A real special one today.

[music] the full engage stops now [Music] why sure [Music] oh my word drop yeah [Music] Wind come on James you want to see an eagle here at Royal Liverpool all right guys a real special one today.

Iconic Clubhouse here at Royal Liverpool the home venue. For this year's Open Championship which is this week now we're getting access a little bit earlier to come down. And play while the grandstands are up I mean this is gonna be incredible I'm playing today.

With guy obviously from the podcast. And also extorpro James Robinson we've all got our own individual missions today.

Mine's obviously break 75 we'll speak to the lads on the first team to see what their expectations are today.

Honestly this is incredible open week open venue sit back. And enjoy I think you're gonna love this one oh my goodness wow thirsty thankfully nobody in here right now today.

But imagine when this is packed out this is gonna be a good guy I am very very excited this today.

I am excited expectations obviously I'm trying to break 75 that's my goal James is an ex-tor Pro who has actually played in the open 2018 yeah what's your expectations today.

Flight to try. And save break 70. break 70 is on now dad you've been incredibly confident I've been practicing a lot recently. And I'm hitting it arguably the best I've ever hit the golf ball but that doesn't mean I'm gonna play well today.

Because of pressure there's Grand stands up there's a good goal. For there's a decent goal for there's an okay golfer last time we played here with the cleric drug I shot 78 yes I think I'm actually I think the same thing I'm pretty happy with that. So today.

Genuinely breaking 80 I'd be I'd be delighted with beating this guy he's my goal yeah you've given us today.

I'd be like that line I want you to play really well with that line that you just said I'm hitting it the best I've ever hit it if you come back to Halt me in it hopefully not. But we'll never know right now this is weeks away from the open you're watching it open week. And I think it's a great video of this because you'll get a proper insight to the golf course certainly if you're not able to come here on site. And we're in proper linked condition you can see a little bit of rain in the in the air it's a bit Breezy hopefully the weather report looks drive from this point now this golf course is obviously getting ready. For the best players in the world so there's a few things rules we have to follow if we're in closely known area Fairway this man will be you've got to use rather a map little map which is understandable we're in literally open condition. And apart from that it is how the open is going to be played Grand stands up the 18th grandstand is spectacular this first one is incredible check out that this is the roof if your golf balls going in that then.

We've got a ball in the pocket there if your ball is going in that it's gone Lassie wouldn't find that I've had bacon wrapped around it wow. And the grandsons are up there's just some there's something special about the cleric jug the OPA logo the yellow tea signs right without further Ado first hole 459 yards Par Four slightly into Breeze into rain playing well very well play well be sure to like. And subscribe I think you're gonna absolutely love this video right a few bunkers down there slight dunk leg left. And they've got the bunker on the left and hopefully fade it back oh that is really going right foreign [Laughter] [Applause]. So far I'm also wearing shorts I'm sure there's gonna be some comments about how white my legs are Etc. So feel free to get them in now get out your system and destroy me for wearing shorts I thought it was gonna be sunny it's not that sunny. But anyway feeling good swing's feeling okay little cut off that left bunker oh followed Rick I've been part of the left now it's just a thin heel it's okay it's bindable I have not much to follow there. So I'm guessing the wind's off the left after watching those two great shot oh that's much better that's the right Fairway that's where you're supposed to go all right that's the Fairway we're going at guys is that where we're going is this the Fairway it seems about the most isn't it just a little walkway here you know what's mad though like I feel nervous now with these Grand stands up. And there's obviously no be in them how do you feel play in the open genuinely you must have been. So nervous really yeah I was more nervous playing with Garcia. And polter on the first really going to practice rounds wow well I know how that feels playing with Poulter I was never playing with it yeah okay. So not my finest uh t-shirt I've had better uh it's not out of bounds we've found it but it's uh it's horrible I'm literally I'm on I've gone right of the second hole I've missed two Fairways now I think here is just the plan of getting it back into play it's all right welcome to Royal Liverpool I nearly broke my wrist hitting that shot then.

Okay. So we've got mine I missed the Fairway by quite a long way as well got 230 yards to the flag so I'm just gonna hit three iron and feed it down there but what's what's genuinely funny is that honestly Rick no word of light the range I've been feeling really confident recently. And flushing it and I don't normally feel too nervous playing on camera it looks a bit daunting but there's something about this today.

Do you know what I mean yeah it's got It's got an extra special bit of something on it it really has I don't I just feel nervous I really do. But I'm also looking forward to it and we are getting in proper length conditions today.

The wind's really started to pick up okay throughout here not that left side I'm trying to feed it down the Fairway it's a great strike do something wind I know do something win okay. So after blistering one down the middle not following these these lines that these boys have taken I've um I've got a playoff on that because they're protecting the fairways which are literally like a carpet that is. So good so I've got 177 straight into the wind so just gonna try and drill a five iron see how it goes off this map not bad it's a little bit right bunker bound I think strike seemed good third shot now here on the first I'm still 180 yards away I'm gonna get five iron hopefully it doesn't get too much of a flyer great shot well done hold the Finish absolutely not what I meant to do. For Rick it's hit a great shot though was that intended I couldn't tell it came out low. And Speedy yeah absolutely killed it it's very good you've got a 20 foot off a par that'll be an amazing particular spot. And this is my first shot from the mats. So I'm interested to see how I perform it's a little 50 degree wedge try get it close par on the first would be delightful it's been hard go in oh oh I've hit it well too hard a bit clean I was a bit scared if any chunky on the map. But yeah that was hard okay. So after missing it just right at the green here we've got a couple of Mounds to go over so I'd like to use putter but we'll have to Loft it over beautiful Turf so tight great shall stay sit straight touch nice thank you great talk tiny bit firm but try and knock it in for a solid start you roll in hmm right honestly I'm shocked and surprised but delighted I've got this put for par is it it was weak that's four not a single good shot yeah never in doubt nice Port solid out one thing I've always wanted to do when you see Pro golfer's Jade from the whole of good put on it like yeah. And everyone they need a nice clappers doing kind of the polite like to the crowd so if I hold this pot it'd be nice if clapping is a little sound effect I'll just do my best tour pro impression you ready okay okay here we go this position okay [Applause] second hole runs parallel to the first 453 yards it's a slight dug leg to the right this time though it's interesting a few weeks back when I was here when I finished the bike ride from Saint Andrews to here it was honestly bacon heart. And everywhere looked burnt out in the last week we've had a bit of rain and everything's just popped up and greened um so I think the bulb maybe won't roll quite as far I mean it's still going to bounce down the Fairway if a fairway is hit oh James really nice ball I'll do I feel like actually I'm playing in the open scene shots like that I wish I hit it that well in the open that was really good this guy can play golf right down the right hand side little draw oh I'm playing different holes today.

That did not bounce no that was in that long stuff that you were showing the viewers before Oh my goodness what yeah I go ball Nice Shot thank you okay first provision to lift around I'm sure there's gonna be many swing probably Sharp it's in there that can serve is beautiful okay found my first shot it's very much in this thick rough luckily James is eagle-eyed. And we've got we spotted it I'm 183 yards left to the green still I need to I need to ease into this round I don't know if I can get there it is really I don't know actually I've got a time in hand I think if I absolutely crush it we might get up on the front edge up behind the grandstand on the first okay. So after hitting another Fairway I'm just getting my little mat out so I've got 172. tiny bit of help from the wind so nice full eight iron straight at it pulled it Get Lucky I'll now hit the bank and kick very very left that was harsh okay I've got a very similar shot to James got one 67s the pins I'm also going to a tie in that nice bit of wind behind should help it try. And get middle of the green First full swing off on Matt let's try and get used to these early on a good thing he's used to arrange Miami James are going to play well today.

Didn't believe me laughed okay third chance is green a bit of a backstop. So I'm going to make sure I go long rather than short not long though bye oh okay. So after a pulley shot into the green a bit of a nasty shot now up and over a bank onto a very steep down slope so I've got to land one nice and soft on the downslope oh great execution James go in and that should do it nice. And easy that's the best shots in for a long time that's what you've seen today.


Definitely okay pop up miles away really I know I have to be aggressive with that chip. But I think it's way too hard anyway two ports let's walk off hopefully with hopefully with another bulky looking good go go go great pot Rick very good Oh I thought that was tracking. For a minute all right two over through two uh blocked out right got really scared over that put I just didn't want to race it past our visions of putting it right down there but hey look it's a path regulation par regulation part indeed yeah wonderful up. And down thank you very much sir right scores after two level power guys one over I'm too over don't be dropping any more okay third hole we'll come back swing back around the front of the clubhouse this is a severe dog leg to the right without a bounce down the right now normally obviously the infrastructure isn't in place. So I think where that golf Zone bit is is perfect if you start going towards the clubhouse which normally we love to promote on the on the podcast that's starting to get a little bit too far. For your second shot 220 yards has been 220 hours 24 years later yeah we're gonna go with James I've got four iron okay I'm just gonna try. And knock it to the corner strike yeah good balls great one I think I'd hire that. For four iron but so well here yeah okay I'm gonna go. For three iron do it quite as far as James. And that line he hit was absolutely A1 you can go a little bit further right. But you are getting kind of risky the further right you go slightly pulled it. But should be all right I'm gonna go too far so I've gone too fast and the yellowy stuff now this is where I don't want a t-shirt to go right my first gun right my second's gone right this cannot afford to go right it's gonna go straight down the middle of Fairway oh it's not not swinging it well today.

Settle down a little it should be all right might be okay near the clubhouse okay I found mining guys golf ball in this left roof man's kind of sitting on the top of this mound actually 211 yards to the flag it's just just literally a channel straight down um probably slightly back into Breeze I'm gonna try. And hit four iron and Chase it down oh that could be really nice great shot at it looks like it needs to start slowing what a golf shot that is great stuff ball flag hit that's what I need to do this is why Lynx golf can be. So punishing I hit a bad shot I did. But look where my ball is to the where the furry is it's probably 10 yards. And unlike rate if you get four iron there yeah yeah that's all right I can't get anything on that. But it's my fault I missed the Fairway but it just shows it's going to be tough. For these guys this week really is um I think I've hit a 50 degree out there's no point I'd be a hero here just can't hit the shot that I want to hit. So but a bit of a kind of back foot stabby 50 degree so you're just trying to get it Forward by 30 or 40 yards would be pretty good I've got a way that's a thinned it stay short of everything that's actually done very well such a bad hit yeah yeah I got away with that. So after a good t-shirt I've got 178 to the flag tiny bit of wind again so I'm gonna try and hit her a lowish seven iron straight at it I'll go straight really good strike it's holding in the wind should be the one oh he's come to play again honey take that great getting used to these mats now aim to play that's a superb strike that thing cheers it's enough Club it could be good oh it's huge oh I didn't see that happening okay it's that shot man was quite disappointing actually in the end. But never mind bad struck put again really bad stroke put right out of the toe of that okay I did not expect a birdie put on this green just off the right uphill come on this little steady the ship come on. For the birdie sauce move the opposite way I think I misread it a touch there you know power on the card first one of hopefully many come on not to put pressure on myself. But I want some birdie sauce this is it a little bit of open Edition birdie sauce yes boy yes there we go that's the center. But it's down there James Robinson I don't think those three holes are really hard it was a tough start to be fair I think that was tough the first three are tough come on guy this could be a three. Or four and a five completed the golf then.

Well let's keep this at this let's keep the doubles off of scorecard it's a big put this big momentum put for the round it was always missing as well it was always missing carbine fourth hole um really bad holders actually suppose back the opposite way of the third we've just played there's bunkers left. And right the Fairway just gotta position your T-shirt I know it's actually a shorter iron into this green par five coming up after this what are you gonna go with James I've got a three iron just trying to avoid the bunkers two on the left. And then.

One on the right so rip it middle of the Fairway should work great shot does that ever get boring just try to hit a little lower. For guy and I did he pulled it off as well that's got a long long way right Fairways key come on let's start hitting him straight I should stay short of it not liking these Fairways am I don't need you don't want to use that map do you I'm not liking these Fairways I can't quite oh come here now that swing just needs a bit of help me James I can eat a little bit something look tensed in your neck relaxing lower your shoulders feel it a little bit that's a bit pully bounce that trap she just missed it left yeah Green post it's fine okay second shot here into number four I'm 147 yards away from the flag. But from memory this green really slopes from front to back the bunker that's in line with the flag's about 130 so I need to carry that really but downwind out of rough so that's going to see if I can muffle a pitching wedge there one soft horse it down that's gone way over the green knee-hitting driver then.

Was a bit silly really I just don't know why I did it. But what's interesting is I think a decent ish will all pulled. And I'm here James hit his fur three eye into there it's actually driven me it just shows the importance of hitting the fairways if you do it's just going to bounce. And bounce this is quite a juicy lie again like 97 yards. So I'm gonna hit like a three-quarter 50 degree wedge oh that's gonna go straight in one oh it's lucky stay there oh that's gone through the back but at least I've got it out and up there after a good three iron about 89 yards straight downwind down rain now pouring it down so try and Pitch it about 80. skip it up to the flag short needs to go big Skip and spin or very slidy on the green right here at the back of the green really horrible eye like it's sat down so badly got a bank to get up I'm gonna try and run it up the bank and hopefully Leave myself with a power opportunity yeah a good shot ah not a million miles away that oh it's too hard strike was money. So I am currently three over after three if I miss this port I'm at least gonna be four over three four so breaking eight is gonna become some challenge. So roll a nice put down there let's move on to the next.

Hole and start the birdie train that's a pace at least yeah good speed after a decent shot in we've got an uphill fairly straight pup. For birdie a bit of moisture on the greens now so make sure we get it there make sure we get it there what about a bit weak a little solid power solid path okay. For par after going over the green left to right down the hill come on if you like to continue this round a chance of breaking 75 a few of these have got dropping let go in go go go go drop what a pop oh nice wow good good I would say perfect speed perfect line just just fifth hole par five 520 yards slight dug leg left drivers out let's go rain's out into the ground it's proper raining now hence the colorful Brawley from Bay Hill right come on then.

James almost pet my ears that then.

I had a weird noise to it that would feel a long way up that trap yeah okay come on drive though you know what just the hint of the Lights I've not had the privilege of using the hitting mats once because I've not been on the short stuff not once oh not again it's bouncing okay it's time to turn it on I uh no more Bogies no more doubles just birdies. And pass I can't even set the straight face hold your line there we go perfect every day of the week I keep sending it just like that after that great ball right well I'm glad I'm not playing in the open because I think I would have taken out a few fans at this point I've been. So offline anyway Lads are down there perfect position I'm back here in the rough I'm Clinging On. But this is a great opportunity to make birdie I kind of need to I'm a long long long way away 308 yards away. So I need to hit one down there about 200 and wedge it in from 100. first shot on The Fairway I honestly think that's gonna yard into the roof okay. So after a good C shot I've got 241 yards into this nice par five so I don't think I can quite get 3i in there. So I'm going to hit a little five wood oh we're snapping the hooking up [Applause] sorry okay. So I have a great tea shot there really happy with that one level with James is a big achievement. For me um 243 as well in so three Wards try and get it something up there let's have to fix this score card need some fixing oh it's a bullet held it weight off that oh wow that was a weird bounce I don't know that's finished up. But don't use excuses that did feel quite weird hitting the three three wood off that. But hopefully we find it here we go again the good news is I'm getting closer to the Fairway. But I'm one inch off 109 yards pins at the front I want to just go right right the flag at the right distance great great shot well played I'll tell you what this Link's golf is brutal maybe a three would then.

I didn't hit it great admittedly. But I've literally missed the first Way by you can see 10 yards maybe 30 50 in that this stuff I mean look at my wedge here. So thick and deep and on the balls there I've got a bunker to contend with you've got to be on your game it sounds obvious but you've got to be on your game around here oh watch out it came out hot wow that surprised me didn't think I'd do that. So I've gone a little long left here with this par five so it seems like when you look at these greens you're going over some big mounds chipping back onto it they've over a mound then.

Release it out. So I've got 58 degrees my choice of weapon oh sit down you want the best bit hard didn't come out soft enough I could really do nothing down here score cards getting messy if I don't I'll take the slope now take the slope oh man okay. For an outside birdie chance big sloping right to left put this oh just needed hitting I had a lot of slope on that right in the middle okay. So after a bit of a clumsy chip got about 15 footer a birdie weak there's definitely pace of mind it was perfect nice six hole path three first one we've got two uh 160 yards kind of interesting green this because it's very much an upside down Source. But anything that's going left. Or right is going to get kicked further away. So ideally middle of the green is perfect bit skinny. But right over it is that it it wasn't the best strike in the world down yeah nice yeah that'll do okay 18 in hand James's golf ball is a perfect marker that's what I'm gonna go. For that is a shank what is wrong with me today.

Bounced a couple of times okay. So I'm also going to tie in that is a nice one hold your line feel now it's straight at it holy mum bounce left actually thin. But it got there this isn't a terrible shot I've got it's it's not in the real thick stuff it's settled quite nicely it's got this pop bunker to get over and then.

If I can just wedge it between guy. And James's golf ball I'll be very happy I'll pop it straight in the bunker ah not feeling it not got the swing today.

Okay first bunk shot of the round come on need to just get into this a little bit it gets hard because the conditions certainly the rain Etc. But that's what links is wow this is a big bunker that's it ah felt like it was time that a score bit me in the bum because my goal's been terrible. So far watch out Rick very nice I'll give you a free read as well making the hard work of this okay this is a big put. For me I'd love to make a birdie here but having said that I'd almost like to make a power as well. So power would be good but let's not this one in let's really give this a good go it's up the heel it's mad how much I miss in the middle of the face if I put her today.

Part no week right. For a double bow gear yeah hold on mate [Music] seventh hole 421 yards Par Four quite a generous looking Fairway to be fair bunk on the right that might catch you out. So it's a little white Post in the distance so we're gonna aim at that great hit really good drive yep straight oh good job mate A1 cheers at my White Post I've thinned it but it's gonna be perfect yeah that should do that the lynx Turf should help me out big time there as well perfect that ground fade yeah that's what I wanted right Shields come on these two are bombing it down the Fairway I need to join them your windows join the bomber Club get to use your mat three bombers yeah you have to use my mark get that mat out Okay. So we've played very friendly golf here lichdale balls we're almost a perfect line um James has got the longest by a yard so we'll let him out for that it's fine more importantly I get to hear from that yeah we've gone to the skinny mat though. So we've got a bit chunkier you've gone thin I've got both okay you've not seen either room. Yet well we've all got basically the exact same yardage about 135 to the pin a bit of wind helping us we're kind of all semi in between clubs I'm gonna go for a pitching wedge oh oh my God oh sit down thank you guys where did it go how have you got mud on your Club I'm honest to God no idea. And for my next.


Magic trick oh my God that doesn't give me a lot of confidence I felt great over that missed the mat [Laughter] oh my God I'm literally speechless what happened need to play this back can we slow mo that well we can. But we can't now you guys watching and what that must have hit it so I must have oh my gosh did you feel comfy yeah great might be dead over there directly no I think it's fine oh my gosh bouncing. And bouncing on Fair I think it's unlike the next.

T right good luck Rick okay 136 yards slightly down Breeze I'm gonna go gap wedge travel a bit he'll get a big skip this there it is yeah a nice shot right a bit of regulation golf I've got pretty much the same shot as those guys. So I'm gonna hit a little pitch and wedge from 134. tiny bit right get a piece of it go for distance okay 90 yards of the flag let's try. And get this one close oh terrible okay chipping needed to save parts has been a proper weird hole been a proper clown release release try it good. For line okay birdie opportunes are here on number seven up the hill left to right it's actually a really nice looking put this come on I feel like after that double a birdie would be very welcomed. Or whatever wanted that sauce my man wanted sauce he did very Saucy right birdie chance a bit of a right to left swinger oh good effort all right. For a par way way way longer than I wanted to be but right to left hold on neverend doubt get aboard the portrait okay. So the most adventurous but we'll give my life oh you son of a twerp oh for sake eighth hole Par Four 436 yards absolutely Believe It or Not There is a fairway down there somewhere a lot of this is kind of just almost decoration to intimidate yeah into it yeah it's not really in play no no the flag is right down at the end uh 436 slightly into Breeze just a side note I've decided to just play like an absolute normal golfer. And show you how hard it actually is that okay I love that yeah. So if I shoot 90 it's on purpose right straight down going what big block to the right yeah extended then.

Early extended I did right good drive on the last I want more of that Fairway [Music] I hit like the top of that ball top of that bush. And our water came off it here okay the fun. And Game Stops now come to play proper golf the decoration guy two of the weirdest shots and everything yeah there's a cornrow like one another word. For yourself It's a grand stands I don't hit shots like that normally well I'm not having it in the bus right provisional Titleist three oh that's the one that's the one where'd you buy them from them you take up tennis I was really looking forward today.

To playing this golf course in this setting of The grandsons up you're hitting three was the same shot again wrong okay sorry. And for my next.

Trick shot go again Tink up moment no I can't can I what I'm gonna get one more [Laughter] he's in there you know what I might have to do. For the first time ever after 75 because this is just oh God not my day okay. So cause I'm gonna be stood on this is just a it's a casual drop we're not playing. For a gold medal right fourth shot three wood off the deck power cut oh yeah nice very nice there's another patronizing in that the fact to hit one oh well done guy oh nice well done right it's not pretty. But I found it and when I say it's not pretty really not it's uh It's a grand total of one yard in bounds that's the outer bounds here and it is. So unbelievably buried I mean just to chop out with a lob wedge back onto the Fairway is there anything I can do it's really hard really hard from the third shot come on we need to find the green here putting's feeling okay just need to give ourselves better 30 chances. And power chances I'll be really nice stop drawing roll off side of the ground stuff the side On The Fringe so after a bit of a errant tee shot got 173 out of a bit of juicy wet rough so I'm gonna try and dig a an eight iron out it's not too bad it could be worse over here oh little guy shank one just took the cameraman out on that Tower okay. So you joined me after in four shots now four shots to here on this power four so I need to try to get up and down from 135 for double bogey a whole out here for a bogey I think both of those are quite optimistic. But let's start playing properly I'll call it thin I was good at hitting that fast that Matt lap time we're on the green I think right. So after a nasty shank got 76 yards over a bunker sit down sit down shake it we'll take it it's gonna be the best part you've ever seen okay fourth shot from the over the back of the green here it's not too bad actually putting straight back go go roll it out. For Speed well well done if I hold this for a double bogey six you both give me a tenner yep yeah it's. For double yeah yeah 100 I'll give you 100 pounds 100 quid because this is the best six in history if you hold this 100 quid off Rick 100 pounds without question now set PayPal how have you oh how are we seeing that I'll tell you what in exchange there's a nice head cover in the shop wanted not the 200 pound one no the 75 quid one you can have 25 pound change as well nice in business with you I don't know what's just happened I don't know you know what I nearly genuinely nearly said a thousand now that you know what a thousand I'm. So close to saying it that was unbelievable that is what have you made six uh seriously that's Madness oh gosh ah one shot one shot worse than guy that's the greatest I've got this just to go one one better than him it's the greatest six I think I've ever known in my life there was. So much care attention to this five [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] right for five yeah solid five what the hell up two fives. And a six and the other thing we've all had is junked out yeah the three of us have all shanked contagious stuff par three ninth hole 180 yards we're gonna go with Eagles Seven irons again a bit of a cine one get lucky with a kick left nope kick right is that the right club though James I didn't strike that yeah well I think. So yeah. But it's gonna straight at it though some lucky bounces this is gonna be good this is gonna be good oh yeah lovely shot yeah I mean I hate that perfect great shot oh it's very thin it's never really have to jump forward that one I think it's behind this bounce isn't it Skippy lovely shot two great shots question which is the character on tour which one's been on top we've just made in the open before the one who's not man over [Laughter] okay. So a little bit of a downslope not much green to work with so I'm gonna have to be very cute on this one yeah just show everyone where your balls finished go yes a ball is finished in what looks like yesterday's hole. So if the pin had him in there we would be looking at the hole in one but it's not never mind oh I saw that coin at the end didn't they well I'd take a pile though the grandstand full of people to be fair okay really good look at birdie here to finish the front line come on if we want to break 75 I feel like some birdies need to well birdies definitely need to start dropping oh yes exhausted. So very very nice it's a very good it's a good save that's classic that's what a good player does doesn't give up shots easily right after nine James's level power I'm four over guys nine over Pat nine to go the moment James is what are you trying to break 70. uh try. And break 70 yeah we all need to make lots of birdies on the back nine okay tenthole now interestingly every time I've played this hole it's about five yep. For the open because the big hits It's a 507 yard Par Four five yes okay I want to make a birdie. So something great it doesn't matter for the score because the score is gonna be the same at the end yeah. But I think just morally. For birdie sauce yeah foreign Beauty come to play now maybe that's what you need to do lose 100 quid every time you tee off it's too far yeah it's not great I think you're left to that no you're on a fairway Rick you can still see the ball can you all right I'm going to use my wise head just hit the three wood it seems like if you get it too far it'll run out Fairway. And hit a big pull dear me I don't know someone's back guarded I think okay. So I'm gonna get through it as well I think Rick has hit the perfect drive. But any further it might be a bit too far ball perfect oh gosh what's happened you've been playing with us welcome to the club okay. So got my ball here is pretty much the perfect Three Wood Rich driver is there he's in absolute A1 position. But there's a lot of rough here so I'm happy that I hit the three Ward um now on another three would into the greens a long way right side is better than left. So kind of favor that right side a bit and should I get a good connection oh I pulled it no that's not the side to miss on oh okay after a good drive 195 yards into the flag let me hit five iron come on start this back nine strong I'll stop drawing stop drawing tough needed to hit a high fade really after a bit of a nasty pull got lucky I found this path here where it's gonna be full of Spectators. So it might have it one of them and bounce back in the Fairway I've got 199 yards here uphill so I'm gonna hit a five iron ah man pushed it good strike needs to get left oh it's in the Trap okay. So got my ball it's actually in this long stuff but it's kind of sat up which looks quite nice but it's also those it gets a bit heavy the ball will drop down it'll be a tough shot. So strike is still very important oh no it's gonna come right back down where oh no go on oh my word that was lucky okay third shot here from the side of the green not actually too bad just a little bit of undulation to get over let's see if we get up. And down strike slow down not bad yeah good. For Speed a bit of a random line so I think it's going to be a popular bunker as you can see they've been practicing with cameras. And there's a hole in the bunker lip there where they're gonna have a camera so it's uh pretty deep on this that'll be like what would you say guy 10 40 10 foot easy that's me and my club it's about that beep can't actually see the flag on the setup so pick a leaf go for it oh my word bite hard oh James phenomenal can't say is it good yeah really good maybe five foot I'll take that yeah phenomenal thank you okay this is a real real real outside chance of Birdie that was very much just a pace. But I didn't really read that one all right so we're calling it a birdie today.

If it drops on there. So come on fairly straight putt that is a really good oh wow yeah that's what the Winner's going to do next.

Week okay. So it'll uh slight little knee knock on this I mean I have a power playing solid. So I don't want to miss more pots I just want to go at it hard knock it in yeah 11th hole 392 yards powerful wind we've just come to the most elevated part of the golf course you can access first glimpse of the of the sea um. And the first real taste of the wind once we've got up here it's pretty interesting to hold this you could hit anything from seven iron to driver just being on the fairways key I only got two iron and just try and drill one down there keep right really bad strike I'm going. For a a three wood let's try it I'll kind of gonna go through iron kind of on the line of James there's I'm not grand stand and let it hopefully feed in well it's a bit blocky oh no I think it's all right down there yeah okay really terrible tee shot I think that two iron is I think it's days are numbered well. And truly 190 hours left of the flag depends very much at the front I'm gonna try and get a seven iron there I want to hit six but I don't think I can hit six out of this rough if I can hit seven. And just let it Chase along the ground I think he can get there kick straight oh this might do well go on run it's not bad from there mate just hit the upslope of that hill. And killed it the first bounce if it got over that Hill it had a chance of getting on okay it's got 143 obviously in this kind of right rough got an all right light actually it's all we want to come off this left side because the shape of the hole. And the wind as well so a nice committed kind of three-quarter pitching wedge hopefully it'll feed in towards the flag oh it's very high get there could be in the Fairway bunker at the front no feedback yeah it's good it's on the green I was on the green ideal didn't expect that all right I've got 111 yards have a bit of a smelly lie very unlucky really if it pitched a couple of yards further away it would have scooted down into the Fairway missed that trap oh that's gonna be very good go on oh god oh yes missed it might run through the back that oh good effort though yeah not bad not easy that okay A little pitch here from the front of the green off the marks I might might want to take a little divot here um I'm just going to land it left at a flag. And just let the brakes grab it on and hopefully it kind of swings around to the hole bite hard I was really trying to as well. So after Chasing it a little bit through the green it's hit this bank and run down the other one lucky mate well now only a few yards too long so I'm gonna try and flop a little 58 up a little nip and Tuck get up I know oh yeah a couple of yards longer would have been good good speed foreign just didn't quite put the brakes on up the hill right to left get there oh such a good pop. For the very good foot that hurts that hurts a lot a little bogey 12th valve Par Four 450 yards uh slight dug like it goes to the left wait holy rice that is honest to God. So far right that's insane it's bouncing God that's another golf hole oh that's Monday that is money it's not past the first dunker early extension welcome to the club okay well American guarantee the camera will not do this Justice how far right I've actually gone. So that's James and Rick the right of the Fairway we should be on and I'm further right again I'm left of the power three ninth literally in this horrendous vegetable patch here I can guarantee now that nobody who plays in the open will hit it this far right there's absolutely no way on Earth this is horrendous golf shot there's a group coming up on this bathroom hack it out on that strip of Fairway get down I'll make it too well okay we've got one six four got fairly lucky we've come over a mound. And found a bit of semi-ruff from one of the all the holes so I'm just going to try. And knock a little seven iron in oh James that could be amazing stay there a little It's a Wonderful shot stay thank you hold on thanks mate okay. So my hack out of that vegetable patch came here another great shot here either really but it's my fault for putting it all over the place got 144 to the PIN trying to hack a 99 the balls well above my feet It's Gonna Come left get up some really great shot wow that's the best shot of the day parine come in okay 145 yards just just narrowly missed the Fairway it's hard. For a way to hit this um I'm just gonna go it's gonna go 99 and just let the Wind Drift it back in oh it's a beauty Ricky you're nice how's it not fading hit the ground yeah look at it thank you beautiful swing long long long put here. For a three I was hoping that nine iron was gonna dig in a little bit more about the roof it was not putting the brakes on not a lot in this put you know pretty pretty flat. And it's pretty straight it's the wind if anything's going to come off the right we're in win oh wind ah nice spotting thank you ah other than the greatest start have been better than your six come on little right to left into a stiff breeze we're all just slightly it wasn't right to left foreign [Music] just have a quick look at this absolutely gorgeous hole in fact the view from the green is spectacular not quite as spectacular as the new 17th hole which obviously been playing very soon um pins 157 yards. And just tucked in that little corner which makes it harder to get to wins slightly down and off the left I'm gonna go 99 I've got nine iron but it's a nice full one I think anything short it's gonna come running back here wind been a lot of wind push push push oh there it is oh be good now wow wow playing very good you even got a wow from the top oh strike okay oh see what Rick did then.

I'm gonna go. For like a smoothie I don't want to hit one Gordon come up too short nothing more annoying than that long okay you look like a nearly slam dunk right this isn't pretty this isn't pretty at all my 99 has actually come quite a bit short In fairness I'm in this horrible horrible nasty lie I've got no green to work with oh I literally couldn't have put myself in a worse spot really difficult that shot really hard okay still a challenging chip getting closer try to be way too delicate then.

Oh right fourth shot [Laughter] oh my God nine iron love wedge love wedge love wedge put me down. For a four okay. So long put here probably a 40-footer come on keep going keep rolling keep rolling keep going get going oh I need that's a big Dustbin. So I've learned a little bit from guy there tiny bit of right to left at the end it's about time we hold one no turn no pace apart from that was really good line by Pace. But Struck it well done 14th hole 454 yards big dog leg left the wind's off the left so it's pushing you into the bunkers that are on the right half of the Fairway. So I've got a three wood I'm just going to try. And hit it to the corner and then.

Round it we go I've done nothing that I said he's a liar he's a liar that's right unlike James I'm a man of my word. So what I say I'm gonna do. So allow me to explain I'm gonna hit a little fade on the left side of the Fairway and just cut it onto the center of the Fairway hold the Finish elegantly and then.

Make a path oh thin bullet what I said I'd do miss the Fairway you missed the first one that was the same as what you said you hit the ball healthy finish okay I'm gonna go driver do you man of your word Rick come on tell us what you're gonna do let's see if you do it okay we've got two layers. So far I'm gonna start it see the pointer House of the round window yep I see it on that wow okay. And finish it on the blue crane oh wow they've got another Pinocchio on our hands bounced how bad are they they're all shocking okay 220 yards left to this hole terrible tee shot um I'm actually weirdly gone. So far right I'm in the slightly shorter grass compared to James which didn't go far as far right it was in the much longer grass I'm gonna have four iron let's try. And Chase it as close to there as we can oh I'll just lay up ah it's hit that post see it yeah I've got 199 yards now I have a really bad lie to be fair. So I'm just gonna hit a 99 I'm gonna try and Advance it short right and then.

We'll try and get up and down the old-fashioned way that's all I need that's why mine should have been in the Fairway okay this is quite a tough hole this one. And um I've got 180 to the front of the green wind off the left in this little bit of rough I'm gonna just try and smash your five line towards the green and kind of hope for the best really a little bit heavy it could actually be all right though well it's a bit short it's okay though should be a chip in a putt after hitting one of those little posts right in the middle of the Fairway that little one it must be mark it out. For a crossing for when they opened here and it's bounced into the rough here oh my ball does not want to be on the Fairway right 86 yards pin just up on the top of the green Edge you can see into breeze. So I'm going to play like a low-flighted 90-yard shot good shot very tiny bit long right. So after getting it back in play got 59 yards so we need to try and save far going about nice spin. And look at my information cheers okay. So I'm actually really happy with that five iron where it came to but I'd love to get this up and down now to save power on a really difficult hole didn't quite get it okay long range par put I was hoping that wedge shot would finish a bit closer if I was on The Fairway I might have had a chance okay oh I feel like I mean rolling it well today.

On the green. So there's always a chance rolling it well today.

He's rolling it well today.

Oh yes bar sauce I'm doing my best everybody I'm doing my best I'm trying to stay in this oh you nah okay mate oh go on James after a great pitch hmm oh that's not good ah 15th hole now I was just walking up here. And said to the lads all right sorry we've got an easy power five coming up was I wrong I was wrong I didn't realize there's a new tea back here which makes this whole 620 yards now luckily it's down Breeze. But I mean actually when you look at the flag of where it is actually looking ridiculous a long way right I can't even see where is it down the right near there oh the red flag oh my word oh not a snapper that took a big bounce right into the brown end of the bridge that's going to be huge wow Slow Down slow down slow down that's unbelievable great hit mate finishing the longest hole I've ever played 620 yards. But tell weight big bounce it down okay okay another really ropey t-shirt it's not been not been playing ball today.

Off the tee I'm in a horrible lie at least we found it that's cracking effort well done out there mate yeah annoyingly I've obviously missed the Fairway again not by much. But it's quite a thick here and I'm just gonna put an iron down because there's bunker over there at 190 from here there's it gets tight so kind of chipping ate and try and get some momentum down the furway and then.

Hit the green on the third shot hopefully oops nearly shanked it oh that was really bad. But it's okay 250 yards left it's quite a lot of wind helping out off the right we'll just try. And hit a high four iron four iron great shot oh get up Jay get on great hit okay 205 yards hitting my third shot into this green down Breeze. And bouncy I'm gonna hit seven iron no no no no do not miss left that flag eye I've not had enough practice off these mats ever no just go left. And left off them if you don't get it okay. So I've really not played this whole very well I think the truth is I am knocked out. For 600 odd yards plus par fives um but 167 to the front eight iron out this rough so to get a nice strike on it and hopefully kind of feed it down that bit of Fairway onto the green [Music] see ya ass rolled right through the back of the green so just after pulling it there in my third shot and pin high but left got this bunker to get over luckily for me even though it's in a rough it sat quite nice and actually just a bit into Breeze that's kind of giving me a little bit of confidence that I can be I can go. For this to touch more another chipping would be nice what about in the hole why shop oh lovely touch mate oh felt like there was a chance then.

Felt like there was a chance okay. So it's on the back of this green just just off the green probably should be a putter really because the wind into the face so much had it hit it so hard so I'm gonna go for a 99 back foot bump and run a bit of magic here would be delightful inside Ricks and get a tap in power ah overheat it again right for an eagle James unbelievable Drive incredible four iron from 250 yards this for an eagle what's your current score um one over path so let's get back under par need to get under par with this wow this is big come on come on James we want to see an eagle here at Royal Liverpool get that blue Source ready come on baby knock it in do it [Music] let's get that sauce out yes that was insane is an outrageous Eagle all right you've inspired me to hold my passport come on mate you've got this [Music] hold the bucket name I put too bad hold on mate we would we were too under on that hole there's a team under 2007. [Music] okay 16th hole arguably today.

The hardest hole on this golf on the planet it's 461 yards straight back into the wind that helped us on the last hole it's four bunkers protecting the Fairway. And then.

There's plenty of trouble more after that and a massive win the wind is really brutal Sammy I'm gonna try. And draw it into the bunkers on the way Oh my days that's the best T-shirt you've ever hit in your life oh it's beautiful what what wind that was nice I've only got three iron left into the green ah nearly got the flight pulled it bouncing as you can see I've missed a fairway which I deserve to be punished. For but for another half a foot or something that way had a much better lie but this is horrendous. So I've got to hack out with 50 degree wedge and try and get it up the Fairway a bit nope that's not a good shot still in the roof okay after a very good tee shot the first time I've split the Fairway all day uh in fact no I did it on the past five tenth that's a lie. So second time uh 100 90 yards to the flag right back into wind oh it's like a bullet level four I'm really see if we can chase it up there come on the bird I mean the bird you're on here that would be very unlikely. And a huge surprise but I just feel like with the with the short par three next.

Which is very hard don't get me wrong there's a chance of Birdie there. And a par five finish you never know three bird is six over at the moment well he started getting me in at 75. what a great shot this is class shot wreck shop thank you right. So not too bad with the LIE got 182 yards if I get a flyer this might be too much Club so just play a soft five iron oh it's come out nice that's really good be good hit the hole wow James I'll take that it's a great shot showing me up after my good job okay I've got 127 to the flag seeing those two good shots come in there's inspired me got a wedge because it could have come out a little bit hot that'll be nice oh right shark guy really went in after I must admit one of the nicest four rounds I've ever hit I thought I'd run off the green. But it hasn't it's a it's in a really nice spot come on a birdie on here honestly would would make my day oh God's been good today.

You're rolling up put too well Oh I thought I had it I honestly thought I had it I will take a power on there every day. But a birdie would have been very very sweet ah I need hole another monster to save path no that was a bad part all along they've missed that right pace was great. And a little bogey to the score card right James if you make another birdie here this will be awesome come on Do It Drop It Like It's hard yeah had it left right didn't do anything yep. So let's take a four take a four right good part two to go now this hole this is going to be pivotal this week at the open the 17th the redesigned part three we played a few times it's only sure. But doesn't mean it's easy. So here we go 17th hole now at the moment we'll show you when you're watching this the open week that will all be complete. And ready to go however. obviously it's being built so we are off temporary. And it has got a mat because I I think they protect a lot of these teas because they might mix it up a lot yeah this is a short hole. But what a very interesting hole um anything can happen on this hole as we've seen we've been in that bunker before haven't we. And it's dangerous anything that anything that doesn't stay on the grid if it spins off the front of the Grease You're in this massive huge bunker and it's very hard from there yes. But even even the whole green is. So cool and the backdrop's amazing 101 yards what are you hitting I've just actually switched to a nine iron a nine iron yep it's not yard nine iron yep wow what's this okay I'm all this little half shot Keep It Low take all the spin off it this is a good place I think wedge is going to come rather seen all the right things I don't think that's gone off all Hamas very professional that's really messing up the bag that's the way to do it boys all right I can't it's the long chip how I'm doing it pick all the spin-off games you need to lower the spin okay I'll show James how to do it he was close then.

Yeah you're gonna hit the high spinning wedge. For us well for nine iron show James exactly how you do it oh a bit higher stalling it up tiny bit longer better more attractive shot on it yeah it's all about what it looks like okay I'm also going to go 99. And just play a little chippy one in there my friend Nick Faldo taught me this once upon a time oh hold your line window that's just gonna skip off the left side of it unfortunately you know what's nice about this tea the fact we've got 18t behind us we can leave our bags there. And I'm going to walk like an actual tour pro with one Club under the armpit my arm our best takeaways just in case of me as well as Jay if you've got more experience than I am go under the wrong arm mate there you go [Laughter]. Or the Rory I actually flew about 99 long in the end annoyingly I've not quite got that little finesse just over the back of the green any anymore two yards further down and it's it's gone gone right clipped him once today.

Can I do it again can I do it again oh stop it's off from there I needed a little bit more height it's a little swinger right to left up the hill low low. And weak didn't hit it it's a path it's a path come on I really want to make a par here oh yeah that is absolutely on fire that thing on fire. And footed well today.

You've rolled it really well okay. So my round's not going to plan obviously I've not had a birdie. Yet it's a buddy this hole would be a massive an iconic hole in the open this year for sure now he's railroaded it can I have a power change that can we get apart oh my god oh dear after the best shot it is all come on guy we want three parts on here yes never in doubt Never Enough never in doubt it was a little bit in doubt this is it final hole 18. this is where this Sunday Champion Alex will be teeing off as he tries to complete the last hole to with the carrot drug that was nice to do thanks 18. 609 yards par five hell of a hole what are those bunkers down there James 321 to the lip on the first one okay um it's been fun tonight yeah it's been really good it's been hard it's been tough yeah yeah it's not an easy course today.

It's definitely been challenge uh you played well you won Under well underneath the league long last okay off you go I'm six over I need a hole in one on the last. And I don't think that's even enough nine twelve over I need to not play this hole 18.. So why holding one would get me on the 75 there you go oh jimothy that is. So long that's the longest oh my God James if you played paying Millions for that oh my God that is literally perfect come on Rick finish strong. So I've seen one that is perfect. And one that is out of bounds. So I'm gonna do I think realistically I'll do one of those two. So I'll have a join Rick or John James oh yeah you joined James I love the shot thank you great ball silky thank you all right provisional ball just in case some miracle bounce back in making this all odd it's inbounds it's as good as I could have done ciao. So me and James have hit really good drives they're very happy with that one I've got two 70s to the flag I want to hit a Three Wooden go for it but there's all this infrastructure getting built there's people everywhere and I'm quite scared to do that. So I'm gonna hit a six iron and kind of go over this corner that's out of bounds cut most of that off and then.

Hopefully ever flick into the green and make my power oh no I've shanked it oh no without balancing it oh no that was um absolute nerves that got the better of me wow my heart's still pounding I'm gonna try. And hit this again when I did it again that one's okay all right. So after a good t-shirt I've got basically the same as what I had before 247 yards on this go and it's downwind again so broke my trusty four iron it's an intimidating shortlist though so if you're coming down here needing a birdier an eagle you've got some Kahuna's going. For it Sharp feel good great shot so it looks pretty good looks like I've found the green maybe like 30 foot left of it but uh just before Ryan's working today.

Wow it's insane oh what a place you know what it's something iconic about a grandson around the 18th hole at the open yeah the yellow leaderboards the blues the blue seats the open logos just lines it perfectly doesn't it yeah it makes the makes the green look smaller yeah it does it's been fun been really fun I know the golf we all expected I want to leave myself a hundred left myself 99. not bad right come on need to finish in style sand wedge up. And down I think gets me just in under 80. come on Rick nice shot yeah nice lovely shot thank you okay I think it's fair to say today.

Has not been my day. But what I have enjoyed genuinely is seeing actually how tough this golf course can play. And it's going to get even harder. For the tour Pros but like again I've shocking out of bounds horrendous hit one not ideal but not what feels too bad and this rough is just. So thick and juicy there's all those bunkers to deal with as well so it is quite daunting. For kind of a pretty normal golfer like me it could shoot a million right try and get this one somewhat close stop God that was hit really well it's just gone like mad okay this last ultimate of a nightmare can I hit one last good shot in front of the 18th grandstand at Royal Liverpool no you gave it a chance good effort. For an eagle finish again pretty much everybody playing in the open would snatch James's time enough for an eagle it's quite cool talking in here it goes yeah right come on James send the crowd crazy. For eagle and to shoot a 69. good roll get up oh nice thought seven years not bad at all mate yeah 70. well done pal thank you very professional very very professional okay. So after obviously not coming out of bounds this is. For a bogey which actually would get me in at 79 it's a break 80. go go go no I'm looking mate first part speed let me down put it nice there today.

It's the only thing that's kept my scorecard somewhat intact I could have shot a million today.

If my photo wasn't working I am going to shoot a million. But if I hold this port 100. you've got a head covering through this is. For an 86. if I miss it is 87 I don't know why I feel like 87 sounds a lot worse than it sounds much closer to 90.. So this is yeah this is a big put I've definitely broke 90 today.

Which is nice um. But this is the 86 I might even fist one pit sounds. So much worse that 87 does done it. And you missed it on the low side how do you feel. But gentlemen it's all fun and games that was really good that was awesome thank you. For the invite awesome thank you thanks mate hopefully you enjoyed the video be sure to like And subscribe open this week enjoy it who's your money on put your comment down below Robinson uh that was epic. So this is what I have my eye on. For teed off Rick so get your card out there you go son it's actually a very expensive 75 quid but 25 quid left to play with yeah you said 100 coins I did. So I'm gonna get a gorgeous open Royal Liverpool flag but give it away to someone watching this video give it to me you can give it away okay brilliant be sure to like the video subscribe to the channel. And leave a comment down below we'll pick a winner to win wonderful Roman pool flag we'll ship it turn around the world 100 pound well spent thank you very much sir greatest six I've ever seen in my life.