So you go guys on youtube here is a video of uh a client of mine who's actually put up a great deal of dedication to come. For some golf lessons this is joshua who is from germany uh joshua came start of july. And he's leaving at the end of july and he's got a series of lessons booked in to improve his golf game lessons here and on the golf course we've got arranged and booked as well so i've probably been working now with joshua for about a week and a half about 10 days um and the improvement we've seen is vast now i couldn't believe the scores that he was telling me that he was shooting the very start of all this project let's say joshua youngrad athletic plays a little bit of golf not played a great deal of golf because he was telling me kind of how expensive golf can be in germany. But um he was kind of shooting in the 120s as he went round which is is ridiculous. For the fact that the way he hits the golf ball absolute scandalous however. when we started to look into it i could kind of see obviously gaps in his golf swing you know there's this is before by the way on the left hand side i'm currently just playing through um things that that could lead. For us to be very inconsistent but to be fair he still hit a great golf shot at the very start of the sessions uh this is him now this is today's lesson on the right side let's say we've still got plenty going on. And just to give you a bit of an idea in the in the short time that josh has been here for in 10 days he's had his best nine holes so far he shot 46 for nine holes we've got him on the golf course nearby flixton golf club which i've done a course video on before so it's not an easy golf course you can check out on my channel. But josh has managed to go around in nine holes so far in 46 um which is pretty good i'm happy with that. So what we've worked on is golf swing at the moment we've worked on a few little kind of characteristics. And fundamentals you can see in his setup we've made some big changes to his grip left hand grip was very very strong in the past uh now quite a narrow stance with a very much lean forward with the shaft uh joshua then.

Would kind of move sideways with his hips. So you can still see the billboard behind you can see the o of trafford golf center there in in the in the background his hips would kind of go one way. Yet his upper body would kind of go the opposite way leading him to make a lot of corrections on his downswing and also therefore. his backswing would be very short a lot of the time what we've worked towards now is staying more central keeping his hips more central. And actually turning over a more stable lower body sections we've widened the stance and we can see here now watch how his hips don't move sideways. And we've talked about now also turn his back more towards the target straight where that's lengthened his backswing and it's instead of getting his hips moving all over the show side to side that was doing on the left hand side his hips are an awful lot more stable from that point then.

We've talked about getting the shaft to lean forward better at impact. And you can see there on that right hand side how good that impact position was before he would get a little bit flicky. And a bit scoopy a lot of that to do with the left hand grip being positioned left hand being. So strong if he was to get in this position on the right he would just hit the ball. So far to the left it was untrue. So this impact position here on this right hand side is just tremendous lovely lovely thing now this is something i'm a big fan of of um concept wise to get into a golfer that's trying to shoot a good golf score it's the fact that with an iron we want to hit the ball first. And the floor after i feel that's really really important because then.

We eliminate all the top shots we eliminate some bad shots we eliminate the tricky shots out of the ball out the rough let me show you what we've worked on from down the line here now as well so this is now joshua from down the line left hand side as before right inside is after you can see the difference in setup that we've managed to build now this on the left hand side joshua was getting very very close to his body his alignment was all off his shoulders would be straight his feet would be straight. But his hips and his knees were going all over the show. So we've we've we've aligned his body up a lot better here now on the right hand side from his feet to his knees to his shoulders to his hips they're all aiming parallel to his target now it's an awful lot better and we can see now that the arms are hung naturally from his shoulder socket which is just great because what would happen now. And again with joshua on the right hand side he was he would catch a few shots from the heel as you would imagine with him being. So close to the golf ball now and again he catch it from the hill but to be fair still before he would still hit some great golf shots it was just the bad ones were all. For really bad now on this right hand side that's not the case now this right hand side his bad ones are an awful lot better. And his good ones are just absolutely amazing now this this isn't going to be long before joshua's shooting in the low low 90s i'm predicting a 30 shot reduction in his scores from 120 all the way down to what i said we're not being out on the golf course with each other just. Yet so that's going to happen this week. So once we start to see that happening i'm sure we can shave off some scores. And i'll keep you posted on this progress with that but we're aiming to get uh oh joshua came over here really to try and break 100 and when i said to american you can do that in the first week you wouldn't believe me. And in 10 days he's already had his best round best nine holes of 46. well actually if you had i'm joshua's just here next.

To me now what was the other nine holes that you had well you've got 54. And 46 then.

You've actually shot 100. so already in in eight if we put two of his eight nine holes together he's actually shot hundred so we've already seen a 20 shot improvement and we're only we're only 10 days into our project so guys that's what i just wanted to show you and share with you because like i said josh has been committed to come over here. For a month's worth of tuition he's having lessons maybe two or three times a week and doing playing lessons as well and what's really nice about that from from a coaching perspective that i can make tiny step changes to his gold swing because i know that i'm going to see him in a few days it's not it's not a big issue that we can just make smaller changes all the time um guys thanks. So much for watching if you've enjoyed the video and feel like that joshua's going to definitely break well he's definitely going to break 100 without question. But if he's going to go please do comment down below let us know what you think about joshua's golf swing. And if you had a month's time off would you come for a month's worth of lessons like joshua's done as well i'm sure not many of you would be as as lucky as josh because he's in but going back to uni at the point that's uh please do subscribe. And you can check out my other videos on my channel. And we'll see you all soon i'll keep you posted with joshua's progress thanks for watching.