Hey what he's tracking oh that's a drive that could be anything we need to see a bucket load of Birdie sauce today.

I thought there it has come on baby went around the back of the house forgot his keys. And then.

Went straight to the front door Eagle opportunity all right guys we're back break 75 it's been a minute we've had a few weeks away we're down here today.

As you can see South Portland ainsdale sna phenomenal Golf Course the sun is out I'm here with my good proud guy yes we're gonna do a break 75. we are I feel honestly generally it feels like it's been ages it's a long time too long. So lots happened um I have been on a trip been to America uh somewhere a little a little bit special but uh brand new golf bag you might have seen in the last video very cool um so that's all ready to go I'm one strap in it which might be uh a mistake we'll see what happens that's good uh I did all in the marathon the weekend just been Thanks. For everyone's support with that you've not donated yet if you would that'd be amazing link below um so I have no idea what to expect today.

Me neither because you've also been very busy yeah. And I'm guessing you've not played for a while I've not played since the video where we played against Tom Lewis and we beaten that's a long time ago hit a few at the range not too bad but the beautiful thing today.

Is an amazing Golf Course the weather is literally perfect come out come have a look just two mates having fun come on look at this. So SNA you're in like this low amazing pocket of incredible golf courses Robert Dale Hillside and here they're all next.

To each other and to be honest I've actually only played here once before and it was many many years ago. And actually genuinely I've got a normally a really good memory of golf courses I can only remember two. Or three on this golf course yeah I must have had a terrible round. And then.

Discarded it from my memory what I didn't forget is it starts with this hole a tremendous part three. And it's like 200 job yards and it's a proper hello to SNA yes. And in 1933 and 1937 this actually hosted the Ryder Cup yes. And first time America actually won was here on the soil it's well done USA fans right it feels quite calm it does it's just got this nice chilled ride today.

Well yeah we want to play good golf of course we do. But we've had a bit of fun they're holding one on the first that will be a Channel first well yeah it definitely would definitely will be um. So sit back enjoy guys make sure you like And subscribe let's go and break 75 around sna about 6 800 yards past 72 worth the wipes and gonna rip it up so you might have seen as well last week I brought a video out on talking about the golf clubs that are going to stay. And go with my bag at the moment that's that stays the same nothing's changed apart from one change I'm actually using for everyone X today.

I've normally used probably one don't know it's going to go it's supposed to be more spinning into it I genuine honestly guy right now I've got no idea how this round the golf's gonna go give me a number if it starts with a seven it'll be a miracle okay it starts with a seven it'll be as much of a miracle of me completing the marathon very well pal what's your number 79 beat you if either you'll get your gold flag I'm not sure if I'm willing to say that to that risk uh right six I'm gonna go straight at it tell you what this is tracking come on oh how was that hit it's okay it's actually popped its head up strike in the world I think it was the right Club I just needed to nut it just a little bit low heel. But it got there it's on the green we've had lots of things straight at it at least okay I'll go with a five. And then.

Rick went six I'll go one more [Music] was that five yeah a shot all right up here let's start off with some birdie sauce I feel like genuinely I've missed the birdie sauce it's been sat there on the Shelf collecting dust putting a break 75 a traditional break 75 we need to see a bucket load of Birdie sauce today.

Uphill right to left Why not start now huh why not start right wow now wow what a pot I've just done something as well literally two minutes before I teed off if you can see that I did a little Sharpie Circle a little Sharpie dot on top of my putter. So I need something to align with maybe that was all it was that's all I needed was a little Sharpie Circle right wow imagine if I can follow you in two twos the first hole that would be insane gotta do it gotta hit it gotta hit it I don't know it's doing well yeah good foot mate Good Foot okay second hole path five hot star hot didn't expect it I'll be honestly we'll take it every day of the week 565 yards par five pretty much straight down it's like a there's some sort of tower in the background distance which is a good line. So I'm gonna go on that what a day I mean come on what a day you don't like golf today.

It's not the sport. For you that's weird yeah it's got lucky yeah big snapper straight left straight back down to reality [Laughter] to go. For it I've got everything feeling it might have jumped the ditch but that is way left okay sun's out jumpers off t-shirts long sleeve polos on we call. For one thing big drives no restrictions no excuses yeah great ball clear the Boom come guessing yeah perfect big boy big boy I'm gonna protect my my uh my one on the score right now we're at seven iron down there Leave Myself 100 yards in go okay well play a different way I'll do the 100 yard shot now. And then.

Hit the 200 yard shot next.

That's my new plan so I actually had a really good t-shirt I'm really happy with that and I've now got about 250 to the green I've got a three-quarter somewhat Punchy four eye and let it Chase up towards the green and then.

Have maybe a 70 yarder left in Mr bunkers Mr bunkers Nesta bunkers I think it's in the second bunker hmm harsh not very good very harsh 220 yards away I mean my ball is not pretty it's really sat down I'm real five iron. And just do my best to absolutely smash it as hard as I can. And hopefully it avoids everything miss that bunker just drop it back to reality on this album the First doll led me down a path that I can no longer stay on now it's all well. And good going to Augusta Nationals welcome back to UK Links Golf Richard welcome back okay. So this is where I should have been after my second shot I'm 105 yards away 56 degree in hand looks pretty good it's enough Plumb it's all over it yeah it's about four foot oh like a single's good shot. Yet we've got a nice little four foot power this feels quite unfair didn't hit the best shot from down there that kind of chippy four Ryan and maybe I did deserve to go to Bunker. But this is very tough I've got quite a long way towards the flags they're probably 70 yards comfortably on a downslope with the back of the bunker here oh Guy this is very much gonna be a hit. And hope really let's try and get out of the bunker wish me luck great effort really good right well that is actually where it pitched wasn't far away that would have been a four that would have been a birdie anyway we've got a little bit longer than four feet actually about 12 feet. For for par guys got this put for birdie after a great bunker shot oh you can roll nicely the greens are Naga I would give you that no it's fine. But I know we're playing a really serious competition here serious serious Stakes on the line there's a really big stake on the line in that bag [ __ ] is that good anyway right. For the most unlikely par possibly of my life and it would really set a tone for this round of golf went straight away oh bad pot deserve nothing more nothing less than a six should I say so I think it is what it is back to level path level part level par yes three two after a little bit of uh orienteering we've managed to find the 30 we went on a couple of different teas box we're finally here uh 417 yards straight that way elevated t-shirt let's give it a crack dip it on it that's all right okay that's my Walmart t-shirt the last tail let's get this let's get this bad boy flying at the two bunkers we can see with a little fade yeah lovely lovely [Music] that is perfect it is okay she found mine this kind of clumpy stuff I've got about 175. For the pin wind is helping us which is nice. But I want Loft something with an a Titan which obviously isn't enough Club to actually get me to the green but should be enough Loft at me out of this cabbage nope this stuff is tough 120 yards pins at the back downwind I'm gonna try. And land this about 115 and hopefully it grabs I've got gap wedge in hand by the distance I think it's all right. For distance I just slightly pulled it this roof is is tough. So let's have another go sandwich this time there we go for the club it's okay that is going to be a key today.

Missing the Fairway you get yourself in this stuff it is really really difficult. So Fairways are key this is very much a lynx Golf Show on the side of the green this kind of Fringe it's apron I could kind of put put with a seven iron oh no it wasn't a million million miles away. But overall pretty pretty poor right build the opportunity here on three downhill right to left I fancy this in the boatloads the thing I've got to be careful of is it doesn't get away from me because it could easily accelerate down this hill dirty put here on three I think I've got a really good line on this speed is going to be key go on keep going I didn't have a good look I did well together that'll roughly get that looks very short I generally thought I had a great line on that. But the uh and I was more worried about the speed. But I got speed perfect the line wasn't great power on the score card well done thanks pal Rick hello if a whole list I will fist bumper bogey I'd love you too I've sliced it I actually sliced the pot are you not allowed to fist pump a double no it's against the rules of fist bumping ah too over it's not good that bag is just getting further. And further and further away from my garage [Laughter] fourth hole Par Four 368 yards and a scattering of bunkers ready to collect anyway what if I'm honest even straight shots could find a bunker down there um into breezing off the right it's kind of probably not even driver but I've committed to driving now so I'm gonna go for it try and hold it left side of the Fairway started at the church Steve full [Music] shot get down yeah got a line over there it's a really weak t-shirt I didn't commit to that at all foreign yeah that should be really good avoid the bunkers. And should be perfect yeah I don't know it's probably got an inbox I think they're great I found my golf ball I am in this area which is not okay it was a it's sand obviously. But it's not bunker it's a Sans scrape 150 yards pins back left so favorable at least I just need to catch it well I'm gonna go a Time middle of the green if it draws it's good if it doesn't should be middle of the green strike was key damn needed to stay more left than that I need to stay a lot more left than that I must admit I feel pretty hard done by with that drive um hit pretty much a perfect tee shot. For me and found a bunker as it came from the this way as well I can't guess the Green from here so I'm gonna try and almost lay up to where Rick's ball is. And then.

We'll have the official and there's the pin championship bit further back you've got back the back tees off after front tees of course that was my intention. So welcome back it's the official nearest pin Championship I've got 70 yards Rick's got around 50 yards so I'm giving that little bit of Advantage which he probably doesn't need 52 52. and there's the pen gets the Master's bag which is a bit too generous. For my liking that's what Rick said what was that nothing 70 yards come on let's get this close pretty average not very good. But for the sake of the competition probably good enough secular competition it's on the green now come on 52 yards come on I've been feeling all right over these recently you can do it yeah brilliant. So different driving range maps are. So different okay. So welcome back as well that was terrible sorry everyone it has been bad this time though love it you know what I'm gonna be honest Rick a white improve your chipping. And you've also got a lesson soon which we'll we'll be on the Channel with a great shipping coach and you will improve your shipping. But as a part of me that loves a Russian Roulette because it could be a little fat like that's that awkward it could be quite good like that and the excitement I'm here for it I'm here for the entertainment everybody let's be honest I've hit that I was in simple as that I am here to make the hoagies it's my job this is a it's a bogey bogey five oh I dropped in the front door went around the back of the house forgot his keys. And then.

Went straight to the front door I have to check if anyone was in first that was ridiculous okay fifth hill part four 446 yards looks like a very narrow Fairway. But that's not gonna matter because it's gonna go straight down the middle of it I'm gonna aim at those two trees on the right cut it Against the Wind and then.

Just dropping in the middle of our way Drive is weird today.

Oh guy the bad news is the ball's gone the good news is it's definitely gone. So it can hit a little off the T straight away let's go again too good that's that is how frustrating are you yeah let's go the one to turn ten yeah absolutely bloody perfect okay one eight seven to the flag after a week pathetic terrible tee shot I mean it's done all right. For me but it's a terrible strike I need to get the driver working pins back right I'm gonna go middle of the green I just think green regulation here is number one priority I'm just gonna go center six iron in hand oh I've drawn that. So far left oh my goodness well that was ah I like yes my legs London Marathon my legs yeah why is it taking me five holes to come up with this it has been known that sore legs a few days after does produce a massive pull up Suddenly let everyone knows second shot yeah I've been talking about how lucky I've been with my legs. But right there I felt it you can I can see you walking funny it really gets you. So they've always said that oh terrible eight iron full swing committed oh that's gone left as well I've got a feeling I'm gonna really enjoy today.

But I've also got a feeling I could shoot a very high score okay. So slight overdraw there what does the uh the second shot I had the right distance. For the club now so I'm on the next.

T-box I did consider thinking about putting it. For just a moment in time but I think that would be stupid. But we'll see I'm gonna go wedge okay come on Shields been. So much better with these recently give a good shot Wonder that's a good shot I hit look at that good shot look at that good shot think of that good shot okay I'm gonna have to go back a little bit I'm going to go back in time a little bit. And we get one got one got one that little pitch I played against Ricky Fowler that medalist and that little bunker was in play I just had that little shot I just pitched it in there I just stuck it in I actually got a bit of look at that I thought I was going to stop a lot quicker than what it did nice connection though yeah I need to remember that nice little Ricky Fowler pitch I played against him even he was wowed by it he said off camera obviously he said wow that's one of the greatest shots I've ever hit I've ever seen here I've played with tiger I played with some of the greatest players ever. But that pitch there is right up there with one of the best it's very sad okay this is quite a daunting shot I'll be honest need to kind of hit my 58 degree nip it over that bank let it feed into the hole it's been delayed spin come on about to go it's a grab punished right. For par after a very interesting round of golf so far I feel like this is a real Thai Turner yeah this drops the party well we don't we go serious mode if it doesn't drop then.

We party okay thirties then.

We're starting. So we're gonna be partying then.

Either way for Speed Run It just speed I thought you're just gonna grab enough then.

Goodbye sausage rolls in the party tell them that just that only just went in okay if I can hold mine. For bogey oh no don't oh what I think it's doubling it double flick the neck I do blood right if I hold this serious if I miss her apart I'll join you at the party come on guy super bogey we make quite a lot of shots. So far so through how many holds it up it's only five yes all right 25 holes I'm too overpower okay what's that six over five. And six over par through five holes break 90s up right so let's play serious there's a new rounds play well mate play well enjoy round thank you okay we start yeah we're gonna play a 13 hole around the golf today.

Um right now be serious now let's play golf 760. God I feel like we're playing. So much more holes don't like right only sure what is the line I'm gonna go with those kind of that maintenance down in the background green Keeper in the UK week it's got a maintenance man the crown the superintendents um just over that hump on the right today.

Bad boy Patrick some of us Rick have gone to play golf all right yeah okay provisional balls yes yes that's a honey time yep no it's better we'll see what happens down there sure I think I'll find my first okay. So managed to find my original golf ball the first one uh that's terrible not ideal obviously I'm waiting to the left rough here 154 yards of flag slightly into Breeze I'm gonna hit an a-turn and just really hope for the best draw ah I really expecting that to draw get past the bunker it's pin high right that t-shirt was very good I've come to play now you've heard this all before I probably shank this next.

Shot. But let's pretend it's happening I'm here to play 105 yards of the PIN 50 degree come on strike this looks nice this looks nice oh here he is he's back okay I actually didn't know there's three bunkers down here I missed the first one it's actually collected into this third one along again it was perfect distance I'm just gonna play a splash out if it hits the bank just over it's going to run all the way down if I carry that bank I've got to probably carry it quite a long way thanks it wasn't quite the way I described it granted it wasn't. But it was this other option that I didn't play. For but it worked there's a crowd just on the other side waiting for a T-shirt and they they were none the wires until they maybe watch this video. And go that's not what he meant to do until that point I'm gonna dine out on it oh I thought it was going in. And I didn't and then.

I did. And then.

It didn't oh God it's a power on the scorecard though pal that's it you know the small wins that is it if I could do that. For the rest of the round in I'll break 80. just I think it's fine too nice four [Music] okay Power five seventh hole um top five yep dog leg left I'm just gonna I just need this to work well okay this is a carrot I'm not really hit it that well. But it's dinner right here though it carry that first one yeah that's perfect that is literally yeah I've now got 170 left in which are a par 5 is pretty exciting wins behind a little bit that a big flag Mass thing at the background of my line nice committed Italian great strike nice hang on the left side of the green I might be left of the green oh yeah it's quite a long way left okay. So similar distance to guy I'm just a little bit further to the right I've got a completely blind shot here I actually can't even really even see the top of that flagpole um I'm gonna go 18 as well nice good about about 40 foot but pin high so I'm happy for some degree with my Miss left because this is obviously okay that side's dead Rick's shot was a really professional golf shot 35 30 foot left the flag. For Eagle on the correct side so two one good shot one okay shot this is the testing one though just kind of nip this onto the green let it feed down towards the hole I'd love to get a birdie I need a birdie double birdie sauce on one hole would be delightful go a bit okay out Eagle opportunity please cross the green not loads of break in this it's all about speed. And just hoping it gets lucky oh just wiggled at the end come on two birdies then.

Guy let's try yeah welcome mate great birdie thank you very much very good let's follow you in two birdies on this hole lovely lovely this is the golf you're all waiting. For who's coming I've been patiently waiting okay 159 yards. So there's par three just a little bit into wind pins back right there's no rewards. For sure so I'm gonna hit a seven iron um great looking hole this it's hard probably won't be able to quite see on camera uh Drone footage should be able to show it nicely but green is definitely elevated as soon as this ball goes up in the air it's going to get hurt by the wind. So I'm going to flight it down start it on the flag. And if it draws to the middle Happy Days [Music] called it you're absolutely cold it could be anything it's a number oh great shot thank you can try. And go the opposite way in a bit of a Cutty one in there I've done it it's absolutely done it in oh that is a shot that is a shot okay just needed one bit look at that smile on his face that was good it's a guy's a great shot today.

A really good put. For birdie mine pitched here right in line but because I hit that kind of low Chasey drawing it should run much more towards the back of the green so long range birdie putt but one that can still behold okay up the hill right to left to somehow get back to level power. For this eight holes I played so far has to break has to break that had to break like about divide gravity well I trusted it that pot I couldn't get a line on that I didn't commit to it that's what birdies would have been would have been I was too good. For my life it would have been really people was like questioning it because I'm relatable I would have been too good [Music] yeah thank you good Hole In fairness two pass okay ninth hole another par five lovely way to finish the front line here. And The Cheeky birdie would get me back to level par which is not what I expected. But either way let's see if we can get it done Thug Life laughed driving needs a draw really here. But it's not feeling the drawer at the moment so I'm gonna try and cut it over the top of this hill bring it back with the Wind come on drive there play ball I'm gonna have to sit a little bit do you think to say oh wow nothing to say. But worse Maybe similar dig your teeth in sit down oh take a chair so we found my tea shop kind of similarious to Rick's but where I am here you'd be crazy to try and go for it really so I'm gonna try and punch your chip and Nana and kind of just over this gauze should be good yeah nice shot talk with medicine well out right well I am crazy my nickname crazy Rick. So I'm gonna go for this shot five 200 15 yards um the ball's not sat too bad I'm literally gonna try and send it up to space all right floor iron oh I actually have nailed it to be honest I need to draw a bit I thought it's going to draw more third shot power five yes off you got pitching wedge 130. okay not cutting too much it's good. For distance though yes okay. So after a pretty good second shot from where I was on pin high blood in hand obviously can't put it. For obvious reasons so I'm just going to chip in fight I should have to feel about that it's not like an okay shot it landed on a downslope. And that took that skid off it is it I was more just my main objective was to hit the green. And I did it which was good. But I honestly thought that once it was in the air I thought it was going to be absolutely bang on if it landed I reckon it would have took that little bit of nip okay 30 chance this will be a nice one to sink I am five over this was it was a four over through now. And which is potential to study the ship. And get half beast and 18 hole score drop oh agonizing not quite I'll take that though five over with a couple of bad holes right for the third birdie of the front line to get me back to level par don't see a lot in this at all it's gonna ever to slightly move left I'm gonna go right hand lip down the hill and I see nothing but next.

To and that's a terrible line oh I just didn't hit it as soon as it came off the face teribla do you think Milan. So one over for me front nine an interesting nine yes I've been. So good for both of us some not so good from both of us yeah I think uh a halfway house it looks like it might have a very tasty sausage rollers inside can have a sausage roll please this was my baby. And uh Heaven okay I mean first off a wrapped sausage roll yes absolutely it's right up my street oh wow I mean come on that just looks what is that you're not really a sausage roll guy I'm not a pie guy um I'm a bad guy I am. But what I like about that you said wrap him yeah big tick logo wrapping double tick the glaze huge thing the glaze is ridiculous I'm talking girth. And you've got a knife so explain what we're gonna do with it I wrote a trick I found I'll do the home video a little trick recently from um we're on a shoot at Royal living. And they did that the resource trick okay talk to me. So you cut it in half slice it down the middle okay wow looks nice which already is a test of excellence. And it really is. And I like it listen I like a ketchup on a sausage roll okay I would go brown. But we couldn't go either with this you open her up okay yeah. And you just you just and then.

You close it again to seal in the soil if you choose to you're closer yeah. So now that you wouldn't even know ketchup no one knows nobody knows right there's a little trick. For you there you don't just learn how to play incredible golf on this channel how can it not be a ten the size everything about it I mean it's just one it's phenomenal what's that it's just amazed in there honestly the first mouthful it's all stated we'll put some subtitles in there what cheers mate let's turn out of 10. incredible okay 10th hole that line here that's how far in age now you know it's quite weird the last thing everyone's seen is you've eaten that's his real been really weird nated series again quite a strange transition. But it's been normal again bar three slightly in debris slightly uphill gonna hit seven iron straight at it get hole in one have a whiskey shot of the halfway awesome call it a day nice joke oh he was joking actually I was joking a lot of people at home like they're very underwhelmed right now me too don't worry I sympathize with everyone watching I will actually do almost seven I do I will put this in the hole I come meaning business gotta grow legs yeah it's gonna go like this is good as well oh okay just coming up slightly shy of the green. And slightly left I needed to hit much better seven iron than that so I've now grabbed this hill to navigate and once it gets on the green it starts running away from me speed is going to be key. Or snaps left really good for Speed but wow it went so quick to the left off that hill this is a shot that takes precision. And guts nerve which I don't know if I've got I'll be honest with you I'll pretend to have I'm gonna try and nip a 58 degree wind up the couple of hops and Bops and then.

In the hole if I thought you played that really nice how to die ah okay big Power Save coming right up needed a bit of a misread photograph a laugh. But I just I don't know what I did it's too hard right straight port. For par I didn't trust myself at all that Rick I think that's that was it wasn't straight Miss Reed bogey curse of the sausage roll 11th hole Par Four 445 yards good looking hole this requires a great tee shot driver straight down [Music] yeah it's not the best strike in the world. But middle of the Fairway [Music] oh that's a draw that's a drive thank you a little bit of lemon on it oh it's pounding down the Fairway that was very nice okay two good drives there. For myself and Rick got 164. it's got 163 it's a seven iron come on I'll do the nice hit here oh it's a bit heavy it's a bit heavy ah not very good that summer distance 163 79 in hand oh this could be nice stay there stabilize it wind ah turned it's a bunker over there as well done okay let's get this one closed nice go in oh that's special very that's special I'm Gonna Save that was like a 10 second clip. And watch it back most evenings in bed great shot up so just nut this in okay downhill right to left nice look at this I feel like I'm in having a good few looks with the putter that opening hole definitely helped booster confidence let's hope it wasn't just a look you go in front door side door. Or back door up with the window all right I'm gonna go kind of right Edge Corner okay through the garage yeah right in the letterbox yes that's the front very very well done my friend pal that was nice fancied that one I really did okay sun's out two irons out 12th hole 400. And 19 yards there's a bit of a little kind of cheeky ditch down there it doesn't quite go across the Fairway but anyway wood t-shots might get caught out so two iron three iron I think guy's gonna go. For he's gonna he's got a classic in the back here we have a put in my old Nike Vapor lion that should be a green swoosh but I blacked it out as you do. So we'll see if it stays in the back of the shop I think it will. Or not after the shot hit one girl that's it um yeah you're hitting good on the Range I think yeah all right. So I'm gonna get nice I'm gonna get two iron this is a club that has been interested. And it's gonna drill it straight over it [Music] a bit of a drop kick drill for ill I guess it'll be okay yeah reference the whole goes that way as well. And it's last legs this one you might have seen the video I released last week I was talking about the clubs that I'm going to keep. And the ones I'm going to be in there's some thought it's not going to be in the bend. But it's definitely going to be retired gracefully [Music] oh strike okay Nike did make good clubs didn't they did. But it's also about who's using them what Tiger Woods Rory McIlroy guy China correct the right order well not to the way around tiger then.

Me then.

Rory slightly in the Heather on the left 176 yards I'm actually gonna try and Chase at 18 up there oh actually might get straight on the Green stop stop oh it has oh it has come back come on baby come on baby come back so the Nike Free iron had one shot and it performs it's in the bag done for sure one five fourths the pin seen a lovely nine iron again get up I actually might work you know us it's done what mine was going to do okay got this put it's a birdie down the hill kind of move to the left first then.

Starts to move back to the right oh. And the opposite way it I thought this was going to make it go way more left than it did that was a frustrating pull guy's got a Superbird now it's kind of got quite a big undulation to get over tracking hit the [ __ ] oh yeah you know what I deserve that. But I wanted to try and actually get a put in the hole you certainly gave it a go I just knew you'd hold it like I just had so much faith in you holding I thought that it was ridiculous thank you. For power straight up the hill thank you or two pass loads of faith too much because you've got a faith in our faith faith 13th hole par three looks pretty straightforward it's like a bit into win there's water back left three bunkers presented at the front and maybe I think even one hidden left as well I'm gonna hit seven iron. But not a full seven iron just like a a controlled one keep it under the wind ah hold your line trying to hold its line yeah I'm gonna go same Club very very similar shot I'm gonna hit a full swing I'm gonna grip down at about half an inch just to kind of take a little bit off it a little bit of a weird one okay. So that t-shirt of mine was a bit of a weird one it's obviously bounced off this kind of little Hill here. And Mr Green left it's a nice 58 degree nothing too fancy just died a bit okay birdie opportunities here on 13 pretty much dead straight up the hill hardly any break at all I'm gonna take dead aim which looks absolutely perfect straight at it nice speed that's it didn't sound hit that bad Port as well struggle with dead straight puts another part no harm done nice nice Bowl we say thank you 14th Hour part. For 396 yards a couple of Bunker down the right which you want to stay away with hugging the left is ideal. And it should just be a little flick into the green they're driving just try and fade it from that left hand side sometimes I look like a good golfer I think it's the golf shoes is the golf is not a bottle cut. And this guy can play golf shoes little one one strap on the shoulder nothing inside 50 yards perfect I wish I copy that was just really desirable golf shot might be right because it's a bit early. So I'm here I healed mine used it very well and Rick absolutely nailed it's probably the best driver's ever hit which is really good to see. And he's up there so he's getting quite excited he's out driving me. For once it's quite funny so let's have his moment what are you saying all the way back there tell you what I should see who wins this hole that's all the off judge off is one hole right a Titan into the breeze it's all right if you missed that trap oh no it's in the Trap short of the Trap it's not in the Trap sure after I hit my little Fairway finding fade down here just into perfect position on this hole no big deal 111 yards left into the flag pins at the front slightly into Breeze I'm gonna chip a little pitching wedge oh hold your line that was weird that was a weird shot it had potential to be very nice at the start I'm not sure if the camera will do this Justice. But this is a horrible golf shot I've got a bunker here which is kind of somewhat in the way then.

The slope off the back of the bunker. So we need to land out a little 58 degree wedge over the bunker but not too much off that Hill because it'll just Bounce It miles forward this is really different anything honestly anything within the length of probably a driver would be a really good effort from here slow slow slow oh that was magic yeah happy with that that was magic thank you downhill left to right anything close in guys art should be happy with from here [Music] a speed control has been phenomenal just my Line's been terrible the park up the hill left to right yeah well done that one you kind of walked in that was actually really good before I go up. And down from there 15th hole Par Four it's cracking hole first time we start to see some real tree definition and there's like four bunks up the right it looks like a couple down the left tiny little green if you if you're ambitious and you're going. For it your name is Bryson dechambeau you might have had a crack at this not big ax I'll be a bit more than the desired number left in. But oh that's a nice bounce Nike three iron back in business cooking off that left side foreign traps yeah nice good shot nine iron when you go middle of the green with a tiny little drawer. So it just starts to go towards the flag Oh I pushed it get down grab the green it's not great it's just off the side of the green do I have 126 yards left into the PIN strike right that's it okay. So just Mr Green with the nine iron we're looking too disastrous left myself missed on the correct side which is key we've got this pretty much straight uphill speed is key it's going to just slightly kick to the right slim up set underlay underlay okay go in come on guy. For birdie oh man that felt so pure as well that pop this is absolutely dead straight down the hill no deviation no break if there is then.

It must have been some sort of gravitational pull from the ocean because this is perfectly straight pulled it must have pulled it that was dead straight ah Shields silly bogey there don't forget that you did run the marathon he had my legs are open actually it makes it well my legs are really that's how you read greens Papa [Music]. So on hole number 16 power five great looking hole it is it's an interesting one yeah there's a lot going on huge sleepers down there what I mean by sleepers is massive big wooden planks that are used. For Railways and they've cleverly reused them into a huge face of a bunker here on 16. it's just I want to see where you hit three one hit three Ward bit more laugh that wouldn't help it pop it down there and then.

Five as well by the way oh I've healed it I've got away with it it's quite lucky so we'll be okay okay Three Wood it is [Music] I'm gonna try. And do some of the guys fly it on the Wind because it is downwind a little bit I don't get too close to those Banks I'm gonna go down the right hand side. And just draw it back into the middle great shot stay there [Music] we've both hit quite good three woods I've got this real blind shot ice Rick so all these sleepers are then.

Kind of down there I've got two seven into the middle I don't think there's much point trying to smash the three would that just feels too risky. So I'm gonna go for a five iron oh it's a bit left it's a bit left so I'm too 50 to the front 270 to the middle sounds stupid if I want a bogey the last hole I'd probably lay up and try and play three shots I feel like I'm I'm pressing now I feel like I'm trying to make something work three wood straight at it that's it wherever it's left I'll take a provisional all right provisional ball hopefully we can find the first that's better still a little bit less coming around again though actually it's a lot lot better. So not ideal where I end up here left side of the furway but it's okay it's in play got 87 yards left of the flag. So I could do the really trying to get this one close. And being a little bit aggressive gotta go a bit that kind of been quite lucky right turn up for events Sam the cameraman nearly broke his ankle but he found the ball the original ball slightly long right is safe hit the bank come down come down come down all right okay. So my Approach I didn't do very well in the end I thought it was going to feed in. But it kind of missed the green shot left it's a very outside chance of Birdie but like ridiculously outside chance of Birdie go he needs to go I do really I know Rick likes to put them off the green. But it's a whole different lens of grass and I think it's hard to get through this bit I find it very difficult right see if we can capitalize come on. For birdie parties yeah hold on it's okay well if I hold this one bogey I'll keep out no yeah that's the 80 gun now still time. For birdie two holes to go two path Falls 17th hole two to play Par Four slight I mean the Contour of the hole looks like it's going left it's beautiful yeah really nice the bunker down there right in the middle of the Fairway which you obviously got to avoid knock knock give it a rip oh he has that holds that line up take too much off it I think it's going to be in a very similar spot I was after my first after my t-shirt on the second yeah great ball similar line to mine actually very similar yeah they'll be fine okay second shot into 17 154 yards downwind green looks tiny bunker on the right bunk on the left you're gonna feed it straight through the middle of them foreign don't think that's terrible I think it's on the green. But just a little bit pulley okay 132 yards the flag win behind going. For three-quarter pitching wedge oh local gluco oh it'll be all right long range birdie put here on 17. ever slightly gonna move left speed is key oh go okay big birdie chance that's not a big bird of chance it's a chance of bird it's a big pot it's not a good birdie chance track track go go go not bad yeah not bad at all right the job is trying to break 75. I thought his Port has got a lot of weight to it damn what a silly three foot I'll say three foot what a silly three put ah very good right I've made it interesting down the last I'm gonna roller coaster it has I think now because I think the potential has been slightly better today.

I'm somewhat gutted. But power or birdie needed on this final hole let's get it done right big hole s it is Rick needs a par either birdie to shoot 79. And break 80. yeah it's a risk reward hole as well you can smash driver. But it gets tight or you can hit four iron long iron. And have a wedging [Music] I can't hit a golf shot better than that so it's just down to the look of the bunker gods all right we're gonna do a four iron two yeah should be good I think it's it nicely [Music] 134 yards uh slightly down Breeze pin is Mega back left like as bat left as it can possibly that's a rick Shields pin it is a disaster there's a bit of a backstop behind the flag okay pitching wedge little three-quarter one night one ninety percent one get back there get back there oh yeah that's a professional golf shot that Rick thanks solo guy at the the amphitheater said good shot Rick. So that was quite nice that was a great shot mate okay. So I've got 124 yards kind of somewhat in between clubs but I'm also basically the same as Rick a kind of three-quarter pitching wedge I'd love to get anything remotely as close as Rick has it's a great golf shot it's a good strike if it hops if it hops if it hops Oh I thought I was going close I don't think it's bad I think it's just a little bit shy that's it though 30. For 79 it's on you know what I've really enjoyed today.

I think golf played in the right manner. But not too much pressure on and nice and relaxed nice and chilled and to be honest beautiful Golf Course beautiful day with great company glad you've all been here to witness it and enjoy it as well be sure to like And subscribe loads more great 75s are coming soon look at these two shots like a couple of players walking into 18. that's what we do okay big putt. For me this is a 79 I believe unless the maths is wrong come on mate knock it in I would love to hold this pot oh that roll past as well. And run for it so I rock it and knock it in I'll knock it in pal yeah well done mate right to finish how I started the birdie on the first the birdie on the last would be very very nice little downhill slightly left to right. But not a lot in it [Music] oh knock it in little lagsville very good very good well played that's right I'll play for a while it's very tiny very professional it was guys thanks. For watching be sure to like And subscribe thanks for listening if you're ever down here make sure you play the place thanks for Charlotte and the team and uh let's see if we can catch up with the captain because he treated us through all those sausage rolls. And pies let's see if we can treat him to a pint thanks. For watching guys stay tuned lots more to come see you next.

Time peace.