kind of thought it might have gone a little bit more left after that it's been like I say it's been a hell of an adventure today.

Not quite the fun I wanted however. to finish with a birdie on the last [Music] thank you very much thanks. For watching guys stay tuned lots more to come thanks to golf bitter definitely check it out for all your secondhand golf clubs and if you want to get me rid of some older golf clubs you might see them in a few a video in the future soon if you actually got rid of some thanks Wallace see you next.

Time to get a hot drink and relax.